Select Different Data Tables From Cell Selection
Oct 6, 2006
In a particular battery sizing workbook I have 3 data tables on each sheet (Sheet2, Sheet3 and Sheet4) The table range is d22:u45, the same on each of these three sheets. What I would like to do is to when any one of three cells (labled "Sheet2", "Sheet3", or "Sheet4") is activated on Sheet1, transfer the data from that reppective sheet table range d22:u45 to the same range d22:u45 on Sheet1. And let me use that data in the Sheet1 worksheet subroutines.
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Mar 25, 2014
I'm looking to take some data from a selection of about 5 or 6 cells in a row, and use them for some formulas. I can only get as far as selecting the 5 cells.
If I have a row of 5 cells selected, how to I save each cell as a different variable? Does this make sense?
Cell 1 = number1
Cell 2 = number 2
I want to select them as a row to keep them all in one group. I don't know if this is correct or not.
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Dec 29, 2009
I have the following code and I can't work out how to fix it. What i want is for the macro to create the pivot table from the "used range" in a worksheet but I want it to be formatted as a 2007 pivot table. The reason I say this I because I have some 2003 code which works very well which is where the idea of this come from but it doesn't seem to work here. I have highlighted the problem in orange, I know the rest of the code works because when I replace the orange bit with
"Raw Data!R28868:C33"
it works.
Sub CreatPivot()
Dim wksdata As Worksheet
Dim rngdata As Range
Dim wksdest As Worksheet
Dim pvtTable As PivotTable
Set wksdata = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Raw Data")
Set rngdata = wksdata.UsedRange.........................
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Oct 7, 2009
I have is is some code that ends up selecting a certain range, as an example A2:A60 but this could be any range (A2:A65, B2:B65 etc) what I need is a bit of code that selects the cell 2 rows down from the last cell in the selection.
so for the example above, if A2:A60 is selected, the bit of code after would select the cell A62.
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Jan 5, 2009
i have data on firms for six years as the following :
how can i select the data for first year for each firm.
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Jun 5, 2013
I have a scheduling tool that I need to do the following with -
Allow user to select a range of cellsUser types a value (non formulaic just plain text)Value gets populated to all selected cells
The reason I'm not just using fill handles is because of the amount of formatting in the cells.
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Jun 12, 2013
I have 3 different tables on a sheet which I want to do a vlookup on depending on the selection from a dropdown.
I created the ranges I want to use in 3 cells and tried to reference the cell rather than the range. Excel no likey:
=vlookup(B2,A1,2,FALSE) instead of =VLOOKUP(B2,D1:H14,2,FALSE)
Is there anyway I can do what I am trying to do?
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Jul 31, 2006
I want to create multiple pivot tables each performing its own tasks. When i want to filter a particular category in all first pivot tables i have to do this one by one.
This is time consuming and i think it can be done faster. Is it possible when i filter a category in pivot table 1 that this filter is automatically filtered in the other pivot tables?
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Dec 28, 2009
Is it possible to select multiple tables with listbox. If not ...
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Mar 31, 2014
I have two tables (Table 1 and Table 2). Table 1 has names of all employees in my organization ('Name' column) and corresponding information in the second column ('Textinfo'). I need to create Table 3 from table 1, but only select those employees who are in my team, ie matching names in the Table 2. I also need to extract corresponding 'Textingo' column information. I tried vlookup but it did not work because if there more that one name in the table 1, vlookup confuses it (i think). Would you know what function or code to use?
Sample file is attached : excel question 1.xlsx
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Dec 5, 2008
I have a sheet with entries dated. With values next to them.
From 1/11/08 to Whenever it ends.
I would like to work out a function to select the activerow(depending on cell)
and the 30 rows under it and then print them.
Like a report almost
This could be a button or anything, no pref on it ^^
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Feb 8, 2009
I'm trying to select an x number of random selections within the selection.
Basically, lets say A1:A100 is selected, im going to have a inputbox asking how many to select, you put 10 in the inputbox, and then it randomly chooses 10 from A1:A100 and highlights them
This seems easy enough, i can do the input box and know the random function. just not sure how to set the beginning point and the ending point with Cell locations and then have it highlight those selections... a for loop I'm guessing?
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Aug 16, 2013
I have a pivot table in the first sheet which includes the field "Date" as a column label.
In the remaining sheets, except for one, there are pivot tables based on the same underlying dataset which also include the field "Date" as a column label.
I would like to adjust the selection (i.e., exclude some dates) from the column label in the first sheet and see if it is possible to make the same adjustments automatically to the pivot tables in the remaining sheets as well.
note that the field "Date" is used as a Column label, i.e., it is not a Report filter.
