Removing Single Variable Characters Within Cell
Jul 29, 2013
I need to remove the letter within the middle of a persons name.
For example, if the person is called 'Michael J Fox' then it needs to be edited to show only 'Michael Fox', if the person is called 'George W Bush' then only 'George Bush' should be displayed etc. However the persons name should remain as is if a middle character initial does not exist.
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Jun 12, 2006
Let us assume x and y are strings. Now let us make x equal to a small sentence (ie. full of words and spaces). I now need to somehow make y equal to x, but with the last word removed. I need to do this in VBA.
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May 14, 2009
See the attached file. I regularly receive input files which I have to reformat and upload to a website as a .csv. The website does not like the / between the characters on the Input Data tab. Is there a way to automatically search and remove them and leave the rest of the characters intact? The columns do not always appear in the same order and there could be more or less columns. On the Import Template tab, columns A-I will always be there, so ideally the code should make the changes from the Input Data tab and copy the present columns (J thru whatever) header and data over to the Import Template tab starting in 'J1'. I think that VBA would be the best way to go due to the variable nature of the columns.
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Oct 29, 2013
I have the following in cell A1:
0113 CDW 3 yr Coterm - Ironport devices
I need to remove 0113 from this cell to read only:
CDW 3 yr Coterm - Ironport devices
Any formula to do this?
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Aug 24, 2009
I ran a couple of formulas in column E and now it looks like as shown in the attached image.
The cells now contain different characters at end. Sometimes its a couple of commas, hyphens, blank spaces etc.
Is there a formula which can remove the ending characters in case they are not alphabets or numbers?
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Nov 29, 2006
Let me state first that I do not see the need to put so much in one cell. Aren't there enough cells ?
Secondly, note the difference between DISPLAY and actual CONTENTS (see formulabar) of the cell. Contentslimits: see helpfiles, but displaylimits check out this code. It will explain itself. Experiment with settings within code.
Option Explicit
Sub count_characters_in_cell()
'Erik Van Geit
Dim cell As Range
Dim nr As Variant
Dim x As Integer
Dim temp As String
Set cell = Sheets(1).Range("A1")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
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Jul 7, 2008
way to remove a varible number of characters in a cell? My example is in cell range A1:Z1 and each cell could have a different number of characters.
Smith, Sally 5348
Jones, Johnathan 7893
Doe, Mike 2223
What I would like to do is remove the second space and the numbers that follow to get a result of
Smith, Sally
Jones, Johnathan
Doe, Mike
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Jan 18, 2014
I am using this string of code below to name a cell by converting variable Cmt1(Long) into a string variable cellname. I cannot get the line of code below to run. It works fine if I assign a string in "" marks to the variable. I need the variable cellname to match the contents of Variable Cmt1, which in theory it does as written. This is all part of a much longer string of code which runs just fine. I am just an entry level VBA user. I understand objects, properties, variables, etc.
Dim Cmt1 As Long
Dim celln As Range
Dim cellname As String
cellname = CStr(Cmt1)
'cellname = "FixedStringName"
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Jan 29, 2014
I need to remove/trim in column B the last three characters in each cell so that I am only left with the first 12 characters.
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Apr 11, 2007
I am trying to remove ’ê characters from my excel sheet, as they are preventing me from using the text to columns function correctly. I have attached an example extract of data, could someone let me know how I can remove these, as the find and replace wizard in excel doesn't allow me to do this?
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Nov 30, 2008
The problem exists with the lists I use. I have a "settings" sheet, where users can choose from preset values to run in the program. E.g. "Urgent", "Semi Urgent" and "Non Urgent" (there are a lot more values, but those will do for now." and the idea is to run them 1 at a time.
However, I've now determined that 99% of the time, they're going to be run 1 after another, that is to say run the program once for "Urgent", then again for "Semi Urgent" and then again for "Non Urgent". So I'd like to loop through these. Again, not a problem, you'd think.
So I added a new value to the list; "All" which users can select to invoke a list. Again, not a problem, I already have the list as a named range, "DmgList" and I can cycle through it. I ran the following test code to see if it would work in theory...
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Dec 11, 2013
Currently I've been able to remove the prefixes and suffixes using the replace option as those were consistent across the data set, I'm now left with a series of numbers that look like this:
11.39 A2
In most cases I need to remove the information after the last period. Some of the data has a space at the end, instead of a period and then some have no space or period but have the letter that needs to be dropped. I'm using xl 2011 for MAC.
