Sheet To Sheet Transfer With Macro To Auto Run?
Nov 18, 2011
I am trying to create a transfer of data from one worksheet to another, where Column G is where new data will be entered. I have a macro to sort the data (works great!!), but it is just getting it from one worksheet to another without having formulas in the cells - which can be deleted by my co-workers - to pull the data from one sheet to another.
I do not know if this can be done automatically or not, or if info is updated on one worksheet vs another - if then it will transfer the text.
(A3)DOE (B3)JOHN (C3)112233 (D3)1 A2 L (E3)10/10/75 (F3)YES (G3)DR APPT
There are over 300 entries - one row new record. The CommandButton1 works great that I have for compiling and deleting unused rows.
But now I need something to get the data to the blank worksheet to compile data from Column G without formulas in the cells. This was one I found online, tried to adjust it to fit what I need, but I cannot get it to work.
Sub CopyRow(ByRef Target As Range)
Dim DstEnd As Range
Dim DstRng As Range
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Jun 25, 2012
I am looking for a Macro which can transfer data from sheet 1 to the first available empty row on sheet 2.
For example, I have data in the following cells on sheet 1: B2, B4, B6, B8, and B10. I want to transfer this data to the first available empty row into cells A1, B1, C1, D1 and E1 of sheet 2. The cell number is ofcourse depending on the first available empty row and could thus be 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.
I also want to delete the data from the original cells in sheet 1 after the data has been transferred.
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Jan 30, 2014
I have a sheet which is list of prizes. Column B represents the type of auction this could go to Column C represents the type of prize and Column D the name of the person responsible. The other 4 sheets is for the live auction, the silent auction, the raffle and goodies prizes
If on sheet 1 the type of auction is SA, I'd like Column B, C and D to be reflected in the Silent auction sheet (List SA)
If on sheet 1 the type of auction is LA, I'd like Column B, C and D to be reflected in the Live auction sheet (List LA) and same for Raffle (R) and Goodies (GB)
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Jul 10, 2009
I am wanting to create a spreadsheet for my stationary orders with some macro's and I have no idea on how to set this up. All the product information will be in Sheet 1 and the Order Form will be in Sheet 2 of the document.
In "sheet 1" we will make a list of all items that get ordered on a regular basis. This can be up to 500 items but
I have given you an example of 6 to play with.
We need the "QTY", "Unit Price" & "Total" in both "Sheet 1" and "Sheet 2" to sum up with a formula
Once the user has chosen the line item they will click on the "add" button next to the line item.
This will inturn take that particular line item and insert only the "Code", "Product", "Unit Price" & "Total" columns in "Sheet 2"
and leaving out the "Page Number", "Item Number" & "Description" & "QTY" fields to Sheet 2 (Order Form)
The user will manually change the "QTY" field on the "Sheet 2" (Order Form)
When the user selects another product and clicks "add" then this new line item will be added below the first line item
on Sheet2 (Order form) and so on.
We will probably only be ordering 10 - 50 items each time so we wont need a huge list on the order form (Sheet 2)
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Jan 9, 2013
I am now on my third attempt to perform a fairly basic task of transferring data keyed to a separate log. I originally started with a user form transferring to a separate work book however this was not practical. I then had a values keyed into a worksheet being transferred to a separate workbook however network issues mean this data keeps being lost.
I am now trying to simply transfer data keyed in one worksheet to the next available line in a different worksheet in the same workbook.
Here is my code that I have chopped and mashed together from my previous versions.
The sheet the data is be keyed into is called Key and the sheet where the data is to be sent is called log. I would also like the values in the Key sheet to cleared once transferred:
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Log")
iRow = ws.Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlValues).Row + 1
ws.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = Key.Range("E7")
End Sub
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Feb 9, 2014
I remember years ago that I made a couple formulas that on sheet one would transfer to another sheet when I enter in sheet one.
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Mar 20, 2014
Once a job is complete on a sales tracking sheet I created, it needs to transfer automatically once I click on a "completed" section of my work sheet.
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Feb 20, 2014
I'm trying to copy the cells from a sheet and transfer only the values to other sheet.
I did it via code and it worked fine, except for the dates. In the new sheet the months and days are swapped.
The original date is composed via the concatenate function, since it gets inputs (day, month and year) from the user in different cells. It's in the format D/M/YYYY (examples: 4/2/2014, 10/12/2013). I believe the excel interprets it as Text, even if I formated the cells to Date.
I think it may have something to do with the default format in different countries. Here in Brazil we use DD/MM/YYYY, but my Excel is in english and in US the format is MM/DD/YYYY, am I right?
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Jul 16, 2014
I am currently working on a workbook to have employees fill in data on what tasks they compelted for the day, and how long it took. There are 5 colums (for this purpose) Task, Description, Time, Required to complete, Completed. The tasks are predefined and listed out in each row. There is also a space for employees to select the date they are entering the data for.
