Refreshing Pivot Table Fails To Reorder The Rows

Mar 25, 2014

I have a workbook containing many pivot tables. When I create a pivot table everything works fine. When I close the workbook, reopen it, and refresh the pivot table, the new data will appear at the bottom of the table instead of being inserted in the proper row in the table. Since the table is no longer in sequential order my VLOOKUP functions don't work properly. What do I need to do to get the already established pivot table to refresh properly?

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Reorder Drag Pivot Table Items

Apr 1, 2008

I have a Pivot Table on which I am unable to drag the row items (Salesperson Names) to a different position. What am I doing wrong? Attached Sample

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Pivot Table Not Refreshing Properly?

Sep 18, 2013

I have a pivot table that I refresh using .refresh in the VBA code.

My problem is that when I loop through all the PivotItems in a filter list in order to make all visible, there are PivotItem names that aren't in the drop down menu and so the code breaks.

Do I need to refresh the pivot table slightly differently than just using .refresh?

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Refreshing Protected Pivot Table

May 31, 2006

I've referenced a few threads this one in particular [Solved] Pivot Tables : Refresh on protected sheet

I've tried the example given in the link and it still does not work. I want to protect the sheets that contain pivot tables, but still be able to refresh them. When I try I get an error. I've tried this a few ways.

My first attempt was to protect the sheets using allowuserinterfaceonly at a workbook open event. This caused warnings as soon as the workbook was opened. Then I tried Dave's suggestion and I get a runtime error 1004: Cannot edit PivotTable on protected sheet.

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Pivot Table Preventing Workbook From Refreshing

May 6, 2014

I've got a workbook with a several pivot tables. For convenience, I've deleted the pivot table source and left the pivots "self-standing". Problem is now when I try to refresh the workbook, I get a "Reference is not valid" error which prevents the workbook from updating.

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Pivot Table Refreshing By Changing A Cell

Feb 16, 2009

How can I refresh a pivot table automatically by changing a cell content (say B2 which contains text, not value) apart from using the refresh button?

Cell B2 is not part of the pivot table.

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Pivot Table - Adding Data And Refreshing

Oct 17, 2011

Its been ages since I used a pivot table and I cant remember much.

I did one last week - lets pretend on the range A1, B100.

Ive since added some extra info into the range and it now goes from A1, B110.

I go to my pivot table and hit "!" and it updates. How can I be certain its included everything from my range? Is there a way I can check the pivot table to see where the range is from?

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Refreshing Actual Data Source Of Pivot Table

Dec 31, 2013

Trying to create a basic pivot table from a CSV file for our users. What I've done in the past is open my CSV and then take the option Insert > Pivot Table to create the pivot table from the open CSV/worksheet. My question here is .... how can I save this .XLS and refresh the CSV data within? Or do I need to use an external data source? I don't want to have to use any drivers. I'd love to be able to just point to a CSV or TXT file on our server and that be that.

For something else I have used Web Query strings to point to .php scripts that send back data in XML format. Is this an option?

Again, the goal is for me to create a pivot table and just have our user's open it up and have current/refreshed data within. We can run jobs overnight or on-demand that update the data source.

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Refreshing Pivot Table Based On Cell Data

Mar 4, 2014

I'm looking to update a pivot table based on some info in a cell but I keep getting an error message.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro Set To Refresh Just One Pivot Table But Is Refreshing All?

May 19, 2014

I have some code that runs and loops through each pivot table to refresh it; however, I remmed out the code so that it only loops once - telling it to refresh the first pivot; the thing I'm confused about is that after the code runs, it appears to have refreshed all my pivots. I think it's also important to note the each pivot table is linked to the same data source. (an external ds)

Maybe when this is the case, refresh will always refresh all?

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Excel 2011 :: Pivot Table Not Refreshing With Data Dynamically

Oct 7, 2011

Named my data range using this formula:


I was hoping that my pivot table would refresh with the new data that I added on sheet 1 but it is not working and yes I have refreshed my pivot table. The new data is not capturing.

Is this the correct formula for Mac Excel 2011?

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Pivot Table Refresh With VBA Fails

Dec 12, 2007

I am having trouble getting visual basic to update a pivot table.
(using manual refresh on the same pivot works just fine).

I have recorded a macro of the manual procedure, but it fails to work when used in a visual basic program:


I have tried using code presented elsewhere in these forums

but the table stubbornly refuses to update.

The pivot's source data range is dynamic and works fine.

I think I'm missing something obvious or I have have a bug.

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Creation Of Pivot Table On Existing Sheet Fails

Dec 8, 2011

I am trying to create a pivot table on a worksheet that already exists using VBA, but I am getting an error (Invalid procedure call or argument).