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Mar 21, 2007
1. I am trying to remove some unwanted characters in the cells. I have in column A a list of stock counters preceeded by their tickers e.g.
1D42 - CM TEL
Prior to exploring VBA, i was manually doing mid(A1,8,20) to remove those characetrs before the actual name starts but as my list goes on indefinitely, the numbers grow and now i have a few thousand stocks in my portfolio. Also, for some names i cannot use mid(A1,8,20) anymore if the tickers are longer than 5 or 6 characters or are simply shorter.
So now I am trying to see what code will enable me to remove all characters before the actual name i.e one character space right after the Hypen. The hypen only appears ONCE in the cell as the names will not contain them.
2. In addition, after all is removed, what is the code that will be needed to do an automatic Sort of the data corresponding to the stocks (From column A to K) based on alphabetical order?
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Dec 3, 2013
I would like to copy a cell in v2 to from v3 to end of column v where there are values in column u.
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Feb 27, 2009
I am trying to create a CSV file to import all of our workers into a payroll software. Unfortunately the list of workers that I have been given to work with has a first and a last name together in one cell. I need to split them into separate cells so the data ends up in the right field in our software. By importing external data and separating the names with the comma as a delimiter, I have ended up with the first name in one cell and the second in another, which is exactly what I need. However, this process also ends up putting a quotation mark in front of the first names in the cells in column A, and a quotation mark after the second name in the cells in column B.
I remember to removing trailing spaces with a macro once, and I am hoping the same theory can be applied to make two macros - one to remove preceding quotation marks, and one to remove trailing quotation marks. The only trouble is, I know no VBA whatsoever, and don't even know how to make a macro unfortunately. Would someone mind letting me know if what I need is possible, and then - literally step by basic step - explain how to make a macro and provide the code to paste into it?
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Jul 9, 2009
I'm needing some code that will remove an open quotation mark from the numerical value found in column A. This will be for every row with a numercal value.
example problem: "360015
example answer: 360015
All numbers will be 6 digits
And I've got another issue with numerals in column C. To the left side of the Cell there maybe a Number or Letter. To The Right side of the cell
there will be a single or double digit number. Both will be separted by some space (6-8 spaces). As in the examples below:
(again what you see on each line is in one cell in col. C.
R 59
E 6
0 4
I need the value on the left side of the cell to be moved concenate/merge with the values in column B.
There's will be approx 2000 rows that will need to be checked for this occurrance. Since there's so many rows,
I'd really would like to use VBA and not formulas to accomplish this.
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Feb 25, 2007
I have an excel sheet with approx 30,000 rows of data.
These are all keyword phrases.
They can be related to any subject, but for this example these are related to the root keyword phrase of "car Rent"
I have some software which basically pulls in keyword phrases from search engines and meta tags etc, including misspelled keyword phrases.
My problem;
The data is uncleaned.
In other words there might be I think it's called "Carriage return" data in there, so the row of data might be very deep (Instead of a row height of say 10.5 it could be anything, IE some could be 100 or 200 even).
There are unwanted characters, for example; ()[]{}+?!""^*
(If it could delete all unwanted characters except for letters/digits)
There is a problem I see, that if it removes _ or - between words, that it will join the words together which won't be of any use. If it deletes anything with a letter either side of it or a letter and digit, or 2 digits, 1 either side it would then need to add a space to replace the hyphen.
So for example; if there was a phrase in the list like ....
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May 26, 2009
i have data which has lots of these hyphen "-" how can i get rid of them,
for example -Eq Cash-
i need the result to be
Eq Cash
Also i have lots of front spaces in my data, how can i get rid of those? so for example
Test (there is 2 spaces before T)
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Sep 19, 2009
Here’s an example of my data:
I need your help to figure out how to merge the above data to look like this in new blank worksheet using a VBA macro:
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Apr 14, 2009
I need to know how to remove characters from the date field in Excel.
9/12/1975 - I need it to read 09121975.
I also need to know how to remove characters from a social security number without removing the zero's in the front.
012-34-5678 - I need 012345678.