I would like to have a macro that is linked to a submit button and when pressed populates this data into a database on another sheet. This database is split into two sheets (1 with time and one with tasks required/compelted). Each sheet has the list of tasks going down a cloum on the left, and dates along a row on the top. When the employee presses submit I would like this data to popuplate in the coresponding date and task fields and then reset the form on sheet 1 to all 0's.
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Sep 1, 2009
I have two sheets in excel workbook. Sheet2 has a list of number in col A and the corresponding data in col B C D E F. In sheet one, I want to type a number that exist in col A of sheet 2 and it automatically populate the correspond data in col B C D E F from sheet2 into sheet1.
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Feb 15, 2014
How to get an automatic macro to run from my first sheet (sheet 1 of 10).
However, on my first page, users must enter 36 numbers in exact order and then those numbers need to automatically be copied to start at A3 on my following 9 sheets.
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Aug 2, 2008
*Inserts an existing worksheet template and places it at the end (or after all) the existing worksheets.
What I would like the macro to also do is:
*Automatically rename the inserted worksheet (via my worksheet template) in sequence to the existing worksheets
Example: So let's say I have 3 existing worksheets titled Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3 (that's basically the default naming Excel uses). But would when I insert a new worksheet (via my worksheet template) it is shown as Sheet. And if I insert another one, it would be Sheet (2). So basically it is showing as such:
Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, Sheet, Sheet (2)
What I would like the macro to do is automatically rename those last 2 worksheets (and any subsequent worksheets thereafter) in sequential order. Basically displaying it as such:
Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, Sheet4, Sheet5...(and so on and so forth)
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Mar 1, 2014
In this attached example, this is a portion of a actual work procedure. The yellow highlighted cells are the same work element within the master procedure but one is for one type of machine while the other is for same model but added options. This is a pattern throughout the entire worksheet. Basically 1 model with several different types of options. I don't want to have unnecessary elements in a work procedure.
So what I am trying to accomplish, I want to create a userform or dashboard which will allow selection of model #, model type #, then based off those selections have excel populate a worksheet with all correct procedures based off model type choice.
In this example there is 6 model variations, all share same basic procedure, but all have their own work procedure based on options, so my above approach will allow me to make changes to the master procedure only instead of changing 6 procedures.
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Dec 19, 2008
I want to end up with is when I type text in any row of the Master sheet, I would like the entire contents of each row to automatically be repeated on the worksheet of the same name (as per column O). For example row 5's contents from the Master sheet would duplicate into the sheet named Accommodation. In addition, should the details ever change in the Master, this would need to be reflected in the individual sheets also. My only concern is that I'd like the individual sheets to fill from the top rather than match the exact row number position from the Master, ie row 5's contents to be placed into row 2 of the Accommodation sheet seeing as it's the first occurrence, and row 6's would go into row 3 etc.
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Dec 19, 2008
I want to end up with is when I type text in any row of the 'Master' sheet, I would like the entire contents of each row to automatically be repeated on the worksheet of the same name (referred to by text entered in column O). For example row 5's contents from the Master sheet would duplicate into the sheet named 'Accommodation' as O5 contains the word Accommodation.
In addition, should the details ever change in the Master, this would also need to be reflected in the individual sheets. My only concern is that I'd like the individual sheets to fill from the top rather than match the exact row number position from the Master, ie if row 5 had the first occurrence of the word Accommodation in column O, the contents of that row would be placed into the next available first blank row of the Accommodation sheet, which in this case would be row 2 as the headings are on row 1.
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Jun 11, 2014
I am running a auto filter macro to I need to change it to only copy column A:B and past in column C:D in the sheet called "Diary". How to change my current macro to only select column A:B and paste it. It is currently pasting the entire row.
Here is the part of my code:
[Code] .....
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Jun 3, 2014
I'm fairly new to macros but somehow i managed to create all the required macros for my project through googling and the like. The problem is that i created my macro enabled excel file in XP and when i transferred it to Windows 7 the auto save to PDF macro stopped working with the Runtime Error '5' Invalid Procedure, call or Argument. The highlighted error is as follows.
ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat _
Type:=xlTypePDF, _
FileName:="C:WindowsTemp emporaryexam.pdf", _
Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _
IncludeDocProperties:=True, _
IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _
This auto save is supposed to work when a hyperlink is clicked or when the set time runs out (Working Macro).
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Jun 30, 2013
I'm looking for a formula that will paste an entire row from sheet 2 into sheet 1 of the same workbook when only 1 cell is typed.
I am trying to come up with a property access log for my guards so when they enter a tag number from(sheet 2 column B) into (sheet1 column D) , it will auto fill sheet1 column C and E with the entries from sheet 2 column A and C.
