Replace All Sheet Values With Their RANK
Jul 16, 2014
Attached is an excel file that contains all possible values in the first column (9238 of them) and a comma separated list of a subset of those values in the second column. I need to find a way to replace the smallest value with 1, the next smallest value with 2, ... , and the largest value with 9238 in every instance. In other words, I need their rank value.
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Feb 11, 2009
What I am trying to do is give the rank in column D based on the values in columns B and C. Some of the values in column B will have then same rank, and as such I want to add further criteria on which to rank them. I would first like to rank the values in column B and then rank the values in column C, which should give the rank in column D. For example Dog and Frog have the same value of 400 from the Non UK column. Therefore, rather than having these as both rank 1, I want them to be ranks 1 and 2, so want to add another criteria (UK). As Dog is greater than Frog in the UK (i.e. 10>7), I would like to rank Dog as 1 and Frog as 2. Goat will be ranked as 3 because it had the thrid highest value in the Non UK.
1Non UKUKRank
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Feb 5, 2009
This problem has come up fairly frequently lately, and I'm not sure how to fix it, or if this is by design...but in Excel 2003 I can't seem to do a "Find and Replace" based on the value of a cell. I can do a find, based on cell value, but the moment I change to the replace tab, the "values" and "comments" are missing from the "look in" dropdown.
I've only noticed this when I'm trying to replace on a filtered list, so I'm not sure if that is part of the issue.
Perhaps an alternative way of arriving at the same goal. Basically I have a worksheet with a number of filtered columns. They are filtered just right, using custom filtering, and so I do not want to undo the filters. In some columns I have formulas that are returning #VALUE! errors. I'd like to replace all of these cells with NA.
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Jun 15, 2006
I have values in row A and I have values in row C. I want to create a loop to look up xxx and replace it with the values consecutively in row C. Look at example for a better Idea. I found a way to find and replace, but I not sure how to use it with qoutes. I was thinking maybe I dont even need row A and just supply a list and excel could have the chunk of data in the code itself.
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Jul 23, 2006
I have 10 sales figures in C2:C11.
In D2:D11, I want the rank of those values, with one twist.
If the value in B2:B11 is X, then that value is excluded from the ranking.
I am trying to basically do:
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Aug 19, 2009
Which formula can I use to rank the people below.
Consider that the lower the value on attendance and cancellations is, the better this number will be.
In the other cells the highest the value, the better the number is.
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Feb 22, 2014
Using formula, how do I rank
so it first sorts in alphabetical order using the string before the "-" i.e. CAM27 comes before CAM100, and then by the biggest 'secondary values' (the value after the "-") so that COM98-23 comes before COM98-21?
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Aug 15, 2008
I have a list of values (some are duplicates) which I need to rank.
The problem arises where I have more than one of any rank, the next rank skips a number. I need to have a list of sequential numbers and therefore can't have any numbers missing.
Value Rank Desired Rank
120 1 1
125 2 2
130 3 3
130 3 3
142 5 4
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Dec 7, 2007
Got a question about RANK. As you can see from the example below, I want the rank of 1 to be 6, not 7 - same values keep the same rank but the next value takes the next rank number.
Is there a way to achieve this - I need to rank around 4000 lines...
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Sep 25, 2008
Anyone know of a function that will return a rank of cell C3, in range C3:C800 that does contain a few #N/A values?
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May 6, 2009
In a range of 27000 records I dlike to find the lowest 5 values excluding, div0, N/A and other error things like that
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Aug 26, 2006
am currently setting up a fantasy football league.
i have set up the league, with team name overall points and position, my problem is that when 2 teams have the same points one team is omitted and the other team has its name on both entries
the formula's i am using are
vlookup = to find the name of team for the points
large = to find out points of each team
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Feb 28, 2008
I have two sheets of data and would like to rank according to the order in which the data fit on both sheets. Rank function only seems to allow one sheet at a time.
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Mar 24, 2009
I'm using a Large function embedded in a Match function to a ranking.
The issue I'm having is that if there are 2 of the same values in the Top 5, it counts the first one twice rather than each one once.
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Sep 12, 2013
I'm trying to rank the values in row 94 while ignoring only zero values and including positive and negative values. I'd like the function to rank the values in descending order, beginning with the most positive value and ending with the most negative value while ignoring all zeros. The function I've come up with so far ranks the positive values correctly and ignores the zeros, but the negative values are ranked as if they come after all of the zero values instead of being ranked immediately after the smallest positive value. Is there a way to fix the function below to make it do what I want?
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May 21, 2008
I am creating a Power Poll Spreadsheet for a Fantasy Football League, and I need to create a code that will take the win/loss columns and in a new column assign rankings so that the team with the most wins gets ranked '1st', then '2nd' etc. I'd like it to, in the case of a tie, rank both teams equally 'the 3rd and 4th best teams both have identical records, so both get ranked '3rd' and the '4th' ranking gets skipped.
I have searched for a formula to allow this, and I can't find it. Can anyone help? As an aside, is anyone aware of a place I can find a listing of formulas that can be used in sports ranking, etc?
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Jun 22, 2007
how to take text data that will be regularly added to vaious sheets and roll them up into a single "master" sheet that automatically updates and ranks them by priority.
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May 28, 2009
So, I have some names and values. Rank function give me order for those values.
Small function gives me ascending order. I want to get first n (let say 5) values back next to each other but can't use VLOOKUP function because sometimes I get duplicates (red numbers).
