Suppress Macro Code Run-Time Errors

May 9, 2008

how to supress the continue,end,debug, message when there is a vba error. The idea being that if there is a bug in my system that I have no realised, I don't want my end user seeing that message! I would preferrable design my own error message to appear instead.

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Macro Fix Any Run Time Errors

Dec 29, 2008

I want to create a Macro that will basically fix any run time errors, that should occur without users having to close the document and reopen. I know I can hit "ctrl G" in the VBA and in the immediate window type in:

Application.EnableEvents = True

and then close the VBA and the macro will work again. I just want this code to be able to be applied by my users witout having to go into the VBA. I will assign this macro to a Button. How can I do this?

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Split Up Huge Macro Using Call Macro But Pivot Table Code Errors Out?

Jul 10, 2012

I'm using a CALL Macro to split up a HUGE macro into different pieces:

'Macro recorded 12/14/2010 by Ryan R. Koleno, Pharm.D.
'Last Updated 7/10/12 by Ryan R. Koleno, Pharm.D.
'Do Not Modify Code Unless Given Proper Privileges to do so.
Dim APPSPD As Worksheet
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual


The first few macros dealing with page setup and what not work fine but when it hits the Pivot table code for the STATSPIVOT macro it errors out stating: "Run-time error '1004': Unable to get the PivotItems property of PivotField class' at this point in the code:

objField2.PivotItems( _
"TRC").Position = 1
objField.PivotItems( _
"MEDCO MAIL OR AOB").Position = 2

When this macro is not split up it worked fine as written. Am I overlooking something in the Call Macro's code or is there a variable I'm not aware of. I have included the Pivot Table code that errors out as well.

Sheets("STATS DATA").Select
Dim objTable As PivotTable, objField As PivotField
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("STATS DATA").Select


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Identify Formula Errors Macro Code

Mar 6, 2008

i would like an if macro to pick up if cell dest (i have used a case to define this cell) contains an error or more imoprtantly #REF! then change the offending cells to 0 and put up a message box to put "Check XTA". i have found some that i think may work but i didnt understand them (they had function in them :smask so i couldnt put them there a way to put them in with out functions or could someone point me in the right direction.

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Suppress MsgBox When Calling Macro From Another Macro

Jan 9, 2012

I have a workbook with two macros that the user can run individually. They unfortunately take a fair amount of time to complete (approx 1 hour each) so I implemented some timing related code that at the end of the macro completion, it notifies them with a msgBox indicating how long it took to run. With that said, I would like to allow the user to run a macro that simply calls the other two so that they can kick it off at the end of the day and they both will be finished by morning. I created a new macro that simply makes a call to each of the other macros individually. The problem is, my msgBox that displays after the first macro completes, waits for "OK" acknowledgement which defeats the whole purpose of being able to run them both via one macro. I have tried to include Application.DisplayAlerts = False prior to calling the first macro but it is not working. Here is an example of what I am trying to do.

Sub runAllMacros()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Call compileBookData
Call compileLaborData
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
MsgBox "All Rollup Macros have completed execution."

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Suppress Message When Macro Called By Another Macro

Aug 15, 2007

I have a Macro (AutomateReport) that, among other things, calls and runs a macro (ReportStep1) in another workbook.

ReportStep1 includes three prompts asking the user to press "OK" to confirm that the data included is correct. When I call ReportStep1 as part of my larger macro I would like to suppress these prompts or automatically respond "OK" so that I don't have to be bothered with them.

SendKeys works sometimes, but I am hoping for a more reliable method.

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Suppress Overwrite Existing Data Alert In VBA Macro

May 29, 2009

I can't get the Displayalerts = False to work as it's supposed to when analyzing data running the correlation add-in. (ATPVBAEN.XLAM!Mcorrel)

For each loop the alert is displayed which I don't want it to.

The code below is just an example. I have several rows which I will loop through and therefore the Displayalerts=False must work.

Sub test4()

With Application
. ScreenUpdating = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With

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How To Suppress Macro Search-replace Warning When No Data Found

Dec 29, 2011

I have written a macro to convert data from a report exported from to a format that is acceptable for upload to our website. One of the necessary conversions is to convert values from a Boolean value to a Y/N value. I wrote a macro with a series of search-replace commands such as this:

'replace 0s and 1s in "Direct Billing" column with appropriate data
Selection.Replace What:="0", Replacement:="N", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
This code generates a warning when no "0" values are found:

"Microsoft Office Excel cannot find any data to replace. Check if your search formatting and criteria are defined correctly. If you are sure that matching data exists in this workbook, it may be on a protected sheet. Excel cannot replace data on a protected worksheet."

