The file is sorted A-Z, but if you scroll down towards the bottom, you will see that some values are out of order. Both instances of University of Central Florida and University of North Dakota are out of place.
University of Central Florida should be between University of California and University of Colorado.
University of North Dakota should be between University of Colorado and University of Southern Mississippi.
I am trying to work out an excel workbook for calculating family recipes. I have gotten most of it figured out but am having a problem with one thing. When the serving size of an item is 8 oz & the recipe calls for 14.5 oz the only way I can get it to work properly is to enter 1.75 in the serving size.
But I would like (actually need) to be able to enter the 14.5 and have it calculate the calories correctly - since sometimes the amount to be added to the recipe may be 15 ounces and the serving size is 8 ounces etc....
I have a rank formula that is seemingly erroring out on certain cells - indiscriminately. I have tried and tried to figure this out for myself but this is beyond my knowledge.
Only on some cells is the rank not working and returning a "-" (the error result).
I want the rank to use absolute numbers, so that it will rank according to variance or percentage (regardless of +/-). I am also using another cell (R1) to tell the rank what column to use.
As you can see there are a few entries, both + & -, that are not being included in the rank - for reasons beyond me.
I have 6 categories that need to be ranked 1-6 in order of highest number of occurances. My ranking formula is showing 1-7, missing number 3. I have attached a sample worksheet further showing what I am trying to explain. I need cell A3 to show a ranking of "3". Currently it shows "4". What am I doing wrong??
I have a form with 2 buttons and a frame. Inside the frame I have another button. I get a Type Error Message when I run the code and I don't understand why.
I have the following two codes on a userform, The first code performs two steps:
The first step is running the second code (MyDate), which is used for checking the entries in the userform textboxes and if there is any wrong entry a message box appears then it exits sub.
However, what happens when it finds any wrong entry is that it displays the msgbox and instead of exiting sub as it is requested in the (MyDate) code, it resumes running and moves to the second step and adds 1 to ComboBox1 ListIndex.
I am in the process of converting my programs over so as not to use these and I am already seeing a drastic difference in speed.
I have run into a problem that I need help with. I have a spreadsheet similar to the example below. The first column contains a list of college majors and after each major is a row of classes that are required by that major.
The first thing I need to do is search down the first column for the major. Once the major is found I need to search across the row for the class. I am having trouble searching across a single row for the class.
Here is the section of code where I experience the problem
I often have problems with the cells range reference method. For some reason I get an error and can't tell why. Other times it works fine. Is this just an unstable method to use or is this completely wrong? I'm assuming I am using the wrong syntax. It is definetly the range reference causing the problem.
Dim cnt1 as integer, cnt2 as integer,cnt3 as integer
cnt1 = 2 cnt2 = 50 cnt3 = 2
dim myrange as range
set myrange = sheets("sheet1").range(cells(2,cnt1), cells(cnt2,cnt3))
I have no idea why it won't work. I'm basically searching a columner range of cells.
The code below is supposed to insert a column and rename it. However, when I debug, the code only renames the column, it does split or run the loop. I press debug again, and then code executes as it is intended.
I can't explain why I have to press debug twice for in order for the code to work properly.
Code: Sub renameColumns() With Sheets("byPosition")
I've been working on a particular spreadsheet and I've just noticed that double clicking the format painter will only format one cell. It won't retain the format to be put into the next selected cell which it should when its double clicked. The same goes for copy and paste. Normally once you've copied something you can paste it into a number of cells individually, one after the other, but after the first paste selection, the paste option is no longer available. I can't see any settings under options to fix this. What has happened, and how do I fix it? (I'm using Excel 2003 SP1 - is there a SP2?)
I thought I had been able to use array to have more than two criterias with Autofilter, but now I am unable to make the following code work. What I am trying to do is have all the records that does not contain either N/A, S/O or xx and also have a filter on column 125 for the value "OUI".
