Sort Pasted Data Into Specific Columns

Jul 2, 2014

how to sort data pasted from word into specific columns e.g.

I paste: 1,2,3,4,8 into the ref row, and it poulates as such, leaving out the columns for which there is no corresponding value:

Competency: 1------2--------3-------4------5------6------7------8
Ref: -------WR1----WR1----WR1-----------WR5------------------WR1

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Sort / Move Data In Accordance To Specific Column?

May 9, 2014

How to do what I am about to ask takes time and time causing brain overloading. I have made screenshots but I can't upload them. I get red exclamation point with images sizing ~55KB

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How Do You Sort Columns So That They Match Up With Other Columns With Like Data

Jul 2, 2008

I have two columns one is web addresses and the other is email addresses but the rows do not line up. I was hoping that since the second half of the email address matches the web address I could somehow sort them so that the email address column and web address column match up. Here is an example but keep in mind that this list is about 9k long and this is just a sampling so you may not see any in this example that match. Also I may have more than one email address per website.

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Match And Sort Data In 6 Columns?

Jan 6, 2014

Column A has donor name, column B has corresponding donation data for 2011. Column C has donor name, and column D has donation data for 2012. Column E has donor name, and column F has corresponding donation data for 2013.

Although Columns A and C and E all have donor names, there are many changes
from year to year with the addition and deletion of certain donors so the rows do not match up exactly. Is there a quick way to have the rows match up according to donor names in column each of the three columns? Secondarily, I need to sort by donation amount from highest to lowest (it can either be the total over the three years or based on any single year.

Currently my list looks like this:
2011 2012 2013

I would like it to look like this:
2011 2012 2013
B - B
C C -
- D-
- E-
H - -
L - L
- - M

Basically, I want to see the year over year giving for each donor. I've attached a sample for refrence. (I can't post the original due to confidentiality requirements.)

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Sort Data Over Multiple Columns

Nov 6, 2009

I'm trying to figure out a way ( excel 2000) how to sort data over a range of columns.

Attached is a sheet.

So what I am looking for is this:

Bottom 10 for target 1, target 2, target 3.

I can sort them indervidually, but is there a way to sort the all?

Or would I need a agent column for each target to sort?

Or maybe there is a way to sort the data so it would work out that if they are in the bottom 10 of lets say 2 of the targets but not all 3 they would still show in the bottom 10?

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Merge And Sort Data Across Columns?

Dec 19, 2012

So I have several columns of data that have a location and then some numbers after it in additional columns. I need to be able to sort it so that all locations that are in both location columns are sorted first, and then any locations that are in one column but not the other column follows. Also the data associated with each column that follows the location needs to remain next to the location. Many times the columns will be of highly disportionate lengths too.

I've attached an HTML table so you can get an idea of what I am looking at, except what I'm dealing with is like.... hundreds of cells long.

I want to be able to turn this:

HTML Code: 

<table border="1" bordercolor="#FFCC00" style="background-color:#FFFFCC" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">


And in this 6 row example, I'd actually only be interested in the 4 letters that were in both columns. If it makes it easier, I would be okay with discarding the last rows, but would rather just have them sorted at the end, so I could check if....for example there were two different spellings of the same thing, and they should actually be included.

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Sort Different Tab Along With Data Except Columns With Formulas?

Apr 4, 2014

i have a data entry tab where we put names and button to sort and hide blank rows from other tabs. Problem i want to move down the number entered also. something like extend sorting but not affecting the formula on the other columns.

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Sort And Match 2 Columns Of Data

Jul 19, 2012

I have 3 columns of data and 30,000+ rows. Column A & B are related and column C contains some of the same values as column B but not an exact match. I'm looking for a way to sort columns A & B so that columns B & C match up and the data from column A is moved as well. For any data that has no match, a blank space should be input. Please see below.


red dog cat
blue cat dog
green mouse pig
yellow horse kitten


blue cat cat
red dog dog
green mouse pig
yellow horse kitten

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Sort Repetitive Data From Rows To Columns

Jun 23, 2006

I have a column of repetitive data:


I would like to be able to resort the dats so that each line becomes a column

I know I can do it 3 cells/rows at a time using the paste special and
transpose command but I have a 1000 names and addresses. How do I do it in
one operation instead of a thousand?

