Search Value Return Offset To Userform Labels Or Textbox?

Sep 28, 2012

I'm trying to search a column to match the value in textbox1 then return to the userform the values from the same row in columns A to textbox2 and so forth.

I can get it to find the value but am struggling to get the data back to the userform

Reason for this is so the user can search an Id, get all the data back on the order before changing the Id number

The code im trying to use is


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim lr As Long, i As Long
Dim x As Variant, y As String
Dim Found As Range
x = TextBox1.Value
y = UserForm2.TextBox2


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Find Value, Offset & Return Offset To TextBox

Nov 1, 2006

- Find a value on a sheet “ORM” in Column G5:G33

-Get the corresponding value of B5:B33 of that cell

-Place that corresponding value in a canned remark: “You have the number 2 in Block, 12, 14, 25 22.

-Place this canned remark in TextBox31

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Userform Labels :: Change The Color Property Of All The Labels On The Form Simultaneously

Mar 11, 2009

I have a UserForm and what I'm trying too do is change the color property of all the labels on the form simultaneously.

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Offset / Index / Match - Using 3 Functions To Search For And Return Values From Data Sheet

Jan 19, 2014

Trying to grasp the concept of using these 3 functions to search for and return values from a data sheet.

The attached spread sheet has performance data for a group of employees.

What I need to do is find a particular employee then return a value for one of the category's.

For instance, I need to find "10TE03 ANGIE HOLLIS" Parts Usage on color or cell C10 in the attached sample.

Sometimes new category's are added to column A adding to the number of rows so a simple offset is not reliable.

Once I get that working, I then need to use a named range to total and average different data points for groups of employees by teams.

Maybe Offset-Index-Match is not even the way to go here?

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Search In TextBox, Return In Listbox

Jan 10, 2008

I'm using a Textbox macro to search my database for a specific date, and return the company name of all entrys for that date, into a ListBox.

Now this is the only way I'm prepared to look at doing, and I have managed to do it...... partially - as stupid as it sounds, I cant get multiple results to list in the ListBox itself, and for the life in me I cant find out how to do it.

Also, once the options have been brought back into the ListBox, I then need code which will then populate further locked TextBox's which the rest of the company info, when selected from the ListBox.

I know its asking alot (or maybe not) but I believe, (unless ive done it a really awkward way, I'm not too far away, I just dont know the code to enter, to be able to do it.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim Nullstring

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

If TextBox1.Value = "" Or Nullstring Then
MsgBox "Please enter a date to search for"
GoTo error1:
End If.....................................

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Search For UserForm TextBox In Another Open Workbook

Jun 9, 2008

I have a Userform with a textbox in it. The user is asked to enter a serial number and press Enter. When the Enter key is pressed, I would like to search for that serial nember in "SourceWorkbook.xls", Sheet1, in column A (or B). If the Serial number is found it should be placed in "DestinationWorkbook.xls", Sheet1 Cell A1 etc. If no serial number is found I would like to display a message about it it. The workbooks are already opened.

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VBA Coding To Search Column For Data Entered In Textbox On Userform

Apr 17, 2014

I am a green as green can be beginner to VBA coding. My question is, I created a text box on my user form so the user can input a 'billing code' and when they hit submit on the user form, the vba will search the spreadsheet and land on the data entered in the text box.

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Inserting A Hard Return In A Textbox From A Userform

Aug 7, 2009

I have a userform that contains a textbox. How can I insert a "hard return" in the text portion to include a blank line between paragraphs?

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Userform Macro - Populate Textbox And Combobox Return

Apr 9, 2014

I have a userform which inputs data based upon a chosen item from a combobox. Combobox3 pulls numerical items from Rows17 and below in columnA of active worksheet. The first problem I am having is that the combobox itself is cutting numerical numbers short. Items go out to the thousandths (ex. 1.001) but in cases where there is a "0" at the end of the decimal it abbreviates it (ex.1.01) is there anyway to fix this? The second issue is I would like to populate "Textbox4" with the columnC content of the item chosen. (Ex. User choses Item 1.001 (found in row118) then Textbox4 would = the value of C18) Below is the current code utilized for this userform.

