Split Up Huge Macro Using Call Macro But Pivot Table Code Errors Out?
Jul 10, 2012
I'm using a CALL Macro to split up a HUGE macro into different pieces:
'Macro recorded 12/14/2010 by Ryan R. Koleno, Pharm.D.
'Last Updated 7/10/12 by Ryan R. Koleno, Pharm.D.
'Do Not Modify Code Unless Given Proper Privileges to do so.
Dim APPSPD As Worksheet
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
The first few macros dealing with page setup and what not work fine but when it hits the Pivot table code for the STATSPIVOT macro it errors out stating: "Run-time error '1004': Unable to get the PivotItems property of PivotField class' at this point in the code:
objField2.PivotItems( _
"TRC").Position = 1
objField.PivotItems( _
"MEDCO MAIL OR AOB").Position = 2
When this macro is not split up it worked fine as written. Am I overlooking something in the Call Macro's code or is there a variable I'm not aware of. I have included the Pivot Table code that errors out as well.
Sheets("STATS DATA").Select
Dim objTable As PivotTable, objField As PivotField
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("STATS DATA").Select
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Apr 9, 2008
Ultimate goal is to automatically update the source data for 4 pivot tables that are on 1 worksheet. The data for those 4 pivot tables are on 4 different worksheets w/in the same workbook. Consolidating into one dataset is not an option.
I'm familiar with a dynamic named range, but the 4 worksheets that contain the data are replaced daily via automated Access output which creates an error.
I know how to do this adhoc by matching the pivot table names with their respective worksheets, but there are many other documents with similar layouts where this would beneficial.
Below is an example of how I currently update 3 pivots on separate worksheets w/ the same data range which is w/in the same workbook. My proposed changes are below the current. Any ideas on how to return the workbook name as a string...Or am I going about this the completely wrong way...
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Apr 24, 2008
I wrote a macro for a pivot table.
ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
"Export!R1C1:R3000C53").CreatePivotTable TableDestination:="", TableName:= _
"PivotTable4", DefaultVersion:=xlPivotTableVersion10
ActiveSheet.PivotTableWizard TableDestination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1)
ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1).Select
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable4").AddDataField ActiveSheet.PivotTables( _
"PivotTable4").PivotFields("Reference"), "Count of Reference", xlCount
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable4").PivotFields("ACN received date")
.Orientation = xlRowField
.Position = 1
End With
What i want to know is if there is a code line to test if "Non Processed" value exists in column "Status" and then hide the value.
Now, if the macro does not find one value just gives me error.
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Nov 28, 2006
The "Sum" sheet can change its number of rows. The pivot table is based on it. I'm having trouble with the SourceData portion of the code in my macro ....
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Mar 6, 2008
i would like an if macro to pick up if cell dest (i have used a case to define this cell) contains an error or more imoprtantly #REF! then change the offending cells to 0 and put up a message box to put "Check XTA". i have found some that i think may work but i didnt understand them (they had function in them :smask so i couldnt put them in.is there a way to put them in with out functions or could someone point me in the right direction.
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May 9, 2008
how to supress the continue,end,debug, message when there is a vba error. The idea being that if there is a bug in my system that I have no realised, I don't want my end user seeing that message! I would preferrable design my own error message to appear instead.
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Apr 4, 2009
Need the code needed to call the following code from an insheet button.
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May 1, 2008
I am trying to call a pre- recorded macro in Axys using VBA code. I've been able to copy a script from my predecessor's macro, but I now need to debug and create new codes. Can anyone explain the structure of the following command?
retval = Shell ("s:axysREP32.EXE -mdld_cbdg -p" & strAxysGroup & " " & """" & """" & " -u -vs")
the "mdld_cbdg" is m for macro, then the name of the report in Axys. Although the script code is the same for most of my macros that succesfully call & export Axys reports, I receive an error with this one when I try to command it. I've already tested the waiting time in VBA to call the report, and I know that's not the problem.
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Apr 27, 2012
I would like to have something that will auto run the code in Module1 when the Excel File is opened, but I do not want to code tansfered into the file when it is saved in its location.
I don't mind if the code is tranfered to saved file if in fact I can make sure the code is not run when the new file is opened...
Everything is working as intended at the moment, but when openeing the saved file the entire macro tried to run again. This is what I do not want...
