Script To Find Column Header Doesn't Work If It Is Second To Last Or Last Column
Mar 3, 2014
[Code] ......
This works, UNLESS "My Column Header" is the last column, or second to last column, then it jumps left two columns, instead of landing on the correct column.
The purpose of this script is to select a cell directly in that column that I was searching for.
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Feb 9, 2009
I'm looking for a formula that will return the column header (a date) of the first instance of a number greater than 0. For example if columns A through S had dates as in row 1 (header row), and in row 2, every column contained a 0 up until column P, I would want the date (Row 1, Column P) returned? I think this might be a sort of index/match formula, but I am not very familiar with these.
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Apr 15, 2013
Anyways, the issue is that when I have some cells selected then use the text-to-columns, it works fine.. but when I select an entire column, it "acts a fool"...
I made this video to show the effect on my computer.
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Mar 30, 2014
I have titles in column A and multiple codes per title in column B.
I want all the codes for a single title copied onto another sheet.
I can't use =B1 as the sheet gets updated every week and the amount of codes per title changes.
I was thinking using lookup but the majority of column A is blank and I don't know how to make it look in the row above if blank, or if that is even possible.
Another option would be to look for the title in column A then copy column B until the text "Group Total" which always appears at the end of a titles codes.
Attached File : Practise sheets.xlsx‎
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Aug 1, 2014
I've got a spreadsheet with various amounts in cells A3:L5. I want to find the last non-blank entry in each row but only where the entry is in a column headed "Guaranteed PRB" (found in row 1). Then I want it to return the column header title found in row 2, which is a date.
I've attached a sample of the spreadsheet with the expected answer in column M.
I've got as far as formula:
how to also make it look at row 1's headers too.
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Jul 1, 2014
ive added a filter, and on column A i want to find the first blank row under the header and type the word 'tech' and fill down to the last row populated against column b.
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Nov 23, 2009
I am having trouble with getting a value (which is the row and column value) from a set of numbers. I have attached an example table to try and make things clearer.
What I have is a table with a set of Row Headers, and Columns Headers all numeric. e.g Columns headed 1, 2, 3, 4, Rows 30, 40, 50 etc. I want to find the 1st occurrence of a value e.g. 1.0 in the table (by 1st Up mean closest to top left), and then give me the value of the Row and Column Header that corresponds to that.
So for the example attached, I want to get the row Value 200 and Column 6 from finding the 1st occurrence of the number 1. I have tried various combinations of index and Match etc. But I can't get my head around the fact that the position of the 1st no. 1.0 can change, therefore I can't use any releative positions etc.
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Jul 24, 2006
I have a spreadsheet with data similar to the following:
11100000 MILK, NFS
If I use the following code to pass in a string variable and then attempt to find the string it never sees the text in line 2; or any line that contains (). The code is simply a test to try and figure out what i'm doing wrong. The actual goal is to search the entire sheet for text similar to that entered in by the user and then copy every row that contains similar text into another worksheet.
Sub CopyStuff()
strVariable = "car" 'I have tried "*car*" also
With Worksheets(1). Range("b1:b500")
Set c = .Find(strVariable, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
firstaddress = c.Address
Set c = .FindNext(c)
MsgBox (test)
Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstaddress
test = c.Address
End If
End With
End Sub
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Jan 17, 2014
I have this table, which can be seen as a basic custom gantt chart: KLRWo.png
And I would like to fill the A column with start dates, based on the first filled cell of the range on the same row, and the header value of its respective column (row 1). It's easier to show my expected result than write it actually:
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Jun 28, 2013
I have VBA code to perform some actions on data in excel file and then convert all that data into semi-colon separated CSV/text file (code below).
Now, all I want is to add VBA code in the existing macro to find a column header (say, "Application date") and then convert all the dates into YYYY-MM-DD format. The original values in this column don't have a fixed date format.
Public Sub ExportToCsvFile(FName As String, _
Sep As String, SelectionOnly As Boolean, _
AppendDataOnExistingFile As Boolean)
Dim WholeLine As String Dim FNum As Integer
Dim RowNdx As Long Dim ColNdx As Integer
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Apr 25, 2014
For column "B" count all the 1's if column header is equal to name in column A.
For Column "C" needs to be checked if a value was filled in column "I" if yes then check if in column "L" has a value, count all these values.