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Using OFFSET Function To Return The Value From Another Cell With Row And Column Offset

May 31, 2014

I am having some difficulties using a combination of IF and the OFFSET function to display a range of cell values from another column based on a simple condition. The values I need to display at the destination cells should be offset by 8 columns to the right and "X" rows down from the reference column. The value "X" is to be determined via the IF function to check for the row index number.

For example, if Index value "X" = 8, then display the value of B2 in cell I9. IF X = "9", display B2 in cell I10 etc.

I have attached a sample worksheet that provides some examples.

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Change Values Of Labels In A Userform Through Another Userform

Oct 29, 2009

I'm trying to do: Let's say I have a simple userform with labels as follows:

(Label1) John's birthday: (Label2) 12.10.1974
(Label3) Mary's birthday: (Label4) 15.03.1978

(Button1) Change Birthdays

Let's say want to change the birthdays I see, so I press the button and enter the new values through another userform with inputboxes.

How do I make that change permanent, so that next time I start the macro in the labels 2 and 4 I have the last entered values for the birthdays???

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Format Userform Labels

Aug 25, 2006

Is there a method for formating numbers in a label on a userform?

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Populate Labels In Userform If Criteria Met?

Feb 15, 2014

When I put order number into "txtOrder" it finds that order and populates the labels in userform. But the problem is, it populates only first row with that order number. How to show all other rows with the same order number in userform labels?

For example : i want to find all rows with that order number and populate them into labels like that:

(Order number -123456) lbl1 = cellA1; lbl2 = cellA4; lbl3 = cellA3; lbl4 = cellA5; lbl5 = cellA10; lbl6 = cellA7
(Order number -123456) lbl7 = cellB1; lbl8 = cellB4; lbl9 = cellB3; lbl10 = cellB5; lbl11 = cellB10; lbl12 = cellB7
(Order number -123456) lbl13 = cellC1; lbl14 = cellC4; lbl15 = cellC3; lbl16 = cellC5; lbl17 = cellC10; lbl18 = cellC7 and so on....

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Dynamical Access To Labels In Userform

Mar 17, 2014

I've created a userform which contains 20 labels. To access the Caption property of the 13th Label, I use Me.Label13.Caption ..... Can I also access it in a more dynamic way (e.g Me.Labels[13].Caption) ?

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Adding Labels In A Userform With Combobox

Jul 14, 2007

I have a userform1 on there a combobox1 and a frame1. In that frame1 I want a number of labels to be added named "name" & number. The number varies depending on the value in combobox1. If combobox1 = "1" then I want 20 labels to be added. if combobox1="2" then I want 60 labels to be displayed.

label height=12, width=102, top=6 and left=6

for each following label the top = top + 14
and after each 10th label left = left + 120

If there's more than 30 labels then I need a scrollbar on the bottom of the frame to be displayed and so be able to see the other labels.

If the first value in combobox1 is "1" is selected and all is displayed and then I select "2" that is deletes all the current labels in the frame and then add 60 new labels.

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Popluate Labels In Userform From Spreadsheet

Nov 15, 2006

I have a userform that allows the user to choose an order template from a combobox. I also have a ton of labels in the userform to return values based on the template chosen. then they can approve the template or choose another and the template chosen will be returned to the spreadsheet.

to see what they look like:
link to the userform (originally they were textboxes, but i changed to labels so the user cant change the values):
link to the table:

to return the values to the labels based on the combobox... this is what i came up with, but it says that my sub or function isnt defined...and it highlights the error in "Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()"

