MACRO - Removing Everything From Cell After 10th Character?

Feb 4, 2014

where i copy up to 1000 products ID's like this: "1234567890 AA11111"(ofcourse there is allways differend code for every product its just a example :)) and paste it to exel, and the problem is i need only the 10-digit number (it's allways 10-digit number but the second one is sometimes diffrent) so it is possible to make makro that will remove every character after 10th character ?

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Excel 2007 :: Removing Pipe As Last Character From Cell

Mar 16, 2012

I've got a whole load of cells that have a pipe ( | ) on the end of the value which I'm trying to remove.

Easy enough thinks me, so;


And then Copy / Paste Values Still has a pipe on the end... I check the cell for trailing spaces, there are none...

I check the length of the cell (658) against the length of the result from the formula (657)...

So, my formula works, but when I copy and paste as values the pipe remains.

I'm using Excel 2007 and the cell contatins other pipe characters I'd like to keep in there so I can't find and replace or anything.

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Removing Character Using Trim..

May 12, 2009

I need your guys expertise in the following formula. I'm applying the following to a large range of data that varies in lenght,however all of the data has a 1Y or 2Y at the end of it. I need to remove it from the data into a new column. Currently I'm using =trim(mid(A2,1,30) how can I change my formula to obtain my results?

for example: Nationwide Select premium $74.99 1Y
Nationwide Select Premium W/e-mail $74.99 1Y

As you can see the lenght of the data is different.

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Removing A Character From A Barcode String

Sep 23, 2009

The barcode lablels all have the following format: A318639....that is a letter followed by six numbers.

When I scan the barcodes into any cell, a dollar sign "$" appears in the front of the barcode string that is entered into the cell. The dollar sign is not a relevant part of the string of characters in the barcode label.

What I am looking for is a solution where upon scanning a barcode into any cell, the dollar sign is removed from the front of my string and I am left with just the seven character string which is shown above.

I have experimented with the Data Validation tool by trying to limit the number of characters that are allowed in a cell to seven characters, but that has not actually removed any characters from my data string.

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Macro To Add Character To Selected Cell?

Jun 3, 2014

I am trying to create a button that when clicked it will add a character to the existing cell. Eg if cell had LDs and I click button I like it show LDs₂

The ₂ is character code 2082.

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Macro To Delete One Character In A Cell

Oct 2, 2007

I'm trying to use Excel 2003 macros for the first time and am very frustrated by it's recorder function. I've used several standalone TSR macro recorders several years ago and they were much easier but certainly not as feature rich.

I have a spreadsheet that I've been using for a couple of years where I have manually entered data. My company has recently started to dump data into an Excel sheet but instead of pure numeric or date values being used they are extracting the values with the ' character starting the value. I want to strip this ' character.

What I do is select the cell I want to edit and invoke the macro. Then press {F2} to edit the contents of the cell, {Home} to move to the left, {Del} to delete the first character - the apostrophe, and {Enter} to complete the edit and move down one cell.

Using the recorder captures the following. Unfortunately it doesn't simply delete the first character, it copies the value of the previous cell to the next cell when I invoke the macro again.

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Search For A Character In A Cell From Macro

Jun 10, 2009

i would like to use a macro to check whether the string present in a cell contains special characters like @,#,$,%,^,&,*. i need to do this using a macro. is there an in-built function to do this or is there any other way to do this.

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Creating Macro To Add Character To A Cell With Existing Text

Sep 7, 2012

Is iy possible to create a macro to add a character to a cell with existing text, such as:

Progressive Insurance $

Where the name is in "whatever" font,color,format, and then the macro could insert the $ as pictured above different font,color?

I have played around with trying to write, or copy as image...with no luck.

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Returning Every 10th Row In A Column

Jan 6, 2013

I would like to have values from every 10th row in the table.

So I want to have B2, B11, B21 & so on...

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Find 10th Value After Max In A List

Nov 5, 2008

In have 2 columns of data (temperature & gas evaloved) in A2..A200 and B2..B200
I use =INDEX(A2:A200,MATCH(MAX(B2:B200),B2:B200,0)) to find the
max value gas evolved in column B then read off the temperature from column A.

I now need to look down the list and take the 10th reading for temperature and gas evolved after the max gas evolved value in column B.

I've looked at the use of Index, Offset, Row & Match here on the forum in other posts but I juist cant seem to grasp it in my head what to do.

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Calculating 10th Date From List

Sep 20, 2008

I'm using the following formula to find the 1st date that a particular rep wrote an order.

