Macro To Capture Data From A Specific Cell Upon Selection Changes

May 22, 2007

I'm trying to do is definetly simple to a lot of you, but I'm struggling on how to get started. I attached a workbook that clearly shows my work! I'm almost there but not quiet. Basically the user will be able to make a slection that will be used to lookup values from a different sheet. Each selection triggers a ranking number at the bottom (red pattern) in the worksheet. Now I would like to capture all scenarios and display the ranking.

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Capturing Value From One Userform To Another Or Macro Without Using Cell To Capture?

Oct 31, 2012

i have used two form and a macro in a workbook. First one captures data via text box. This data is captured in a cell. Form two adds a new sheet with the name that is captured in a cell, then perforns some task in the newly created sheet. Macro does the formatting of the newly created sheet and saves the sheet. Again when i reopen the the workbook the value is captured in next blank cell and the procedure follows. This works fine as far as there is a single. But not in case of multiple user at the same time. Is there a way to directly capture the value to form 2 and macro so that multiple user can work on the same time.

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VBA To Capture Info Using Filter On Specific Column

Jan 30, 2014

I'm trying to add code to an existing macro that is working well to add a feature.

As it sits now, my code produces a worksheet tab called "Matrix" that has headers in row 1, a variable length list of employee names in column 1, and then a variable number columns with data crossreferenced by name in the body of the spreadsheet. Not every row/column intersection has data, some are blank if the ItemXname does not apply to that individual.

What I want to do is select all the cells on this spreadsheet, apply a filter, and then filter based on the selection of names in column 1. But I want to do this using VBA, where the macro runs, it asks the user if they want to filter on one or more names. If no, then it skips this part. But if yes, then the next thing they see is the filter window like they would see if you did this manually. After making their selections and hitting ok, the VBA routine would then take their selections (some finite number, but could be 5 -10 names) and process the rest of the macro accordingly.

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Open Userform On Specific Cell Selection

Nov 3, 2009

What am I missing here? I followed and I have this code but nothing happens when I click on 'M6'.

Private Sub Calendar1_Click()
ActiveCell.Value = Calendar1.Value
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
If IsDate(ActiveCell.Value) Then
Calendar1.Value = DateValue(ActiveCell.Value)
Calendar1.Value = Date...............

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How To Capture Data From One Cell To Another Based On Another Cell Value

Apr 18, 2014

i am in need of the following.


9.30am 120 120
9.31am 119.9
9.32am 119.8
9.33am 121
9.34am 120.9
9.35am 120.8 120.8

Here A and B value is keep on changing from external source, when A1=9.30am, the B1 value 120, then C1 should capture the B1 value and stored in it. like wise it captured and stored for every 5 minit or as per requirement.

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Based On Selection In A Combobox I Need The Corespoding Value In A Specific Cell

Jan 26, 2009

open attached file: For example, if I click "show matching lists" button and select from combobox st8 / b1 / b4. I need in cell K2: 3472.9 and in cell L2: 3472.9.

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Macro To Copy Data When Specific Cell Filled

Jul 28, 2006

how I might 'trigger' a macro to run when a certain cell was filled with any value at all. I have the macro working fine (it's a simple copy and paste special) but I want it to run automatically when the cell A20 has a value in it.

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Macro Create A Hyper Link Once Data Is Entered Into Specific Cell

Aug 17, 2009

Is it possible to have a macro create a hyper link once data is entered into specific cell, i have a multi sheet work book used as a stock card system.

Each stock item has its own worksheet and the product code is entered in to cell E3
(which in turn has a macro in it to change the sheet name to match the product code).

the macro also inserts a row of info into row 5 of another sheet used as a summary sheet ( CONTROL.SHEET or SHEET 4) using copy and paste link.

i need a macro to generate a hyperlink in cell D4 of the control sheet between the row info and the matching product code sheet ( the product code is displayed in cell E4 of the control sheet.

I only input one item at a time and then manually cut and insert the row info into the stock list on control sheet. so every time i input a new item, the row info is always in row 5 of the control sheet.

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Macro To Find Required Data Than Copy/paste In Specific Cell Address

Nov 4, 2009

I want to copy some data from internet and paste it in to worksheet location Range A1:A30. the data look like following information.

LocationKuwaitP.O.Box:4819 SafatAddress:ShuwaikhTel:-22253580Fax:-24343645Category:CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES

the above information have following header ie. Location, P.O.Box, Address, Tel, Fax and Category.

every time one of the header inforamtion is missing ie. Address or P.O.Box, Or Fax, due to this problem every time cell address of information aganist header is change. supose in first copy/paste Tel inforamtion is in A15, but second time it may be on A13, and 3rd time it may be on A17 and so on.