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Dim x As Integer
x = OrderTemplateSettings.ComboBox1.Text
Workbooks("newlocationsetup.xls").Worksheets("Templates ").Activate
OrderTemplateSettings.Label82.Value = HLookup(x, Range("A2:AE65").Value, 1, False) 'ones
OrderTemplateSettings.Label83.Value = HLookup(x, Range("A2:AE65").Value, 2, False) 'twos
OrderTemplateSettings.Label84.Value = HLookup(x, Range("A2:AE65").Value, 3, False) 'fives
OrderTemplateSettings.Label85.Value = HLookup(x, Range("A2:AE65").Value, 4, False) 'tens
OrderTemplateSettings.Label86.Value = HLookup(x, Range("A2:AE65").Value, 5, False) 'twenties
OrderTemplateSettings.Label87.Value = HLookup(x, Range("A2:AE65").Value, 6, False) 'fifties
OrderTemplateSettings.Label88.Value = HLookup(x, Range("A2:AE65").Value, 7, False) 'hundreds

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Conditional Formatting Userform Textbox Based On Textbox Value?

Jul 3, 2014

I've been using the following code to conditionally format userform textboxes based on a specific value (in this case 2490):

[Code] ........

What I'm looking to do now is amend this so rather than use a specific value, to use the value in a specific textbox on the same userform.

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Userform Textbox Event That Fires After I Exit The Textbox

Feb 2, 2010

I need a userform textbox event that fires after I tab or click out of the textbox. Going by the list of options:Beforedragover, BeforeDroporPaste, Change, DblClick, DropButtonClick, Error, Keydown, Keypress, keyup, mousedown, mousemove, mouseup.

I can't figure out which one will do what I want. The change event happens instantaneously which doesn't work. I need to fire off the event when my focus leaves the textbox.

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Copy One Value Of Textbox ActiveX On Worksheet To Userform Textbox

Jul 25, 2014

I need the value of active x control textbox on my worksheet 1, to be copied to a textbox in my userform, that pops up from that sheet....

And I want it to display after the textbox on my worksheet has been updated and the comman button for the userform is clicked...

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Formula That Can Read Row And Column Labels And Return Value?

Jan 30, 2013

I would like to know if there is any formula that can read this:

Measure1 Measure2 Measure3 Measure4
Facility1 10 15 11 18
Facility2 20 16 32 21
Facility3 9 18 17 13

All this is in one big table and I have around hundred columns. I wish to create one lookup table that will pull values out of this, on a separate worksheet. This is how my lookup table looks like:

Measure3 Measure8

My raw labels will be complete and they should match with lookup table labels. I need to extract Measure3 and Measure8 for different facilities, depending if I have any data in there. The search criteria for column labels should be dynamic and if I change label for let's say Measure1 it would update for all facilities. What formula can read both raw labels and column labels and return value at the interesection of both these criteria.

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Adding Text From One Userform Textbox To Another Textbox

Oct 12, 2011

Private Sub cmdSearchButton_Click()
Dim txtbox As String 'stores lookup value
Dim x As Variant 'value for wwid txt box
Dim ForeName As String
Dim SurName As String
Dim wwid As Variant
Dim iPosition As Integer

[Code] .......

Here is my code, it does a vlookup and if the persons name is not found it will split the text entered into forename and surname but when i try and add

frmAdd.txtForename.Text = "&ForeName &"
frmAdd.txtSurname.Text = "&SureName &"

It actually displays &ForeName & in the text box of the next from rather than what ForeName is..

eg. John Smith -> search button -> user not found msg -> user wants to add user -> string is split into forename and surname -> forename = John , surname = Smith -> display this in the second form.

What code should i be using to do this, i thought that &ForeName & would work.

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Copy Value Of Textbox On Worksheet To Textbox On Userform

Jul 27, 2014

I tried looking for everywhere, but i still cant seem to find the solution.. I have an Active X textbox on a worksheet, and I need it's value to show up on a textbox on my userform, that shows up through a command button on that worksheet. I'm fairly new to vba.

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VBA Search / Replace With Offset 1 Column And Offset 2 Column

Mar 22, 2013

I am trying to work out how to nest offset in a code using search replace. The goal is to find a value from cell A1 (example) and replace the values in the cells next to the cell containing samuel and the cell containing samuel.

