Show Row If Contains Text Hide All Others?
Mar 30, 2014
get my code to work.
I have a sheet with a dropdown box in cell "J1" which is meant as a 'Show only rows containing this value'.
Column Q, from row 3 downward has a pick box which lists the same values as the "J1" drop down box, but uses code to combine whats chosen with commas. An example of what is in a cell in column Q is "SeaHawk, BlackHawk, Squirrel, MRH", where cell J1 would be either "SeaHawk" or "MRH" or something completely different.
I need to only show rows, with text in column Q containing the smae text as J1.
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May 14, 2008
I'm trying to do is set up a form load event to initlize some controls. Here is my
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Initialize the form
lblProcessing.Visible = False
txtFileName.Text = "Enter a file name"
End Sub
At the moment, this event is not triggering. I have the code in the code behind my form - should it be in a module? PS: This site is great - it's answered a lot of my other questions so far without me having to make any posts.
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Mar 17, 2009
My Excel>Preferences>View>Comments is set to Comment Indicator Only.
Working from keyboard and mouse, when I click on a cell holding a comment ($B$52) , the comment appears. When I click on a different cell the comment disappears.
When I run the code
End Sub
the cell is selected, but no comment appears.
When I run
With Range("B52")
.Comment.Visible = True
End With
End Sub
the comment remains visible even after I click off of B52.
I get the same behaviour when I use Application.Goto rather than Select.
I would like to write a routine that
1) creates a comment for cell B52
2) selects B52
3) shows the comment in B52
< VB routine ends >
4) comment disappears when user clicks on different cell.
Does this require event code?
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Mar 10, 2006
I have two options in a Cell as Applicable and Not Applicable. This is in a Drop-down menu and what I want is that when I choose Applicable, it should bring up additional 5 or 6 cells for me to complete. And if I choose Not Applicable, the additional cells should not show up. The default would be Not Applicable.
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Dec 29, 2006
I bet you're getting sick of the "X" questions, and I have done an exhaustive search but the search filter kills searching for (X) or 'X' or "X" .. but nothing I did find is what I am looking to do. I have any # of userforms that when you click the "X" in the top right side, it will hide the userform... once.. Is there a fix to the code below to make it do it every time its clicked?
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
If CloseMode <> 1 Then Cancel = 1
If CloseMode = 1 Then Cancel = 1
End Sub
Like I said, I don't want to disable it, I tried that off of one of the posts I found and thats just plain annoying, I just want it to hide the one userform and show the other. This will do it once and then you can click it all you want and it wont do anything.. see the annoying trait above.. this lasts until you exit the program.. so the X button can be hit repeatedly though out the day. The userform 15 is visible, userform 11 isn't shown, IE not behind userform 15.
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Jun 1, 2007
how to creat a userform with a button (1) to show anouther userform with a button (2). you click the button on 1 and it shows 2. then when you click the button on 2 and it shows 1. I'm having a problem with the second part.
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Jul 24, 2007
Is there a method of formatting specific cells to show zeros? Or indeed I could turn on show zeros in options and then hide the ones I don't want. Any tips / advice on how to selectively display (or hide) zeros appreciated.
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Jan 10, 2014
I have a some data in 1st column in which most of the data has decimals. For ex. 209.8, 224.4 like this. I have converted it by roundup function and get the exact result. I want to hide the decimals means not show decimals. Only the result will show like. 210, 224 etc. For your reference I have attached the sheet. I have manually typed this in the C column result area. That I need in A column.
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Jan 5, 2007
Is it possible to hide the contents of a column that would only show once clicked on?
That way i could have a column called "Keywords - click to open" & the contents would only show once clicked on?
I have uploaded an example excel spreadsheet : example show hide.xls
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Apr 2, 2009
I have a workbook that I want to show or hide a selection of cells depending on another cell when printing it.
If cell x = A2A then display a certain cell set if anything else then exclude cell set from printing.
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Jul 27, 2013
I've seen excel sheet view like this [URL].....
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Mar 8, 2014
I'm trying to only show specific sheets per user using the environ variable and this code seems to work for the single user / sheet but the master user does not function correctly i.e. the code does not show all sheets, this is the code I am using:
[Code] ......
Why the above code does not respect the Master User "Jane" should be able to see all sheets?
Original source for this code was found here:
HTML Code: [URL]....
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Feb 24, 2009
I'm creating an excel workbook that will allow any business or accounting student to go in and create their four year plan while giving them all of their requirements for their particular degree.