I want to make a macro which search header ("Location", "P.O.Box", "Address", "Tel", "Fax", "Category" ) from a Range A1:A30. than down two steps to copy header information (75325412) and paste in fixed cell location C1:C5 (C1=Name, C2=Location, C3: P.O.Box, C4=Address, C5=Tel, C6=Fax, C7=Category) in same sheet. and repeat the steps to copy information aganist header from all header in Range A1:A30.

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Macro-Copy&Paste Fixed Data Ranges Into Last Empty Cell Of Specific Column

Apr 27, 2009

I have rather large Excel file that spans around 245 columns & has multiple users responsible for certain columns. Columns are chunked to provide data about a specific group. Every 72 hours, I need to provide to managers what’s currently on this file in a specific summary format.

I’ve recorded a macro that gets me half way there. Here’s where I’m clueless. After my macro deletes unnecessary columns, what remains are the columns for “Main Data” group + each of the 5 “Business” groups (Investors, Lawyers, Credit, Finance, and Support) which would have identical column headings.

(1) Name (2) Address (3) ID# (4) Control#

Furthermore, for each of the 5 “Business” groups, there are 9 slots (ie- a user can enter up to 9 unique entries for a particular group.)

Example- The Investor group contains 9 slots. Each slot will contain the 4 columns mentioned above. So there are 46 slots in total – 1 for Main Data, 45 (5 groups x 9 slots) for Business groups.

MAIN DATA (columns A-D)
Investor1 (columns E-H)… Investor2 (columns I-L)… Investor9 (columns AK-AN)
Lawyer1… Lawyer9
Compliance1… Compliance9
Finance1… Finance9
Support1… Support9

MY PROBLEM: I need a macro to now cut & paste all data from each of the 45 Business groups slots & then paste at the bottom of the MAIN DATA slot.

The final file would be 4 columns (as listed above) wide. Data from each of the 45 business group slots would be one below the other- all of it underneath the data in the Main Data group.

I attempted to record a macro where I’m copying a section’s data range starting from row2 to row4000 (I know there will never be 4000 entries. I did this just to ensure that all future data would be captured) then pasting that after the last entry in the Main Data.

Example- I’d copy data from Investor1 slot(starting at column E2-H2) & go about 4000 rows down. Then I’d press CTRL+Down Arrow key in column A & then click the down arrow one time to take me into 1st empty cell where I would paste my copied data. I was going to repeat this process for the remaining 44 slots.

I’ve added some extra entries to test the macro & the problem is that the recorded macro is pasting data in specific cell location in column A instead for looking for the 1st empty cell in column A & then pasting the copied data.

So far I've gone thought the net & tried to paste in a few VBA posts/tips that I thought would work. Here's what I have so far from tinkering around. I need someone to tell me what to replace the xxxxxxx line with. This would be the language to tell Excel to paste copied data range into the first blank cell in column A. I've gone thought the net & tried to paste in a few VBA posts/tips that I thought would work.

Here's what I have so far from tinkering around. I need someone to tell me what to replace the xxxxxxx line with. This would be the language to tell Excel to paste copied data range into the first blank cell in column A.

Sub transposedata()
End Sub

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Macro To Copy Specific Cells From Row From Source & Stop When Next Row Cell = Specific Value

Nov 7, 2008

I have a protected template and unprotected source worksheets - - - what I would like to happen is for the macro to start and if the source worksheet cell B3 equals "Report Total" then stop - otherwise copy template worksheet then copy 6 specific cells from the source to paste values to specific cells on the newly created worksheet (B_ to C7, D_ to I7, E_ to C9, F_ to K9, A_ to C11, M_ to K11 and then K13=F13-30)

After that then start all over again unless the next row’s cell (B4, B5, B6, . . .) is "Report Total" then stop - - - the row count could be from one to a couple hundred.

Here is what I have so far but I know that with each copy the name will change and as it goes down the source file each row will change and I also need help with that.

Sheets("ee template").Copy After:=Sheets(3)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, -11).Range("A1").Select

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Macro: Sort Data Around Selection

Dec 22, 2006

how to sort a selected range.

The end of the range could be any cell. The top of the range is fixed in A1.

I've tried with this:

Sub Order()
Dim final As Variant
final = Selection.End(xlUp).Address
Range("A1:" & final).Sort Key1:=Range("C2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:=Range _
("G2"), Order2:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase _
:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _
End Sub

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Macro To Capture Who Accessed The File

Aug 25, 2008

Anyone know of a way to capture who (user name, machine name etc.) had the excel file open when a certain cell is selected? a Macro?

