The main worksheet is for buttons to select emergency type and what group should be notified. Subsequent sheets will have different sets of contacts - Col A= Name, Col B = email address, Col C = Yes/No indicator.
The basic code works great as long as the names are on the primary worksheet. When I try to point the code to a different worksheet, the result displayed in the MSGBOX is null. I did this by putting "Worksheets(Sheet2)." in front of "Columns("B")." I double checked the sheet name.
I have a macro that my coworker runs weekly to update info. The macro depends on data in a workbook that comes from another source who arbitrarily decides to rename things. I put into my code a 3 situation scenario.
1. If the sheet name = what it is supposed to then activate it 2. Else If the sheet name contains the word "Pivot" then activate it 3. Else load a userform that lists the worsheets in the workbook and allows the user to select the proper sheet.
The code I have is below. It works until I introduce the 3rd option. Is "Else" not the proper syntax here? Because when I run it, it jumps straight to the "Else" statement and loads the userform even if the sheet is named correctly or contains "Pivot" in its name.
Code: Sub FindPiv() Dim strWSName As String Dim s As Worksheet For Each s In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
I am trying to automatically select data from a different sheet to fill data in a cell based on two other cells. I've attached a simplified version of what I'm trying to do (with detailed explanations). I hope it has enough info to get my point across.
I posted this in the "programming" forum because I'm pretty sure I will need to use vba in some form or fashion to get this to work. I am more familiar with access than excel, so I may be missing some easier way to make excel do this.
I suspect this is extremely basic however how do I do the following in VBA? I have dataset with a column having a row of numbers as: 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, etc. What I want to do is copy some information designated by the first 1 then the first 2 then the first 3 to another worksheet leaving the other data. How do I selectively choose the first of the 1, 2 and 3 etc.
I have a workbook with 50 worksheets, each worksheet has an Alpha name (ie names of people). Rather than write some code to go through each worksheet to create a report, is it possible to write a formula in a "Reports" worksheet that reads something like
where worksheet10! is the number of the worksheet (as seen in the VBA project window) while the name is "Billy".
I would like to create a spreadsheet where I enter a list of 30 – 40 names and associated data over 4 separate columns. I would like the option of having a check box next to each name so when checked, it copies that name and associated data in to a section below. This will give me a reduced list of names (lets say 20). From this section I would like the same again to reduce further and once more after that.
I'm using a command button (p1) within Private Sub P1_Click()
It pulls the activecell as a string (for example $A$1) using a variable called CurrCell, I then want to search this string (currCell) within the worksheet "DATA" and select the cell 3 to the right of it, so that I can change the value.
know the VBA script to select only specific cells within a worksheet. To be more precise, on sheet 1 - A2, A6 and A10 cells are filled with red color. I want only those cells which are highlighted in red to be selected, copied and pasted to sheet2.
Whenever I try to use Sheets("Volumes").Select or .Activate on a specific worksheet, my macro code will immediately terminate with no error message. Iv'e used F8 to step through several modules and found that this happens every time it hits that line. The wierd thing is that i can select this sheet when screenupdating is off and I select it from a called subroutine. No other worksheets in this workbook are having this problem.
Additional info : using Sheet1.Select will select it with no issues but I don't want to go this route since it's a workaround and not a solution to somthing that should work.This problem occurs in several modulesEverything used to work fine and just one day it decided that i couldn't select the "Volumes" sheet in VBA anymore.I can click on the sheet no problem and it is not protected or hidden.
I have dropdown list on E1=Round1, Round2, Round3. I have select Round1 and enter value in Cell A2,A3,A4.....A20. / Select Round2 and type values in cell A2,A3,A4.....A20. I want to copy these values to another worksheet and retrieve again when selecting Round "x"
I currently have a huge data sheet with multiple columns of information. It contains a list of projects organized by columns with information pertaining to each project. I've named this worksheet data.
On another sheet I've named Present, I'm trying to find a way to reference a single project at a time using a drop down list. The Present Sheet has a list of characteristics fields that need to be filled with information from "data" worksheet. I want the characteristics to change whenever I choose another project name from the drop down list.
I have the following code that Ger Plante very kindly helped me with which, depending on whether there is an 'x' by someone's name in a list, creates a new workbook, copies some information to it and saves it before moving on to the next 'x'. Loop Through Rows & Copy Each Row To New Workbook
For lLoop = 2 To 251 'first row of data to last row. If ws1.Cells(lLoop, 4).Value = "x" Then '4 = Column D ws1.Activate ws1.Range("e" & lLoop & ":g" & lLoop).Copy ws1.Range("B1").Select Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=True Rng1.Copy Workbooks.Add ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Select Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteColumnWidths, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Select ActiveSheet.SaveAs varPath & "Student Data Files" & ActiveSheet.Range("B1") & ".xls" ActiveWorkbook.Close
Else End If
Next lLoop
how I can modify the code such that any cells in the range "b1:b504" in Sheet1 of the the new workbook can't be selected or edited without a password....I have tried unsuccessfully using Protect but am not sure how to get vba to set it to specific cells and determine exactly what is allowed in those cells.
