I think this is going to be the right method for me. I need to simulate a click on a link (because the link calls a javascript), though the link is buried behind frames.
Here's the code I am sure works for a normal 1 frame page.
appIE.Document.all(0).contentWindow.Document.all("Some Link").Click
Here is the frame setup I have to work with. Mind you the frames I need to target are not labeled so I'd have to use the numbers.
<FRAME> This is where my link is hiding
I have a log that stores a list of different files in the first column. All of these files are worksheet hyperlinks (ie: =HYPERLINK("\USSS000010_PUBLIC5_COMMON15_PPA20066-032G6-032G.xls","06-032G")). If I click on any of these cells the file will open.
I am trying to open certain files from the list using VBA.
My question is Is there any way to simulate a mouse click, on the cell containing the hyperlink, using VBA?
I have an interesting question for everybody here. Let me see how to best explain it.
I start in the code making sure column Action Plan completion has a value in it. Copying in the issue modified column if neccesary.
'Back fill last modified 'I need to start with the first data row (3) and the action plan completion column Let intcurrentrow = 3 Let intcurrentcol = intactionplancompletion Do Until intcurrentrow > intmaxrow If Cells(intcurrentrow, intcurrentcol).Value = "" Then Let Cells(intcurrentrow, intcurrentcol).Value = Cells(intcurrentrow, intissuemodified).Value 'Need to ensure that everything is formatted as a date Let Cells(intcurrentrow, intcurrentcol).NumberFormat = "m/d/yy h:mm AM/PM" End If Let intcurrentrow = intcurrentrow + 1 Loop
Later, I place this formula in a given cell.
=If(I9="Open-Remediated",M9-K9, If(I9="Closed-Remediated and Validated",M9-K9,"" ))
The info I copied above is placed into the column K.
When I run the macro, the cell formula outputs "#value".
However, if I go double-click then enter the cell calculates just fine.
I've tried excels overall recalculate function, but that doesn't change this.
Does anybody know how to simulate a double-click on a cell?
i need a macro that will simulate the little corner crosshair that you drag to fill in and increment formulas. i need to fill down on sheet 2, columns a thru m a number of rows equal to sheet 1,column b, count -1.
How to create like a random number generator or something. So like +.09 is 57% and -1 is 43% and for it to randomly generate like 100 numbers, so that I could graph it later.
Is it possible to lock the computer using VBA. i.e Simulate pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete and then clicking Lock Computer so once this has been clicked the user will have to enter the password to unlock. I thought that using the SendKeys would be a start but this does nothing.
I'm wanting to loop through the first 13 Frames of a Userform and think the below code will do what I want, but I have been unable to figure out how to set cFrame.
I have a UserForm with lots of controls divided by multiple frames. (163 controls over 19 frames). The same UserForm will be collecting multiple sets of data but the first set is a "master" set. Anything entered in the master set will auto fill in subsequent sets.
What I need is a way of preventing the user from changing any options that were input in the master set in subsequent sets. ie, If I entered info into Frame1 of the master set it would show up the next time I opened the UserForm (I have this part), but I would not be able to interact with it (this is what I need).
Since I'm already pre-populating subsequent sets with the master info, my first thought is to loop through each frame testing for input and if so setting Enabled = False, but I'm not sure how to do the loop/test. Is there a way to set up a "For Each Frame in UserForm" statement? Also, the controls in each Frame could be TextBox, OptionButton, and/or CheckBox. (sometimes more than one type in the same Frame)
I'm trying to designate if a worker has worked over night and specifically between the hours 22:00 and 06:00.
In Greece these hours are been managed as extra benefit, so when I enter the worker's In (C5) and Out (D5) hours I wan't it to bring me in a cell the total hours he has worked in that specific time zone.
I have a spreadsheet with agents schedules. What I would like to do is to break down the schedules to determine how many hours are worked between different times. This is what I have: C7:C11 is Sunday Start Times D7:D11 is Sunday's End times. The sheet does Sun-Sat. so Saturday ends at Q11. I want to find out how many agents work from 6am-10am, 10am-12pm, 12pm-2pm, 2pm-4pm, 4pm-6pm, 6pm-8pm, etc. I was originally trying to use a sumproduct but had some problems getting it to work. This is what I was trying: sumproduct(--(C33:C40>=(0,0,0)),--(C33:C40
I have a column that has time ranges in it. Example: Column N Row 6 thru 253 has the following time ranges: 11am-1pm, 1pm-3pm, 12pm-5pm, 8am-12pm
I need cells with 11am-1pm to read 13:00 I need cells with 1pm-3pm to read 15:00 I need cells with 12pm-5pm to read 17:00
Is there a formula that I can use the look up the entire column and make all the changes at once, or do I have to use the find a replace. The correct format can appear in a different column.
** I found a reply for someone one a different website with the similar problem. Below is the response but it did not work for me.
Try this formula =--SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(MID(A6,FIND("-",A6)+1,11),"pm"," pm"),"am"," am")
I have been looking on here for a solution, but did not find the right answer, so I hope someone can help me with this. What I like to do is on a userform set up a "frameoptions" with two option buttons and depanding on what option I click either frame A shows or frame B shows.
When I click on "option" one it shows "frame 1" and if I click on "option two" it should show "frame two". both frames I would like to have on the exact same location of the userform. So the look of the userform stays the same. Is there a solution to this?
I need to calcualte averages for time-frames, of 7 days 30 days and 90 days. Attached is a spreadsheet and the data I am looking to average. I need to lookup todays date minus 1 and then average from there.
I have a question regarding frames and textboxes on a user form.
I have a user form that has a number of textboxes populated from the results two Comboboxes.