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Jul 25, 2014
I am trying to write a formula where the column header of the row in which a value other than 0 exists, will display for each instance (row) where a value exists in an array spanning 3 columns. So the result cell could be any of the three column headers, or a combination thereof.
I started the formula in P2 of the GL Detail-2012 tab. File attached.
Here is what I started: =INDEX($M$1:$O$1,SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF($M$2:$O$67756,))). Not working.
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Jul 22, 2014
I would like to display the column header of the row in which a value other than 0 exists in a cell for each instance that value exists in an array spanning 3 columns. So the result cell could be any of the three column headers.
I started the formula in P2 of the GL Detail-2012 tab. (FILE TOO BIG)
Resin Sand Eliminated Segment
- (12,896.65)-
- (6,570.85) -
- (11,503.80) -
- (13,188.50) -
If there is any value other than 0 in Resin, Sand or Eliminated columns, return that column's header under Segment.
Here is what I started: =INDEX($M$1:$O$1,SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF($M$2:$O$67756,)))
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Feb 7, 2014
I have the following sample data set and I'm trying to return the appropriate column header based on criteria (i.e. DDD) and a number value which will be somewhere within the range of the table. In example below, the value returned should be Header 2 because the value is greater than those in Header 1 column (range H9 to L26).
Here's data table:
CriteriaHeader 1Header 2Header 3Header 4
DDD10.00Header 1>>>=INDEX($I$9:$L$9,MATCH(I29,INDEX($I$10:$L$26,MATCH(H29,$H$10:$H$26),)))
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Sep 18, 2012
I need a formula to return column header if there is data in the column, any data.But I also need to return the second, third, fourth header with data too
In column A row 2, I have =IF(M8"",$M$1,IF(N8"",$N$1,IF(O8"",$O$1,IF(P8"",$P$1,IF(Q8"",$Q$1,IF(R8"",$R$1,IF(S8"",$S$1,IF(T8"",$T$1,""))))))))
This returns the row 1 header for the first instance of data in row 2 columns M thru T But in B2, I need the second header with data in the column.
I need the results in yellow (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th) from the array to it's left
1St match2nd 3rd 4thColumn MColumn NColumn OColumn PColumn QColumn R
Column MColumn PColumn QData data2Data3
Column NColumn OColumn PColumn R Data Data2 data3 data4
Would use match/index but can't increment it to the second or 3rd match
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Mar 15, 2014
I'm looking for an IF function as follow:
IF Column B doesn't have the word NO or NMI or "N/A" then Column A will remain the same. Otherwise, change to column B value.
Column A
Column B
I've been playing with different Macro but haven't got any luck so far.
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Apr 29, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with several columns (all column names are in row 1).
I have 2 of column names. Note that their actual column# might change so the macro would have to look for the column name and NOT the column position ...
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Nov 18, 2011
I've been trying find an appropriate formula to extract the column header from a table in a different sheet if the row header and value in that table is known.
in the lookup table the row titles (column A) are product codes, column titles (row 2, D through AX) are business names and the table values are quantity.
In a different table I have product codes in column A and in column B i have the max number/quantity of products for that code. In column C i want to put the company name associated with the product and the number/quantity.
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Jan 24, 2013
I have software (SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office) that loads external data into Excel. The data has a title, header, and rows/columns. It automatically creates a named range such as Table1. The named range does NOT include the headers.
Here is an example:
As above, can I dynamically derive the column number based on the header row of the named range, where such named range refers to a table?
On a related topic, can I derive the column name given the column number? For example, in pseudocode:
For currCol = firstCol To (firstCol + lastCol - 1)
' Assume a function called ColumnName
Debug.Print ColumnName(currCol)
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May 27, 2014
There are groups of similar ID numbers in Column J. For a group of similar ID numbers in consecutive rows there is only one row that has a number greater than 0 in its Column L cell and the rest of the cells of Column L for that set of similar IDs is filled with 0s.
First for that unique ID group I need to find out which row is it that has a value greater than zero in its Column L cell.
Then I need to use that value to fill the rest of the 0s in Column L corresponding to that set of Unique IDs.
The process continues with identifying similar IDs in Column J and this time doing the same thing for their Column M. I have attached a sample file that shows the data and how the results need to look like.
