Excel 2010 :: Group + / - Button Not Showing In Header?
Feb 26, 2014
I'm using 2010. When I highlight rows or columns and select Group, the show (+) / hide (-) buttons would appear in the next to or above the header rows/columns.
The file I am working on is not showing these buttons. If I go to the Data tab & click "hide detail" or "show detail", it will hide my grouping if I'm in one of the cells of the grouping.
I can easily hide/unhide, but would rather group & click rather than highlight rows/columns.
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Feb 10, 2014
I have several groups of data in the same sheet. Each group has two blank rows above the first row of data. Each group has column "B" in common (e.g., "Phone" in the example attached). I'd like to add a title/label of "Phone" to the first column in the row immediately preceding the first row of data for that group.
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Mar 8, 2014
My problem is this: I use Excel 2010 and have Pivot Tables that are using a Data Connection which is being built (and rebuilt) with VBA. The Pivot Table field is calculating a field that contains an integer value. The Pivot Table field filter properly displays this value.
However, the Pivot Table itself calculated Sum field only displays 0 (aka zero). Other fields that are exactly the same as this one are displaying properly.
My data connection is built as follows:
ThisWorkbook.Connections.Add "ChartQuery", "", "OLEDB;Persist Security Info=0;DSN=Excel Files;
DBQ=" & wbFullName & _ ";DefaultDir=" & wbPath & ";DriverId=1046;MaxBufferSize=1024;PageTimeout=5;
BackgroundQuery:=False", sSQL, 2
(And yes, my sSQL is sound, there are no typos, no special character issues)
The filter in the Pivot Table shows my value (for example, 14) however it always only displays a zero
My Pivot Table is formatting the field (like the others just like it) as a Number, two decimals
My Pivot Table data source is ChartQuery
The worksheet this is pulling from is also set to use Number format for the entire column, but changing that doesn't make any difference even on the other fields that are working.
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Jul 31, 2014
When I update a cell (change A1 from 2 to 3), any cell that references that cell correctly changes its value (B1 = 2*A1). However, the screen will show the new value in B1 (6) over the previous value (4). At first I thought it almost looked like a strike-through, but then I realized the old value and new value were simply stacked in B1.
If I scroll the screen away that cell and go back to it, the correct value will now show without the stacked values. I'm not having this issue in any other program (Open Office), and I don't seem to be having any kind of stacking issue in any other Microsoft program.
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Oct 22, 2012
I have excel 2010....
I am having problems creating a chart off of the following data. Each of the cells which have a numerical value are v-lookuping from another sheet. It needs to remain this way as when I switch brands (through data validation), the numbers will update and the chart should as well. Right now, the chart shows these values as zero. I have done this a million times in excel 2007, but now with 2010, I keep having this problem
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Jul 30, 2014
I'm currently using Excel 2010. Before, when ctrl+v'ing a cell that wasn't a number (but was, for example, a function), I could immediately after press ctrl, bring up a paste menu, and press v to paste as a value.
So before, if I had a range of cells that were functions (say something simple like "=D3/E3" on F3 and dragged down), I could do the following to paste the range into another worksheet:
1. Ctrl+shift+down to select the entire range
2. Ctrl+C
3. Ctrl+V into a different worksheet (at which point everything shows up as either "#DIV/0!" or as the wrong number, depending on cells to the left)
4. Ctrl (brings up the paste menu)
5. V (selects "values")
6. The entire range is now pasted as values, and not as functions
Recently, however, clicking on "ctrl" after pasting brings up no paste menu. I haven't changed any settings. I will lovingly serenade the first (and second, and third) man (or woman) that figure out what settings I must change or what I must do differently.
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Mar 27, 2013
I have a workbook with worksheet like 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 3a, 3b...etc Is it anyway i can make a tab which will hide a group of worksheet (like 2a,2b....2e) together and unhide all the worksheet with another click on it? becasue i got too many worksheet to show in the bottom..