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Feb 9, 2012
I want to do the following -
Whenever I enter a value say "X" in Sheet1, ColumnA I want the value to be autofilled into sheet 2, ColumnA if and only if value does not exist in sheet2, Column A.
How to achieve this in Excel 2007 ?
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Mar 19, 2008
i have a sheet called 'sample database'. it consists of 56 columns, each with a specific title in row 1. i.e. name, surname, mobile_number, and so on.
from row 2 onwards the data has been populated for roughly 200 rows.
i have another 'Capture Sheet' which has the same titles as 'Sample database' except it's in a different format. its a printable form that is given to new employees when they start. once they have completed it it gets captured into the 'Sample Database' sheet.
my wifes boss now wants 1 new sheet for each row in the 'sample database' sheet based on the format/layout of the 'capture form'.
how can i get the 'capture form' to auto populate the data from the 'sample database' sheet and create a new sheet for each row?
i know this is possible i just dont know how to do it.
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Feb 23, 2014
I have data in 2 different workbooks, and I need to transfer all data in 'Jx_ex1' to sheet1 in the 'template' workbook, and all data in 'Gr_ex1' to sheet2 in 'template' workbook. All data should be transferred to the same cell numbers, from A1 to Y5000. I actually have loads of workbooks to transfer to the template but if I have an example with the two then im sure I can work out how to modify it. All files will be in the same folder.
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Dec 29, 2011
I want a macro that will transfer the data of billing report in the data sheet of the excel file billing dec 2011.
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Jun 7, 2014
I am trying to auto populate one spreadsheet from a master sheet
What I am trying to do: I have a master sheet where information on 25 countries is entered. Sheet has multiple columns for data entry I have 25 additional identical spreadsheets that correspond to one of the 25 countries so can drill down to country specifics
From the master - is it possible to select a country from a drop down menu so when I start entering data on the master it auto populates the corresponding sheet by the country selected.
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Jul 28, 2013
I have a master list. I want to create an excel sheet that will follows when I key in the code number according to the master list all the rest of the value in the master list will automatically populate accordingly into their respective sequence into the created excel sheet.
Master list
0001 Lucy 8 Walton primary
0002 Rachel 9 Dermouth primary
The created excel sheet
Code 0001
Name Lucy
Age 8
School Walton Primary
I want to key in the code 0001 and the rest of the value will auto populate from the master list into the created excel sheet. The master list data go in accordance row by row. That means the master list is listed in a sequence where all the related value for the particular code into one row only.
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Apr 13, 2009
I have a macro code for conditional formatting. The first 2 lines of the macro are
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) ....
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Jul 22, 2009
Hi, i have two separate sheets.
The first sheet has a list of a bunch stocks symbols, but not ALL of them, with their respective price for today.
The second sheet has a running list of ALL stocks symbols available. There are no prices on the second sheet.
How do I appropriately match the price of a stock (which is only on the first sheet) onto the second sheet, without having to manually find, copy and paste each because there are thousands.
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Jun 18, 2012
I am wanting a macro that will open an existing workbook (book2) and transfer information from the already open spreadsheet (book1) to the newly opened one.
So far I have
Sub email_sheet_and_save()
'ChDir "\sbscompanyfolder1"
' Workbooks.Open Filename:="\sbscompanyfolder1QUOTE LOG.xls"
Dim iRow As Long
[Code] ....
I cannot figure out the code to make the actual transfer eg cell C2 on book1 should transfer to (irow, 1) of book2.
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Mar 22, 2014
1- code that will use to show position (1st, 2nd, 3rd....) based on two criterion in the attached sheet
A-the Student must has 49.5%
B-the student must get a "PASS" remark
2- How can i auto sort the position in descending order in another spread sheet.
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Aug 21, 2006
I have a summary sheet with a numerous data sheets to the left of it in a single workbook. Every time I add a new data sheet I have to type it's name on the summary sheet. How can I automate this?
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Jun 18, 2014
I am trying to transfer information for the 'Master CCO CCB Document List' tab into one of the other tabs ('In Progress' and 'Complete') based off of the status. If the status is Complete, Approved, Declined will transfer to the 'Complete (Approved or Declined)' Tab. If the status says 'On Hold, Pending, 1st & 2nd Session Review needed will transfer to the 'In Progress (On Hold-Pending)' Tab.
I want the master list to house all of the entries, so when the status changes it is just copied to the other sheet and not cut and pasted.
On the 'In Progress' tab, once the status changes to Complete, Approved or Declined I would like for the item to be cut and pasted into the 'Complete' tab,
I'm stumped and really not sure if this will work properly. I've tried everything and now I can''t figure out how to add the contents from the form to the master list tab.
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