Select A Last Cell In Excel

Jan 11, 2014

I want to select a Last Cell of an excel sheet, Because I have to Copy that data to paste in some other Destination, I am using Below code But It select a lot of Blank rows also.


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Excel 2010 :: Select Range From Given Cell And To Last Row And Column Of That Cell?

Oct 2, 2012

I am using 2010 and want to select a range starting at the same cell all of the time (regardless of whether or not it has contents - so let's say B7. Starting at B7, I want the range to include all of the columns starting at B and go to the end of all of the columns. Then I want the range to include all of the rows starting at B7 and end at the last row. I will eventually copy this range and paste it on another worksheet start on a specific cell of another worksheet. (Perhaps, we can add a name to this range).

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Excel 2007 :: Select Last Cell In A Column?

Oct 24, 2008

I have Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Power programming with VBA in which this website was listed as a good reference site. I am working on a spreadsheet where I want to select the last non-empty cell in a column and the column always has some cells that are empty, though it is NOT the last non-empty cell in the column. This spreadsheet is automatically generated and I want to change this particular column to all one format and all one number, 0042. This spreadsheet is then loaded into another system via tab-delimited txt file, so this number is meant to serve as an indicator. Sounds like I gave too much information, just wanted to be clear.

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Excel 2010 :: Highlight Column And Row While Select Cell?

Aug 10, 2012

Highlighed the Column and Row of the selected Cell. I have seen someone using it. Whenever he click on any cell the related column and Rows clour change. For Example if I select Cell B5. The Column B and Row 5 change its colur from B1 to B5 and Row from Column A to Column B. If this option is already available in office 2010

Column B

Row 5

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Excel 2003 :: Macro Breaks Because Can't Copy Cell And Then Cannot Select Cells In Workbook

Oct 21, 2013

i have a macro that opens 10 other workbooks and copies cells onto a "master" workbook. Until recently, everything worked fine. Suddendly, while it opens the 9 books and copies as it is expected, but when it opens the 10th wb, the macro breaks at a very simple copy/paste.

The weirdest thing is that after it breaks, I cannot select any cells neither in the opened wb nor in the master wb. This continues even after I press the "reset" button in the vba. So, I am only able to select objects (text boxes etc) in my wb and not any cells.

Also, the "arrow" icon on the design toolbar is not active. And I've tried pressing and de-pressing the F8 key, but I still cannot select any cells.

I have option explicit in the beginning of my macro. And i'm using excel 2003.

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Range Select Statement To Select A Cell

Jul 7, 2008

I want to put a range select statement to select a cell and count down 10 cells and copy.

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Select Specific Cell Then Select The Row

Aug 13, 2007

I have column A with various values in cells.

For instance, DG, GS, HG etc

I wanna do if a cell in column A is equal to DG then select the entire row that contains the cell. then call other sub.

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Select Folders In Excel Vba

Jun 26, 2014

I want to open 2 or more folders in excel vba how its possible.

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How To Have Excel Select A Row From A Chart

Oct 11, 2013

I have a large chart made up with hundreds of rows and around 10 columns. Normally I would use certain pieces of data to find the correct row that would provide my answers. I have set up an extra column beside the chart that will put an X next to the row that will provide my answer. What formula could I use to have excel copy the row beside the X, and put it on another sheet in the workbook?

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Excel VBA Select Different Cells?

Apr 10, 2014

Why the first statement works

1) Range("H64,H66,H68,J64,J66,J68").Select

and the second does not works.

2) Range("H64,H66,H68,J64,J66, _

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Select An Excel Sheet With 2 Variables In It?

May 17, 2013

So far my line of code is:

Sheets(" & Cstr(y) & " - " & Cstr(i) & " load" & ").Select"

Selecting a worksheet with 2 variables in it and some text,where y and i are integer variables. P

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Excel VBA To Select IE Radio Button

Feb 18, 2014

When I select the binoculers by project the window we are disucssing with the radio button comes up (after the project number is added and sendkey to select filter - only shows one radio button). Attached is the source code of the original window and a snapshot of what it looks like.

First window - I currently have the code going to the project area (where we cannot type anything) then using sendkey to tab and enter to select the binoculers.

New window - only one radio button shows after you type a project number than hit filter.

First Window.xlsm
Original Window source code.txt
new window.xlsx
New window radio source code.txt

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Excel 2013 :: Can't Select Shape / Dot

Apr 2, 2014

I have a construction schedule that my boss wants modified. There is a pesky dot I cannot select to delete. It is on a grid line and I can only select the cells adjacent to it.

I am using 2013

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Excel 2010 :: Select Email Font In VBA

Oct 31, 2011

I can create emails with Outlook in VBA (Excel 2010), but can't find how to select the font, font size and font colour I want.

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Excel 2010 :: Select Sheet Fails?

Mar 2, 2012

I want to activate a sheet in the workbook.

Sheet names: "Sheet1", "Main"

When I write the code

Sheets("Sheet1").select 'fails

Why is this? This was the command that was from the record macro feature. I am using excel 2010.

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Excel 2007 :: Select Empty Rows

Oct 29, 2012

Is there a way to select completely empty rows in Excel 2007 (Win 7)? I have found directions for highlighting empty cells (f5, Special, Blanks...), but sometimes the cells selected will be in rows with other filled cells in them so that doesn't really do what I need.

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Does Excel Allow User To Select Date From Popup

Jun 17, 2013

I formatted a cell as a date but somehow people still manage to mess it up.

