Return Multiple Values To A Table And Count

Dec 11, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with two different rating scales (People & Business) that have a value of 1-5 per person. From this I created another column 'Sorter' that gives a person a single value of 1-25 (5*5 possibilities from the two rating scales.) I am trying to place people into a table based off of the column 'Sorter' as shown in columns U-Y. The real table cleaned up is in the table tab.

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Match Multiple Values With Multiple Values From Another Table - Return Single Value

May 12, 2014

I am trying to look & match key values from 2 areas of one table with two areas of another table; in turn, it'd return one value based on the lookup table...

Attached worksheet : Test booklet.xlsx‎

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Return Multiple Values From Lookup Table

Jan 5, 2007

the formular that i have in the attached file is returing all the customer numbers
Is it possible to return only one value of each
the data is in the "data" sheet and the formulars are in sheet1

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Count Intervals Of 2 Numeric Values In Same Row And Return Count Across Row

Sep 23, 2005

I require a Formula to calculate the INTERVALS (the number of Rows between
the LAST instance and the PREVIOUS instance in a column) between each
individual occurrence of any designated PAIR of Numeric values (single-digit
/ double-digit) in the same Row of the Named Range "Results" and return each
calculated INTERVAL result to a separate Column on the same Row of a New
Sheet - starting with the most recent ( the LAST) occurrence.

For instance, each time 80 and 87 appear together in the same Row, return the
INTERVAL by calculating the number of Rows between the LAST instance and the
PREVIOUS instance in a column - locate when both Numeric values LAST appeared
together and Count back to their PREVIOUS appearance together to get the
required Count; i.e. count from the Row ABOVE LAST appearance to the Row

The results are returned to a chart / matrix layout: I have the criterion
vertically and horizontally and they are referenced using the horizontal and
vertical cell address that houses each criterion, and the results are
returned across the Row of the intercept of the vertical and horizontal
criterion. At some point both criterion values being referenced will be the
same, can the Formula return empty text "" when this occurs?

Example Chart / Matrix Layout:
Cell Ref. A2 and B1 criterion 80 and 80
Cell Ref. A3 and B1 criterion 81 and 80
Cell Ref. A4 and B1 criterion 82 and 80

Criteria B1 houses 80
A2 houses 80
A3 houses 81
A4 houses 82
A5 houses 83

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Return A Count From Multiple Columns - Each Column Has Multiple Answers

Sep 28, 2012

Want a single count of multiple columns based on the columns selected value. Data is in text format.

Have tried multiple COUNTIF statements and have tried using pivot table (Excel 2010) both only give me total counts for all. I think I need an OR statement somewhere, but not sure where?

In other words, if a single record has an "any" in the any fields or a "yes" in the yes fields, I want to to count that as one record.

Sample data:

Pegnancy Smoke
Pregnancy Alcohol
Pregnancy Marijuana
Pregnancy Powder
Stress Cigarettes
Stress Marijuana
Stress Alcohol
Stress Medication

[Code] .....

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Macro For Multiple Lookup Values And Return Multiple Values

May 9, 2013

I have attached sample sheet.

I need to populate the Rep Names looking up 3 Criteria (Client Id,Curr Cov Id,Dom Buy Grp Id) from the Table 1, either one matches the Rep Names has to populate.

The data has to be pasted on WIP_Sheet in different columns.

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VBA To Return Unique Values From Table

Jul 5, 2013

This is my first post here!

The Question:

This is a hard one, I promise! Is there a way/formula/VBA to return multiple unique values from a table or from multiple columns with criteria?

My Objective

I want to create a table that has unique company names in the first column (done already) and all the connections that belong to a given company in the columns #2....#n. Like this:

Column1 Column2 Column3 ..... Column n
Company X1: Co. ABC Co.XYZ Co.Acme
Company X2: Co. SEB Co. Becme Co. Cecme
Company Xn: Co. X1 Co. ABC Co. Acme

I have a small sample that has 20.000 rows and 25 columns of data of 1946 unique companies downloaded from my schools database. This means that doing this by hand would take forever!

The data has many duplicates which makes this complicated. The first column shows company name and columns 2...n present connections. Like this:

Column1 Column2 Column 3 ...... Column n
Company X1: Co. ABC Co. XYZ Co. Acme
Company X1: Co. ABC
Company X1: Co.Acme
Company X1: Co. XyZ Co. ABC

In this example Company X1 is connected to companies ABC, XYZ and Acme. The formula should be able to filter/omit overlapping entries.

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How To Return Multiple Values In Multiple Cells If Argument Is TRUE In IF Functions

Jan 8, 2013

I want my IF function to populate two cells with two values if argument for IF function is found TRUE. Is it possible?

IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])

value_if_true = return multiple values in mutiple cells (for example put number 8 in cell A2 and number 10 in cell A3 if function is TRUE)

How would I do that? I tried putting IF(logical_test, (A2="8",A3="10"), [value_if_false]) but it is not possbile...

