Returning Second Smallest Unique Value

Sep 17, 2009

I'm creating a spreadsheet and have had difficultly creating a function that returns the second smallest unique value.

For example if my data set is:

2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6

I'd want the function to return "3". I've tried playing around with the SMALL(array, k) function and trying to use a COUNTIF function for "k".

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Finding Smallest Unique Value

Mar 18, 2013

I'm after a formula to find the smallest unique value in a range

For example..


Small(Range,1) = 1
Small(Range,2) = 1

But i need the second row to show '2' as the result.

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Finding 10 Smallest Unique Values In A List

Oct 2, 2008

I have been using the SMALL function to find 10 smallest values in a list, however, some of the values are the same, is there a way of only having the 10 smallest unique values within a list?

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Filter Not Returning Unique Values

Apr 27, 2009

I'm using Excel 2003 and am trying to filter a list of values. The list has duplicate values in it. When I use Filter>Advanced Filter and select "Unique records only" the filter only eliminates some of the duplicates. If there are 4 values of 100, it may filter 2 of them or none at all. Ultimately I'm trying to end up with a list of values with no repeats.

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Returning Earliest And Latest Date For Unique ID?

Jun 25, 2014

I need an excel function to return the earliest and latest date for a particular/unique ID.

For example: In my sample workbook, the earliest date for all the columns with ID = 1 should return 11/1/2001 and the latest date should be 12/2/2011. If all the dates for a particular ID are the same, it should just return that date. For example, for ID = 2, all dates are 5/5/2010 so the earliest and latest dates should equal 5/5/2010. The earliest and latest dates have to be for each unique ID.

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Finding And Returning Unique Text From Incomplete Table?

May 11, 2014

I am building a table that assigns three roles to chores: Accountable, Helper1, and Helper2. I have a "user interface" tab, where there is a dropdown list where particular chores can be selected. I am looking to have the people in each role for the selected chore returned into the cells. I have attached an example file to clarification. For example, I am looking to have the name (Mike, Shannon, Tom, Blake, Kelsey, Sam) from tab #2 populated into the related cells C3, D3, and E3 on tab#1. I think it's possible with a long imbedded IF function, but I am looking for a more simple solution if possible.


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Address Of Smallest 5 Numbers (return The Value In Column 1 For The Smallest 5 Numbers)

Jan 14, 2010

I am using the following array equation to return the value in column 1 for the smallest 5 numbers. It works for small 1 and 3 but i get a #NUM! for 2 , 4 , and 5. The smallest 5 numbers are:




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Smallest Number Which Is Not Zero

Dec 21, 2006

How can i easy return the smallest number higer than 0 from a set of numbers?

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Second Smallest Number In A Row?

Jan 25, 2013

I need a formula that will find the second smallest number in a row. The row can contain as many as 200 numbers with many of them being zeros. That makes using the "small" function impossible.

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How To Neglect Smallest Value In A Formula

Feb 26, 2014

I have 2 columns of numerical values (A and B).. I want to make a formula that takes the Sum of A/the Sum of B, neglecting the smallest value of A and it's corresponding B value

For example...




Clearly, 15 is the smallest value, and I want to know how I can take the sum of A/sum of B neglecting the 15

Basically, I want the formula to do (19+20)/(20+20)

The actual scenario has a lot more than 3 values, and I don't want to go through all of them (they change frequently)

I know how to make the simple formula..=SUM(A:A)/SUM(B:B), but I do not know how to make excel recognize, and not include the smallest value..

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Largest And Smallest Sequences

Jan 12, 2009

I am using excel 2007 and I need help with the following if anyone would be kind enough. I have a dynamic array that consists of stream of 1's and 0's. I want to be able to find the largest sequence of 1's and the smallest sequence of 1's. So at a point in time the array mite be 111110001101111000 and I want to be able to dertermine the longest contiguous sequence of 1's. But as I say the array is dynamic and so I need to do that after each input.

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Sum Smallest Value Per Row If Value Exists In Column A

Jul 24, 2009

The whole "story" is explained, in details, inside the attached WB.

