Repeat Data As User Fills In Other Cells

Dec 27, 2006

I've been trying to find something that can do the following. I would like Column D and E to auto fill with a repeated data when the user fills out column B. For example,

Column B | Column D (auto filled) | Column E (auto filled)
101 | 1 | 1
102 | 1 | 1
103 | 1 | 1

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Fills The Numbers In The Blank Cells

Sep 25, 2008

If you have figures in 4 cells, i.e. A1, H1, A10, H10 and blanks in all cells within that array, is there a function which fills in numbers in the blank cells?

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Repeat Macro From User Input

Jun 14, 2008

I have a very simple macro for recalculating formulas and printing the page.

I need a way to show an input box where the user can say how many times to repeat the process i.e. 2x = recalculate, print, recalculate, print.

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Dropdown List Selection Fills Two Cells

Dec 26, 2008

how to create drop down lists which is making a sales forecast template for my small company look pretty jazzy. Of course, now I want more out of it and can't figure it out.

I successfully added a drop down list for a sales person to pick a supplier, let's say their selection populates cell E4. Once selected, the next cell over (F4) gives them another drop down list with the products made by that particular supplier. The next cell over (G4) is in a column titled "Unit Cost", how can I make the Unit Cost cell populate automatically when the product selection is made in F4?

NOTE: My "lists" are on Sheet 1 along with my working spreadsheet. I have a Suppliers List, Products List (for each supplier), and anticipate I will need a Price List for each Product List, right?

Once I finish the spreadsheet can I cut and paste all the data to sheet 2 (I put it 100 rows below my spreadsheet to hide it)?

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Sort Data. And Automatically Fills

Feb 2, 2010

Scenario: You have two columns in a spreadsheet. Column A is a text input and column B is a tracking number for each row. Using the ISTEXT statement, I had it configured so that when a cell in column B recognized a TRUE statement in an adjoining cell in column A it would then assign a number. B1 is assigned a number when A1 has text.

What I would like to happen is build the spreadsheet so that after the user enters text in column A, column B automatically fills in so that the user doesn't have to manually enter it. I've figured out how to do this if the data is never sorted, however, if you sort the data then the tracking numbers don't follow and are really a mess.

Is there a way to auto fill column B and at the same time, make it so that the tracking number that is originally assigned to the row follows with A when sorted?
I've tried using =MAX but run into circular reference issues.

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Clear Data Depending On User Input And Move Cells Forward Without Deleting Data Table

Oct 25, 2012

I have an month input in cells B2 (user can enter values from 1-5)

I then have a data table that has month 1,2,3,4,5 running across range G9:K9. the data is held in range G10:K19.

So if user types in 4 in B2, what should happen is that months 1,2,3 and 4 the data for these months should be cleared and data in month 5 moves forward into month 1.

So basically, anything left of the month entered is B2 should be cleared and replaced with anything right of the month in B2.



[Code] ........

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Exl2K User: Sheet Is Password Protected But User Can Change Color In Unlock Cells

Jun 16, 2006

find attached zip file . if you open the file then you can understand the problem.

I need to change cells color and text color as per user choice in Password protected sheet : (user is useing excl2000)

Kindly open attahced file i putted the note inside the file.

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Identify Start Month And Repeat Same Value In Next 12 Cells

Jun 3, 2014

I am working on a formula by it is repeatedly failing.

Based on input 1 which is the month name, I am looking for a formula to identify the position across columns as the starting cell and then the value in input 2 needs to be repeated 12 times from there.

Input 1 is Apr-14
Input 2 is 51.8

I have columns with month names starting Apr-13 to Mar-15

Since the input 1 is Apr-14, the formula should identify the appropriate column named as Apr-14 and from there it should copy the value (input 2 ) 51.8 for the next 12 cells which is until Mar-15. I have attaches the examples for your quick reference.

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Pasting Equal To Cells So That They Repeat Correctly?

Dec 11, 2012

What I'm trying to do is have a row one sheet of a workbook equal a column in another sheet. So ideally it would look like:


But what's happening is it seems like the destination cell keeps moving forward. So when I paste I get:


I've tried adding $ to no avail.

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Repeat Insert Row And Formula For Selected Cells

Jul 8, 2009

I am in the process of developing a budget template for next year and here is what I want to accomplish through Macro to avoid the tedious mannual manipulation process (hope that's achievable). BTW, I am only an entry-level Macro user who has no background in coding.