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Parsing Pasted Data

Oct 13, 2008

macro that will parse data that has been pasted in to Excel from a text document. Once the macro is executed the pasted data will be sent to a separate spreadsheet and parsed horizontally with the data residing in is respective cell.

Here is an example of my data from text:
FIRST: Frank
LAST: Stien
STREET: Halloween
ZIP CODE: 123456
CITY: Scaryville
STATE: Scary Ya
COUNTRY: Transilvania

Here is an example of my desired results:
A2:Frank, B2:N, C2:Stien, D2:APT14, E2:Halloween, F2:123456, G2:Scaryville, H2:ScaryYa, I2: Transilvania, J2:N/A

The data is always pasted in A2 on the first sheet, and varies somewhat in length but the format is always the same.

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VB Macro - Sort Data In Columns Within Active Spreadsheet?

Feb 12, 2014

I am new to VB Macro creation and I am creating VB Macro which will:

1. Sort data in Columns within an active spreadsheet

2. Create new Worksheets

3. Delete Values in rows based on value in Column.

I have listed my "Step by Step" instructions in the tblTest Excel file on attachment. The instructions are clear and straight to the point.

Below are some VB Macros I was experimenting with but it is not complete.

Sub Sort_Ascending_With_Header()
'Sorts a worksheet in ascending order and assumes there are headers on the data
Range("A1:DZ20000").Sort _


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Sorting Pasted Data By Recognizing Data As Dates

Oct 26, 2013

I copy/paste the data from this website [URL] ........

How I can sort all the data based upon the "Date"? The date data is not recognized when I copy/paste.

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VB Script To Arrange Pasted Data

May 11, 2014

I am starting a data sheet that I will be pasting from the internet into my data sheet daily, the problem I have is that the content data is pasting with blank rows between data and also there is one piece of data that is situated on the row below which i need moving to the end of the main data row, the idea is to have single data rows with no blank rows.

I have attached an example sheet showing the layout it repeats with only the amount of data that changes.

I have colored the data as follows:

Grey= Blank Rows
Yellow= Data Move to end of main row
Green= Unwanted Data

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How To Prevent Duplicate Data Being Pasted

Jan 14, 2013

I have a worksheet that you can enter in

Forename, Surname, Area, D.O.B

This has a macro assigned that copies the data and pastes it into another worksheet at the next available row.

Now this works fine, but I want to be able to identify if the data already exists in the other worksheet then prevent it from being pasted and give an error message that the person already exists in the database.

Is this possible?

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Move And Sort With One Column But Insert Extra Columns As Needed For Proper Sort?

Jan 13, 2014

Using DataEntry sheet for data.
Trying to rearrange the data to DataFormatedProperly sheet.
So far all I can accomplish is DataFormatedWrong sheet.

Edit: Not sure what happened but file was NOT understandable before. It should be correct now.

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Sort Different Columns Separately And Create Combobox To Filter Data?

Jun 6, 2014

I have a workbook has a "Summary" worksheet. I would like to be able to do the following:

(1) Sort columns D, G, J, M,... (the number of columns are different each time I run the macro that I have).