I currently have the following code in Module1.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
' Format_Copy_&_Paste
Application.OnKey "^+r", "Warehouse_Cost_Summary"
Sheets("Sheet1").Name = "DataSet"
[Code] ..........
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Jul 15, 2009
I have a huge data which needs to be divided and distributed to team members. What i want to achieve is to split, thru macro/VB, the entries in my main file into several files, say by 50s. I attached files for reference. Whereas, the Dummy.xls is the main file and Book1 & Book2 are the desired output.
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Jun 10, 2013
I have created several reports containing pivot charts with slicers, pivot tables and data sets. Total file size is around 5MB. Need to do an update in my pivot table Like adding an additional grouping on one of my dimensions. As soon as I start doing so the Microsoft Excel stopped working error message pops up and my file crashes! Removing existing groupings seems for some reason to be impossible as well: nothing happens when I do this. Ahow to solve this without having to rebuild all my reports?
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Jun 19, 2014
I am trying to divide a table of data (7 Columns, 500-1000'ish rows) into individual worksheets based on any unique values in column. There may be anywhere from 10-30 instances of the same value in Column C, and I need to bring all rows of each unique instance into a newly created worksheet to be labelled the same as the value in Column C.
The RAW data will be updated monthly by keeping a template file copying and pasting data, therefore I am hoping to have a "SORT" button with this Macro assigned to it. I have quickly thrown together a sample workbook with how the RAW DATA will be pasted into the file, with additional sheets showing how I would like the data split and organised.
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Nov 6, 2007
I want to build a pivot table on database that is not centralize in one place.
every month the new data is insert in a new sheet (of course with the
same fields names)
But the wizard, refuse to build a pivot table from data that is not
concentrated in one place.
(My intention is not the option: "Multiple Consolidation Ranges".)
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Aug 13, 2014
This is the code I use to call a macro when the macro Im calling is in the same workbook.
However, I would like to call this same macro when using another workbook. I copied the macro "Clearformating" and pasted into a personal macro workbook module. However when I add this code to the sheet tab it will not run the macro.
I also tried this code.
[Code] .....
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Jan 7, 2009
I have a Sheet sheet1 and I want to run a macro when the cell D2 in Sheet1 is equal to 10,7,5,and 3. I only want this macro to run when those values are reached the macro then puts the data onto a sheet called wps. The macro is run as a module and is a sub macro.
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Jul 25, 2009
I have a pivot table macro below. It works great:
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May 24, 2008
My goal is to macro the creation of pivot tables into seperate worksheets based on each particular record in the "Office" (location). Ultimately, I will apply an email macro to send out each pivot table (and source data if necessary) to various recipients. I need to make sure that each recipient of a pivot table is limited to only drill into the detail for their particular "Office" and not able to view other location's information in the Source Data worksheet--is this possible, or do I need to create separate source data worksheets for each Office's pivot table in order to limit the viewing?
Items I need guidance on:
Creating a macro to breakout pivot tables into seperate worksheets based on "Office" locationPlease advise on how I can secure Pivot Tables so that the user can only drill into the information originally presented in the pivot table they receive and will not be allowed to view all of the source data.
Please find attached a file with my source data and an example of a pivot table for one of the Office locations (Chicago).
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Jun 3, 2014
Can record the all those actions which we need to do on a regular basis. In my work i have to create the pivot table to a data which gets changed every day but the data sequence remains the same.
I have tried to record the macro for the pivot table but when i tried to run the macro again then the below error message comes.
"run time error 5" "Invalid procedure call or argument" when i click on debug then the below macro program is highlighted in yellow color.
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Jun 23, 2014
I am trying to make a dynamic pivot table using VBA. Unfortunately, Im not very good.I have a set of data with variable number of rows and variable number of columns and I need to make a pivot table. Need to select this data from sheet - Master, where the first data entry starts in cell A1. of the data in the sheet, i only need the name and age title In the pivot table fields -
ROWS needs to contain - name
COLUMN needs to contain - Age
Values need to contain - count of Age
After this is done, since the data will be dynamic, the pivot table will also be dynamic. i need to copy the pivot table data and paste it in another sheet so that I can do some filtering. The filtering part I think i can do my self.
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Aug 19, 2012
i want to make the pivot table using vba macro. the sample workbook looks likes this [URL]...