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Type Conversion Errors In VBA Code

Sep 5, 2007

I have an existing code that runs almost flawlessly but I am running in to formatting cells error (or at least I think that is the problem).

For example, here is a line of code where my error lies:

If Worksheets(FirstSheet).Cells(Counter, ColtoMove) = MoveIf Then

If I put my cursor on MoveIf it shows the expect number of 4500016239…….BUT it errors!

When I step through the code and go to the worksheet (or go to the left side of the = in the above code the data in the cell is “4.5E+09“.

I’ve attempted to change the formatting of this cell range to “Text” by the following With statement:

With Worksheets("CreateOrderFormsData")
.Range("AC:AC").NumberFormat = "Text"
End With

Note: if I verify the cells formatting after the above code is ran by rt click on the cell, format cells the Number field is set to “CUSTOM” and the Type: field is set to “TEXT”. Is this the problem? Please read on.

But that did not seem to do the trick…..actually if I now go to the left of the = again (which is now set to text) the data is “###########” in the cell, in the formula bar the number is the expected 4500016239 though but the CODE STILL FAILS!

Am I on the right track…..can anyone assist with this error please?

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FileSearch Code Errors In 2007

Jan 26, 2008

Sub CombineWBs()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim newWB As Workbook
Dim i As Long

On Error Resume Next

With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "C:Budget"
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(.FoundFiles(1))
RenameWS wb
Set newWB = ActiveWorkbook
wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
For i = 2 To .FoundFiles.Count
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(.FoundFiles(i))
RenameWS wb
wb.Worksheets.Copy After:=newWB.Worksheets(newWB.Worksheets.Count)

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Code For Button Errors Due To Worksheet Name Change

Oct 15, 2008

My code works well if the worksheet name is Sheet1. It will change constantly. I have alot of other similar workbooks that are not affected and cannot figure this out. Here is the code that I get the error at: ....

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Before Close Code Errors When Closing From Other Workbooks

Nov 21, 2006

I have a workbook which includes a simple set of options on closing such as selecting the front sheet, restoring scrollbars and saving the workbook. To avoid problems with subscripts out of range I am using the ThisWorkbook statement to close the workbook.

This works fine and causes the workbook to close when close is clicked on any excel window. The problem is that excel falls over when it tries to resume closing the other workbooks. I am given (ironically) an error saying "excel has encountered a problem and needs to close". Does anyone know how to work around this?

My code is below:

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)

Call Toolbars9(True)
With ActiveWindow
.DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = True
.DisplayWorkbookTabs = True
End With

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Running Simple VBA Code Causing Screen Errors

Nov 30, 2009

I have a rather large workbook (30 sheets, 10MB) that has one worksheet with many INDIRECT functions in it (pulling data from the same file, different tabs). I am working to put simple code into the workbook to protect and/or unprotect all worksheets. I have gotten code to work to both protect and unprotect all the sheets, but when I run the unprotect code (see below), and then I go to edit the workbook, data from the sheet with many "indirect" functions temporarily "overwrites" the data on the active sheet (this is fixed when I scroll my mouse over the effected cells). I am developing this workbook for other users, so I'd like to fix this before sending it off to them.

This problem does not happen until after I run the following .....

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Code Errors On Setting Cell Values To A Formula?

Jul 15, 2014

the following two statements return the error "Application-defined or object-defined error"

Sheets("Purchase").Range("PurchaseTax").FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(RC[-1]0,ROUND(RC[-1]/11,2),"")"
Sheets("Purchase").Range("FreightTax").Formula = "=IF(FreightCharge0,ROUND(FreightCharge/11,2),"")"

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Sheet Event Code Errors If Target Deleted

Mar 25, 2008

I have added this bit of code to change the apperance of entered time from 0835 to 08:35

UserInput = Target.Value
If UserInput > 1 Then
NewInput = Left(UserInput, Len(UserInput) - 2) & ":" & Right(UserInput, 2)
Application.EnableEvents = False
Target = NewInput
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If

And it works like a charm. Except that if the content in one of the cells later is deleted a "Run time error 13" is the result. Debug leeds to the line "If Userinput >1 Then"

Can this error be avoided..?