{=IF(S4="","",IF(MINA(IF('Daily Compliance'!$A$2:$A$5028=B4,'Daily Compliance'!$O$2:$O$5028))=0,"",MINA(IF('Daily Compliance'!$A$2:$A$5028=B4,'Daily Compliance'!$O$2:$O$5028))))}

I also need to figure out when they write their 10th order, but have had no success figuring that out.

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Values In Range 1, Multiples Of 10th

May 3, 2006

My question is presented, in details, in the attached file. Only Range 1 (B6:B15) should be generated by "Excel". (the numbers in Range 1 were typed by me as trials only...) (All other Ranges should not be touched). The values in Range 1 can be Multiples of 10th. only. (10, 20, 30, 40, etc....)

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Look For Character In Cell And Insert New Character - For More Than One

Sep 20, 2009

I have a cell which will contain SER01+SER02+SER03

and what i need it to contain is [SER01]+[SER02]+[SER03]

and shocker is i've got this to work for the first instance but not the other two

code as below... be grateful for your help

Sub measure1()
Dim list As String, pos As Integer, refl As String, refr As String, newlist As String
list = Cells(1472, 16).Value
pos = InStr(list, "+")
refl = Left(list, pos - 1)
refr = Right(list, pos + 1)
newlist = "[" & refl & "]"
Cells(1472, 17) = newlist
End Sub

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Calculate Temperature Values Directly For 10th Iteration Without Solving Each?

Nov 13, 2013

I had 4 initial temperature values and after some time i got new temperature values. Now for calculating 2nd iteration i need to use new calculated values and for third iteration values from 2nd iteration is to be used and so on.

How to calculate temperature values directly for 10th iteration without solving each iteration?

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Trim Macro: Trim All Of The Data From Rows 2:30 Removing Any Trailing Spaces After The Last Word In Each Cell

Apr 25, 2007

I have come up with this to Trim all of the data from rows 2:30 removing any trailing spaces after the last word in each cell. The macro takes a couple of minutes to run have I got something wrong that is making it run slowly or does the Trim process just take longer?

Dim myRange As Range
Dim myRow As Range
Set myRange = Range("2:30")
If myRange Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
myRange.Replace What:=Chr(160), Replacement:=Chr(32), _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False
For Each myRow In myRange.Columns
If Application. CountA(myRow) > 0 Then
myRow.TextToColumns Destination:=myRow(1), _
DataType:=xlFixedWidth, FieldInfo:=Array(0, 1)
End If
Next myRow
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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Removing Input Box From Macro?

Feb 10, 2012

However, with this macro I am wanting to remove the Input Box that pops up and requires the user to hit 'enter' everytime the macro runs. Instead, I would like the macro to automatically insert the rows based upon the value of cell A1 without having to confirm with the Input Box.

Sub InsertRowsAndFillFormulas_caller()
Call InsertRowsAndFillFormulas
End Sub


Because I am such a novice with coding, if the response could be in a form where the entire macro code is spelled out on what needs to be changed. That way I can just copy and paste the macro response instead of having to try and figure out how to apply your suggestions to my existing code.

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VBA Macro - Removing Plus Sign

Apr 11, 2012

Been struggling with the + sign. I have been using code such as shown below, but it just wont work for +.

Selection.Replace What:="~~", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
Selection.Replace What:="^", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
Selection.Replace What:="~*", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _

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Macro To Hide CHR(10) Character

Feb 11, 2010

I have the code below, which works fine apart from I get a little square coming up every time I run the code, as this gives you a line the Chr(10) has to be there. When I tale the Chr(10) out the little square disappears but then I don't get a new line. I have set the formatting to "wrap text" but it is still showing up. I am not quite sure where to go from here, I have also done a ="test"&CHAR(10)&"test" and that worked fine with no little square.

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Change Character Macro

Jan 27, 2009

In column A if have strings like this: X-100-X10 or C-100-1X00 etc.

I need to change the X at the end of the string to "." e.g. X-100-.10 or C-100-1.00

Can't figure it out since there can be 1 "X" or more than 1 "X" and the second "X" that needs to get changed can be in a different location i.e. not alway 3 from the right or 7 from the left.

Is there some macro code I can use to make this change? Otherwise I have to change hundreds of these manually.

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Removing Empty Rows With A Macro

Oct 10, 2009

I want to create a macro that will cut and paste a worksheet out of an existing workbook and tidy up the table by removing all rows where there is no value in one of the fields (product or part number for example).

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Removing Data From 2 Different Worksheets With Same Macro?

Feb 17, 2014

I have this Macro that removes the selected items from the listbox1 and sheet called "Form" the only problem with that is that I have another sheet with a formulas in it that referes to the cells/ranges in sheet "Form" and so when I remove the range in "Form" worksheet the range still exists in my other worksheet where the formulas are and this is causing the errors.

