Remove Numbers From Imported Text File

Mar 24, 2007

I need to clean out unnecessary data from a file, (see attached text file), I'm not sure how to go about this in excel. basically every file starts with 9 cells that needs to be deleted, two cells of real data then one with garbage that needs to be deleted, it goes like that for 40 cells, then again 10 cells of garbage that needs to be deleted, then 40 of real data and goes like that up to 3000 lines, I know it sounds confusing but if you take a look at attached file, at the end I need to have
all cells full of data

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How To Fix Numbers When Imported Into Excel As Text

Apr 10, 2009

I immediately began having problems with formulas and pivot tables when I began importing data from an offsite postgreSQL database. For example, "countif" and "sumproduct" formulas invariably return values of 0. I can create pivot tables from the imported data, but nothing with a numerical value will group.

After fighting with this for literally hours, I finally noticed that all numbers in the columns were on the left side of the column meaning that the numerical data is being imported into Excel as text, even though the columns in the spreadsheet into which the data is imported are in number format.

Any way either to import numbers as numbers from the postgreSQL database, or to convert text to numbers after the data is imported.

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Convert Numbers Into Text When Imported And Autofill

Jul 18, 2013

Following is the master data that's imported from weekly timesheet.

Dept170000Project1Shawn Johnson
Dept170000Project1Brenda Larry
Dept260010Project2Patrick Leh
Dept170010Project3Shawn Johnson

When imported, the 'ProjNo' is stored in Text format. Now when forecast data is appended to master table, the ProjNo stores as Numbers. I would like to know how I can automatically convert it into Text. The number of records varies every time when imported from the Timesheet.

The other thing is I need AutoFill 'APPROVED' in Column 5 from 2nd row to the last row.

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Convert Text Imported From CSV File To Number

Mar 25, 2013

I am trying to convert a text imported from CSV file to a number so that I can further elaborate it.

I tried value, trim, clean but without sucess.

Cell values is -10 000,00 what I want to display is 10000.

How can i Do that.

I am attaching a demo file for illustration : Webistexpences.xlsxi

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Parsing Imported TEXT File But Like A Tweak...

Nov 17, 2009

I have attached two files, one the sample txt file imported to excel but the top area is highlighed with some notes and section break. RED deleted don't need amd un highlighted is actual data. The other file is what I would like to see the data look like after parse.

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Automatically Format Imported Text File

Aug 19, 2007

I need to bring in 2600 student names from a cvs file and have it formatted to an Excel workbook.

When it imports into the Excel file I need it to populate the proper boxes, such as:

I have the CVS attached. Hope I can get this done. As you can see it shows the teacher's name with their first initial, their teacher number that they are identified by and their room number. I need the student ID as well but not the phone number and the days of the week. This would save a lot of work.

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Convert Imported Text File For Calculations

Jan 24, 2008

I have a file with four sheets – File1, File2, Association and LookList. File1&2 are totalled, as is Association sheet but then are checked against each other using the totals. What I need to do is the following (but I am not sure how to do it using macro…)

Step 1 - ‘File1’ Sheet – It all comes in text format. Firstly, convert all of column B=>used range (it may vary to 40k records!) into numbers and total each column.
(I know the principal behind it – have a total variable for ColB, loop through and when it finds >0 then increment buy one and output under the last cell in that column – but I do not know the macro code)

Step 2 - ‘File2’ Sheet – Again, it's in text format. Firstly, convert all of column B=>used range into numbers and total each column(would contain same amount of records
as Step1!) .

Step 3 - ‘Association’ – same steps as for File 1 (again – same number of records).

Step 4 - THEN (and I have NO IDEA how to do this!...) I need to check the File1 & File2 against Association using the lookup and return the Serial number and the Association heading that does not match on a fourth sheet.

The problem is that – for example – Field-1 consists total of more than one column – contains 3 but could contain a total of up to 6 columns! - I understand excel formula ‘vlookup’ but am not sure how to do it when it is a combination of columns and even less when applying it to this! – In fact, for a macro I am not even sure what column format the lookup list should be!

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Convert Imported Values, Being Seen As Text, To True Numbers

Jan 28, 2010

I have a document passed to me that includes information pulled from an internal system.

I want to use some basic formulas to show Totals, averages etc.

However, the SUM function does not work on the data provided unless I select the cell (As if to edit the text) and the press enter.

Is there a quicker way of selecting all of the cells in Column A for example and performing this function on mass, rather than selecting each cell individually.

I have attahced a similar sample copy - My SUM formula is show in cell B15.