VB: Sub test() Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SOMMAIRE_EN_ALL") Set ws2 = Workbooks("Fichier_central_2013_anglais_2_CLEAN").Sheets("DETAIL_CONCAT") Set r = ws2.Range("A1:du4783")
In the attached sheet, one macro is developed which is not working properly. My req is to convert date from dd-mon-yyyy to yyyy/mm/dd format. (23-jan-2010--> 2010/01/23)
If incomplete date is there, then hyphen should place the gap i.e.
For date like APR-2014------> Output should be 2014/04/-- For date like 1998 -----> Output should be 1998/--/--
The below macro works only for row number 11, 15 and 16.
I'm using the following code to try to ensure a value is entered into a text box, but when I click over to the next text box skipping the first one entirely, I don't receive any message indicating the previous box is empty. I'm trying to make it so certain fields are required and others are optional. Here's the code I'm currently using:
I have entered a custom sort order under 'first key sort order,' but the field is not sorting according to the list.
I'm sure I entered the list correctly, because I actually entered it a long time ago, and it was working for a while. However, today the underlying data was temporarily erased, and the pivot table, when refreshed, basically went blank. I restored the data and refreshed the table, but this field is back to sorting in the wrong order. Refreshing the pivot table and re-choosing the appropriate sort options do not work.
Had been using this formula for almost 3 years, recently the formula didn't work properly as the range goes down halfway only instead of to the last data in the column. I'm using Excel 2010 now.
After Format > Column > Autofit Selection, the cell width is STILL not sufficient. Values with many digits do not show up in the print out (only ######s appear). What should I do?
This opens the first file and dRow="7/13/2006". The next file that it opens contains links to information from the previous days. Without VBA you just drag the previous day down, select the row of data and do a replace all, say from 0712 to 0713. As you can see I even tried to make it use the specific data I wanted versus the variables; still doesn't work. What really gets me is that if I go back to the sheet after this code runs, I go to EditReplace, replace all "0712" to "0713" and it does it. It has to be the code then right??
This vba code is supposed to move the cursor to the Cacluate1 command button when the user clicked on cell H6.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address = "$H$6" Then Calculate1.Activate End Sub The only changes that I have made is a change to a private sub worksheet_change(ByVal TArget as Range). Would these changes have anything to do with this no longer working?
Does anyone have any links to using .find object.find range.find properly? or can explain it?
Basically I have a column of unique numbers... and I have to offset to find what I'm looking for.. however it cannot be done with vlookup because i need it to also go down the column (variable number of entries) to retrieve whatever is under that entry.
Sub ADORUN_CSM_Reg1() ' Justin SQL Server Connection ' ' FOR THIS CODE TO WORK ' In VBE you need to go Tools References and check Microsoft Active X Data Objects 2.x library '
In the Server_name = "SRVREG1" in red above, i would like it to reference a cell...say A30. How is this done?? so that if im on the worksheet called Title on A30 i type in SRVREG1 and the VBA knows what to do from there.
I have formatted cells to date but when I enter in a date of 020413 (Feb 04, 2013) my reslut shows as 11/20/55. I have a coworker who is having the same problem (but hers displays even a different date) so was wondering if there is a setting in excel that I don't know about.
I have created a macro 'uid' and rename the module to 'profession'. In the list of macro 'alt + f8' the name displays 'profession.uid' which confuse me. I want to display the name 'uid' and not 'profession.uid'. I select the macro by pressing the first letter of it as in this case 'u' and reach that macro and click it to run.
I'm fiddling with a C# library, trying to learn about including homemade libraries in my VBA code. I've written a simple library, compiled it, and did the COM registration. When I open the VBE and start up a new module, I'm able to find the library in the Tools | References dialog box, and I check it to include it. When I write the code, however, autocomplete doesn't give me the option of any of the definitions I've written into the library, and when executed, I'm getting a "User-defined type not defined" error.
I have an excel file emailed to me everyday. It is a daily tracking of our fleet and I manipulate it before printing it and giving it to management. I dont know why when I try to record the macro and then use it it hides all columns.
The report has columns A-N. I hide B, F-G, I, M-N. When recording I hide multiple columns across.
I have done similar macros with other reports, no problem.