I have 3 columns of data and 30,000+ rows. Column A & B are related and column C contains some of the same values as column B but not an exact match. I'm looking for a way to sort columns A & B so that columns B & C match up and the data from column A is moved as well. For any data that has no match, a blank space should be input. Please see below.
red dog cat
blue cat dog
green mouse pig
yellow horse kitten
blue cat cat
red dog dog
green mouse pig
yellow horse kitten
Column A has donor name, column B has corresponding donation data for 2011. Column C has donor name, and column D has donation data for 2012. Column E has donor name, and column F has corresponding donation data for 2013.
Although Columns A and C and E all have donor names, there are many changes from year to year with the addition and deletion of certain donors so the rows do not match up exactly. Is there a quick way to have the rows match up according to donor names in column each of the three columns? Secondarily, I need to sort by donation amount from highest to lowest (it can either be the total over the three years or based on any single year.
Currently my list looks like this: 2011 2012 2013 A A A B C B D D C F E D H F I L G K M H M
I would like it to look like this: 2011 2012 2013 A A A B - B C C - - D- - E- F F F G G G H - - L - L - - M
Basically, I want to see the year over year giving for each donor. I've attached a sample for refrence. (I can't post the original due to confidentiality requirements.)
I have two columns one is web addresses and the other is email addresses but the rows do not line up. I was hoping that since the second half of the email address matches the web address I could somehow sort them so that the email address column and web address column match up. Here is an example but keep in mind that this list is about 9k long and this is just a sampling so you may not see any in this example that match. Also I may have more than one email address per website.
Column A has customer name, columns B,C,D has corresponding sales data for that month. Column E is blank. Column F has has customer name. Column G,H,I has the same corresponding sales data for the next month.
Although Column A and F both have customer names, there are many changes month over month with the addition and deletion of certain customers so the rows do not match up exactly. Is there a quick way to have the rows match up according to customer names in column A and F and then sort them alpabetically?
Currently my list looks like this: Jan Feb A A B C D D F E H F L G M H
I would like it to look like this: Jan Feb A A B C D D E F F G H H L M
I have a lot of data to filter / sort. I want to initially to create a filter for a column of data - which has the format similar to hierarchical paths to files. The data is a mix of text/numbers. e.g.
Doing an alphabetical sort of this date would return the following order. As you can see while each strings in unique - there are many instances where they are simialr - if you ignore the unique numeric values at the end of the string.
So what I want to do is to create a filter for the strings - but ignoring the numeric bits at the end i.e.
The strings are obviiously of varying length and the number of hierarchical paths is different, so I can't split string on "/".
Similarly folder paths names can contain "_" so can't split string on this either.
As I don't know how many "/" or "-" instances there will be in the string I don't believe I can use the find function. Also as the amount of number will be different i don't think I can use =right(a1,X) either.
I may be able to search for the pattern above - as this is probabay unique - so maybe it's something like the following pseudo code:
Function GetString(txt As String) As String With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") .Pattern = "reg_d+(_)+d+//d" GetString = .execute(txt)(0) End With End Function
If I do require VBA code - how do I then use this for creating a column filter? Or will I have to extract the filtered data first from the column (and its associated row data) into another worksheet to use?
Once I have the filter in place I want to create tables using the filtered data - so for example each column value above has a lot of associated data values in each row e.g
I have a data entry sheet for attendance that shows the individuals name, date and hours attended. Each individual attendance is addedd to a new row. I need to transpose this data and display it in a report table, with the names in column A and showing hours worked for each day of that week. The formula needs to accomodate the growing data entry sheet as records are added (I'm using a date picker to change the week in the report sheet).