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Imported Text Files Numbers Seen As Text

Mar 10, 2008

I have opened a .txt (by right clicking and selecting Open with rather than open from within Excel) file with numbers using the format 1,234,567.00 but in my country we use 1 234 567,00. So I created a macro changing the , into "" and the . into , and it works fine while creating the macro itself (by using the macro recorder) and the numbers shows and behaves like numbers. However, when running the macro on a new file some numbers remain as text whereas others are numbers. Theres is no common string, eg that numbers starting with - (minus) remains text.

It does then not matter if I go to the format function and select number with decimals and thousand dividor - the number still remains as text. I have also tried the suggested multply by 1 but it still remains as text. The only thing that helps is to either double click on the number or use the Konvert text to number. But I would then have to click each number in the whole table which is what I wanted to avoid.

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Insert Text To One File - Remove Text From Equivalent Column In Another File?

Aug 13, 2013

Got a slight problem; I am making a "worker-plan", where you should be able to write a name on one file and have it updated (removed) from the equivalent columns on another file automatically. Here's an example with two separate projects:

Project 1 before and after changes:
Attachment 257366
Attachment 257367

Project 2 before and after changes:
Attachment 257368
Attachment 257369

You can see here how I intended it to work. When one worker is moved from Project 1 to Project 2, that worker should also be removed from those weeks in Project 1. The previous worker from Project 2 should also be removed from those weeks (in Project 2).

Are there any formulas that can make this work automatically? All week numbers will belong to the same columns in all files.

Edit: There are 30 files that should be syncronized, not just two.. I could also gather all files into one file with sheets, instead of having seperate files.

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How To Remove Space From Imported Data

Nov 20, 2011

I have exported a aging report from SAL to excel. Now the problem is each figures in the report is not in number format. when i checked each cell contains a space after the numbers so excel does not treat them as a number format.

how i can remove all the spaces in those cells. find and replace doeasnt work.

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Remove Spaces From Imported Dates

Apr 15, 2008

I use a program that can export data into Excel. For the most part, it works fine. except it doesn't correctly handle dates. For some reason, when it pastes a date into excel it includes 8 or 9 (depending if the month is 1 or 2 digits) spaces in front of the date which makes calculations with these dates impossible unless you go into each cell and delete the spaces (or do Find / Replace).

Is there a way I can create a non-VBA formula that will reference any one of these cells and some how identify what the date is & then that cell can be the date I can calc on? I.e., A1 is the date with the spaces in front, B2 is the cell that will reference A1 and produce, as the contents of B2, the date in A1. I can then use B2 in calculations.

Note: the month formats possible are: M/DD/YY (Jan. - Sept.) & MM/DD/YY (Oct. - Dec.). There are no other variations.

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Remove Text And Sum 2 Numbers In Same Cell

Jun 10, 2013

I have a report that is auto generated in Excel format but I need to summarize the hours worked. The output in each cell in column "I" can be any of the following combinations.

IE: 1h, 15m or 1h 30m

I have tried the following formula with some success.

"=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("m",I32)), SUBSTITUTE(I32, "m", ""),IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("h",I32)), SUBSTITUTE(I32, "h","")*60, ""))

However, it wont work for the "1h 30m" combination.

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Remove Numbers From Cells With Text

Nov 8, 2009

I have copied information from an outside source to Excel. Unfortunately, the information includes numbers preceding the text which I need to delete for all records. Is there an easier way of deleting this information without going to each individual cell to delete the numbers

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Remove Text From Cells Which Should Have Only Numbers

Dec 2, 2009

way to remove text from cells that should only contain numbers.
Example: 124 fcm 12 std

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Import Large Text File Of Numbers Without Excel Splitting Numbers?

Jul 19, 2014

I have a text file with rows and columns of numbers ranging from 1-4 digits that I'd like to import/copy into Excel with each number being in its own cell. But whenever I copy/try to import, Excel splits all of the 3-4 digit numbers up into single digit numbers. The text file has 10,000+ columns (each number occupies two columns so I have half of that amount in numbers) and 300+ lines.

Is the file simply too large for Excel to handle or is there a way I can do this?

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Convert Numbers Stored As Text To Numbers (attached File)

Oct 22, 2009

In the ID column of the attached excel file whenever I convert the numbers stored as text to numbers it results in a weird transformation.

e.g. an ID of 480610141001 becomes 4.8061E+11. When I do the same process in the name column, which has similar numbers, it will give the correct result following the same process.

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Remove Leading Apostrophe From Text And Numbers

Sep 26, 2007

I searched through some pages of old threads but could not find specifically one solution for performing the subject task on text strings in cells.

I have a lot of Excel files which contain both numerical data and text strings where each cell has been forced to have a leading apostrophe appended to the left side of the text strings and numbers.

How can I strip the leading apostrophe out?

I know the apostrophe is a hidden character, so I can't use Find & Replace.

I would like to figure out some VBA so that I could build this into and automate this via a macro I'm working on.