One of the features I wanted to have with this program is that it wouldn't display all the worksheets for each major, but rather the ones you choose that you are associated with. I was going to have a drop down menu on the first page that allows you to choose your majors, those being accounting, or business administration with its 5 focuses.
If I just allow all the worksheets to be shown, there would be 6 in total and I thought it might get confusing for a student who's only taking one of the 6. My hope is that on the first page, when you choose one of the options, it would automatically display the hidden worksheet that goes along with that major.
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Jul 1, 2013
Basically, I am looking for a macro code to link to an 'Update' button that will do the following;
I will have 2 sheets, one sheet will be referencing data from other sheet with the following
=IF(Log Sheet!A4="Yes",(A1),"0")
This means, if it needs to be 'referred' it will go to the other sheet, and if it doesn't, then it wont and it will show up as 0.
Basically, every row will have this type of formula for 30 columns, and i would like a macro code that will hide values of 0, but even once hidden, will then show them again if in the other spreadsheet i change the value to yes, meaning i want the previously hidden row to show.
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Jul 2, 2009
I'm trying to create a macro that will hide all the rows where the value in column E is equal to zero.
I'm currently using rows 1:700, but I may add to it.
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Nov 19, 2009
I have looked through alot of this board and see the codes to hide all tabs old and new and code for each sheet.
My question is:
Is there a macro that can be used to do this as well. Say a button to hide all tabs and a button to show all tabs or does it only hide/show when the workbook is re-opened?
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Feb 17, 2010
I have a spreadsheet that has been set up with totals at row 1010. The data that the spreadsheet contains only goes up to row 159. However data will continue to be added row by row over time. At the moment I have to keep hiding and unhiding rows to check the totals. Is there a way so that the spreadsheet will automatically hide all but five rows between the last row with any data in and the totals at the bottom of the spreadsheet?
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Sep 18, 2008
I've been trying to make use of 'Run "doit", but the macro stops when it gets to my sheets called 'RST' and 'RST Pivot'. What I'm I doing wrong?
Sub DoIt()
Application. ScreenUpdating = True
With Sheet1.Shapes("Rectangle1")
.Visible = msoTrue = (Not Sheet1.Shapes("Rectangle1").Visible)
End With
'Toggling sheets Forces Rectangle 1to show while code is running
Sheets("RST Pivot").Select
End Sub
Also, do I need to change 'With Sheet1.Shapes' to reflect the actual sheet name?
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Jun 26, 2006
I have a worksheet with 4 sections of rows. Each section I call Goal 1 - Goal 4. I want to show each section and hide the other sections by clicking on a button. I have used a column, P, to denote which Goal a row belongs to by entering 1, 2, 3 or 4 accordingly. This is the code I am using.
Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()
With ToggleButton1
.Caption = "Goal 1"
End With
Dim rCell As Range
If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then
For Each rCell In Range("P2:P99")
rCell.EntireRow.Hidden = rCell > 1
Next rCell
3) Else
Range("P2:P99").EntireRow.Hidden = False
End If
End Sub
I have three questions -
1) This code works to show Goal 1 and by changing the >1 value to <4 I can make it work for Goal 4 - but I can't work out how to show the other Goals, 2 and 3.
2) Is this code an efficient way of doing what I want?
3) How can I make the "up/down" state of the toggle button actually relate to whether or not I am showing a particular goal? That is, if I click Goal 1 and then click Goal 4, I am showing Goal 4 but both buttons stay in the "down" state. I want the Goal 1 button to automatically return to it's "up" state when I click on another button.
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Aug 8, 2006
code to write down to make a checkbox hide the text in a few cells..
What I want is..
When I tick the check box I want it to show me the text in the cells (C11:D11 to be specific) and then when I untick it I want it to hide the text so all you can see is the background colour.
Here is the attatchment of what I have so far:
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Sep 18, 2006
I have a commandbutton that when clicked, it would make monthview1 visible. I can do this via the following
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
MonthView1.Visible = True
MonthView1.Value = Date
End Sub
However, I do not know what code to add so that when the same commandbutton is clicked, the monthview object would hide.