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Jan 19, 2013
Using Excel 2010. I have a Column Chart that shows 3 data series by month for one year
How can I customize the chart to group the data series on the X-Axis and repeat the 12 month series 3 times on one chart with one X-Axis to show each data series as a group?
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Jul 28, 2014
I'm trying to change a cell in a 2007 workbook but I'm getting this message:
"the cell or chart that you are trying to change is protected and therefore read only. To modify a protected cell or chart first remove the protection using the unprotect sheet command (review tab, changes group) you may be prompted for a password."
However, the unprotect button on the changes group tab is greyed out (the protect button is available though). The workbook isn't password protected and I'm not being asked for a password. What am I missing?
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May 7, 2014
find macros to sort fixed ranges but not an entire column with existing header rows from 1 to 4.
Added to that is the need to keep the code compatible with Excel 2003 even though I have Excel 2010 at office (it's a file that needs to be "openable" in both versions so the vb code needs to be in XL 03.
Column currently starts at C5 but goes down to C47, at this point. But it's a growing list. Some of the rows are blank at the bottom, too.
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Sep 19, 2013
I am using Excel 2010 on XP. I would like to apply conditional formatting to shade every group in alternating color. For example, I have a list of US states. I have a formula already to produce this:
Current Conditional Formatting Formula: =MOD(SUM(1/COUNTIF($a$2:$a2,$a$2:$a2)),2)=1
STATES (unfiltered)
When I apply a filter, the rows remain shaded as they were originally:
I want the conditional format to change when I have filtered out items (DESIRED RESULT):
I would assume SUBTOTAL(3,...) would need to be incorported into the conditional formatting formula above, but I do not know how.
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Nov 2, 2011
One cool feature of 2010 is ability to (right click on dates) and Group them into Quarters.
How to change the Quarters to be in line with e.g. Financial Year, as opposed to fiscal years? i.e. have a start date of say June?
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Jul 31, 2012
I am currently using Excel 2010. How to Count Singles, Doubles, Triples and Quadruples in a group of number.
Count how many single numbers (numbers all different). Example: 0129
[Code] .......
Count how many double numbers (two numbers the same in a draw). Example: 8830
[Code] ......
Count how many triple numbers (three numbers the same in a draw). Example: 7888
[Code] ......
Count how many quadruple numbers (all numbers the same in a draw). Example: 2222
[Code] .........
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Feb 9, 2014
How do I enter a formula in excel 2010 that will give the total amount of times each number is in this group. Example : how many times (total) the number 12 showed up , how many times the number 27 showed, and so on for each number that is in the entire group of numbers, from 1 to 80 .
Here is the page I will copy and paste into a workbook sheet from the internet that i want to evaluate the times each number was called.
Very new to all this , I am a bit aged and need not to learn excel A to Z, just need to know what correct statements /formulas have to be entered to do what i desire.
I am only interested in the total count of the small bold numbers 1 to 80, each single digit 1 to 9 and double digits 10 to 80 will be in their separate cells. The large bold three digit numbers and dates/times will have to be erased (manually) before the calculation takes place.
2/9/2014 12:28:02 PM
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Mar 12, 2012
I am looking for some code which will return the location of the form button which is being clicked on to activate the macro. I would like to avoid using an active.x button if at all possible.
In this way I can use the same macro on a column of buttons to trigger an action based on adjacent cell contents.
Name Button
Mr a Button1
Mr b Button1
Mr c Button1
The aim is to use the button on an index tab and to capture the name next to the button as a sort string for data on a separate tab.
I am running Excel 2010 on Windows Xp.
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Aug 27, 2012
1) I have a VBA macro MyMacro() which works fine.
The macro is assigned to a button on the w/s, and also runs from w/b Open() event and other locations within the w/b.
2) The macro displays a message just before exiting whenever it is called.
3) I’d like the MsgBox statement in the macro to be executed ONLY when the macro is run from the button.
