the macro needs to look in sheet2 column B, the data that it needs to look for is in sheet1 column a, once it finds the data in sheet2 column B, the original search criteria needs to be paste starting in sheet3 A1 while all the found data needs to be paste in column B.
It will then proceed to look for the next data in sheet1 column once it's done searching on the first item. I can't even think how to start with this one, it's too complicated for me. I attached a sample data. The search data is in sheet2 and the lookup data is in sheet1.
I have to extract all the entries that have certain words.
The worksheet has 600 rows, setup like
Column A=unique document number (never repeats) Column B=Document Titles (some repeats, though the documents that are the same are not titled the same, though they have certain keywords in like documents) Column C=Document Types
I want to search Column B for all titles containing the word/text string WOR, and then copy the row of A, B, and C when WOR appears in Column B, and put it into another worksheet.
Now obviously, I can do a "Find All" for WOR on Column B, but I can't cut and paste the results into another worksheet.
I prefer a simple formula, cause my VB and Macro skills are pretty non exsistant, though I will learn if that is what it takes.
I can just use the macro recorder on. The screen shot below is an example of one of many sheets I have in a workbook. Each line would represent a customer order. I like to be able to search all but the first and last sheet for orders due on a user entered date. Then when it does find a match to the due date copy the order details( range b3:n3 in example below) over to a new sheet and continue searching and copy over other matches below the previous to creaye a list of orders due that day...
Basically a VBA code for a Command Button which when being pushed looks for the last cell being used in column A and copy/pastes rows 1 to 19 right in the next cell where this X (just an example..X could be anything basically) would be found. My columns go up to BU.
I have a workbook that is an export from an inventory database. Basically I need to search Sheet1 column B for any item with "DDC" in its value, select the entire row, copy/cut it, and paste it into Sheet3. It would be nice to have it delete the row from Sheet1 after successful paste. I want to stress the fact that I'm a no0b with excel macros and have a very small understanding of programming in general. I've tried taking a few different macros with similar goals and slapping them together, this is what I've come up with so far with still zero luck.
At the moment the error is "Application-defined or object-defined error" with "With Worksheets(1). Range("B")
Sub DDC() With Worksheets(1).Range("B") Set c = .Find("*DDC*", LookIn:=xlValues) If Not c Is Nothing Then firstAddress = c.Address Do c.EntireRow.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1) Set c = .FindNext(c) Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddress End If End With End Sub
I have a workbook with 6 worksheets in, 5 worksheets contain data whilst the 6th I will use as a search worksheet. The 5 data worksheets contain columns A to J which have text entries in.
What I would like to click a button on the search worksheet, lets call it worksheet 1, and for an inputbox to allow the user to enter a text search. The macro would then search for this text in columns A to J and all rows (or rows with data in) on the 5 data worksheets, and if found, copy the entire contents of those rows where the text is found and paste them into worksheet 1, the search sheet.
I have done a forum search and found a few examples of this type of search but not across multiple worksheets, also I found this code that does search across multiple sheets but does not copy and paste:
VB: Sub Find_Data() Dim datatoFind Dim sheetCount As Integer Dim counter As Integer
I would like Excel to do the following and have no idea how to write the instructions. The function is as follows:
From a general information sheet (sheet #1), XCEL looks at a cell to determine if that cell holds "A" or "B" (will be a word, and choice will be previously fixed by a dropdown menu). It then looks at another cell in the same row to determine if it equals 0 or 1. If the cell holds A, and the other cell holds 0, XCEL copies the row from the general information sheet onto sheet #2 of the same workbook.
If the cell holds B and the other cell holds 0, XCEL copies the row from the general information sheet onto sheet #3 of the same workbook.
After XCEL has copied a row, it inputs a 1 in a final cell of that row so it will not copy that row again.
On sheet #2 and sheet #3, XCEL begins (and copies to) the first open row in column A (by moving there after performing its last copy function or by checking column A until it finds a cell = 0), so that each new copy function begins in an open row.
I am trying to write a macro that is able to take a "Part ID" from a column on Sheet "Temp", search sheet "Parts" for that "Part ID" in Column A, copy the corresponding description (listed in next column B) and paste that description into a third sheet "Sheet1" Column D. I would then need to repeat for all lines in sheet "temp"
I could most likely use an IF statement to do the search, but I was hoping to use excel's search function to make it quicker as there are over 1000 parts. For example:
What I am getting stuck on is once the search finds my text in Column A of Parts, how to copy the Description in Column B into Column D of "Sheet 1". A sample file is attached. The output in Column D of "Sheet 1" should say in this example:
I need a code that will search column A over multiple sheets for a user specified value through an input box. I then need this code to copy and paste the entire row to a new workbook titled "Batch Report" Anyone have any ideas? I have a code that will copy and paste only a few rows but no where near all of them, and I cant figure out why.