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Apr 13, 2013
I've created a Pivot Table with 30+ fields. I've recorded the following macro to add the first field. I need modifying the code so that it looks for and adds every field automatically. It'd save a lot of time.
Sub PTAdd()
' PTAdd Macro
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable3").PivotFields("Assigned To")
.Orientation = xlRowField
.Position = 1
End With
End Sub
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Jul 25, 2014
I got this code from another old old thread, is there a way that the pivot is already setup like column A is already in Row Labels, B is for Column Labels and C to Values.
SourceData:= _[a1].CurrentRegion.Address).CreatePivotTable
TableDestination:= _"", TableName:="PivotTable1"ActiveSheet.PivotTableWizard
[Code] ......
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Sep 19, 2007
one part requires a pivot table to split two seperate pieces of data. the macro is running fine until this point when i get the AddFields method error (run time 1004). the Visual Basic error is as follows:
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").AddFields RowFields:="Employee", _
With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Lab Hrs")
.Orientation = xlDataField
.Caption = "Sum of Lab Hrs"
.Function = xlSum
End With
ActiveWorkbook.ShowPivotTableFieldList = False
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-6
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll ToRight:=4
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Int Lab Hrs"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(RC[-25],Sheet1!C[-26]:C[-24],3,FALSE)"
is this basically a write off or can anything be salvaged to make it run correctly. the pivot table will always use the same columns etc. every month it is run.
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Mar 23, 2004
Creating a pivot table using a macro ...
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May 1, 2007
I have a macro that I would like to run once I change a selection in my pivot t able. is this possible?
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Jul 14, 2014
I'm trying to write a macro that will look up information about clients that result from a pivot table. Depending on what two inputs are put into the pivot table (coverage, existing or target company) the client names that the vlookup needs to reference will change.
The vlookup information for each client would paste into a different cell on another worksheet, and change depending on which clients came up in the pivot table. So the macro would need to look up clients from a specified range that the pivot table is in.
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Jul 22, 2007
I have an excel file, attached. I have a system that output all the stock in the format of sheet "price listing".
At the moment I manually create the layout for the text in "sheet 1" and use a macro to update prices etc. There are about 400 lines in the full listing and having to update the layout constantly for new products, deleted products is very time consuming. I send this list to customers every few months for them to see the range and the prices, so it has to look well.
I am looking for a macro or a pivot chart or something that I would be able to run on the "price listing" sheet and would put it in some usable format. Different customers can have different prices so that it needs to be quick and flexible. I send this list to customers every month for them to see the range and the prices, so it has to look well. Is there any way to create an index also from an excel workbook?
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Oct 2, 2009
I need to manipulate some data in order to make it reasonable. I'm reading up on Macro's now in order to be able to do this stuff in the future, but I think macro's are a long term thing.
Actually before I go into that, is there any book one can recommend for macro's? I do have a friend's books, How to Do Everything with MS Office Excel 2003, MS Excel Bible 2003, and MS Office - Excel 2003 Formulas. Are these good or any other recommendations? In particular I would like some data to play around w/ so that when in the book they tel me to do something I actually have some data to manipulate. I imagine learning the basics of macro's will be easy enough, but as I understand it the real power of macro's comes from programming in VB, and I dont see how that can be covered in these books.
Now for the more specific questions -
My raw data looks like the attached excel file called Raw Data, I want it to end up as the other attached excel file called Result. How would I create a macro to read where the ticker begins and ends? Is there any way to do it w/o VB knowledge?
Raw Data:
Resulting Data:
More importantly, I want to be able to order the tickers by how many times they've been mentioned. For example in the second excel file called Result, Laura has been mentioned twice as often as anyone else. When I sort this list I want to sort by who's been mentioned the most. So I'd like to see 6 lines of her data, followed by the person mentioned the second most (if they had 5 lines, the next 5 should be them etc). For this one would pivot tables do the job, or do I need macro's for this as well?
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Jul 14, 2014
I'm trying to write a macro that will look up information about clients that result from a pivot table. Depending on what two inputs are put into the pivot table (coverage, existing or target company) the client names that the vlookup needs to reference will change.
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Feb 8, 2014
I have a report that has percentage of row totals that just displays as 100% for the grand total column. I want to hide that percentage of row column. I've attached the excel file below to see the pivot tables.
detail report.zip
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