Trying to use an Excel spreadsheet for a peer review where each reviewer accesses the Excel peer reivew file and enters the minutes they spent in the peer review but would like to also capture the user that had the file open when the minutes spent on the peer review were entered. This would provide proof that the actual peer reviewer opened the file and entered their minutes.

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Auto Selection Of Cell In Macro

Jan 31, 2007

i am using user form to run some macro and i like that after running macro the cursor will return to the active cell , at the moment the cursor located on the user form.

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Run Macro On Selection Of Validated Cell

Mar 27, 2007

I have a macro that I am running "onentry" of a worksheet. The problem is that I have some cells that are validated to allow a list. If I manually type a word from the list in the validated cell the macro runs. However, if I make a selection from the list the macro does not run. I guess vba does not see my selection as an entry.

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How To Capture Streaming Data

Oct 6, 2007

I have streaming data coming into my excel spreadsheet. The data is in 1 cell and its a number that changes almost every second. How can I capture and store this data.

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Find And Capture Data

Jan 24, 2007

I need to find a term "aa" and upon finding this term, the term on the right must be "bb" before we capture the number. Output will be 15 for this case.

Note that we do not know which cell "aa" will occur in, but the term "bb" will always be on the right of "aa". Can anybody help me with this? I have attached an example for your reference. Hopfully by modifying the below code, i can get the value i desired.

Sub test2()

Dim xx As Variant

Set rng = Cells.Find(What:="aa" , After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
If Not rng Is Nothing Then xx = rng.Offset(0, 3).Value
MsgBox xx
If rng Is Nothing Then xx = 0
MsgBox xx

End Sub

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Extracting Data And Posting In Another Sheet Based Upon Macro Selection

Mar 9, 2009

I have written basic macros (probably not the most efficient solution, but its what I know how to do). Up to the present point things are going well. (I tried to attach file, but without success - So I will email the file directly it is pretty easy to figure out) I have option buttons tied to macros that populate a data sheet based upon the input.

This works out quite well and I am able to generate the statistics I desire quite easily. Now comes the second phase, (this is where I am stuck) - when I click the option button "no", I would like this to generate a line item in a separate existing worksheet which lists the item number, tells the discrepancy (as written in the column on the inspection criteria sheet), has a text field for the inspector to briefly explain the exact nature of the discrepancy, and also keeps discrepancies in proper order. Conversly, if "yes" is selected, I would like to be able to check the associated comment page, search the page for that discrepancy number, and if found, delete the line item, then re-oder the page.

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Date, Cell Selection And Print Macro

Nov 3, 2008

There's a macro I'm trying to figure out for a calendar I'm working on. Here's what it has to do.

1.) Selects the cells for the current month (I assume the user would have to click on the current month itself) plus the two upcoming months. i.e. November, plus December and January.

2.) Sets the selected cells as the area to print, then prints those cells.

If there's anything that might be a challenge, the numbers for the days are all text boxes, if that makes a difference. I've been experimenting with different formulas with no luck.

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Macro To Clear Contents In Every Other Cell Of A Selection

Apr 25, 2008

I need to clear the contents of every other cell in a selection of 5000 rows starting with the first cell. Is there a macro that can do this for me?

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Formula To Capture Data In Cells That Are After It

Aug 12, 2009

I have a moving average spreadsheet that I am having trouble with. In column F of 'Data for Pivot' Tab, I have a set of data that doesn't begin populating until 101 data points (cell C8 in 'Mov_Avg_Chart' is the input; in this cell F138 of 'Data for Pivot' tab) after data begins populating in Column E of 'Data for Pivot' Tab (in this case data begins populating in Column E in row 38).

What I would like to do is have the data in cells F38 to F137 = the value in cell F138. From there on forward (cells F138 and onwards), I would like the formula to calculate data in the same way as it is currently calculating it. That is, I would like the values in cells F38 to F137 be 0.00110 (in the current example). However, the data will be constantly changing. Thus, sometimes the data in column F will begin at a different cell than cell F138. In essence, I want the formula: when column E begins populating data but column F has not, I want those column F values to equal the value of the first populated value in column F (which is usually numerous cells below this value).

I just can't seem to get this one right after spending considerable time on it. I would appreciate any help you can give on this.

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Data Auditing - Capture Changing?