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Aug 3, 2006
I need to combine rows that have the same value in column a and column b to the same row by offsetting column c to the next available column. For example, I would like the first 6 rows of the provided sample to appear like this.
0014B22<@44>Soil Properties and Qualities<@44>Soil Properties and Qualities<@44>Soil Properties and Qualities
Sometimes the values are the same in column c, sometimes they are different. I do not want to delete duplicate rows where they are the same. Sometimes there are 2 rows that have the same values in column a and column b, other times there may be 3 or even 4 rows with the same values in column a and column b. Regardless, I would like the values in column c combined on the same row in the next available column. It would be nice if the duplicate column a and column b rows (with a null column c cell) were then removed, but I could do that in the next step.
0014B22<@44>Soil Properties and Qualities
0014B22<@44>Soil Properties and Qualities
0014B22<@44>Soil Properties and Qualities
0014B24<@33><i>Available water capacity:<p> High (about 11.5 inches)
0014B24<@33><i>Available water capacity:<p> Very low (about 2.9 inches)
0014B24<@33><i>Available water capacity:<p> High (about 9.0 inches)
0014B25<@33><i>Slowest saturated hydraulic conductivity:<p> Moderately high (about 0.57 in/hr)
0014B25<@33><i>Slowest saturated hydraulic conductivity:<p> High (about 1.98 in/hr)
0014B25<@33><i>Slowest saturated hydraulic conductivity:<p> Moderately high (about 0.57 in/hr)
0014B26<@33><i>Depth class:<p> Very deep (more than 60 inches)
0014B26<@33><i>Depth class:<p> Very deep (more than 60 inches)
0014B26<@33><i>Depth class:<p> Very deep (more than 60 inches)
0014B27<@33><i>Depth to root-restrictive feature:<p> More than 60 inches
0014B27<@33><i>Depth to root-restrictive feature:<p> More than 60 inches..............
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Jan 31, 2013
I would like to add the column header to each of the row item and price, we maintain masters in the matrix format, butthe application supports only the row item mapping with the customer and pricing. Attached excel file
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Oct 27, 2008
I'd like to tell Excel that anytime it finds the text "ABC" anywhere in any cell in column B but doesn't have any data in column A, to delete the entire row.
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Feb 9, 2010
I need a formula to lookup and retrieve data from a table of values. Given an EMP-ID in column A of the row that contains the formula and given a column name in row 1 of the column that contains the formula, I need to do a lookup. So, in effect, I am doing a lookup based on two values .. the column header and the row header.
I have attached a small model to illustrate what I need. Cell C-3 in the first worksheet will contain the formula to lookup and retrieve the value in cell C-7 in the second worksheet, based on the values in cell C-1 (column header = “Database Col 2”) and in cell A-3 (row header = “257”) in the first worksheet.
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Sep 14, 2007
Is there a way to reference a column depending on its header? Is there a way of doing this without the need of surveying one-by-one all the column headers with a for loop? I need this cuz if I have a very dinamic program which moves columns arround and depending on the state of the program the position of a column can change.
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Jan 15, 2008
Have a set of dates as column headers across a worksheet. Rows are product names. When a product is delivered, the cell is marked "delivered" for the date (in the column header) it was delivered. Need a formula that will look across each row (product), and return the date of the first cell with the value "delivered". I have: =INDEX(F19:AS19,1,MATCH("delivered",F19:AS19,0)) <for row 19. right now, but its just giving me "delivered" as the value and I cant figure out why.
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Apr 25, 2014
i checked and checked and my IF function just gives me the wrong answer... attached is just a sample data..i have over 230 lines to check actually..
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Feb 5, 2010
I have a hyperlink to [url] that doesn't work. When I click it I get an error saying "Unable to locate the server or proxy server". But when I cut & paste the address from the hyperlink into my browser (no chance of mistyping), it works fine.
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May 19, 2008
As said, the right click doesn't work anymore, last week it was working but it doesn't anymore. When I right-click wherever in the spreadsheet nothing happens but I know it's working because it works outside excel.
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Apr 14, 2014
I have this formula that I'm trying to insert into cell AE2, then copy down the entire column. When I execute it, none of the cells are populated.
ActiveCell.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("AE2:AE3495")
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