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Finding Smallest Value Within A Range

Jun 6, 2014

I currently am working with a worksheet that has over 250,000 data points. It is a spreadsheet for a company in which different work order are organized. A given work order can have several parts (ranging anywhere from one component to 40ish) and thus the height of the cells in which each specific work order is placed differs from work order to work order. For each component, the spreadsheet tells you how many can currently be made based on the materials available. What I would like to do, for each specific work order, is go through the data and simply tell whether or not the work order can be completed (the quantity of each specific component needed is also given in the spreadsheet) and then report out exactly how many components can be made.

Ultimately, this means that a "limiting factor" analysis must be done. For instance, if the work order is asking to create plastic bottles that consist of the bottle, the cap, and the label and it asks for 3 bottles but only 2 caps are able to be made, the limiting factor would be the caps and thus only two bottles could be made and the work order could not be fully completed.

The spreadsheet is set up based on another worker here, I am just trying to come up with a way to analyze it. Cells A1:Axxxxx are the work order numbers and the size of these cells differ because they are merged to fit the number of components they have. The componenets available are then ranged C1:Cxxxxx etc and the quantity needed are also listed in a similar fashion. What sort of structure could I use.

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Smallest Value In Range Linked To Another Value.

Mar 17, 2009

D3 = SMALL(H6:H45, COUNTIF(H6:H45,0) +1)

to determine smallest value in range excluding 0 is it possible to link that smallest value to another value like a name?

Eg. H6 = 5 K6 = Ben
H7 = 4 K7 = John
H8 = 9 K8 = Ted
Thefore D3 = John

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Sum Of Remainder Or Smallest Number/s

Jul 17, 2012

I want to count the smallest numbers in a range of 10 cells after omitting the 4 largest. I have been using the formula


This works perfectly in that in the desired cell it enters the 4 largest numbers and a specified cell. I then want to be able to total the remainder.

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Averaging Smallest, Non-zero Numbers In A Row

Nov 24, 2006

I'm struggling to get the syntax right for this formula. I've been trying variations on the following formula but can't get it right:


Columns AP:AZ:

Any column in this range could have a zero value.

What I need: The average of the 8 lowest non-zero numbers in range AP:AZ

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LOOKUP Return Smallest Value

Feb 10, 2007

I have a large set of numerical data, with each column having a text heading in the first row.

I want to use a function similar to HLOOKUP that can return the numerical value in a certain row of a column that has a specified heading....AND if there is more than one numerical value that meets the criteria, I want it to return the lowest numerical value.

My numerical data cannot be sorted into ascending order.

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Finding Non Zero Smallest Numbers

Feb 16, 2008

Find smallest numbers in the range ignoring zeros.
I want it returned as value "1", all others - as value "0".
Example: range A1:J1 contains - 5,0,7,3,6,5,8,0,9,3
desirable result in the range A2:J2 - 0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1

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Finding Smallest Value In A Column

Aug 21, 2008

In column A, I have a list of names.
In column B, I have a list of values.
I want column C to show me which name has the smallest value from column B.
In other words, if there are 5 names, I want ONE name to give me a value of 10 (for the smallest value), and the rest of the names I want to show zero.

I also have in column D another list of values.
In column E, I want to show first, second and third place amongst the list of values from column D. The rest of the names I want to show zero.

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The Smallest Value That Is Greater Than Or Equal To

Jan 2, 2009

I am looking for a function like MATCH if the match type were set to -1. However my data is sorted in ascending order. I am mining data from a Pivot Table, and it has dates across the top. Of course the pivot table will have the data sorted in ascending order from left to right. I want to find the first date that is greater than today. With weekends and holidays I can't just use TODAY()+1. Is there a function that can do what I am asking? Also I do not want to change the pivot table itself.

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Smallest Number In The Column

Dec 29, 2009

Currently we are using the formula below to get an average of column E in a spreadsheet. I was wondering how to modify the formula to get the smallest number in that column rather than the average.