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Mar 15, 2009
I need a macro to select the area within the blue invoice sheet box, so everything within the blue invoice sheet box is selected , and then the selection should be printed. I will have hundreds of these invoice slips made, right below each other, i was wondering once this is done, is there an easier way to to have each invoice selected, instead of making a custom button for each sheet ( which selects just that invoice , and prints that selection ).
( Column m through v, starting at row 2 stoping at row 68, is the selection required in this example, everythign within the blue box. ).
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Mar 9, 2009
The VB for a macro to select only the rows/cells within an autofiltered selection. So if I Autofiltered this set of data by Column F where Lookup = NO
it would only display Rows 3 & Row 7.
I would want the Macro then to select only these rows, then copy/paste them to another Worksheet called "Static".
************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Book2___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutF2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10=ABCDEF1Incident #Entry DateReceived Date# of days, Entry to ReceivedInst Act #Lookup2123456-102/16/0902/24/098A1YES3654321-202/17/0902/19/092A2NO4456125-102/17/0902/25/098A3YES5345678-302/17/0902/25/098A4YES6123456-202/17/0902/23/096A1YES7654321-302/17/0902/23/096A2NO8456125-202/17/0902/23/096A3YES9345678-402/17/0902/23/096A4YES10123456-302/17/0902/25/098A1YESSheet1 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
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Aug 19, 2008
Range Macro - looking to create a simple macro to highlight a colum range from any location in column A that the cursor has landed on to the fixed location "A3". Example: If I am on A34, then the macro would highlight A34:A3. I can then edit the format in that range. Idealy, I could search on Column A first for a given text, then run the above macro to highlight every cell between that given text and "A3".
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Feb 11, 2007
when I select 30,000 Row and 3 Columns then Edit>GoTo>Special>Blanks , Excel gives me MSG : selection is too large
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May 20, 2014
I want to add a msgbox with a no selection error to a multi select listbox I have. For a dropdown I just use "if .ListIndex =-1" but listindex doesn't seem to work. I'm playing with .selectedindex but it's not playing ball
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Apr 5, 2014
I am working with DatePicker calendar. I have two userform with date entries. In one userform I will have 2 textbox to enter dates. In the other one I will have 4 dates to enter. I used to have Excel 2007 with Calendar Control and used to work fine but had to make multiple calendar to control individual Textbox in multiple Userforms.
I am looking for a way to, If a userform is selected to trigger only the textbox name that is within that userform. If I add more entries the code adds automatically the date from the previous userform in the next one.
I was thinking that this would work but it still adds the date to my frmdashboard userform if I am in my frmdata userform.
Is there a way to trigger only the userform that I am currently in?
Using Excel 2013.
Note: I also have a "Clear All" VB Code that will delete every entry in my userform on Initiate but I am looking to not go this path.
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Oct 3, 2006
I tried very hard to design a leave roster for user to mark their leave application. The criteria are as follows:
1. 4 applications per date
2. a region of worksheet (i.e. "A2 to H20) will be defined for users to "click" on the cells (within the defined region) to mark their application.
3. once a cell is clicked (i.e. marked), it cannot be altered.
4. each click will automatically increase the total by 1.
I got the following code to deal with the situation but user can still click on any cell outside the region (in fact I fail to define the region).
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim m
ad = Mid(ActiveCell.Address, 2, 1)
m = Range(ad & 24).Value 'here a formula "CountA(A2,A20)" will be place in the cell (24, c).......................
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Aug 14, 2014
I am working on a macro, which asks the required field from multi select list box.
User can select required field, for example some user may be interested in
Region ID, Circle, BSC ID, Cell ID, Sector ID, City/Town.
Some user may be interested in Circle, BSC ID, Cell ID, Sector ID, City/Town.
Some user may be interested in BSC ID, Cell ID, Sector ID.
In sort, Selection on a multi select list box copy and paste that field from any folder.
That folder may have any location, and contains file which have.
Region ID
[Code] .....
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Apr 22, 2013
I have a listbox with a state and below it several cities. For example:
New York
New York - New York City
New York - Nassau County
New York - Westchester
New Jersey
New Jersey - Newark
New Jersey - Monroe County
New Jersey - Passaic
I would like to select the state and have it auto select all of the related cities including the state. So if I select New York,
It would look like this, where all are highlighted (as if selected). I coudln't find the highlighter on the thread tool bar:
New York
New York - New York City
New York - Nassau County
New York - Westchester
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Jul 4, 2013
I've set up a binary matrix, such that I have 421 unique headings repeated twice: once in each column and once in each row (i.e., in the matrix the headings for row 5 and column 5 will trace back to the same description in the column headings and in the row headings).