I have attached an Excel sample but let me explain:

In each of the expenses tabs (1, 2, and so on (only 1, 2 given in the sample)), I want to be able to select a range of the data cells (A19:Q34 in "Expense 1" and A10:Q28 in "Expense 2") and run this Macro so that:

1. 10 blank rows be inserted between selected data rows

2. A sum created for each month from the four rows below) with different color

3. A Year to Date Actual and To Year End Forecast created based on the VLOOKUP of the "P&L" matching the account code by month

4. Finally grouping of the first 9 rows.

the above is what I have manually created for the first account code in the "expense 1" tab. I have 7-8 expenses groups and about 200 account codes. So mannually creating the above for each expense groups is not that terrible if this will make life easier for Macro.

I would think this is a very typical Macro issue but can't really come up with anything.

The other issue I ran into the VLOOKUP for the YTD Actual and TYE Forecast. It is to look up accont code in the "P&L" tab and match the #s. But the column numbers in the VLOOKUP do not change automatically when I copy across. Thus I have to change mannually, which is really a pain in the butt. I also know I can't copy down because that will change the account code that I want it to match. Because to be able to copy the VLOOKUP formula across the same account code, I need to use the $ to fix the account code. But to copy down I think I need that to be without the $ sign. Any solution on that?

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Prevent The User From Saving The Data Input From The User Form If Any Of Those Three Fields Is Left Blank

Feb 9, 2010

I have a user form that has a combo box "City" two text boxes one called "Flight" and the other "Date". What I'm trying to do is to prevent the user from saving the data input from the user form if any of those three fields is left blank. The code that I have so far checks all of the required fields, if any are left blank a message notifys which field(s) is left blank and return the focus back to that field. But the rest of code also fires.

What I really need is either to stop the code if any fields are blank and return the focus back to the blank field, the user completes the field(s) and clicks the save again, or better yet, pause the code until all the required fields are completed and then complete the save. (There is actually another 200+ lines of code in this sub, but I deleted it to keep the post a little shorter.)

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How To Highlight Rows Or Data If Data Repeat In Complete Row

May 28, 2012

How to highlight rows or data if data repeat in complete row.

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Repeat Cells In Column Depending On Change In Another Columns

Jan 23, 2013

Here is an example list:


All I'm trying to do in the second column is something that can say if there is a change in column A, then restart the order, or not..

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Combine Multiple Cells Into One Cell With VBA Code And Repeat Until Last Row?

Aug 26, 2013

I am using the code below to combine the rang of cell values into 1 cell. with this code I need to select the range of cells manually and run the code then repeat it on the next row manually.

What I need is automatically find the range from selected cell till last cell in the row and run the cod for this range then do the same on next row until last row of the sheet.

Sub JoinAndMerge()
Dim outputText As String[code]....

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Repeat Data Sorting

Nov 24, 2008

I need to data sort several rows of a worksheet, followed by a different selection of rows, followed by another selection, etc, etc. The first selection is done by highlighting the rows and then following the data sort menu. \

However, if I try to highlight a second selection and use the repeat command, excel repeats the action on the first selection, not the second. As a result, I have to use the data sort menu again. There must be a repeat option which acts on the new selection.

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Look Up Dont Repeat Row Of Data

Jul 24, 2009

I have rows of data that repeats every now and again and codes next to them What I need to do is have same row of data (without it repeating) and relevant codes next to these across the page. Tried doing Pivot table and failed. Example and proposed format enclosed.

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VBA Sum Two Columns If They Both Have Data And Repeat For Each Row?

Apr 30, 2014

I do have some other coding background. I am working on some VBA script to run against data being put into a single excel sheet. Column C will always have data, but column D will not. What I need to do is loop through each row with something like this:

Staring at row 2 (since row 1 is a header in this report)
If Column D is not blank, then subtract D from C.
Repeat for next row until the end of the data

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Find Text In Column Then Select Non Blank Cells To Right And Repeat

Jul 13, 2012

I would like to search Column C for an instance of the text "Std. Residual", then cycle through the non blank cells to the right and run some formatting code:

'this line will be modified so that i cycle through the non blank cells that i have found
For row_cycle = 1 To 7
'not signifcant
If Abs(ActiveCell) < 1.96 Then
Selection.Interior.Color = 255

[Code] .....

I then want to search for the next instance of "Std. Residual" in Column C, do the same again, and so on for the entire Worksheet.

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Highlight Repeat Cells In One Column If Cells In The Adjacent Column Contain Specific Text?

Apr 14, 2014

I am trying to find a solution for highlighting cells in a column that are repeats, ie. >3. I also need these cells to only be highlighted if the adjacent cell in the next column contains specific text. I have tried using conditional formatting with a countifs formula to no avail.

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Cell Fills As It Reaches Maximum Value

Jan 31, 2013


I am sure this is simple and easy to do, but i am having difficulties achieving this.

I want the cell to fill as it gets closer to 100%, I am sure its conditional formatting but I cant seem to get it to work.