' Create the pivot table on a new tab
ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
source_data).CreatePivotTable _
TableDestination:="DJG Clients with Multiple Fee E", TableName:="PT_ClientsMultipleFeeEarners", DefaultVersion:= _
ActiveSheet.PivotTableWizard TableDestination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1)

But if I just send the pivot table to a new sheet it works fine -



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Table Reorder And Row Duplication?

Apr 27, 2014

A table re-organisation issue I have. Best described with an example I think:




For the original data row (at the top) there are always 2 'ID' columns and 4 data columns.

There are about 100 rows, so the resulting table will be roughly 400 lines long.

I'm on the verge of doing this manually as the formulas and scrappy VB have so far been unsuccessful.

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Pivot Tables: VBA Refreshing

Oct 16, 2003

Is there a code I can use to update pivot tables e.g every 10 mins?

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Refreshing Pivot Chart Range?

Jul 1, 2014

I'm looking for a way to refresh my pivotchart and update my pivot table data every time that a certain macro runs. I could just delete it and make a new one everytime but that runs in to the problem of defining a new sheet every time. Is there a simple way to do this. say I my pivot chart is on "Sheet 7" and it there is only one pivot chart in the workbook and my source sheet is on "Combined Data". and at the moment the data range is "A1:N435" and say next time I run my macro the data range will add 20 rows of data and the next 25.

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Reorder Paired Data In Rows

Apr 29, 2014

I've got a lot of data like this. They are paired letter/number and I want to keep it like that.


However I want to re order them in pairs so that its alphabetical eg. a 202 b 520 d 689 s 630 t 630

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Reorder Rows & Copy To New Sheet

Aug 22, 2009

I need some VBA help in copying ranges from one sheet to another and pasting them on a predifined order. I have one worksheet that contains a large number of ranges with data on alphabetical order. Each entry on this sheet contains several rows of data and is identified by a name (e.g. entry "David" = rows 6:11, "Mark" = rows 13:18 and "Rose" = rows 20:25). I need to select certain ranges from this sheet and copy them on a predefined order on a different sheet (e.g 1) Rose, 2) David 3) Mark. The sequence is neither set by date, alphabetical order, nor by value. I have the order already predifined. I guess I could do this by specifiying the source sheet ranges and the destination ranges as well, but as I have over 2000 entries (each consisting of six rows), I need an efficient way to do it. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

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Using VBA To Hide Rows In A Pivot Table

Sep 26, 2007

Sub Hidesingles()
For i = 5 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For c = 3 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Column.Count
If Cells(i, c) .........

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Pivot Table Can't Handle 64,000 Rows

Nov 4, 2008

I have 63,893 rows and 3 columns (Parents, Component and Qty) in a table. This would be typical for a Bill of Materials showing the Qty of Components in a Parent. A lot of Components are common to a mumber of Parents.

In total I have 4,259 Parents and 10,904 Components making up this 63,893 rows in my table.

The problem is that neither the Pivot function in Excel nor Access will handle it, least not the way I'm doing it - the bog standard way ! I just get the "Excel cannot complet this task with available resourses......" message.

Anyone any ideas how to get a Pivot or something resembling one so that I end up with the Components as the Row Header and the Parents as Column Headers.

I know I could go in and manipulate the data but I want to be able to create this Pivot like report every month or so without having to reinvent the wheel each time.

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Sorting Rows In Pivot Table

Jun 2, 2006

I have a pivot table and i am trying to display the rows in order of relevance. I have a bit of code that will sort the rows into the order I want them which I have included. My problem is that sometimes I will have rows that will not be there, If position 3 doesn't exist I would expect it to display 1,2,4,5 but instead I get an error message.

ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable11").PivotFields("Baan Order").PivotItems("Nomination") _
.Position = 1
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable11").PivotFields("Baan Order").PivotItems("Full") _
.Position = 2
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable11").PivotFields("Baan Order").PivotItems("Equal") _
.Position = 3
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable11").PivotFields("Baan Order").PivotItems("Target") _
.Position = 4
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable11").PivotFields("Baan Order").PivotItems("None") _
.Position = 5

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Dynamic Rows For Pivot Table

Nov 16, 2006

I wish to create a Pivot Table. It is based on source data with fixed columns (A to W) and dynamic rows. The following is my

Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim DataRange As Range

Set WS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1")
DataRange = Range("A1:W1", Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

ThisWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=WS.Range(DataRange)).CreatePivotTable _
tabledestination:=Sheets("sheet2").Range("A1"), tablename:="PivotTable1", defaultversion:=xlPivotTableVersion10

Dim PT As PivotTable
Set PT = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").PivotTables("PivotTable1")
PT.PivotFields("Type of Work").Orientation = xlPageField
PT.PivotFields("Profit Center").Orientation = xlRowField
PT.PivotFields("B/(W) CTD Net Rev").Orientation = xlDataField

Because I'm going to use it in my work, it must be reusable. And every time I use it, the numbers of row are different. Therefore, I made the source data into a dynamic range. The range changes when rows change. However, problem always appears in the following line:....................