I want to search for some text in a file. If found, I want to copy that file into another folder. I'm using the code below to do half the job.
Sub test() With Application.FileSearch .NewSearch .LookIn = "C:Documents and SettingscDesktop1" .SearchSubFolders = True .Filename = "*.htm" .TextOrProperty = "Status Rekod" .MatchAllWordForms = True .FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles If .Execute() > 0 Then For I = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count 'I want to use the FileCopy function here to copy the found files to 'C:Documents and SettingscDesktop est. How do I do this? Next I Else MsgBox "There were no files found." End If End With End Sub
I am pulling from odbc into an excel sheet Thier is one column with our Sales Order Numbers.
I would like to have a search box or box pop up asking a user to enter the Sales order number they need. Once they do that it will search thru the list and copy the rows with that Sales Order Number, then paste them to another sheet.
I need help on setting the searching part up and selecting the range to copy....I think I can take it from thier after that.
This follows on from my previous posting [URL] ..... which produced a solution using an ActiveX Combobox that unfortunately does not work on Mac PCs!
I tried to replace the ActiveX with a Form Control Combobox but could not make it work.
So I am trying to use the alternative of "find, copy and paste" the relevant information.
As shown on the attached 140207 FINDALL test.xlsm, I need to find all records containing whatever string is entered into the "Search" cell, and copy data form three columns onto the Entry sheet.
The User will then select whichever of the entries they want to use, which will populate the relevant cells.
Problem: The following Code is not recognising any of the data in the Column being searched.
VB: Option Explicit Sub FINDPARTS() Dim ws As Worksheet, i As Integer, k As Integer, z As Integer, CL, myFind, CHOICE As Range, lr As String, lrG As String,
From mySQL database, i am getting a ton of data that is all being inputted into a single excel cell. Within this cell, there are certain data points that i wish to obtain (Bank #, SSN #, Routing #). There are multiple difficulties in obtaining this information.
1. these cells contain the same fields, but different number of total characters (differing in names, addresses, etc.)
2. some of the data points (like SSN) are inputted incorrectly, so even though a SSN is only 9 digits/characters, I may have to output all 11 that the SQL database placed within the cell.
Can I get some help? I'm thinking of a search function/macro within excel, because all of the fields show up correctly.
something like (i know this doesn't work)
= or("cellA1" contains/finds/function SSN,return the 9 characters after "SSN ")
um...yeah. difficult to explain, i'm sorry!
edit: not sure what is wrong the file. I have attached a new one.
I would Need a macro which would Search a Keyword in the excel sheet and copies and pates the data in Cell "A2". for Example "Market" and then after the search it copies 12 rows upwards and 10 columns from the Cell that the word "Market" is placed. And then it copies 12 rows downwards and 10 columns from the Cell that the word "Market" is placed.
I have tried recording the same but it does not work if the Word "Market" is placed in different cell value.
Our small family business has a mailing campaign that we track with excel. However, we're very concerned about users opening the macro-filled master spreadsheet. Instead, we'd like a macro to do everything for them.
When a letter comes back in the mail with a bad address, the user types the Street number and street name such as "1234 Main St" into $A2 of c:dropbox eturned.xlsm, presses the macro button, and it should do the following:
Opens and Searches "Sheet1", "column S", in the file c:dropboxmaster1.xlsm, and finds the LAST instance of the address typed.Selects that entire rowCopies the entire row.Pastes the contents into the row of the active cell in the destination spreadsheet, overwriting what was there before. Such as $2:$2 if the address was typed in $A2.In the master1.xlsm spreadsheet, sets the entire copied row color to "gray".closes master1.xlsm and saves changes.
The end result is that the user now has an identical row of information in their spreadsheet, and the master spreadsheet's row is colored gray indicating it has been completed.
Other notes:I'm open to more efficient steps than this if you have them.There are approx 5,000 records to search through in master1.xlsx at any given time.
I've been tackling this data capture/paste issue for a week or so. I found the string below which does provide a good foundation for my challenge. But, my basic level of understanding macros limits my modifications to meet my needs.
[URL] ......
I have 20 worksheets in my master file corresponding to Excel files individual associates will update weekly. After the associates have updated their individual files for the week, I want to capture the data entered and paste values into a master file containing a worksheet for each associate (sharing the same name as the individual associate file). All of these files are housed on team SharePoint sites.
I need a macro to perform several steps after clicking a "Run Update" macro button in the master file: Open individual associate fileIn master file, search for each Initiative listed in column B (starting cell B3) in the individual associate file (in column B starting at cell B11)If Initiative is found in individual associate file, copy adjacent data in columns D:J for the respective rowIn master file, paste values to the corresponding Initiative row for the corresponding week's worth of dataIf Initiative is not found in the individual associate file, move to the next Initiative listed in the master fileRepeat these steps for each individual associate file
Linking would be the easiest way to accomplish this if I wanted to have a multitude of weekly individual files for the associates. However, I'd rather each associate have one file for them to update (basically overwriting their previous week's entries).