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Return 2 Values From Table Selection Based On Value?

Aug 11, 2013

I'm trying to return 2 values from a table selection, based on a value i.e. if I look up the table for "Team 1" - i'd like to return Team 1 v Team 6, Team 9 v Team 1, and so on, to a Fixtures Section in a different area of my Excel Sheet.

However, the look up value "Team 1" could be in column J or N. I've tried Index, Match, VLookup, IF statements etc....

See below:



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Finding Multiple Values To Return Multiple Values

Apr 18, 2008

I have a bill of materials with a description column. I want to search that column for various words (ie. wheel, screw, spacer, shelf, etc) and return a value into another new column depending on that value (wheel inputs wheel, screw inputs hardware, spacer inputs hardware, shelf inputs shelf).

How Excel shows you how to search will only return one value because I can't use an else statement:

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Multiple Lookup S- Return A Value From Table

Jul 22, 2009

I am trying to return a value from table below (column 4) based on values in the 1st 3 columns. I have data with the 1st 3 columns but need to lookup each and return the 4th so I have tried some formula's with if and vlookup statements but keep getting lost....

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Count Rows Meeting Multiple Criteria Of Multiple Values

Aug 10, 2009

I am trying to find a formula to count rows that meet multiple criteria, but one of the criteria can be multiple values. I have a list of people with a list of clients that they are responsible for. Each person is responsible for 10-20 clients. Every day I run a report that shows the project worksheets submitted for each client and if money has been awarded or not.

I'm wondering if there is a way to count, for each person, the number of project worksheets that show "awarded" in column K. That would mean that I would have to look for, for each person, any of their multiple clients in column B and "awarded" in column K.

I am trying to put the formula in D2:D9, as I use A2:D9 for a chart. O1:P79 contain the names of the people and the applicants that they are responsible for. A17:D158 contains the list of project worksheets (updated daily). I used =SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF(B17:B999,P1:P14)) to count the actual number of project worksheets for each person, but I can't figure out a way to modify that to add in the "awarded" criteria also.

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Count Unique Values In A Pivot Table

Mar 3, 2004

I have a spreadsheet with several records for each person's name.
I want to have pivot tables based on various columns, with the data field being a count of unique occurrences of a person's name.

When I set up a basic Pivot, it counts each occurence of the person's name.

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Count Unique Values In Pivot Table

Feb 28, 2008

I have a worksheet with a list of employees and the workgroup they belong to, along with other data like manager, start dates, etc. Recently a couple of the workgroups were duplicated (change in managers), so these employees are showing up on two rows even though the workgroup has the same name. The only differences in the two rows are the workgroup effective start and end dates. I need to be able to count, in a pivot table, the number of unique employee/workgroup combinations there are per workgroup. I can add columns to the sheet, but it's a dynamic set of data that will grow each time it's refreshed...

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Count Of Unique Values In Pivot Table

Jun 19, 2008

I'm trying to create a pivot table that will count how many employees have completed a Learning Plan. This task becomes complex (for me) because each learning plan has multiple Courses, each Course has a status of "Completed" or "Incomplete". A Learning Plan would only be considered "Completed" if all the courses within that Learning Plan were completed. In doing some research, it looks like I'll need to create another column of data, that shows per employee, per Learning Plan, if the entire Learning Plan has been completed, but I'm not sure of the best way to go about this. Please find SampleData attached.

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CountIf: Return Column C In The INDI LEG VALUES Table

Jan 20, 2010

I know would like to return column C in the INDI LEG VALUES table if the following occurs

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Search Table With Multiple Criteria And Return Row

Nov 10, 2009

I have been working on a variation of this for a long time and I cannot get it to work.

I am trying to depending on the textbox selection get the proper ROW from DEALLIST to show up.

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VLookup Table To Another Table That Has Multiple Values

Jun 24, 2014

Vlookup a table, to another table that has multiple values.



Look up table - need to return second coloum but not the first value, all the values?

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Count Unique Values By Month In Pivot Table?

May 16, 2013

I have data that has a customer name and the month that they were taken care of" (of course not spaces

Customer Month
Smith January
Smith January
Mark January
Suzy January
Smith February
Mark February

I want a pivot table to say:

Month #customers
January 3
February 2

but when I do the count it adds the total number of customer names and gives (it is counting smith twice in January

Month #customers
January 4
February 2

I was reading something about doing the count (so it shows 4) and then doing an index within the count but I keep just getting 1 as the value (for both months).

I tried doing a formula in the document that said =IF(ISERROR(MATCH(A2,$A$1:A15,0)),1,0). basically looking to see if the name is above the location I am looking at and if it is to put a 0 if not put 1 and then do a sum of that column....trouble is that when a customer has orders on more than one month, the second month is coming up with a 0 instead of a 1 (and this happens quite often).