In other words, skip the MsgBox statement when the macro is run from anywhere else in the VBAProject.
Can this be done ? possibly by inserting a statement or two before MsgBox in the MyMacro() code ?
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Dec 6, 2012
Code + Button to automate certain row heights.
1. Starting in row 5 the row height is to "30"...every 17 rows after row5 to have a height "30"...next row 22 is "30" , then row 39 is "30" and so on...
2. All rows in between row height "30" will be with a row height of "11"
3. Can this be associated with a button....
4. where would i place this code.....
Version:Excel 2010
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Sep 2, 2013
I am using excel 2010, i try to insert active x control command button insert but " cannot object insert" like this message came?
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Aug 5, 2013
Excel 2010. How/where to define userform object?
Button on worksheet has following code:
Sub Button1_Click()
Load UserForm1
End Sub
Execution of this code generates following error:
Run time error 424
Object required
How/where to define userform object?
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Jun 3, 2014
How to disable the default close button in a workbook not to affect in my command button close.
I tried already cancel = true but my command button close is also been canceled.
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Sep 7, 2010
I am using Excel 2010. I am using a shared workbook that was originally created in Excel 2003. This workbook has a command button that is supposed to be clicked to open a userform. However, I cannot even click on the button when opening the shared form in Excel 2010. When the form is not shared, the button works fine.
I have no problems with the button when opening the shared form in 2003 or 2007.
Is there anything I can do to make the command button work while the form is shared and while using Excel 2010?
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Aug 30, 2013
I'm using excel 2010 and I need a command button to add rows to the end of the dynamic table.
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Sep 18, 2013
Basically, I have a table of data in Excel 2010, akin to the demonstration below (just much, much, MUCH bigger).
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Jul 2, 2012
I have developed a Userform button in Excel 2010 using the developer icons, which when clicked on with my mouse it runs my super dooper macro. It works great!
But one thing I want to have happen is to have the choice of using the Enter key to start the macro or use the left mouse button
For example, I place data in (say) cell A1 and the userform button is in cell A2. When I place the data in A1 and press the Enter key, the cursor moves down to A2, but doesn't highlight the user button. When I press the Enter key again, the cursor moves to cell A3.
What I want is when I fill in the data in A1 and press the Enter key, the cursor moves to cell A2 and selects the button, so that when I press the Enter key again, it activates the macro.
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Aug 22, 2012
I keep getting an automation error in excel 2010 when I click on the button that executes the macro. Excel crashes when the box appears. There is no code in the error box. Why I get this error message.
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Nov 10, 2013
I am on office 2010
I am new to VBA programming so i might be making a obvious mistake. I am trying to create a macro that will insert rows depending on a cell value. I also need this to be executed from a command button rather then to occur immediately after the cell value is entered. So as a example
Lets say
Cell A2 has a value 20
Cell A3 has a value 3
Cell A4 has a value 5
when this data is entered and then a Command button poressed there should be
20 rows beneath cell A2
3 rows beneath cell A3
5 rows beneath cell A4
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Jan 17, 2014
How can i use a single command button to do multiple task in Excel 2010.
First Instance I click -- It filters only With Record "Yes"
Second Instance I click -- It filters only With Record "No"
Third Instance I click -- It removes filter.
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Oct 11, 2008
Is there a way to create a shortcut/button by hiding or showing a column? Example: I want to hide or show the whole column E by pressing a assign button or shortcut.
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Aug 31, 2007
I have used the Forms toolbar to create a command button on a chart.
However, the text for the command button is hidden. If I do an "Edit Text" on the button, it shows up, but otherwise the button appears blank, even when selected.
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May 14, 2013
I have user form with 5 OptionButtons in one group called Group1 and another 5 in Group2.
I need that those 5 OB in each group had value from 1 to 5 and then user selects one OB it will inset that value (not TRUE or FALSE) into cell and same with Group2.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "E").Value = Need value of Group1
Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "D").Value = Need value of Group2
End Sub
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