What modifications I need to make to my macro to be able to delete data/ranges from sheet "Form" and sheet "Training Cost" ? so if I delete range A5:D5 in sheet Form it will also delete range A5:D5 in Training Cost.

[Code] ......

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Removing Duplicates From Macro Recording?

Feb 20, 2012

I incorporated more codes to the ones that were just solved from this board, but how can I make the active cell stay on A1 of sheet "hypo_tax_dropdown"? Also, I obtained the codes for removing the duplicates from macro recording, will these codes work on any machine? I noticed that it doesn't have worksheet.function

Sub Macro1()
Dim X As Long


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Adding Character Then Concatenating Macro?

Mar 8, 2013

I'm looking for a quicker way to take a list of numbers and adding commas, then putting them in the same cell so I can input them into a web database much faster. I can do it long hand by using concatenate first on the list to add commas to each cell, then making another concatenate to put them all in one cell, but doing the latter takes quite a while because of having to input each cell into the formula. Is there a way I can combine the 2 into a macro to accomodate for any length of cells?

Example, I have this list


As my list of numbers, and I need it to look like this in one cell:


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Macro To Search For Character Then Divide Value Following It

Oct 1, 2013

I have a large numeric spreadsheet of water quality data for a range of metals. On occasions where a particular metal is below the limit of detection, the entry reads ".

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Macro For Removing Contents Within Square Brackets

Feb 22, 2012

(Split cell into multiple rows) I need a macro to remove contents within brackets in a cell.

A1 contains
[something, separated; a, couple of times; like, this] With, some; other, text

The result should be:
With, some; other, text

I want the macro to remove the brackets and everything within it for all marked cells. (I do not want to use search and replace function since I got a lot of these data and needs to repeat this procedure).

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How To Remove Special Character Without Disturbing Other Character

Nov 27, 2012

To all sifus out there, how can i transfer from these:


To these:


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Append All Digits Before Character To All Numbers Between The Same Character

May 18, 2008

I have got a list of numeric abbreviations, for instance 10739011/21/31/41. What it should really display are the numbers 10739011, 10739021, 10739031 and 10739041 (the first six figures stay the same). All the numbers in my list are 8 figures long. I want to change the list from the list seperated by the backward slash to the complete numbers. I have uploaded an example of the list with backward slash between the numbers. Is there a way that Excel can automatically change these numbers to the full numbers?

Because all the numbers are 8 figures long, I thought the first 6 figures of the 1st number can be copied and those 6 figures pasted before the other two figures after the backslash. Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;sorry, pressed OK too quickly. The problem is that there are sometimes 4 numbers in the cell, sometimes 6 and once three. I would like Excel to complete all the numbers in the cell and then move on to the cell underneath it and so on. Also, I would like each number to have it's own cell.

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Removing Blanks From Pivot Table Slicer Within Macro

Feb 20, 2014

I created a macro to create the beginning of a pivot table- just the rows and slicers, because when I tried making a longer macro to create the entire pivot table (formatting, etc) I couldn't get the macro to work.

So I do get all the vertical rows I want, and I do get all the slicers I want. But I get blank space. I think this is because the pivot table is created from another tab, and the length of data in that tab will vary from file to file (I'm doing another 30 or so of these, all with varying amounts of data, but the same data categories).

Anyway, I get slicers, but in addition to getting the categories I want, I also get "(blank)" below the names in the slicers. Is there a way to add some code to the macro to remove the blanks so I don't get this field?

I have copied and pasted the macro below, with identifying data changed.

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Removing Or Changing Data In A Cell By Inputting Date In Another Cell

Aug 4, 2014

cell a1 has yes cell b1 has yes and i want to type yes in c1 that will change a1 and b1 automatically to a blank cell

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VBA Loop - Remove Single Character From Cell String Then Calculate New Value In Cell

Mar 1, 2012

I have a string of text in cell A2. In cell B2 of my spreadsheet is a formula that calculates a number based on the text string in cell A2.

I want to write a VBA loop that removes a single character from the cell A2 string, then calculate the new value in cell B2. I want this loop to continue until the value in B2 falls below a set value (in this case 60).

My code so far
Sub trim_text()
Dim mytext As String
Dim myanswer As Integer
mytext = Range("A2")
myanswer = Range("B2")
Do While myanswer > 60
mytext = (Right(mytext, Len(mytext) - 1))
End Sub

This obviously does not work. In my excel table I have a formula in cell B2 to calculate "myanswer" will this work, or does that code have to be placed into the VBA code?

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