Removing A Character From A Barcode String

Sep 23, 2009

The barcode lablels all have the following format: A318639....that is a letter followed by six numbers.

When I scan the barcodes into any cell, a dollar sign "$" appears in the front of the barcode string that is entered into the cell. The dollar sign is not a relevant part of the string of characters in the barcode label.

What I am looking for is a solution where upon scanning a barcode into any cell, the dollar sign is removed from the front of my string and I am left with just the seven character string which is shown above.

I have experimented with the Data Validation tool by trying to limit the number of characters that are allowed in a cell to seven characters, but that has not actually removed any characters from my data string.

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VB Function To Return CODE128b Barcode Font String ()

Feb 26, 2007

I found what looks to be a BASIC or perhaps early C form of code that will do exactly this, however I am finding it out of my grasp to 'convert' the below code over to VB for Excel, and I was hoping someone would be able to piece it together for me. Code128B is a barcode font that requires a 'computed' start and end bit, as well as a checksum character(s) in order for the barcode to be valid and readable by barcode scanners. This code (in whatever it is written, I don't really know), is said to do just that. Code:..................

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Removing Character Using Trim..

May 12, 2009

I need your guys expertise in the following formula. I'm applying the following to a large range of data that varies in lenght,however all of the data has a 1Y or 2Y at the end of it. I need to remove it from the data into a new column. Currently I'm using =trim(mid(A2,1,30) how can I change my formula to obtain my results?

for example: Nationwide Select premium $74.99 1Y
Nationwide Select Premium W/e-mail $74.99 1Y

As you can see the lenght of the data is different.

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MACRO - Removing Everything From Cell After 10th Character?

Feb 4, 2014

where i copy up to 1000 products ID's like this: "1234567890 AA11111"(ofcourse there is allways differend code for every product its just a example :)) and paste it to exel, and the problem is i need only the 10-digit number (it's allways 10-digit number but the second one is sometimes diffrent) so it is possible to make makro that will remove every character after 10th character ?

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Excel 2007 :: Removing Pipe As Last Character From Cell

Mar 16, 2012

I've got a whole load of cells that have a pipe ( | ) on the end of the value which I'm trying to remove.

Easy enough thinks me, so;


And then Copy / Paste Values Still has a pipe on the end... I check the cell for trailing spaces, there are none...

I check the length of the cell (658) against the length of the result from the formula (657)...

So, my formula works, but when I copy and paste as values the pipe remains.

I'm using Excel 2007 and the cell contatins other pipe characters I'd like to keep in there so I can't find and replace or anything.

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Looking For 'X' Or 'Z' As The 5th Character In A String

Jun 27, 2006

I'm looking for some VBA code that would look at a column of data, look at each cell value in that column and if the cell value starts with the letter 'G' and the 5th character in that cell is not 'Z' or 'X' I would like to highlight that cell. Example:G123-123 would be highlighted whereas G123Z-123 would not.

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Nth Character From String

Jan 3, 2007

I would like to get the nth character from a string. For example, let's say there is a string "jupiter", and I would like to get the 3rd character of this string, "p". Is there a function in excel vba that would allow me to do this?

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Removing Duplicate In A String ..

Jan 22, 2009

I would like to combine 3 string together but I would like to remove the duplicate found in any of the string. I attached an example with the desired result. I know =A1&""A2&""&A3 can combine the string, as I wan a space between each string. anyone can further edit my formula to remove the duplicate ...

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Searching String For A Character

Feb 17, 2014

I have this data and want to extract the character after the letter Y if the string has a Y in it.

Example data Output

AU 2013 OD ANR B24 Y2 2
AU 2013 OD ANR B24 Y4 4
AU 2013 OD ANR B24 Y5 5
AU2013OD ANR B25 Y1 1
AU2013OD ANU B25 Y5 5
AU2013OD Y6 FPVN B49 6

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Assign Value To Character Or String?

May 30, 2014

I want to assign a value to a character or string

Like I have formula p2p3= (n-1)*p +(2*e)

I want to assign values(number) to n,p, that i can get want to assign 'n'=4

I don't want to use cell number for calling values of n,p,e

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Evaluate First Character Of String In VBA

Feb 11, 2010

How can I evaluate just the first part of these stirings so I can just do something like Left("Ca",2)?

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Splitting Character String

Jul 28, 2008

How do I split the below character or similar strings into 2 columns of 25 characters each without cutting a word off?


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Capitalizing Last Character In String?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a web query that returns a city and state, but the last character of the state is lower case. I need VBA code to change the last char to upper case. Here is what I have so far:

tmp = Cells(4, 1).Value
Mid(tmp, Len(tmp), 1) = UCase(Right(tmp, 1))
Cells(4, 1).Value = tmp

Is there any easier way to do this without 3 lines of code?

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Delete String Before Some Character?

Dec 21, 2012

I have some columns in the excel file:


And I would like to delete everything before the LAST slash(just filenames)


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Extract First Character Of String

Oct 11, 2009

I have a column that has various codes such as "E123" and "X456" and "S345". I just want to extract the numbers and leave the letters in each cell. How do you write a formula using the LEFT function to extract the last three numbers?

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Removing Blank Lines From String

Feb 17, 2010

I have a texfile that populates a textbox on a userform. I would like to remove all blank lines in the string including those at the end if they exist, before populating the textbox. I'm reading the entire file at once into the string, not line by line.

Is there any way to edit the string called Text to remove the blank lines before populating the textbox? I'm looking for 2 carriage return characters in a row, and if so then remove one of them, but I don't know how to code that. This is in the userform activate section. If I read the textfile line by line, I don't know how to populate the textbox that way and remove the blank lines.