Is there a pop-up calendar that appears when the user clicks on a cell?

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Excel 2010 :: VBA - Select Last Sheet In Workbook?

Feb 19, 2014

Excel 2010

My macro cleans up data in worksheet "Chalkboard".

After cleanup, I'd like to copy data and select the last sheet in the workbook (the one on the far right) and paste the data.

The last worksheet changes monthly: Jan Feb Mar Apr, etc.... Meaning each month, I'll add a new worksheet for the given month.

I need code that will select the last worksheet in the workbook.

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Excel 2010 :: Unable To Select ListBox Items

Feb 11, 2014

I have a worksheet with a few "Multi-Select" type listboxes in it. I cannot seem to select the items within those listboxes... the mouse icon doesn't even change, it just shows that little plus-sign that is the default when you're just in your worksheet. (they're also ActiveX listboxes)

I can select them if I go into my Developer tab and select and deselect the "Design Mode" button. then everything works fine (mostly). Or if I resize the subwindow for the workbook. Then it (again, mostly) works fine.

It's like I have to trick Excel into allowing me to click on the checkboxes in my ListBox.

Some people I've given the file to use Excel 2007 and the file works for them. (I have Excel 2010)

I've looked up info on bound/unbound forms, but I can't tell if it applies, or how to use that. They were not created with a VBA macro, they were made using the buttons in the developer tab.

One final thing : Below the listboxes, I have some shapes that, when pressed, will take the selected items from their respective checkboxes and put them into some cells.

Here is the file: Setup form_Blank.xlsm

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Excel Function To Select Two Columns Based On Range?

Jul 30, 2014

Function to select two columns based on the header and the variable given.

Sample excel file attached for your ref.

Excel sample.JPG

Find the excel file in which I am looking for an formula which will look up variable in Col A for Eg USD and search the same in Row 1 and then will select COL D:E and so forth for other currency.

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How To Stop Excel To Select Custom Format Option

May 16, 2014

i want to type 1-1 in my excel sheet and it is automatically coverting to 1-Jan and then i checked for formatting to the way i want then i founf excel automatically selecting custom option in format then if i select general my 1-jan is converting to 41640 number. Now i want excel sheet should show what typed in it i .e. 1-1 only.

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Macro That Will Allow To Select And Imbed Picture In Excel Report

Jun 28, 2014

I need to be able to select a pic from a client's folder and imbed that pic for my report.

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Excel Select And Copy Without Copying Hidden Rows?

Mar 7, 2012

Ok I recently ran into something in Excel that was completely unexpected. When I filter data, and select multiple rows of data, and copy and paste it.... it pastes the unfiltered rows as hidden rows! Is there a way around this without copying row by row?

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How To Select String In Excel On Right And Left Of Special Character

May 22, 2013

I want to select email addresses in a particular cell. Since every email address will contain @ so I want to extract the email address from the cell on the basis os all the characters to be selected on the left & right of the '@' before a space is encountered.

If the cell contains the below values:

91 121 5158123 / 5159123, 011 5103710
91 999 999 1123

I only want the email address to extracted to the next cell. i.e.

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Select Specific Value From Textbox And Search In A Column Of Excel

Sep 7, 2013

I have a worksheet "database" which is database of patient information in each row, in column H I have the "pateint IP number" I have a userform for search and copy. The textbox in the userform is "search_tb1", where I would input the required IP number and search in column H for a match, which should intern select the entire row of this selected cell and paste in another worksheet "preview" in row 2.

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Excel 2007 :: Make Connection To SQL And Perform SELECT

Jun 2, 2014

Essentially all I want to do is create a procedure/function in Excel such as =SQLdata(3), where 3 could be customer ID and then the function would make a connection to SQL and perform the SELECT etc procedure and return the CustomerName in the cell with that formula.

I have excel 2007 and MS SQL where my data is stored. I understand that I need to make the connection to my SQL database, but I really do not know how to do this.

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Select Automatic Color Scheme (font) For Excel Sheet

Jan 13, 2014

I want to select an automatic colour scheme (font) for an Exel sheet. It has 3 columns with values. If the coloums are A, B & C I want to mark the higher value in red. If B is higher than A, B should be red. Again if C is also higher than B, then C also should be red... like that. Values should be read row-wise. How can I do this using a formula?

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Formula To Have Excel Select Date Of Month Based On Certain Criteria?

Feb 24, 2014

I am looking for a formula that will select a date in the month based on certain criteria. Found the choose function but not sure if I can really get that to work. I basically have a list of clients, with zip codes, restricted days of the week - and would like the system to group them by zip code and select the best day of the month to schedule an inspection but not pick he restricted day. The goal being have zip codes scheduled together - but on a day other than garbage day. Is this even doable?

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Excel 2010 :: Keystroke To Select Variable Name From Dropdown List?

Jan 23, 2013

I've defined a number of variables in my spreadsheet. When I want to use one I type "=variablename" and 'm presented with a list menu.jpg

In the above example, I have several variables starting with the word "Harvard" (a town, not the university :-)

How do I select one of these without having to double click with the mouse.

Up and down arrows allow me to highlight an item but I cannot find a keystroke that allows me to select the highlighted item. Instead I have to lift my hand off the keyboard and use the mouse.

Excel 2010

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Excel 2007 :: Select And Separate Marked Values In The Sheet

Jan 7, 2014

I have spread sheet and values in some columns have highlighted in color.What I have to do is I need to quickly separate the highlighted data and put in the other spreadsheet.

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