If there is more same numbersthat small function returns... It need to give me all of them, no matter 5 is limit. how to get back values of rank function that are duplicated. Book1.xls
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Feb 22, 2008
I'm having problem with ranking results (ascending) with similar values e.g. values 1, 2, 2 and 4 fails by use of Rank-formula (rank: 1, 2, #N/A and 4) as value 2 appears twice.
I've attached a simple example of the problem.
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Jun 19, 2013
I have one worksheet that has a list of accounts with various attributes. On a separate worksheet within the file I would like to have a drop down menu to select one attribute (i.e. category) and then once selected, have ALL the accounts with that attribute populate in a descending order based on another attribute (i.e. volume).
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Mar 26, 2014
I have set of data in multiple range ,need to fill the and replace the old values depends upon two column values (AH & AL)
IF Active Calls is "TATA" In AH:AH, and IF Action Onwer Col is "Blank",in AL:AL
Then Fill the Blank cells by Values "SVC" in the col Action Owner,Then Replace Old values by "Updates Awaited" in Status Col(AM:AM)
Find the attachment & basic code take this code for this task
[Code] ....
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Mar 14, 2013
I am trying to replace a range of cells with certain values but I can not figure it out. I'm almost there I think but don't know how to get the varying values I'm looking for. So I have a column (AJ in this instance) that has a bunch of "xx" values at different spots within the column. I want to replace those xx values with numbers 01 through 36. What I have below gets me just about there but it replaces every xx value with 01. How do I get it to go 01 on the first one, 02 on the second one, etc?
Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("AJ1", Cells(Rows.Count, "AJ").End(xlUp))
If cell.Value = "xx" Then _
cell.Value = "01"
Next cell
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Jul 6, 2012
In a sheet (4) I have a pivot refreshed by a VBA macro code. Since I have defined a Chart on this pivot, I need to copy this pivot in a new sheet to avoid to reduce rows using a filter of the Chart. I copy this pivot using this VBA code
Sheet4.Copy After:=Sheet2
I have e new sheet with a number Sheet(n) not equal to maximum sheet number +1
For a new run of the VBA macro I need to delete this sheet
Sheets(n).Select where (n) is not = maximum sheet number +1
Then I need to avoid the message box where I need to confirm to delete the sheet because the sheet is not empty.
Is there a solution to copy a pivot in a new sheet replacing the previous pivot and vithout changing the number of the sheet?
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Mar 27, 2007
I have two sheets in my workbook: One containing names with French and other European characters, the other containing a list of ISO entities for these characters, like these:
I need to replace these characters in Sheet 1 with the equivalent ISO entity from Sheet2 and print the value into the same cell in Sheet1.
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Dec 22, 2008
1. I would like to be able to select a month from a drop down ( cell C4), and for Column B ('Cumulative Performance') to reflect the sum for each name between Jan and the month selected.
2. In Column D I would like to rank the relative position of the sum total; such that if I selected 'Dec', John would display '13' in D7, Anne '3' etc.
3. In Column E I would like to show by way of a coloured arrow (or even a smilie icon) the relative change in ranking of the sum totals evaluated for my chosen month with those calculated up until the previous month (e.g. for Anne, if I select June, the Jan to June total is 36 (rank 2 in the June total's), the May to Jan total for Anne is 32 (rank 1), therefore her relative rank movement between the June and May cumulatives moves down and cell E8 would show a red-down arrow (amber horizontal for no change and green up-arrow for an improvement in rank).
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Jun 3, 2009
i have a workbook with two sheets. lets just call them sheet 1 and sheet 2. on sheet 1 i have data for employees and their current wages and other info. on sheet 2 the data is for compensation scale on three separate columns.......
in order for me to automatically get the data from (sheet 2 B3) the formula for sheet 1 E1 would be: ='Sheet 1'!B3. how do i formulate the equation so that i can do ='Sheet 2'!(C1)(D1)?. in other words i want to specify the column and row from the values declared in sheet 1 column c and column d respectively.
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Feb 28, 2009
I have a workbook with two worksheets. The first is called Input and in cells C3 a product code is entered and in cell D7 the value and F10 the description.
The second sheet called History has a range of Product codes in cells AA5:CD5, AA4:CD4 holds values and AA8:CD8 descriptions.
Now for the intersting part, I need a macro to run that looks at the value in cell C3 of the input sheet and if a match can be found in cells AA5:CD5 of the History sheet then the value from D7 would replace the value in AA4:CD4 and F10 would replace the value in AA8:CD8.
Example if cell C3 has RJ12345 as the product, D7 reads £15.10 and D7 reads towel.
The code RJ12345 is foound in cell BC5 then cell BC4 would be replaced with the value £15.10 and BC6 would have the worf towel entered.
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Dec 30, 2013
I'm trying to Rank a list and than re-rank the list while excluding certain (or by Criteria) items
Vendor Co
Cost Fee
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Aug 23, 2013
One of the columns on my worksheet has a list of employees. I need to replace all the names with a blank (or delete) except for those employees on my team (7 employees). VBA code to Replace/Delete all EXCEPT (a,b,c,d,e,f).......?
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Jan 20, 2009
When using the replace rule in Excel, you can use "?" to represent a standard variable, e.g. if you had the text "Bottle 100g", and you set the replace rule as "?g", it would delete the "g" and the four characters before it, leaving you with "Bottle".
However, if I have lots of replace rules to make in a file, and I only want to eliminate the numerical values before a letter, how do I go about doing this?
For example, if I had the text "Dog food 10g", and I made a replace rule "??g", it would leave me with " food ". What I would really need, is a way of taking away the numeric values before the "g", which would give me "Dog food".
Therefore, is there a unique identifier for numeric and/or text values?
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