I've tried match, lookup and index and have confused myself thoroughly! Below is a sample of the data entry sheet (on left) and report table (on right)
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Book1___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutH1I1J1K1L1M1= ABCDEFGHIJKLM1SurnameDateHours**Surname1-Jan2-Jan3-Jan4-Jan5-Jan6-Jan7-Jan2Smith1-Jan-076**Smith63600363Jones1-Jan-076**Jones66000304Rogers1-Jan-076**Rogers60600005Hathaway1-Jan-076**Hathaway60600006Pearson1-Jan-076**Pearson60000007Wills1-Jan-076**Wills60000008Smith2-Jan-073**********9Jones2-Jan-076**********10Smith3-Jan-076**********11Rogers3-Jan-076**********12Hathaway3-Jan-076**********13Smith6-Jan-073**********14Rogers6-Jan-073**********15Rogers7-Jan-076**********16Rogers8-Jan-076**********17Rogers5-Feb-076**********18Smith6-Feb-076**********19Jones6-Feb-076**********20Rogers
I'm trying to figure out a way ( excel 2000) how to sort data over a range of columns.
Attached is a sheet.
So what I am looking for is this:
Bottom 10 for target 1, target 2, target 3.
I can sort them indervidually, but is there a way to sort the all?
Or would I need a agent column for each target to sort?
Or maybe there is a way to sort the data so it would work out that if they are in the bottom 10 of lets say 2 of the targets but not all 3 they would still show in the bottom 10?
So I have several columns of data that have a location and then some numbers after it in additional columns. I need to be able to sort it so that all locations that are in both location columns are sorted first, and then any locations that are in one column but not the other column follows. Also the data associated with each column that follows the location needs to remain next to the location. Many times the columns will be of highly disportionate lengths too.
I've attached an HTML table so you can get an idea of what I am looking at, except what I'm dealing with is like.... hundreds of cells long.
And in this 6 row example, I'd actually only be interested in the 4 letters that were in both columns. If it makes it easier, I would be okay with discarding the last rows, but would rather just have them sorted at the end, so I could check if....for example there were two different spellings of the same thing, and they should actually be included.
i have a data entry tab where we put names and button to sort and hide blank rows from other tabs. Problem i want to move down the number entered also. something like extend sorting but not affecting the formula on the other columns.
I would like to be able to resort the dats so that each line becomes a column BLANK CELL NAME ADDRESS CITY, STATE ZIP BLANK CELL
I know I can do it 3 cells/rows at a time using the paste special and transpose command but I have a 1000 names and addresses. How do I do it in one operation instead of a thousand?
I have a worksheet that has four columns. FName LName FName1 LNanme1. The data doe snot match between the columns... but I need to know which are in both columns.
I need to write a formula that will allow me to compare the LName with LName1 and give me some type of indication there is a match (1, yes, etc.). Ideally, after confirming there is a match, It would create another verification that FName and FName1 also match, but that is not necessary.
I basically have a list of 4000 names in one column (A) and an extract from a report containg 26000 names, again in one column (B). I need to see which of the 4,000 names in (A) appear in the column (B) from the report.
How can I do something to either line up the names, or make them change colour or something so I can see the matches?
I am trying to match up data from 2 columns and then take data from an adjacent column. I.e. take info in cell 2B, search column D for the same data and grab the data (qty) from the adjecent cell (E).
1. i am comparing text 2. i have >100 countries, and with vlookup i have to type every single one, and this is what i want to escape (mb i need to refer to an array, or string, or no idea) 3. mb a solution could be sth with index, or match, i just tried it, copying some similar formula from www, but it didn't match the countries, and return the value respective for that country.
E.g. I have China in col1 (1st file), #employees 10 in col2 (1st file), and China in Col 1 in 2nd file. So, a formula should match China & China from both files, and return 10 as number of employees.
I have a volumes sheet and based on two criteria (in columns) am trying to pull the corresponding value from the April Results Table. I have product type in C2 (this varies down the column) and depot numbers in D2. The table i am trying to match has depot numbers in column A2:A93, and Product type in Row 2 (B2:P2), where the two criteria are matched, i need it to return the corresponding figure. I have tried various combinations of Index and Vlookups but i cant get it to work!