(2) create a combo box to be able to the data (that sorted in 1) by month (1,2,..., 12).

see the attached file

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Converting Pdf Cut And Pasted Data Into Separate Cells

Jan 26, 2009

I have rxd a pdf file that I need to manipulate I have copied the data into excel and now need it in individual cells:? The data looks like this: 02392950067 19/12/2008 14:33:35 02392950053 Portsmouth 1.9 £0.03. this is:

phone number calling | date called | time called | number called | duration in minutes | cost of call. If you're out there I'd be more than happy to hear from you. the cells to cut the data into will be formatted to take the data in the correct form. 02392950067 19/12/2008 14:33:35 02392950053 Portsmouth 1.9 £0.03
phone number calling | date called | time called | number called | duration in minutes | cost of call.

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Recognizing Data Copied And Pasted From Internet?

Sep 15, 2013

Whenever I copy and paste dates from the internet I can't get Excel to recognize the info as dates, thus making it impossible to sort by date. It doesn't matter which site I use, I have the problem with all of them.


Using any of the links above, how I can paste those dates and get Excel to sort the date?

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Number Format Not Applied To Pasted Data?

Jan 5, 2014

I have a thoroughly outdated system to keep a log of call centre stats. In order to facilitate a marginally easier workflow, I have rearranged a few things so that a user simply has to copy and paste data from reports into the worksheet.

The worksheet is set up with all the number formats like time and percentage which are extremely important in totaling and averaging hours and availabilities, however the pasted data doesn't match the destination format and it therefore affects the total.

I have tried many different special pasting options to no avail.

The only way i seem to be able to do it is to go into each line and retype my percentages (as 100 becomes 10000% ) and click the tick next to the formula bar so 00:00:16 is calculated as a quantity of time instead of text. With 30 people and 15 stats each day that exercise becomes a little bit tedious and counterproductive.

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Get Data From Excel Chart That Was Pasted Into PowerPoint

Oct 6, 2013

I have a powerpoint presentation which has a bunch of Excel charts embedded as Microsoft Office Graphic Objects, but I don't have access to the source data (plus the links are broken).

how to get the underlying data. I vaguely recall once doing this with some vba that I had found somewhere the net, but I don't have the code anymore.

I have some code that works within Excel however:

Sub GetChartValues()
' this macro will recover the data from a disconnected Microsoft Graphic Object (such as we used to paste
' into PowerPoint). You will need to insert a Worksheet entitled "ChartData" to store the values.
Dim NumberOfRows As Integer


how to make this code work in PowerPoint?

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Replacing Sheet1 Data With Sheet2 Data For Specific Columns Using Macro

Mar 8, 2014

I have data in sheet 1 like below

Custid loc city
123 us newyork
124 uk wales
876 in mumbai
Sheet 2
custid newcustomerid
123 756
124 394

Custid loc city
756 us newyork
394 uk wales
876 in mumbai

So it will check sheet1 custid with sheet2 custid. If both matches it will replace custid with newcustid.if cust id not exists it will load sheet1 recprds as usual.

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Data Validation To Work When A Duplicate Value Is Pasted Into A Column

Feb 10, 2009

I have to enter patient's SSN's into my database. The fastest and most error free way to do this is simply copy the SSN from the electronic chart and paste into the appropriate cell in the database. I don't want duplicates. So, I need the database to alert me when I paste in a duplicate SSN. I know you can set data validation to do prohibit duplicates by using a formula. In the attached spreadsheet the SSN is in column B, so:

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Data To Be Ranked Groupwise And Then TOP 5 Of Each Group To Be Pasted In Other Sheet

Apr 27, 2008

I have a data in which I need to do a GROUPWISE RANKING and then to find Top 5 of Each group, which is to be pasted in next sheet.

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Aligning Pasted-in Data To Match Blank Rows

Nov 10, 2011

I have a set of 50 or so large worksheets that need updating each month. My problem is the figures I need to update these sheets with are formatted differently (different alignment of blank rows) to the destination.

I'll try to illustrate, this is the sheet I need to add data to on a monthly basis... (you'll need to imagine the numbers in column form as I'm no HTML expert)

May June July
23 34 45
65 34 45
34 23 23

[Code] .......