I need to fill in 1s (case satisfied) or 0s (not satisfied) in this 421X421 matrix. Where my problem lies is in finding the exact row-column cell combination in which I need to enter the 1s. Descriptions that belong to the same group or category will be marked by these 1s in the matrix. For example, if I have descriptions 5, 9, 13, and 17 belonging to the same group I need to enter a 1 in each possible combination of these numbers: {5,9} {5,13} {5,17} {9,13} {9,17} {13,17}. I need a quick formula that will compute all possible combinations for inputted descriptions AND will enter a 1 into the cells, which correspond to these combinations.
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May 22, 2007
I'm trying to do is definetly simple to a lot of you, but I'm struggling on how to get started. I attached a workbook that clearly shows my work! I'm almost there but not quiet. Basically the user will be able to make a slection that will be used to lookup values from a different sheet. Each selection triggers a ranking number at the bottom (red pattern) in the worksheet. Now I would like to capture all scenarios and display the ranking.
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Nov 28, 2007
I have a database of names and titles (acutally: #, last name, full name, title, meeting) and at this point I have a column using the following code.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A5:A355")) Is Nothing Then
Target.Font.Name = "Marlett"
If Target = vbNullString Then
Target = "a"
Target = vbNullString
End If
End If
End Sub
everything works like I want, except when I use the auto filter, the "a" won't be cleared from cells that are hidden. I need to make sure only one "a" is populated in this column as that's what I'm using with the vlookup function to key the data for my Character Generator.
Maybe I'm not using the best code, I'm new to this and just cobbled together code from a few different places.
Some quick background to what I'm doing, but you may not need it to help. I'm trying to use Excel to populate some cells that will tell our Chyron Character Generator (for those that don't know what that is, it's the device that puts graphics on screen during news programs, etc...) what to put up for lower third titles (and more) for our meetings we cover.
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Jul 21, 2009
Amongst the several sheets contained in my workbook, there is one called 'Inspection Report'. Users fill in whatever data is required in the other sheets, and once they get to this one, they are supposed to enter a number from 1 to 3 into Cell X1 (which is currently selected) before they select anything else. Unfortunately, I am currently unable to stop them from doing what they should not be doing.
So, I would like to have a notification of some sort pop up into their face if they click or move the selection anywhere else while Cell X1 is still empty. Something like a validation would be nice.
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Jun 16, 2006
I need to select the last cell on a worksheet - that has actual data entered. Note: The "ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell);Activate" - will select the last cell ALLOCATED from memory - i.e. - the last cell that USED to contain data - pior - to being erased. What I am looking for - is the last CURRENTY OCCUIPIED cell with any real data entered.
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May 24, 2007
I am trying to copy/paste the same data range from many sheets into a summary sheet.
Specifically, I'm attempting to copy (B697:G710) from 100 or so sheets into the summary sheet, one after another
I don't know much about VBA and am using the macro recorder. Unfortunately, when I attempt to paste the data from the next sheet to the summary sheet, it overwrites the info from the prior sheet. I have attempted using the down arrow and Ctrl downarrow but the recorded macro continues to select the same cell in the summary sheet into which it pastes the data.
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Jul 7, 2008
I have a row of formulas that reference other sheets in my workbook (i.e. Cell A4=Sheet2!A1, Cell B4=Sheet2!B1, etc). I need to have VBA find the last cell in that row with data. I tried "End(xlToRight).Column" but it goes all the way to the end because all of the cells have formulas. I need to find the last cell that is empty of data or maybe >0 would work.
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Dec 22, 2006
I am using excel to stop and start a service on the network and have that part done when using a txtfield to enter in the PC ID. What i want to do is use a list of PCIDs and pass them to my service object to stop and start the service.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Worksheets("PCIDs"). Range("B2").Select 'my issue is here
Range("B2").Activate 'and here
Do Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell)
Call StopService("ServiceName")
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Do Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell)
Call StartService("ServiceName")
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End Sub
and with this function i need it to pass as a string to txtDeviceID. I have tried just simply setting txtDeviceID as ActiveCell but it didn't like that.
Public Function StopService(ServiceName As String) As Boolean
Dim oSysInfo As New ActiveDs.WinNTSystemInfo
Dim oComp As ActiveDs.IADsComputer
Dim oSvcOp As ActiveDs.IADsServiceOperations
Dim sCompName As String
Dim sSvc As String
Dim lRet As Boolean
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