I wish to add more criteria to the "Find Feature to Find 3 Matching Criteria in 3 Columns in Excel" (http://www.ozgrid.com/VBA/advanced-find.htm) up to 7 criteria if possible. How can I do this? I wish to display the results in a dialog box or in a different sheet. I also want to run the find feature from a different worksheet, perhaps using a button instead of having to make a selection in the table.
I am using Excel 2007 and I need to search for data patterns that are spread across many columns. I am not sure how to search so that criteria is met across all the columns concurrently.
For example
I am interested in data that matches the following criteria ;
Column B has the value 55 Column C has the value 70 Column D has the value 80
Rows of interest are when all the criteria in columns B,C,D are met at the same time (e.g 55 in B, 70 in C and 80 in D).
I have names is Column A (about 200) and names in Column B (about 800) along with additional info in other columns. Column A was just added to an existing spreadsheet and will be deleted once I accomplish my task. The goal is to come up with the 200 names in column A along with the additional info in the other columns (address, phone) and to delete all of remaining names in B (about 600, 800-200) I'm trying to figure out the most efficient way to do this. I'm not sure if there is a function to match the text in Column A to Column B and at the same time move the row in Column A to match the row the name is located in Column B.
For example John Smith is currently in A1 and John Smith is in B7 and then John's phone number is in C7. I want the John Smith in A1 to move to A7. If I can make that happen for all 200 names I will then delete all rows with no entry in column A.
In an Excel sheet; I am trying to match and align data in column C to data in column A, but it is essential that the data contained in the entire row (coln B thru to coln W) moves when Column C is matched and aligned with column A.
Any formula that can look at the data in multiple columns and check for a match - returning a value such as YES or NO. Below is an example of my sheet.
1 Name Number Name Number Name Number Match?
[Code] ..........
Basically the formula would be in Column G and would look at B, D, & F to see if they match or not. In the example above - row two - they all match. So a True, 1, or Text option such as YES would be great. Same as row 3 only you can see they are different.
Please see the attached example. I'm trying to highlight cells only if 2 values in the row match 2 values in another row. If a book title/author combination matches that of another title/author combination in a different row, it would highlight. Some alternate rows will contain different titles by the same author, and some rows will have like titles by different authors...but they should not highlight.
The only situation where highlighting would occur is if the title/author pairing appears in another row.
I'm trying to decide if this would be a conditional formatting/highlighting rule, or if it would be a macro/vbs?
Been a while since I've worked with macros within excel and I can't seem to get what I remember being a basic macro to work whatsoever. I have 2 worksheets containing a massive amount of data and need to pull some cells from one into the other when values in 2 columns match.
To better explain, sheet1 has ID numbers in column G spanning for roughly 1700 rows. Sheet 2 has corresponding ID numbers in column EO. The data I need to copy over is in columns EP and EQ on sheet 2.
So I'm trying to build a macro to compare the values in Sheet1_Column_G to those on Sheet2_Column_EO and when a match is found, copy the value in EO and the adjacent entries in columns EP & EQ over into columns X, Y, and Z on sheet 1.
Couldn't get a VB function together to save my life so I tried working with MATCH & INDEX and didn't get very far either. I've included my current function below.
I have two columns with team abbreviations, one simply says whether they are AL or NL the other is the result of a search with multiple occurrences of the team name. I need to match the long list with the short and put the column header AL or NL in the adjacent cell.
I'm using Excel 2007
The last formula I tried was =INDEX($AY$1,MATCH(BB2,$AY$2:$AY$15,0),0)
The screen shot actually just part of the sheet copied since the screen shot look like a broken html page Ok I give up. I copy and paste a jpg it turns into code, I copy and paste the spreadsheet and formatting vanishes, I don't have a URL for the picture... I did look at FAQs and didn't find picture rules but I will look again. Meanwhile. . .
It's just six columns of data. The short list is in AY from AY2 : AY15 The long list is in BB from BB2:BB505 The column header "AL" is in AY1 and NL is in AZ1