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Event Code Errors When More Than One Cell Changed/Deleted

Apr 15, 2008

I used the code below for Conditional Formatting. This works fine but the VBA-code crashes when I delete more than one selected cell. Is there a simple modification possible to prevent this from happening?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim icolor As Integer
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1:C250")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target
Case 1
icolor = 6
Case 2
icolor = 12
Case 3
icolor = 7
Case 4
icolor = 53
Case 5
icolor = 15
Case 6
icolor = 42
Case Else
End Select

Target.Interior.ColorIndex = icolor
End If
End Sub

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Workbook Code Errors When Orginal Sheet Hidden Or Deleted

Oct 14, 2007

I copied the sheet and redid the format. I renamed the original dashboard sheet from count to "keep" and named the copy after the original "count" Everything still works great - until i either hide or delete the original count which is now named "keep". I get an error at the red colored line below ".publish false".

I have attached an image of the error....

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Sheetchange Code That Does Not Activate Macro Each Time?

Oct 28, 2012

I am writing a code that has a sheet change event linked to call on a number of macros. The vba works fine until I change another cell and it activates the same macro.


Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range

Select Case Range(BI47)
Case "1"


I have tried if statements and everything else I can find, most will not work, others report errors. The code and macros will be the same on many sheets but work independently and BI27 is the source of the change

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Code To Time How Long Macro Takes To Run

Mar 10, 2004

Any code I can stick into the end (plus maybe start) of a macro to display the length of time it took for the macro to run?

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Continually Run Macro Code At Time Intervals

May 7, 2008

I am trying to continually refresh a spreadsheet (it is a countdown timer), and i am looking for a way to do this other than hold "F9". It is excel 97.

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Seperate Date From Time In Cell Macro Code

May 20, 2008

I have cells in a column that record time in date. Unformatted it would appear as 19789.51407 but formatted to show time and date it would as appear as 3/6/54 12:20 PM. I am making graphs with the data and I want the title of my x axis to read "GMT Time (mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy)" or "GMT Time (mm/dd/yyyy)" depending on if the event spans more then one day. Using the following code, it almost accomplishes this.

Dim strDate As String
Range("CO3").Value = Range("A3").Value
Range("CP3").Value = Range("A" & Drag).Value
Range("CO3:CP3").NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"
If Range("CO3").Value = Range("CP3").Value Then
strDate = "GMT Time (" & Range("CO3") & ")"
If Range("CO3").Value < Range("CP3").Value Then
strDate = "GMT Time (" & Range("CO3") & " - " & Range("CP3") & ")"
End If
End If

Where "Drag" is a variable that signifies the total number of cells in the column; ie the first and last dates. It compares the values and saves the results as a string. The problem is that when the string is saved it saves the date in mm/dd/yyyy hh/mm/ss. How can i separate the date from the time so I can have the title of my x axis appear as i need them?

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Vba Macro Code For Grouping Data Based On 2 Hours Time

Apr 28, 2014

I need a VBA macro code to get the output like in the excel file which I have attached with this thread. Which means, I need to group the data for every two hours. in the output I need all 4 cols namely A, B, C, D along with extra col namely, interval based on which I need these groupings to be done..

The code has to be really flexible so that it works for all dates and times in the files. Because like this I have to do for 2000 files.....

Original link: [URL] .....

plant area.xlsx

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Macro To Delete Cells With #N/A Errors

Aug 4, 2009

i have a column C with thousands of data. in that column, i had done a vlookup formula based on the lookup_value on its right, that is column B. some of the values arent available in the mapping table, causing the #N/A error.

i want to be able to delete those #N/A errors so that my dataset looks 'cleaner'. its tiring for me to go through each row one by one and delete them manually. i wnat to create a macro but im not so sure how to start.

in pseudo-code, it shud be something like this:

delete cell if cell_value = #N/A error.

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Random Errors When Macro Is Run In A Bat-file

Jun 6, 2007

I'm running loads of SQL-queries in a bat-file (using the isql-command). After that has been done I want to run Excel to format the result of the queries, and save it as a excel file on a networkplace. The SQL-queries are working fine, and the macro is working fine, when run seperatly, but since I cant predict how long the SQL-queries will take I have to either give it an extra long time before I start with the Macro, or run then in a chain from the bat-file.

When I do that I usually end up with random errors in Excel. Most usually it is "Not enough memory to display completly". This error is shown before the actual workbook is loaded, and therefore no macro has been loaded either so there's nothing I can do from there.