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Remove (blank) Rows From Pivot Table

Apr 15, 2014

Pivot tables. I have a dataset from which I make a pivot table. In row labels I have 4 different columns of data below each other.

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4

In some cases the data only has three levels, for example:


In other cases it has four levels of data:


If I make a pivottable it will give 4 levels for all items. In the first case I mentioned, the data will state:


Is it possible to remove the (blank) row as it does not provide any useful information..

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Pivot Table On Data With Empty Rows?

Jan 28, 2014

I am writing regarding the Pivot table creation with data which contains empty rows.

Recently, I work on a project with a data which contains empty rows. I will attach the file for sample to see what sort of data contains my sheet.

As you can see the data is divided according to some criteria, and it is constantly updated by users. sometimes a new criteria is added at the end of the sheet, that is why I need to create a pivot table, to be able to just changing Source, to update the table and manipulate table in order to get desired results, but I can't remove these empty rows rom the data as far as some unexperienced users have to fill the information and it is more comfortable to have the data separated from each other for them.

However, when creating the Pivot table on this type of data, the pivot table will include the blanks Row Labels there.

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Pivot Table, Show Empty Rows

Feb 16, 2009

In my Pivot table I have 3 fields in the "header - section" of each row
There is also the possibilty in the Page section to choose between subjects (eg physics, chemistry, biology etc) When all rows are displayed there are 68 in total

When I choose Physics there are about 30 customers that have a value in 1 of the rows. Excel shows 30 rows, but I would like all 68 row to be shown, because these are the values that are important to me. I have tried a lot of settings in the pivot table but can't find the correct 1.

What happens a lot is the the rows are "multiplied", meaning that the 1st row header has every combination of the 2nd and 3rd and so one. Which setting is needed to get what I want?

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Conditional Formatting Rows In Pivot Table

Mar 25, 2014

I have a pivot table which shows below... I need to set up a conditional format to highlight the row where all fields are "0"

Days since Deal
Days since Opp
Days since Meet

Co 1

Co 2

Co 3

Co 4

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VBA Pivot Table With Unspecified Number Of Rows?

Mar 21, 2012

I'm new to using VBA and have been recording macros and then trying to edit them where I need to and using Google to get the answers that I need, however I have hit a snag when I create a pivot table using my current macro.

The data sheet that I am creating my Pivot Table from will always have a different number of rows from week to week, but I am unsure of how to code this into my macro. When I recorded this, I used the range A1:S10000, which gives me (Blank) as the last row in my pivot table. change my code so that it only selects the data rows to stop these blanks appearing?


'Pivot Table DATA Tab to show Call Out Times for all Centres in file
ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
"DATA!R1C1:R10000C19").CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _
"PIVOT!R3C1", TableName:="PivotTable1", DefaultVersion:= _


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Removing Data Rows From Pivot Table

Jul 12, 2012

I have a workbook with a Pivot Table full of user data and security reports. The table is structured in a way that shows, numerically; each username and how man roles are assigned. I need to remove the username/row combo's that are listed as 1 or less. Obviously if I simply highlight the fields I want to delete it won't work. How would I go about removing such rows?

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Unlimited Rows While Creating Pivot Table

Sep 18, 2013

I have the code listed below where i keep getting a compile error. This is from a You Tube (Pivot Macro - Episode 1211 - YouTube) episode 1211. why this would not work? Basically trying to set up a macro that creates a Pivot Table that will always have the same number of columns, but each set of data will have different number of rows.

ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType: xlDatabase, SourceData:
DataSheet & "!R1C1:R" & FinalRow & "C37", Version: xlPivotTableVersion14).CreatePivotTable
TableDestination: NewSheet & "!R3C1", TableName: "PivotTable2", DefaultVersion: xlPivotTableVersion14

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Pivot Table - Keep Only Rows Matching Criteria

Jul 21, 2014

adv bar

a11 b3
a2 b3
a3 b5
a4 b6
a5 b8

I have a pivot like the one above. I want to keep only the rows if "bar' falls within a range. So in a certain range (say d2:d7) I set the criteria for "bar". Is there a way to tell the table to keep only the rows, if the "bar" value can be found in d2:d7?

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