Jul 10, 2014

I have an excel file with column stating month and rows are phases ... for each Phases we add the revenue numbers by month and it does keep changes as and when scope changes. However, i am finding it difficult to capture the changes ... is there a way i can set the guidelines to ensure all historical data changes as and when any updates and it should store the historic inputs for consolidation ... i would like to be called as Baseline, Re-baseline1, Re-beseline2 like wise.

Sample attached : sample_auditing.xlsx‎

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Combobox Data Capture From Other Workbook

Nov 20, 2007

how data capturing works, using controls. I try to explain what I mean. I have a userform with a combobox that allows to select data from a worksheet in another workbook (database). Using VBA, I'm asked to define the "source" for the combobox. I don't understand the difference between controlsource and row source because when I close the userform, I find only the first field filled in (column "A"), while I would like the entire row to be copied.I also would like to have an "ok" button to allow me for multiple selection. In other words:

I select the desired data from the combobox
I click on the "ok" button ahd this event should copy the data (entire row) selected via the combobox on my worksheet without closing the userform in order to allow me to select other data on the same session. The row to copy data into is selected using the firstemptyrow method..

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Copy And Paste Selection Macro Into New Worksheet Keeps Overwriting The Previous Data

Sep 19, 2012

I have a copy and paste macro below, that copies the selected rows and pastes them into a different sheet called Blank BOM. Each time they are pasted, it just writes over the previous items at the top of the list. I would like it to paste in the next open row, so I can go back and forth between the sheets and add things. Here is the code:

Sub CopyRow()
Selection.Copy Sheets("Blank BOM").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
End Sub

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Macro To Extract Data From Specific Column To New Sheets Specific Column?

Jun 14, 2013

I'm trying to find a way to use a macro to extract data from a specific column from Sheet1 based on the columns header/title and copied into Sheet2 into the respective column with matching header/title.

For instance, in Sheet1:



So the above table would be the result i'm aiming for.

NOTE, its not different workbooks. I'm looking for sheet to sheet macro.

I've attached a file as well if someone wants to have a go at it. There are no codes in it.

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Capture And Keep Cell Value?

Aug 1, 2012

I have a workbook where data is constantly changing

If two cell values become equal I want to capture and keep the value that was in another constantly changing cell at that time

The IF argument will only caapture the moment and then return to the IF False command

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Trying To Capture Point In Time Data In New Fields Each Day

Oct 2, 2008

Trying to capture data from specific fields (which are populated with live data collected elsewhere) into new fields based on date. Ex:

A1 - A4 have "totals" derived from an external source, and the fluctuate daily.

I want to take today's totals and drop them into D1 - D4. Tomorrow, I want totals dumped into E1 - E4, the next day they go into F 1- F4, and so on... in other words, I'm tracking daily totals over time.

I've started with a macro that I would attach to BeforeSave as follows--

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Capture Some Characters Within The Cell

Dec 17, 2008

i have a long text in A1 field and i just need to capture some characters in between. Below is the example.

Raw Data:
Cell A1 (r1,c1) = Target: ABC, CustomerOrder, Results: BDE, LastUpdate: 12Dec08

I want to get the Result as below:
Cell A2 = Target: ABC Cell B2 = Results: BDE

Can this be done in Excel Cell format? Or do i need to do it in MS Access?

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Capture Just Last Name In A Cell Containing First Last And Sometimes Middle

Jan 10, 2013

I want to extract just the last name from a cell that contains the full name and put just the last into a seperate cell.

WHAT I AM DOING: i copy the contents of a internal screen onto a spreadsheet that i use to check various peices of info and calculations. when i save I like to save my sheet with the last name and then acct number. The internal system screen combines the customers names into a single cell. Right now i have to type the last name into a new cell and have a simple save macro that concatenates that last name with the acct number and saves it into the appropriate folder.

The field i am pulling from is always formatted with FIRST NAME then MI (IF PROVIDED) and then LAST NAME. So when i dump the screen contents into excel A20 may be MIKE SMITH, or MIKE T SMITH. so i need something that looks backwards in the cell and stops at the first space and dumps SMITH into another cell of my choosing (B1 in this case)

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Replacing Sheet1 Data With Sheet2 Data For Specific Columns Using Macro

Mar 8, 2014

I have data in sheet 1 like below

Custid loc city
123 us newyork
124 uk wales
876 in mumbai
Sheet 2
custid newcustomerid
123 756
124 394

Custid loc city
756 us newyork
394 uk wales
876 in mumbai

So it will check sheet1 custid with sheet2 custid. If both matches it will replace custid with newcustid.if cust id not exists it will load sheet1 recprds as usual.

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