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Oct 14, 2009
I have a list drop down that is dependent on a first list. The first list has numbers, spaces, and "-" at the beginning I need to get rid of to make it a valid name to reference. The "Substitute" function can't be nested enough times to make this work for me since I have a fairly lengthy list for the independent column which has differing numbers at the beginning. The first two examples of the independent drop down (which would dictate the second dependent column and drop down) are:
00 - Preconstruction
01 - General Conditions
I would like to name these something like "Preconstruction" and "GeneralConditions" for valid naming convention.
Second thought:
If character removal isn't the most efficient or possible at all, is there a combination of reference functions that could make this work? Ultimately I want to use these 2 drop downs for reference functions on a second worksheet.
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Jan 31, 2014
In a large range of cells, how I can remove the single quote at the beginning of the contents of each cell? (without single quote they would be formulas). It didn't work using CTRL + L and trying to replace the single quote by blank applying this to the whole range. I am currently using Excel 2003.
cell a1 contents: '= IF (I17 = "----------", "----------", E17-C17)
cell a2 contents: '= IF (I18 = "----------", "----------", E18-C18)
cell a3 contents: '= IF (I19 = "----------", "----------", E19-C19)
etc., etc., etc.
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Jul 2, 2013
I have a list with a variety of numbers:
a) some with large units (never more than 10 units long) and possibly also decimals,
b) others with minimal units but long decimal characters,
c) and others containing both.
I need a formula that can be applied to each individual number, that removes a variable amount of decimal places, resulting in a maximum character length of 14 (i.e. sometimes removing a few decimal places, other times removing a substantial amount of decimal places). Removed decimals are displayed in red in the following example
a) 1234567890.123456789
b) 1.2345678901234567
c) 123456.789012345678901234567890
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Jul 3, 2014
In many cells, a dollar amount (variable lengths) was pulled into the cell. I am trying to use the RIGHT function to remove it but my formula isn't working. A cell example and formula example are below.
P31 = "$693.00 Research and analyze case law regarding Motion in limine reply"
=RIGHT(P31,LEN(P31)-LEFT(P31,FIND(" ",P31)))
This returns an error, no matter how much I think (wish) it should do what I would like it to.
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Feb 9, 2013
The problem - I'm trying to find a formula that will find text between 2 characters with unlimited instances in a single string and combine the found text to a single string. The character enclosing the text i'm after will likely be a % symbol. This formula would then be replicated down 5000-10000 rows.
eg. 1 - This is %an% example %sentence% to show what I %am% looking for
eg. 2 - This %is another% example of what I %need%
eg. 1 answer - ansentenceam
eg. 2 answer - is anotherneed
Ideally this would not use a macro as it will be applied to an ever expanding data set but I realize that may not be possible.
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Apr 23, 2008
I'm trying to assign an arabic text to a variable defined in VBA. It is assigned as "?????". I've installed Arabic fonts in my local machine. I'm using Microsoft Office 2003 in the XP environment.
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Jun 4, 2014
If for example, I have a set of IDs like:
How would I return just the first 4 characters after the second dash? The closest I can get is ALL the characters after the second dash.
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Mar 7, 2014
I'm trying to come up with a single formula to create a single column list from a table with blanks.
I know I've done this before but having trouble visualizing today.
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Aug 2, 2012
I'm trying to sort by a column with one to four digit numbers, any of which may be followed by a single letter, i.e. 1,2,3 4A,5, 10,11A,75,101A,600,705,1010B,1011A.
I'd like them to sort in the above order. I am only able to have excel 2003 sort all of the numeric cells first, followed by the cells with the alpha character.
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Aug 1, 2014
I have several workbooks (5) with the same variables (columns- A:Q) but with a changing amount of rows (2:n, not including the headers). Each row corresponds to a date range (usually a week) for a particular person (up to 40 people) plus a few other values.
I would like to have a way of "merging" or "compiling" the 5 "seed" workbooks into 1 "master" worksheet. Where rows 2:n of each of the 5 "seed" workbooks are added to the master without any duplication of the same name-date range combination. Also, the master worksheet should not include the rows which only contain a name and date range but for which all the other variables are zero or missing.
Each "seed" workbook would have a button that sends the data over to the "master" worksheet.
Is this a really difficult project? Feasible for someone with near to zero VBA experience?
I attached 3 files to show you what I mean. The 2 "seed" files are merged into the "master" file. Please note that in the files only 2 names are used, but the "seed" files could contain any combination of 40 some names. Also note that the length of rows which contains data in the "seed" files is variable, although it should not be longer than 16 rows + the header row.
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