Row Count In Table = Cell Value
Jul 20, 2009
I'd like to make a table in excel, 5 columns wide. I'd like the amount of rows to be based on a value in a seperate cell.
If possible, I would like to have if dynamic, so if the number in the cell changes, so do the amount of rows.
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Jul 30, 2014
I'm trying to figure out the answer to #5 in the word document. I have it highlighted.
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Jun 12, 2006
I am trying to use Excel to do my manpower allocation and planning. So I have
a column of employees and a row of months. I then put in the project name
that each is working on in a given month.
then at the bottom, I just sum the number of people working on a particular
project in a month and do a simple calculation between the number of
available people and the number who are allocated. This works beautifully IF
each person only works on one project in a month. As we know, this is an
unreleastic assumption!
What I would like is for me to put in multiple project names in a cell and
for the 2nd table to be smart - i.e. if I put in Project A & B for John, then
it should count John as 0.5 for each A & B not 1 for each A&B. Similarly if
John is working on 3 projects, then it should count only 0.33 for each
project John is working on.
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Jan 3, 2013
how I stop the following code from producing both the sum and count of the data field.
Set Pt = PTCache.CreatePivotTable(TableDestination:=PTOutput.Cells(1, 1), TableName:="PivotTable1")
With Pt
I think the count part (not sure of correct nomenclature) is automatically being generated by the create pivot method and I am not sure how to switch it off.
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Jul 11, 2007
I have created a pivot table from a spreadsheet that had around 27 rows for each employee (i.e: each paycheck the employee received). The pivot table turned out great, but I need to know how to make it count how many employees are in each department and show it in the table.
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Sep 5, 2007
My requiremntis to get the number of count for the specific pivot data column.
In the EXCEL I am selecting "reason" and "reason_details" as the " range" and creating a Pivot table based on it.
The resulting PT is not giving me count for each set.
In the attached Excel. I have DATA sheet and PT sheet ( whih is created by Pivot ) and
Required PT. My desired requirement is in the Worksheet 'REQUIRED PT".
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Apr 18, 2014
How can I use a macro to count the number of 0 values in a particular column (one of the Values columns) of a pivot table?
I'd like to use the .PivotTables(1) if possible (rather than referring to the whole sheet range column).
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Dec 5, 2008
the attachment is a sample spreadsheet of what i am trying to do. I would like to create a pivot table so that for each site I can list all of the organic suites individually. Then show a count of only 1 for each site, even when there are several counts for each site. And then for this to be related to a cost of each of the suites so that I can get a total cost for each site.
site name
organic suites suite cost
o1 x
o2 y
o3 z
Total A
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Sep 17, 2012
Is there a way to average and counta the values in the row of a each category in pivot table?
Pivot Table
Grad Total
Is this possible?
Grad Total
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Dec 13, 2013
I have created a pivot table and want to get a count of values in a specific column. I have a list values in column X of my Data, then in column Y their is Y/N answers.
In Stock
I would like to count these items so they are constantly updated in my pivot.
In Stock
Out of Stock
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Nov 14, 2006
I'm working with Pivot tables, and have run into a issue with counting unique cells, when there are multiple like cells. Here is an example
I need to know how many accounts there are (answer=2)
When I use Pivot table, Count of Accounts, it returns a count of 3.
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Feb 6, 2008
I inherited a spreadsheet with a table which summarizes counts based on values in columns from another sheet. For example:
The numbers are derived from the second sheet, which displays 1 in Col P for every value of Dog in Col B, 1 in Col Q for every value of Brown in Col C, etc. Col A contains the names of animals. So, in the above matrix the formula for Brown Dog is sum of all 1s in Col P + 1s in Col Q. In another sheet, I would have like Brown Dog in row 1 with all the names of brown dogs going across the column, Brown Cat in row 2 with the names next to it, showing the details behind each number.
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Mar 6, 2008
I have a list of names (300 now but growing every month by 100-200). In the row with the name contains data I need to view: date, $, #, etc...
I want to quickly see whos name appears the most, 2nd most, 3rd most, etc.....(at the end of the year I will have 2000+ names, most names will only be listed 1x, I suspect nobodies name will be listed more than 60x.)
I also need the ability to view the relative data of the person's name that is listed most, 2nd most, etc....
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Jun 24, 2008
title says it all - I'm sure this is possible but can't figure it out
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Aug 13, 2014
Is it possible to create a Sum of Count Calculation on a Pivot Table?
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Feb 20, 2014
I would like to have a pivot table that will count the number of responses I get for a certain question
For example on the attached book I would like it to look something like:
blue 1
red 1
yellow 1
green 1
green 2
yellow 1
and so on, I am sure this is possible just not sure how to make it happen.
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Jan 22, 2014
I use a sumproduct to count a special content from a table.
I have the country, a special key and the product.
I have different products like rismo 12, rismo 100, rismo 200.
But i want to count them all.
So i have the following function.
In the cells c are the countrys. In the cells h are the special keys. I am looking for the 60 and 65.
My result is always 0.
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Oct 7, 2011
I have the following data:
Would like to know the number of unique customers (CUST_ID) have purchases and the sum of those purchases and how many transactions:
CUST_ID Sum of QTY Count of Transactions
50 $2000 1500
I cant seem to find how to do unique Cust using a pivot table - it just gives me a count of cust which is the same number as the number of transactions.