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Dropdown List Fills In Other Cell?

Mar 12, 2012

I am creating a spreadsheet questionnaire and I have a cell where a selection is made and based on that selection, I want it to populate another cell with a different list of information. In simple form:

Drop down picks a name: Bob

Quote number (when bob is selected): 34xxx

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Automatically Fills In The List Hours

Apr 18, 2008

I just want a simple autofill to keep from honking up my ST hours/OT hours... if you enter 6 days with a simple cell*cell formula you can get 48 hours ST and that just won't do...

How do I formulate so that when I enter in the days it automatically fills in the list hours I have for reference?

Days - ST - OT
1 8 4
2 16 8

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DropDown Box Fills Cell Corresponding Column

Jul 18, 2007

I've created a drop down box which displays a list of headings for columns. The user enters the total for that heading in that column and then a total column sums all the entries for that row. However, I wanted to simplify it so that the user just enters the total and then selects the column heading from a drop down list and then the value entered in the total column is automatically entered into the column corresponding to that heading in the drop down box as well. I've attached a jpg which should give you an idea of what I'm talking about.

The values in column E are the ones the user enters, I then want these values to be put into the corresponding row based on what they select in the drop down box in column F

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Repeat Column Of Data Down A Row Using A Formula?

Jun 9, 2014

I'm trying to create a formula (if possible) that will repeat column headers down a row and repeat every nth time. I have text values in cells E6:AL6 and would like to use a formula that will make it so that E6 will show up B2, F6 will show up in B3, G6 will show up in B4, etc. And then when it gets to B35 (AL6), B36 will then revert back to E6, and the loop will continue - B37 will be F6, B38 will be G6, etc.

My thought is to create an offset/address of some sort that will read as OFFSET(E6,0,x+1) and if x>35, start back at 0. However, I don't think you can create such a formula using an offset?

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Macro To Transpose Data And Repeat Itself

Nov 27, 2008

I have spreadsheet which consists of two columns of data.

Column A contains a gerneric heading/group and Column B details some results for each heading/group; these results cover between 16 to 40 rows.

Basically, I need to transpose each heading/group's rows of results data into the same row as the heading/group row; then delete the rows where the results data was copied from; then I want to go to the next heading/group in Column A and repeat the process - transposing the results into a row.

I have written a simple macro which seems to work intermittingly - one which doesn't repeat or loop though. Sometimes I get the Runtime Error 1004 and sometimes the macro overwrites the transposed row if the results are listed over 16 rows.

My draft macro code is as follows:

Sub Transpose()
' Transpose Macro
' Macro recorded 27/11/2008 by Hunter
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+p............

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Repeat Data In Pivot Table

Apr 18, 2009

I frequently use a pivot table to extract summaries from a large data set and then use the pivot table output itself as a data table for further analysis. Where a data value in field 1 has many corresponding values in field 2, the field 1 value appears only in the first line and the field 1 cells for the remainer of the rows below appear as blank.

Currently, I copy the pivot table and paste values elsewhere and populate the blank cells with the value above in order to get a complete data set. I would like to find out if there is any way the pivot table can be configured so that where a field 1 value has multiple corresponding items in field 2, each of the cells in field 1 would repeat the relevant value.

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Charts Colour Fills And Sequence Of Arrangement

Feb 22, 2009

If is there a way to get more styles or increase the colour schemes for the charts.

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Recording Macro So That It Fills Next Blank Cell

Oct 29, 2013

I'm trying to record a macro that is using vlookups to get data from another data sheet, this data sheet will update each month - the old data moving back a column (so the new data is filled into the same column each time).

However, on the sheet where i am recording the macro, i need the data to fill in the next column each time.

I have recorded the below:

Sub Colourants()
' Colourants Macro
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-30

[Code] .......

How do I get it so it doesn't record in cell 'AK' all the time but the next empty column each time it's run (however, it will always run from row 3).

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Autofilling Next Empty Row Doesn't Work (only Fills Out With 1)

Dec 9, 2013

I'm trying to create a code that autofills the next empty row in colum A with a number. What I have at the moment is:

'Create Index in Transaction list
x = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Value
Sheets("Transaction list").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = x + 1

If I run this code in isolation from the rest of my code (which is copying and pasting values from one sheet to another) it works, but when I run the full code it only autofills the rows with "1".

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Repeat Identical Data In Previous Cell?

Oct 16, 2012

How can I repeat identical data in the previous cell. For example I have in Cell A1 - Marketing then I have in cell A2 to A3 same Marketing but it is not shown. Then I have in Cell A4 - Operations then Cell A5 to A8 same Operations but not shown. I need to have them all shown as in Column B,




[Code] .......

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