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Removing Part Of Text From A String

Feb 11, 2013

I belong to a fantasy cycling league and after every race, I copy the race results to award each rider their points for the day. The site I visit most frequently lists the riders results in this format:

1. Alberto Contador (Spa) Team Sax Bank Tinkoff 4:05:00
2. Lance Armstrong (USA) Team Livestrong etc... 4:06:00

I usually copy the results to my spreadsheet then calculate each riders points.

The'results end up looking like this in Excel:

1. Alberto Contador (Spa) Team Sax Bank Tinkoff 4:05:00
2. Lance Armstrong (USA) Team Livestrong 4:06:00

So, the data ends up in 3 cells. The position in one cell, the rider and their nationality and their team in another, and the time of arrival in another cell

Is there a way in Excel where I can get rid of or delete all the data after a rider's name?

I usually end up pasting the rider information to Word, then replacing the (***) with a tab symbol, then pasting back to Excel and get rid of the data that's after the name by deleting the cells to which that data was transferred.

Is there an easier way to do this in Excel, or a macro I can create?...

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Removing Characters From A String Variable

Jun 12, 2006

Let us assume x and y are strings. Now let us make x equal to a small sentence (ie. full of words and spaces). I now need to somehow make y equal to x, but with the last word removed. I need to do this in VBA.

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Find Is Not Finding Character String?

Jun 11, 2014

I have a cell that has approx 22000 characters. I'm trying to remove a specific character string from a cell by doing a find and replace with "". It works for characters in the first part of the cell but not for characters in the last part of the cell.

Example: I do a find/replace for the characters 21242 to "" in column A and I get the expected results. I do a find/replace on 69294 to "", again I get the expected results, but if I do a find/replace on 85203 to "", I get "Excel cannot find what I am searching for" (but its there!)

My cell size is within the max size of 32,767 characters so not sure why its not working.

Attached a sample worksheet.

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Find Last Occurrence Of Character In A String

May 23, 2007

I would like to find the position of the last occurrence of a character in a string. For example, I have a string with the following:

"c:wwgpeToolbidsTest File.GP$".

I would like to find out the position of the last '' in the string because I want to pull the filename, 'Test File.GP$' into a variable. I would like to avoid writing code to do this. Are there some Excel functions I can use for this?

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Find Invalid Character In String

Jan 22, 2009

I have a macro that asks the user to enter a file name and have written a small function to search the name given to the file to find any invalid characters, trouble is I must be doing something wrong as I doesn't work. Everytime I write something in the box I'm told it's invalid, regardless of weather it actually is or not.

Function -

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How To Find Nth Position Of Character In A String

Jun 12, 2014

I am trying to work out how to get nth position of a character in a string. For example in this


if I use the formula

it will give me answer 3. But I want the position of 3rd "i" in the string. The answer should be 12. How can I change this formula to get the correct result?

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Last Numeric Character Position Of A String

Jan 29, 2009

In cell A1 contains a string, how do I get the number of position of the last numeric character from right to left (this value will be in cell B1).

Example: 12543AR3372C31WWW (In Cell A1)

4 (In Cell B1)

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Add Each Character Code For Each Letter In String

Jun 10, 2009

For icount = 1 To LenComputername
valComputername = Asc(Mid(UserComputername, icount, 1))
Next icount

If the computer name is NAMTOK-PC Then the LenComputername is 9. Does that mean then that the valComputername is equal to 78?

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Position Of Last Occurrence Of Character In String

Jun 29, 2008

on the web I've found this formula, which returns the postion of the last occurrence of the character in cell B1 in the string in cell A1:


How do I turn this into a VBA function?

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Removing Dash From Text Number String?

Oct 3, 2010

We often get spreadsheets from our customer that are formatted with both comma and dash combinations. We would like to only have the comma seperation.

R1, R2, R3-R5, R30

R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R30

There is usually only one alpha character but sometimes more. Example: CR1, CR2, CR3-CR5.

The following macro works great if there are no alpha characters. how to solve the alpha/numeric combination?

Function Nums(rng As Range) As String
Dim adnum As Integer, n As Integer, num, Txt As String
num = Split(rng, ",")


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Removing Seconds In Date / Time String?

Sep 26, 2013

I need a macro, if possible, to remove the seconds in a date/time string.

I can format the cells to remove the seconds, but the actual value still contains the seconds. For example:

The cell shows 9/24/2013 19:21 but the formula bar shows 9/24/2013 7:21:17 PM.

I need to remove the seconds so I can us the time in an averageifs formula as a criteria.

I would like a macro because I want to do other manipulations of the spreadsheet with the idea of importing the data at some point into a database.

If I can automate it, or at least decrease tha amount of time I use to get the data in the correct format.

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Retrieve A Character From A Text String In A Column?

May 26, 2009

i want to extract a value from a column into another column in excel.
this first column contains text and i want to extract a value that in located between the characters 'FOR' and 'MTHS'.
how do i do that?

the situation is the same for all the rows; the value that i want is just located between these characters.
is there a simpler way other than using the MID functn? because everytime i use it i need to count the no. of characters and its quite difficult to keep up with the numbers.

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Finding Nth Position Of Character Within Text String

Jun 16, 2012

Title should read: Finding the nth Occurrence of a character within a text string

I have a very long text string that is delimited by about 50 "/" to segment certain values within the text string. I want to be able to extract the text between the 33rd and 34th occurrence of "/". How to do this?

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Display Leading Zeros In Character String?

Feb 18, 2013

I have a code which displays the values of R2, S2, T2, and U2 in one cell (J2). R2, S2 and U2 are all letters, but T2 is a 2 digit number. If there is a leading zero in T2, then in the display of J2, the leading zero is gone. so if the value of R2 is K, S2 is M, T2 is 01 and U2 is S, then I would want it to display KM01S, but it is only displaying KM1S.

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