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Feb 9, 2012
The pivot table has only two columns, the first is the identification number and the second is the count of the identification number. I am trying to get a count of the number of identification numbers, not how many times it was entered in the spreadsheet (some numbers are entered more than once on different days). It currently looks like:
Column A Column B
00000001 1
00000002 1
00000003 2
00000004 1
00000005 3
Grand Total 8
I'm trying to arrive at 5 for the answer, so that each number is only counted once even if used more than once.
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Jun 29, 2012
I have 2 columns. One with a store number. The other with an item. I need to get the count of each item for each store. So:
Store, Item
1, Cashier 1
1, Cashier 2
1, Cashier 2
1, Photo PC 1
1, Cashier 1
1, Cashier 2
2, Photo PC 1
2, Cashier 1
2, Cashier 2
2, Cashier 1
2, Photo PC 2
2, Photo PC 2
2, DriveThru 1
3, Cashier 1
3, Photo PC 1
3, Photo PC 1
3, Photo PC 2
I would like to get to
Store, Cashier 1, Cashier 2, Photo PC 1, Photo PC 2,
1, 2, 3, 1, 0
2, 2, 1, 1, 2
How can this be done?
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Jun 26, 2014
I am trying to calculate a ratio for Hours per Ticket by month. I have a pivot table that COUNTS tickets and SUMS hours per month. I was hoping to create a calculated field to the jist of COUNT(Tickets) / SUM(Hours), but this does not work because calculated fields aggregate data.... I was hoping to keep it all in a pivot table so that I can still use slicers.
Pivot Table:
Rows: Years, Months
Values: Tickets (Count), Hours (Sum)
Tickets (count)
Throughput (Calculated)
[Code] ..........
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Mar 3, 2004
I have a spreadsheet with several records for each person's name.
I want to have pivot tables based on various columns, with the data field being a count of unique occurrences of a person's name.
When I set up a basic Pivot, it counts each occurence of the person's name.
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Sep 23, 2009
My specification is:
Calculate how many people within the UK live in a given area. Within that area what are the different age distributions (0-5 years old, 6-10 years, etc.) Then display the data twice - 1/ show each age range and how many people in the given area fall into each one. 2/ As before only report on people in the given area, and display age range, but also display them by ID number (col E in example file).
Can someone help me build the pivot tables that performs my analysis? (I got it working with countifs but it was an inelegant longwinded kludge.)
I've attached an example (.xls zipped up) which shows the data on one tab and my failed pivot table attempt on another.
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Dec 11, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with two different rating scales (People & Business) that have a value of 1-5 per person. From this I created another column 'Sorter' that gives a person a single value of 1-25 (5*5 possibilities from the two rating scales.) I am trying to place people into a table based off of the column 'Sorter' as shown in columns U-Y. The real table cleaned up is in the table tab.
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May 15, 2007
I started a pivot table for our budget and on the left side I have the account names and about 4 columns of applicable account codes to which I turn on and off when needed. On the right side I have all the budget numbers divided by quarter and halfs. On the right side, I can drop any list of numbers and it does the sum but for some reason, when I drop my 4th quarter numbers, it gives me a count and not sum. How do I change it to sum?
Second problem: I have grand totals number going down the columns meaning I have a sum of all my 1st Quarter numbers but I do not have them going across each line on row. How do I add that?
Third problem: I forgot a list of account codes to be put on the left, how can I add it?
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Feb 28, 2008
I have a worksheet with a list of employees and the workgroup they belong to, along with other data like manager, start dates, etc. Recently a couple of the workgroups were duplicated (change in managers), so these employees are showing up on two rows even though the workgroup has the same name. The only differences in the two rows are the workgroup effective start and end dates. I need to be able to count, in a pivot table, the number of unique employee/workgroup combinations there are per workgroup. I can add columns to the sheet, but it's a dynamic set of data that will grow each time it's refreshed...
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Mar 17, 2008
I can not get my Pivot Chart to count, sort and categorized my data. I have included a sample file for your viewing. I basically want the data in cells C2:E18 counted, sorted and totaled by categories and locale. I thought the pivot charting was simple, but I'm having quite a challenge with this one. The pivot chart data should reflect as my sample indicates in cells E24:K27
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Jun 19, 2008
I'm trying to create a pivot table that will count how many employees have completed a Learning Plan. This task becomes complex (for me) because each learning plan has multiple Courses, each Course has a status of "Completed" or "Incomplete". A Learning Plan would only be considered "Completed" if all the courses within that Learning Plan were completed. In doing some research, it looks like I'll need to create another column of data, that shows per employee, per Learning Plan, if the entire Learning Plan has been completed, but I'm not sure of the best way to go about this. Please find SampleData attached.
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Mar 25, 2014
Resouce Capacity Management .xlsx
How do I make my Pivot Table count/Sum the Threshold of each resource within department is within our 80% to 120% threshold?
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Jan 27, 2010
I have a source data tab laid out like this:
QC Date.......Policy#......Associate.......Pass/Fail......1stError.....2ndError.....3rdError
QC'ers can enter up to 3 different error types committed on a single failed policy, thus the reason for 3 error fields, even though all 3 fields offer the same value list selections (ie ErrorTypeA, ErrorTypeB, ErrorTypeC......). A policy, whether it has one error or three errors assigned, should only count as a single fail against the associate.
My problem comes into play when attempting to pivot the data. I would ideally like to see the pivot table in this format:
(filter)QC Date
Where the "count" is the total number of occurances of that error type across all three error fields - 1stError, 2ndError, 3rdError.
But since 1st/2nd/3rd error fields are different columns, I am unable to do a single count.
My pivot ends up looking something like this:
Then repeated for the 2ndError and 3rdError fields.
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