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Dec 13, 2006
I need some code that will do the following in a UserForm:
If option1 is selected = textbox1 is visible, textbox2/combo1 is hidden
If option2 is selected = textbox2 is visible, textbox1/combo1 is hidden
If option3 is selected = combobox1 is visible, textbox1/textbox2 is hidden
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Dec 28, 2006
I would like to be able to use the before save event to hide some sheets before the save then after unhide some sheets. So that the user carrys on with the sheets they had before saving but when the document is reopened the correct sheets are hidden.
This is what I have so far but unfortunately when you click close and then save changes it runs the before save code and then goes around in circles, reasking the user if they want to save changes
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim ws As Worksheet
Cancel = True
Application.EnableEvents = False
Sheets("Protected Content").Visible = True
For Each ws In Worksheets
If ws. Name <> "Protected Content" Then ws.Visible = False
Next ws
For Each ws In Worksheets
ws.Visible = True
Next ws
Sheets("Protected Content").Visible = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
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Jan 5, 2007
if it is possible to hide the contents of a column that would only show once clicked on?
That way i could have a column called "Keywords - click to open" & the contents would only show once clicked on?
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Jan 9, 2007
I have a lengthy column containing text information. Within this column are various gaps. ie: several cells with no information.
..... Row F
1...text info
2...text info
5...text info
6...text info
8...text info
I would like to create a simple macro (switched via toggle switch) whereby it hides/unhides the rows containing cells with no text information.
It should also be mentioned that this column contains various background color formatting, for both empty and text cells.
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Jul 24, 2007
I have a standard laid out spreadsheet, but in column C, D and E, there are comments in each cell which are filled with a lot of text. I would like to set a macro so that whenever an 'a' is in column A, the comments for that row are shown/hidden (the 'a' being a tick symbol in Webdings). So if I place an 'a' in A4 and A23, and click a show/hide button, it causes the comments in C4, D4, E4; C23, D23 and E23 to be displayed, and when it is clicked again (or it could be a separate button), they disappear. If no row has an 'a' in the A column, then the button has no action. I have recorded a Macro of me showing and hiding comments, but of course that is for a specific row.
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Sep 14, 2007
I have a form where users will fill out data over the course of the month. When all required data is submitted, I have an image of a check mark show up to indicate that the month's information is complete.
How can I schedule the images to reset to
image.visible = False
when the workbook is opened for the first time the following month? Auto Merged Post;I've done some code that will get this done and put it in a workbook_open module. It will look at the destination fields for data for the current month and if they are empty, make the referenced image invisible.
But I am running into an error. It is saying "Object Required" and when I hover it says "false = false"
Here is the sample of the
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
With Sheets("Checklist")
For Each c In . Range("A6", .Range("A69"))
If Month(c) = Month(Now()) And Year(c) = Year(Now()) And c.Offset(0, 3) = "" Then
Image1.Visible = False
End If
Next c
End With
End Sub
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Dec 15, 2007
I have a simple macro that I have been using to hide columns in a very large spreadsheet. Essentially, the user has access to buttons that allow him to choose between a variety of the most commonly used views. For some reason, when I add columns and adjust the code to hide/reveal these columns, I get:
"Run-time error '1004' - Unable to set the Hidden property of the range class"
with the Debugger highlighting the code for "BO:DC". This problem occurs for several of the similar buttons, including toggle buttons, that hide/reveal columns. I am aware that custom views can be created in the drop-down menu, but I wanted to keep these buttons on the sheet as a quick means of moving from view to view and toggling columns between hidden and revealed.
Private Sub CBMonographMLA_Click() ...
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Dec 17, 2007
I have created several userforms within my excel spreadsheet and i want to be able to click a command button on one form which will then hide the current form and show the next form. In previous spreadsheets i have used the following:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
However, i am having trouble with this spreadsheet as when i am typing my code after the Form1. the hide command (and show) does not appear in the little pop scroll bar that predicts what command you plan to use. (If i type it regardless then it doesnt execute)
What is even stranger is that if i write a sub routine in a module such as:
Sub Test_Form()
End Sub
And then call it:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Call Test_Form
End Sub
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Jan 29, 2008
I have a userform labels role_selection with 5 checkboxes. Each checkbox with the caption labels as follow: Students, Teachers, Below Average, Customer, and Friend.
In addition, a 3 worksheets each labels as follow: Main page, General, and Final.
The General worksheet has the same name as the 5 checkboxes (Students, Teachers, Below Average, Customer, and Friend).
My question is how can i write a program to determine which checkbox is selected and compare the selected checkbox caption to the names that already existed in the general sheet. If the name exists show that name and hide the rest ...
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