I need to ensure the paste values corresponds to the appropriate day of the week. In simpler terms, if the date in the individual associate file in cell D9 reads Oct 1, 2012, the data captured from that row needs to be pasted to the corresponding row/column in the master file that reads the same date.
1. Copy cells B5 to V-First blank row in Strength Tests worksheet 2. Paste cells into Racks worksheet in cell C5 3. Change font size to 6 4. Sort by Column T descending then by Column C ascending 5. Copy one row (A5-W5 (1Rx23C)) from Racks worksheet 6. Paste row into M1 worksheet in cell D4 7. Print M1 8. Drop down one row on the Racks worksheet 9. Repeat steps 5-8 until there's a blank row.
I would like to implement specific cell ranges from two specific worksheets each within 33 workbooks (which all have several tabs) into a summary page in a separate workbook.
The cell ranges are going across my spreadsheet in rows and I would like for them to transpose into a columns depending on the data which I have separated by catergory on the summary page. They are all on the same location in each workbook which is separated by country. The cell ranges are E26:P37 and I would like to transpose them and have them put below eachother without overwriting for my format on the summary page, how I can put this together in a macro?
Attached is my code, pay attention to the bold part. I want the sourceSheet to be copied as a sheet and pasted in the targetSheet (the Sheet2 of "NewBook") but I want it pasted asvalues. Here is the specific part which needs to be looked at...and below is the full code.
VB: Set sourceBook = Application.Workbooks.Open(sourceFilename) Set sourceSheet = sourceBook.Sheets("Current") Set targetSheet = NewBook.Sheets("Sheet2")
On the "Complete Backlog" tab of my workbook, I want users to enter in the requested information based on the column header. Then I would like a Macro attached to a button that says "Refresh" that the user would click after they have entered in all of the information. This macro should look in Column M (WIP Status) and if any of the cells say "Close", it should Cut the entire row from the spreadsheet(Ex. A2:M2) and Paste it into the speadsheet titled "Closed Jobs".
This is so that as jobs are closed/finished, they are removed and stored on a separate sheet. The items would have to be pasted so that it pastes into the next available row - not just on top of each other.
I also need another macro that i can put into a button that doesn't "delete" a row from the sheet, but just copies over to another sheet - so that there are two instances in the workbook.
If would look something like: If a cell in "Column G / Director" of the "Complete Backlog" speadsheet is equal to "Snodgress" then copy columns A-L of the same row to the spreadsheet titled "Snodgress" - of course skipping down the rows to the next blank row. equal to "Herr" copy row to "Herr" spreadsheet. equal to "McCormick" copy row to "McCormick" spreadsheet. and so on.
I am very new to macros and I do not know what I am doing. I am trying to create a macro that will search column O for any entrys, if it finds an entry, then it will select the row with that entry, cut it, and then paste into the sheet named complete on the next available row.
with a macros to search for a certain value through an input box, and once that value is found, I need its corresponding row to be cut and pasted into the next available row in its corresponding sheet, and then the remainging rows to be shifted up.
For example, in column B of sheet 1, I have trap ID's. I need an input box that will search for the 'trap ID' that I enter, and then cut that row and paste it into its corresponding sheet. I will have numerous other sheets with different titles, so I was hoping to add the sheet to transfer the row to in the inputbox. I have found and modified a code, but cannot quite figure out what im doing wrong. I have attached my current code.
I am trying to learn VBA and am struggling to figure out how to get started with this problem. On my "Master" sheet in cell B107 is a section where you can enter a search term. The term entered should be found in the headers on my "Site Resources" sheet in A2:H2. If it finds the term in the headers then I want it to copy and paste whatever is below that header into C108 and down in the "Master" sheet. How would I start this code?
I have a large sheet (approx 4k rows) and need to verify the contents of each cell by taking the name and searching for it in another workbook. I then need to copy over the cell contents found under certain columns in the secondary book and paste them into appropriate columns (row where search name was found).
Ex. I search for Apple and find 6 instances of Apple in the second book. I then take the contents of the cells found under columns Make, Model, Year (all from the row that showed the results as apple) and paste that into the same-named column in the first book.
I have been doing this manually but it takes too much time.
I have an excel spreadsheet with: 2 sheets,Sheet1 and Sheet2 4 columns (A,B,C,D) 100,000s of rows.
I need to search 3 columns, B,C and D, for particular values. Column B needs to be = 0 Columns C and D need to be "<=0.1"
When all three criteria in the row are matched I need the value from column A in that row to be pasted to Sheet2 and then for the macro to continue searching the rows.
I have attached an extract of the data as the files size is too large to upload.