A sort of search and remove data tool if you like So for example:

[QUOTE]A1: "samuel" (the search criteria)
Search range is: B1:D400
(for example)
Cell B40 = samuel
C40 = Driver
D40 = year

So, the macro is activated and finds "samuel" in B40 and I would like C40 & D40 replaced with "" The code I'm using is below: (this is just replacing the cell containing the search criteria with "test". I would like to nest offset(0,2) & offset(0,3).Value = ""

Sub Macro1()
Selection.Replace What:=Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value, Replacement:="test", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
End Sub

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Get Value From Textbox At Form And Put It In Specific Sheet With Offset

Jul 26, 2012

i have workbook that has form to login

what i need is how to get the data from textbox every time user login(fill the textbox) ,and put it in specific sheet with range.offset ?

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Fill TextBox With Offset From ComboBox Choice

Nov 20, 2006

I'm trying to get my textbox in my userform to get its value from my combobox's value with an offset and its been giving me some trouble. This is what I got so far and it works with no offset

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
TextBox1.Value = ComboBox1.Value
End Sub

And this is what I got so far for an offset which doesn't work

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
For i = 1 To 43
TextBox1.Value = ComboBox1.Value.Offset(i, 1)
End Sub

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Find TextBox Value Occurrences On Sheet & Offset

Jun 7, 2007

i've got two textboxes and a command button on a userform.

Textbox1's value is "A" Textbox2's value is "B".

On commandbutton_click, i'd like to search down column P for textbox1's value.

then offset -5 to column J and insert textbox2's value.

Then Next search for the next textbox1's value and replace the offset again until all values have been replaced.

I've done the searches and not sure exactly how to go about it, it seems so easy but i'm getting tired of looking at this project.

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Userform - Adding Textboxes (and Labels) By Clicking Command Button

Apr 18, 2012

I would like to make a userform where additional textboxes (and labels) can be added to the form by clicking a command button. Is this possible to do?

For example, a userform which has:

Contractor 1: (TextBox)

and underneath this have a command button which when clicked will add another text box e.g.

Contractor 2: (TextBox)

I'm new to vba so haven't got a clue how to go about making this userform or even if it is possible.

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Userform, Labels Equals Range In Workbok, Easier Code

May 24, 2006

I have over 500 labels in a userform and each labels content is gathered from an workbok like this:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Workbooks.Open "V:allaBeredningSemesterstänging Medleverantörer och Verkstäder.xls"
' Sheets(Year(TODAY())).Select
LabelA1 = Range("A1")...............

I have shortened the code and I haven't yet written all labes. The ... is supposed to mean "from" and "to". I don't want to write over 500 lines of the label codes.
So what is an easier way to write it?

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Display Day, Month, Hour & Minutes In Seperate Labels On A Userform

May 28, 2008

I have made a form with a calender control, a keypad for hours and minutes. I have no problem getting the date from the active cell into a label caption and changing it by the calender, but I am having trouble reading just the hour and minutes into separate label captions from the active cell and changing them via the keypad and updating the active cell at the same time with a new date and time.

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Labels In Userform Linked To Cells With Dates In A Worksheet Won't Update Automatically

Jun 2, 2014

I'm working on a workbook to track staffing patterns. I have two userforms included in my workbook. The first userform (userForm2) initiates upon opening the workbook. It's intended to allow the user to enter a date range and an office location for the report. The second userform (userform1) initiates when a command button (Weekly Summary) is clicked. I've linked texts boxes in userForm2 to cells in a hidden worksheet; this is where I'm holding the dates and office location until userform1 is initiated. I also have labels in userform1 linked to the same cells in the hidden worksheet so that when userform1 is initiated the office and date range appear at the top of userform1.

Here's the problem, when I click command button "Weekly Summary" the office location shows up perfectly however, the labels I have linked to cells in the hidden worksheet that contain dates do not update (i.e. they show the dates that were previously in those specific cells. I have to close userform1 and re-open it to get the dates to update.

I need the user to be able to choose a date range and office location when they enter the workbook. Then, I need userform1 to show the date range and office location (without having to open it, close it and re-open it) that the user chose on opening the workbook.

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