I have part of this routine working correctly. It will go and find the value I need and move to the next column using the Offset method, but now what am I doing wrong to try and get the code to select to the end of the current column?
Sub Find_First() Dim FindString As String Dim rng As Range 'FindString = InputBox("Enter a Search value") FindString = Worksheets("Template").Range("A26").value If Trim(FindString) <> "" Then With Sheets("Service Level Score Paste Sheet").Range("A:A") Set rng = .find(What:=FindString, _ After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _ LookIn:=xlValues, _ LookAt:=xlWhole, _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _ SearchDirection:=xlNext, _ MatchCase:=False) rng.Select...........................
In the attached file, details sheet contains multiple instances of project with associated costs for each of 2006, 2007 and 2008. What I need is a formula (preferably) or a VBA that select distinct project names and populate column B of summary sheet so I can do a sum if. The problem is the project names changes dynamically every week and they are practically in hundreds.
I am receiving a 'subscript out of range' error on the lines of code below.
I would note that all variables are declared and all seem meaningful as regards what you would expect at that point.
Below is a snippet from the immediate window which indicates what the values are: completecashname C:CashDevelopmentMyFolderoutputCASH042706.xls cashsheetname Formatted Sheet cashcurrcolumn A cashfirstrow 2 cashlastrow 876
Also the workbooks are both closed at this point (but it makes no difference)
Set CashCopy = Workbooks(CompleteCashName).Sheets(CashSheetName). _ Range(CashCurrColumn & Cashfirstrow & ":K" & Cashlastrow).Value Set PelPaste = Workbooks(completepelname).Sheets(PELSheetName). _ Range((PELCurrColumn & PELlastrow)).Value
I have a workbook that contains 50 worksheets named 1-50. I need to add more worksheets. all the formulas in the worksheets always refers to the previous worksheet.
How can i make a copy of the worksheet named 50, name it 51 and have all the formulas in worksheet 51 refer back to worksheet 50?
i did write code to search for the data..and if the data has more than one record then a button will be appear to find all data that related to entered data... and user will have option to press on the select button to select the wanted recored and delete it or update it....the problem is that the select button show the selected data in the form but its not selecting the right data in the sheet. So when i click on delete button it delete the first row which has the same data that entered by the user.
for example, user wants to see all data the belong to the user "Tim", the forms will show all data related to the use Tim... but i want to delete the selected row not the first row with the name of Tim!
i learnt the code from this link [url]
here is the codes for find. find all, and select
Private Sub cmbFind_Click()
Dim strFind, FirstAddress As String 'what to find Dim rSearch As Range 'range to search Set rSearch = Sheet1.Range("a2", Range("a65536").End(xlUp)) strFind = Me.txt_num.Value 'what to look for Dim f As Integer With rSearch
I have a table of adressess and clients with contacts ie
a,b,c,d client,contact,address,select
in the list there are about 300 entries.
what i want is to put an S in the select column on those clients i am due to visit and then these records to be exported into say a word doc to print off so i have a list of visits i have to do with company contact and addresses
i dont use excel that often, and normally only for really stuff, so apologies, but i couldnt find a solution.
I have a spreadsheet of expenditure, with a column for a category of what was purchased, and then the amounts in the next column, arranged chronologically. eg
01/02/08 food 20.68 06/02/08 petrol 44.65 07/02/08 food 117.65
etc, with various oither columns for week nos (for averages), comments and the like.
Now I would like to do some analysis, for example the mean weekly food spend. I think this should involve checking the category column for "food", and if found, adding the adjacent cell (containing the amount spent) to the sum (and then obviously dividing by number of weeks) - but i cant work out how to do this!
I'm trying to create a formula that searches through a row and selects certain values. I have a list of individuals in rows followed by their 18 scores in columns. What I'm trying to do is only select the best 8 of those scores and add them together. I tried a few things but this is a little over my head.
I need to select the whole column ABOVE the active cell. Ctrl-Shift-UpArrow is no good because it stops at the first blank cell. And selecting the whole column is no good either because when I subsequently paste into the column, it pastes in all the empty cells of the column, meaning my worksheets expands from a few hundred rows to 1 million!
Shift-Home does what I want on rows. Is there an equivalent for columns?
So in my code I have two set ranges and want to select from one set range to another. The code I have now does not work because I cannot select Range("POBRF:PO"). This is the code.
[CODE] ARow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row Set POBRF = Range("A1:A" & ARow) BRow = Range("I" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row Set PO = Range("I1:I" & BRow) Range("POBRF:PO").Select [CODE/]
I have two option buttons on each of five spreadsheets in my Excel workbook. Selecting the first option button enables an x to be written to a cell when that cell is clicked with the mouse. Selecting the second option button disables the writing of the x when the cell is clicked with the mouse. I have these working quite well.
My problem is that I want the second option button selected (disable writing of x) when I enter the sheet. I'm pretty certain that I need the code in Sub Worksheet_Activate() but I haven't been able to find the VBA statement to set the second option button on.
Also, unlike having the option buttons on a form, when I select the option button on the spreadsheet in Design mode I can see no property sheet indicating the name, value, etc of the option button.