When I click OK the macro runs as should be though, but since it should be run at 5 in the morning it will just stand there until I come into work each day, and have loads of complaint that they havent got their figures yet.

I have checked out Microsoft, and googled the errors loads of times in diffrent way, but havent found anything solid that works yet.

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Excel Exits Macro Without Warning - No Errors

Jan 19, 2012

I'm writing a piece of code that puts certain values in certain cells based on certain criteria. (Vague, I know.)

When the code gets to the part where it puts the first value in the first cell (in a loop), it inserts the value and then the code stops running. Even when I put in "On Error Goto Err" with a msgbox that contains the error description, the code just quietly stops.

Here is a simple macro I wrote to see if maybe the problem had anything to do with something specific to my code. This one fails too, for no apparent reason. Could my file be corrupted or something? What do I do about this?

Sub rtest()

On Error GoTo err

Sheet2.Range("p4") = "test" 'code stops on first line, whether it is this one or the next every time.
ActiveCell.Value = "test"
ActiveCell.Value = "success"

MsgBox err.Description

End Sub

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Excel VBA Errors For Long Macro Processing?

Dec 30, 2013

I have a very long (> 2 hr) macro that sifts through thousands of files and creates a table of contents (more or less). Anyway, the macro will operate just fine when I am also working at the same PC but if I walk away for an hour, Excel will sometimes generate an error (application defined or object defined error). I believe that it has something to do with the PC going idle although it really isn't going idle because I turn off sleep and hibernate while running the macro. Also, there are only two locations where the error seems to occur. See below:

Dim oApp As ObjectSet oApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Dim files As New Collection
Dim fZip As Variant
For Each fZip In oApp.Namespace(zipFile).items

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Macro Has Errors If Visual Basic Editor Is Not Open

Nov 12, 2009

I've been helping another user create a workbook that dynamically adds, renames and deletes worksheets from a "Main Sheet".

I have got the whole thing figured out and running to satisfaction, except...

The macro runs fine if the Visual Basic Editor is open. If the editor is closed while the macro is run, I get "Runtime Error '9': Subscript out of range"

Any ideas what could be casing this? The errors occur when attempting to add sheets.

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Copy And Paste Macro Receiving Runtime Errors

Sep 4, 2007

I am getting a Runtime Error 13 Type Mismatch on some code that I am using. This macro was created to copy a range of data, prompt the user to open a specific workbook, prompt the user to select the uppermost left cell in the range, copy the data and then save and close.

Sub Copy_data9111() ...

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Error Handling Within Errors (macro To Create New Worksheets In The Workbook)

Aug 12, 2009

I am currently creating a database which involves using a macro to create new worksheets in the workbook. When the macro is run and a work sheet is being inserted, an input box asks the user for a worksheet name.

As you can imagine, the worksheet does not like it when the worksheet name input by the user, is the same as one already existing and so throws up a 1004 error.

In order to resolve this error I have included an error handling code to request the user to input a differnet worksheet name, as the one previously inserted exists.

My problem: It all works fine until the user types in an existing worksheet name twice, so once initially and again when the error handler has prompted a second attempt. On the second incorrect input a 1004 error warning is displayed.

I would like the error handler to keep repeating until a worksheet name that doesn't exist is inserted by the user. Is this possible?

My code so far:

Sub NewTrancheSheet()
Sheets("Tranche Sheet Template").Visible = True
Sheets("Tranche Sheet Template").Select

Sheets("Tranche Sheet Template").Copy Before:=Sheets(1)

Sheets("Tranche Sheet Template (2)").Select
Sheets("Tranche Sheet Template (2)").Move After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Sheets("Tranche Sheet Template (2)").Select.................

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Suppress Printing With VBA

Mar 20, 2009

What i have is over 20 worksheets which have information on them that i want to print when selected so, i have a "main page" with a variety of options for the user to select (by check box) and when they are happy with their selection you would click another check box to print out, i have done this because the printer is set well away from the users and if they printed of sheet by sheet then lots of miles treading back and forth to the printer room would happen so, i thought by doing it this way it would batch print all selected sheets after selection, the code is set up to print all sheets which are selected by "true" in cell O2.

This is no problem as it works well but the code also prints when the check box is de selected. What I would like is a message box to appear before the main macro runs for the user to select "yes or no" to confirm printing. I have put code in this for the command but it will not run the main magro if you select "yes"...below is the code for the main print loop...I think the code for print message should appear before this...

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