The blank rows need to remain uniform. When I need to paste in August's data the blank rows in the raw data extract are aligned differently and it's a laborious job deleting and inserting cells to get them to align (the sheet has hundreds of rows).

I'm capable enough of recording a macro to replicate the delting/inserting of cells BUT of the 50 or so sheets I need to update there's no uniformity of where the blank rows occur. To further exacerbate, there's no uniformity over where the blank rows occur in the data that needs to be pasted in, either. The blank rows already in the worksheets HAVE to remain and can't be deleted or altered.

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Worksheet Format Macro Not Affecting Pasted Data

Mar 31, 2007

I'm currently using some pretty extensive conditional formatting macros on a worksheet (this functionality is working fine when data is directly entered into the sheet). But when i paste data from another worksheet into my "formatted" sheet, the formatting does not take affect. is there any way to "refresh" a macro?

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VBA To Execute When Data Values Copied / Pasted Into Range Of Cells

Jan 27, 2014

Below is code I have attempted. I am learning VBA and have gathered this code from the internet and this forum. I have data that is in columns B to E and from row 7 down. I want this VBA code to run when data is copied/pasted in these cells. Where the last values stop will vary so I just want to be sure this code is executed after all the data is pasted in these cells. The data will be pasted at one time. When the user removes the data from these cells, I do not want the code to run.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Do nothing if less than four cells are changed or content deleted
If Target.Cells.Count < 4 Or IsEmpty(Target) Then Exit Sub


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Macro And Conditional Formatting: Formats The Data That Is Pasted Into It From An Access Database

Dec 2, 2008

The macro firstly formats the data that is pasted into it from an access database, then it does some calculations to determine when 10 working days from a specific date is, and when 20 working days from the date is (these go in new columns at the end of the data). The macro will also add new columns which say "Not resolved" if there is no date in the Resolution column, "Yes" in the "10 working days met?" column if the condition is met and the same for 20 workings days in a different column. As the colouring etc takes a long time I really wanted to add as conditional formatting to the macro!

how to attach a spreadsheet here then I can show you what the outcome we want is. A point to note is that there is not a set number of rows each time we do this, and I don't just want 1 cell to be coloured - I want to specify which cells in the row are coloured depending on the results in another cell on that row.

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Looking Up A Sum Of Data In Several Columns For Specific Values Of Another Column

Jan 28, 2010

=(SUMIF($J:$J, "Player1",$K:$K)+SUMIF($L:$L,"Player1",$M:$M)+SUMIF($N:$N,"Player1",$O:$O))-SUM($I:$I)

This looks up if Player 1 was in the top 3 scoring zones and adds up the players total score.

I have another column in this table of data labelled 'Number of Players'. I was wondering how to lookup the total score for this player in the games he played under 6 players for example and the games he played in where there were other six players.

I've tried using that formula ^^ with variations of IF and SUMIF formulas to try and figure it out, but I keep getting formula errors or it just returns with the total score, and not just with the total score under 6 players.

I am also trying to create a graph of date on the x axis against score to date on the y axis - everytime I try, the x axis is always numbers instead of the date?

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Search For Specific Compatible Data From Two Columns

Mar 22, 2012

adapting the bolded code to search for a specific row where the date displayed in "DAT2" (a date in Column A) occurs in the same row as specific data (e.g CEF1) in column B (note that there will only ever be one combination like this on the worksheet but it could occur in any Row) and then display just that result in "Experimental".

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Unload Me
Dim CellFound As Range
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Wks As Worksheet
If TextBox1 = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a Date to Find."
Exit Sub
End If


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Macro To Clear Data In Specific Columns

Apr 19, 2013

I have set up a macro to clear data in COl A from row 2 onwards. I need to amend the code to clear the data in the following columns from row 2 as well

Col C to I and Col L to O

Sub ClearData()
Dim LR As Long, i As Long
LR = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To LR
With Range("A" & i)

End With
Next i
End Sub

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