I decided to group some of the textboxes in frames for more logical viewing. I grouped the textboxes, moved them, placed two frame controls on the form then, finished by replacing the grouped textboxes. No code was altered or added.
When I ran the form, only the Comboboxes were functional and the text boxes were blank.
I'm having trouble defining the time overlaps on continuous days for the varying results of the runs for my simulation.
For the following data set, without counting overlaps there are 18 total spare requirements, but if I take into account their overlaps in their duration there should be a total of 11 per day. For example in row 4 this event overlapped in the same day with the event of row 5 so both had only 2 overlaps as a result (So there is not possible to be 1 as an answer for overlap, there is only from 2 to "n" amount or 0).
But if an event overlaps with more than one in their duration the result would be their maximum overlap during this time frame.
So then I have for each event an Starting date, starting time, duration, ending date and ending duration.And for each day I would need the total amount of overlaps occurred for the duration of each event and from those I would take their maximum amount of overlaps occurred per day. To obtain their real requirement as shown on the file.
The manual procedure I'm using looks like this for the first day: (Graphical representation)
Event 1 occurs from 17:02 to 20:29 and only overlaps with Event 3, so it's 2
Event 2 occurs from 20:38 to 23:38, also only overlaps with Event 3, then its also a 2
For Event 3 in its whole duration only overlapped with Even 1 and Event 2, one at a time so its maximum overlaps where only 2.
And that's what I'm using so far to determine these amounts but since is a simulation, I would end up with several data from each run and this method would be too long. That's why I would need this template to paste data for each run (15 days) and obtain my results faster.
I'm having some trouble getting control ENTER & EXIT events to fire properly when having controls embedded on frames within a userform. I'm using Excel 2003, 2007, & 2010. Here's the userforms I'm working with:
Without FRAME:
In both cases, the DESCRIPTION field is disabled. The selectable controls on both are a combo-box, textbox, listbox, & 2 buttons. On the FRAMED version, the combo-box & textbox are contained on a FRAME.
Here's the code, same on both userforms:
Code: Option Explicit Private Sub cmbRecipes_Enter() ListBox1.AddItem "ENTER - " & cmbRecipes.Value End Sub Private Sub cmbRecipes_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) ListBox1.AddItem "EXIT - " & cmbRecipes.Value End Sub
All this is doing is posting a message to the listbox when the combo-box ENTER & EXIT events fire. This works as expected without the FRAME, ENTER is shown when the combo-box is entered and EXIT is shown as focus is moved to another control. But when running it on the FRAMED version all I get is a single ENTER event recorded regardless of how I move the focus through the control set.
Another oddity is that if I have more than 1 control that can receive focus on the FRAMED version, it appears to work correctly.
i need to work out a formula for my spreadsheet which I use to work out cutting lists for timber frames. I need it to work out if the width of a job is for eg 2400mm i need to work out how many timber studs I need so the space between each stud is between 400mm and 500mm and this will need to work for a range of different sizes of frames. I have it written at the moment and it just devides the width by 400 and gives me a amount of studs but it would work much better if it could space them between 400 & 500.
I have a time column (A) that when looked in the cell only shows AM & PM times, but the cell itself (not showing) contains dates too, keeping me from be able to do a sheet wide sort of time or time frame occurrences.
Can I do some thing to sort these cells with their corresponding rows based on time only disregarding dates?
I am trying sort out all rows that in column (A) is time equal to or greater than 4:00 PM OR even maybe sort all rows that column (A) shows a time between 4:00 PM & 7:00 PM. The date in the cell is the problem, I think. Excel 2013
Running into this issue of "transworksheet macros"
I have a master "update" commandbutton on sheet 1. I have two sub "update" buttons on sheet 2 and 3 respectively.
What I would like to do is have the user click the master button, that would "click" the two sub buttons so they run their respective macros on their respective worksheets (within the same worksheet.
I have tried pasting the macro code in the master button, telling it to select the sub worksheet and then run the macro, but the marco runs itself on the master worksheet instead.
for some reson two of my macros's attached to two pics in my worksheet have 'dropped out' and the right click has been somehow disabled so I can't edit the pics so that I can reattach them.
The worksheet is full of various bits of VB code (most of which has been donated from here) so I don't even know where to start looking in the VB editor for the potential problem.
So I found some VBA code on the board that I thought I understood..It replaces paste with pastevalues...so I run the code to see how it does and everything seems great...but...NOW...whenever I open ANY workbook and try to paste by right clicking and (attempting to) choose paste special all of a sudden the test workbook that I made opens up on it's own and runs the pastespecial macro. Why??? I put absolutely no code in the workbook that I had opened when this happened. I loaded the macro into the workbook sheet of the test workbook only. Also, it's only if I right click...ctrl+c works without the macro running...selecting paste special from the menu works as well...but no right click.
The code is as follows:
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
when i click on a specific cell, a big green check mark appears. Click on it again and it disappears. The value assigned to this check mark is 1 and 0 when its off. (for future programming purposes)
The data area on the spreadsheet is from A1 to L80. The check marks would be in column L.
I know i can use a control box for this but i would prefer this method if possible.
I have a worksheet containing lot of data in A,B,C, D,E,F. If it is possible that whenever an entry in a column is clicked or double clicked, it may be pasted to another sheet or in a blank column of the same sheet.
I lost my right click option in excel, all I get is a little gray box that does nothing. I know it is something I did today, it has worked perfect before. Has anyone seen this happen, the problem is only in excell 2003.
I am trying to copy a cel l by assigning a macro to a text box or shape. The cell I want to copy is out of sight of the current view (it's a password) and I just want to click on the box or shape. I can do it when the current cell is active with 'ActiveCell.Offset', but not if I click on it when it is not the active cell.