Is there a way to comprehensively do this for all cells containing text and numbers in a worksheet?

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Remove Leading Apostrophe From Text & Numbers

Sep 26, 2007

I have a lot of Excel files which contain both numerical data and text strings where each cell has been forced to have a leading apostrophe appended to the left side of the text strings and numbers.

How can I strip the leading apostrophe out?

I know the apostrophe is a hidden character, so I can't use Find & Replace.

I would like to figure out some VBA so that I could build this into and automate this via a macro I'm working on.

Is there a way to comprehensively do this for all cells containing text and numbers in a worksheet?

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Remove Text Character From Cells With Numbers

May 14, 2008

I want to change the character ~ with . in order to be able to make them numeric values to be feeded to other functions. But REPLACE seems not doing the job so I've been checking out other options such as seperating after and before the character ~. Details are below. I've been trying to use this formula to extract values from a delimited database which I open with excel. The formula that has brought me close is =IF(ISNUMBER(E51)=FALSE,LEFT(E51,LEN(E51)- FIND("~",E51)),E51)


When I import the database, the figures above have originals as 14010.00000 & 3210.00000 but transfer to excel as above. As far as I have observed 9 character spaces are displayed & the DOT transfers to ~ for some reason. I need the LEFT section of the ~

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Remove First And Last Character From Text File

Dec 13, 2008

I'm trying to write to text file a HTML page that is in string variable sFullPage.

So far my code is like this:

Sub wrtHTML()
Dim sFName As String ' Path and name of text file
Dim iFNumber As Integer ' File Number

sFName = "c: est.html"

'Get an unused file number
iFNumber = FreeFile

'Create new file or overwrite existing file
Open sFName For Output As #iFNumber

'Write data to file....

How do I remove those first and last two marks (a double quote on each side + square mark from the end)? Do I use somehow wrong data types or wrong printing methods?

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Formula To Remove Preceding Numbers From Text Input

Mar 5, 2012

I have data in the (various) formats as follows:

1) Text value here
1. Text value here
1.Text value here
1 Text value here
1)Text value here

Is there a way to take the cell contents from the first Alpha character? (i.e. no punctuation, no numbers). There are other numeric characters in the text values that I would like to keep.

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Read/Import Text File & Remove All Chr()

Feb 1, 2008

I have a comma delineated text file that is full of stock item details such as stock code, description, 3 different prices etc it is about 15 fields wide by about 400 rows down. I need to be able to import all rows but only certain columns into an excel worksheet using vba. I know I can easily just rename it to .xls or .csv or something like that but its a text file we export out of our system at work and we need to be able to give it to customers who then can import into this excel spreadsheet/calculator I am creating.

The file looks something like this:

"String 1", ""String 2", "String 3", "String 4", ...... all the way up to 15

There is 400 or so rows (which represent stock items)

Now I need to copy all rows in column 1 (string 1) all rows in column 12, 13, 14, 15 (This is the only data I need from the text file in this particular spreadsheet/calculator)

I have it working fine reading the entire row in one at a time splitting it up into a string array using the Split() function and then only copies the certain array indexes i need into the worksheet here is the code for this: ...

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Remove String Of Numbers From Excel Cell Leaving Only Text?

Dec 4, 2013

I need to remove only numbers from excel cell - I have tried using the "constant" function but did not work. I have thousands of cells with a consistent 4 digit number like this:

1000 the rest is text

How can I remove only numbers but leave all text in the cell and then if I can trim the cell so there are not any spaces at the beginning afte removing the numbers.

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Import Text File Using VBA And Remove The Duplicate Headers?

Mar 8, 2014

I have a few text files and i want to import them into excel using VBA. I am herewith attaching the sample text file and the desired output file.

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Working With An Imported File

Mar 11, 2008

I'm importing a file into Excel which I need to format into something I can then use to build reports from.

At present the imported file looks like this: ...

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Property For Name Of Imported Xml File

Jan 21, 2007

Is there a property that contains the name of an XML file a user has imported into Excel? If not is there any way I can retrieve the name of the file?

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Macro To Name Sheet With Imported .CSV File Name

Nov 4, 2008

I'm working on a sheet to analyse data in .CSV format, sofar I can import the .CSV file correctly, however I would like the Macro to name the sheet with same name as the .CSV file.

As i'll be importing multiple .CSV files.
The code I have sofar is:

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Customize Cell From Imported CSV File

Sep 27, 2013

How can I get from this:

Random Item name;random_nickname Final price: EUR 1.00 (Fixed price)

EUR 1.00

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Remove Numbers From Text And Add New Line To Separate Two Strings Based On Delimiter In A Cell

Feb 16, 2014


london#123;new york#34;
new york;




removing the # and numbers from text and add new line after ; symbol. So it would save me a lot of time in preparing status.

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