I am not sure what to do. if the customer shows up in more than one month I want them to count towards the unique count of both january and february...we look at each month separately.

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Return Data From Table Based On Multiple Conditions

Jul 26, 2014

Want to be able to select data from Column C (3 data validations/drop down menus) and have the corresponding values display in the appropriate fields in column H. Not sure if this is possible?

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Return Multiple Values From Multiple Sheets?

Apr 23, 2013

I have a workbook with multiple sheets in it. One sheet is an Overview sheet, and the others represent the months (JAN, FEB, MAR, etc). On the Overview sheet, I have a few columns of data set up that I need to retrieve from the various sheets within the workbook. The thing is, this data can occur more than once on any particular sheet and it's very likely to occur multiple times throughout the workbook. For example, compressor #1 was blown down on January 1, January 15, February 5, February 9, February 12, April 22, and so on. Compressors 2-5 were also blown down multiple times throughout the year, as well as various other equipment that I have listed out throughout the numerous monthly tabs. On the Overview sheet, I have the columns Equipment, Date, Temp, Begin PSIG and MCF Loss. I'm needing to get the information from those tabs into these columns.

I first tried a simple VLOOKUP. After all, it's worked for so many situations similar to this, why wouldn't it work here? I quickly found that it won't work here because I need to return multiple results, not just the first one it comes across.

When I copy the formula down it seems to return the same results in every cell, not the next result, and the next, and the next, and so on.

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Excel 2010 :: Count Unique Values In Pivot Table

Jun 20, 2014

I have data set up like the example but then for 1797 lines.



What I need to get in a pivot table is: two columns or rows (Yes / No) and the unique count of the code.In this case is should show Yes: 2 and No: 3

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Pivot Table Not Counting Values (but Does Count Based On Labels)

Jan 24, 2014

I have column in my table that calculates time in hours between now and ticket open date (ticket open date in B1)
so, in C1 i have following formula:


Results are in hours, such as 15, 25, 32, 65 etc

In pivot table, I would like to see how many tickets with values of less than 24 or more than 48, etc

My available columns are: Region, Ticket#, AgingOpenHr(this new column).

I tried it different ways, and I cannot get it Less Than and Greater Than work under Values, works if I select grater than or less than in Label, but label does not produce consistent numbers.

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Excel 2010 :: Count Unique Values On Pivot Table

Jun 21, 2013

How do count unique values in category in pivot table. (my table, im taking data from ms query). I am using excel 2010

Pivot table example: the result i want is the "no of types" as my data only show "category" and "types".

No of Types



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How To Return Multiple Values

Jan 21, 2014

Basically I have a workbook that contains two worksheets, sheet1 contains flight numbers in column A and column E contains the Charge code that belongs to the flight number. The problem I have is that in some cases the flight number can appear more than once in the column and the corresponding charge code is different. Is there a way of using a look up to find the flight number and bring back the corresponding Charge code in sheet2?

Please note I have attached a summorised version of the workbook, the actual Travel# in sheet2 is in column R and the Charge code in sheet2 is in column AD.

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Return Multiple Values With One Value

Mar 26, 2014

I have list of 2043 rows and i have like 29 values i need to look up and return me several values that associated with that particular number but I want it to list them horizontally or even vertically but whenever i get the right code in one cell and i drag that green box it formats it in a weird way that gives me an error.

Here is the sheet I would like an VBA or macro.... my VBA code is already on here but somehow i get an error.


So what i did was the first code followed this example still get errors [URL] .....

So match pcode columnsA to find and return the columnB result somewhere else on the sheet list them out horizontally preferred or vertically.

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UDF To Return Multiple Values

Jul 16, 2014

I'm looking to create a UDF called ListItems which will look through a range and create a one column contiguous list of non-blank values.

e.g. below is Range("A1:C3") --> ignore the Column Headers, they're just included for visual reference.

Column A
Column B
Column C


If the user used =ListItems(A1:C3) in cell D1, the result would be:

Column D


Couple of things to consider:

1. The user would most likely have to confirm this function with Ctrl+Shift+Enter --> that is fine

2. A UDF might not be the most efficient/suitable solution to this "problem", but I'm currently learning about UDFs, so am more interesting in how they work, than determining the most elegant/correct way to resolve this issue.

3. The order of the resultant values which I have used above (i.e. reading the range passed to the UDF from left to right one row at a time), is not critical, if it is easier to read top to bottom one column at a time, that would be absolutely fine too.

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Look Up One Value And Return Multiple Values

Apr 20, 2006

I'm trying to lookup one value in a column, and if I find that value in multiple cells, I want to return what value is next to the finding value.

Attached is an example with 2 tabs of info.

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Count Of Multiple Values

Nov 30, 2007

I need a formula that will count all instances of A*, A, B & C in a row D3: Y3

so if


would return 4.

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Vlookup To Return Multiple Values

Jul 6, 2007

Is there a way where i can vlookup a column and return all matches if there are multiple values?

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