=IF(ISERROR(SUMIFS(E:E,A:A,K2,B:B,K3,C:C,K4,D:D,K5)),"Not Available",AVERAGEIFS(E:E,A:A,K2,B:B,K3,C:C,K4,D:D,K5))

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Return Nth Greatest/Smallest Value

Aug 18, 2008

I want to ask if there is a way to find the next greatest maximum without a ton of auxiliary coding....Is there a function which does that in Excel? For example from the following list it would give 45:


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Return Smallest Value, Larger Than Specified Value

Aug 15, 2006

I know function Vlookup finds the largest value less than or equal to the given value. However, If I want to finds the smallest value larger than or equal to the given value, How can I do it? assuming I do not want to use VBA.

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Return 3 Lowest/Smallest

Oct 9, 2006

I found this spreadsheet on ozgrid, but can not locate the original post to move my question to -- mods please move if you can.

As for the question:
The spreadsheet attached searches an array, and shows the top 3 scoring names. How do I modify it to show 3 lowest scoring names without changing the rank field?

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Find Smallest In A List

Mar 8, 2007

I am trying to find the smallest values in a list. that part is easy (use SMALL). But, I want the ref to the cell where that value is in, not the value itself. Additional problem occurs when more than one of these values are the same. Example: A1 = 1; A2 = 3 ; A3 = 2 ; A4 = 2 ; etc. If I want the smallest, I want "A1" as result, for the 2nd smallest I want "A3", for the 3rd smallest I want "A4". So you see that a MATCH formula will not work beceause some of the values are the same.

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Lookup Nth Largest/Smallest Value

Aug 17, 2007

Is there a way to reverse a lookup function?

I have a s/s attached, basically B is like an output of figures after some calculations. And I am trying to find from largest to smallest values and then having column E reflect the Letter beside that number...

tried using match but messed up.

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Formula To Rank Smallest To Highest?

Apr 3, 2013

a formula to rank a set of data ? The smallest data will be rank 1 and the highest will have the last rank. this range of data has some spaces in between, that needs to be ignored but should not be deleted. I have attached a spreadsheet stating the case.

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Find Largest And Smallest Value For A Number

Jan 25, 2014

I want to find the largest and smallest value for a number... E.g.

68734 the largest value is 87643 and the smallest value is 34678

39823 the largest value is 98332 and the smallest value is 23389

43089 the largest value is 98430 and the smallest value is 3489

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Index Match Smallest Return?

Jul 1, 2014

I am very competent using the index match formula and have incorporated this into many spreadsheets to auto-fill for avoiding input errors. The objective I am attempting now is to retrieve from a list of 2800 entries the smallest return on an index match formula.

From the data below if my Index Match formula uses C1 to index and match my return is always a7 (-12.7) the first in the list, where my desire is a return of a19 (-14.11). To complex this problem I often have duplicate amounts that need to be listed when they fall into my parameters. I have figured that the Small function allows me to assign first smallest, second smallest, and so forth.

I prefer not to use vlookup for simplicity and error avoidance issues.

a b c
1 amount Reason for Movement 2250
2 -183.252150
3 -366.612150
4 -61.1 2154
5 -91.652150
6 -4.34 2450
7 -12.7 2250
8 -2.98 2250
9 -2.98 2250
10 -69.372452
11 -0.6 2451
12 -4.49 2250
13 -4.49 2250
14 -4.14 2250
15 -4.7 2250
16 -4.55 2250
17 -4.85 2250
18 -1.41 2250
19 -14.112250
20 -8.47 2250

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Filtering And Removing Rest Except All The Smallest Available?

Jul 30, 2014

way to remove those highlight in red by any function with the following criteria.

When the period (i.e. date 1 and 2) are the same,
-Keep the cheapest available (if price is 0, it means unavailable)
-Keep all cheapest even when their price are the same

date 1date 2supplierprice
01-Jul02-JulA US$16
01-Jul03-JulA 0
01-Jul03-JulB US$22
02-Jul03-JulA US$15
02-Jul03-JulB US$15
02-Jul03-JulC US$18

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