Substitute Function Giving TEXT Output?
Oct 2, 2012
I've in cell A1 an entry like this: 123*456*7890
=SUBSTITUTE(A1) in cell 'A2' gives me: 1234567890
=ISTEXT(A2) in cell 'A3' gives me: TRUE
BUT, =A3+1 gives me: 1234567891
Hows that happening? Substitute function gives me the output which is a TEXT, and how is it that when I add 1 to it, I get an answer? Shouldn't I get a #VALUE! error instead?
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Feb 15, 2014
I am creating a spreadsheet for results of a survey. I am trying to give numeric values to text fields so that I can place the cell values later into a SUM function. The text fields are entered into the spreadsheet via a drop down list in each cell I created by utilizing the validate button. The text field contains choices like The text field contains choices like “1 Very poor,” or “4 Very much.” The source for the list is on a separate sheet.
EX: If cell C5 equals the choice “1 Very poor,” and cell C8 equals “4 Very much” I want the cells to have numeric values of 1 and 4 respectively so that I can utilize an equation like =SUM(6-C5+6-C8) later in the spreadsheet to calculate aggregate scores.
I am using a 2011 for Mac version
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Mar 24, 2014
I have a fomula field in row 67 and 68 .Row 67 calculates the average and row 68 calculates the improvement i.e. average(row 68)- last row inserted(row 67). The values for improvements are not showing correct value. C68 seems to give correct value but B68 and D68 is giving wrong value.
B68=4.8-4.5 =0.3 but it shows 0.4
D68=11.3-10.2=1.1 but it shows 1.0
I have attached the sheet also.
Sheet 1.xlsx
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Mar 24, 2014
I have a fomula field in row 67 and 68 .Row 67 calculates the average and row 68 calculates the improvement i.e. average(row 68)- last row inserted(row 67). The values for improvements are not showing correct value. C68 seems to give correct value but B68 and D68 is giving wrong value.
B68=4.8-4.5 =0.3 but it shows 0.4
D68=11.3-10.2=1.1 but it shows 1.0
I have attached the sheet also.
Sheet 1.xlsx - Speedy Share - upload your files here
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Apr 24, 2013
I have numbers in cell A1 (say 3545852) as a sum of a data range. I want to display it like this "Rs. 35,45,852.00 Cr."
How can i do this. I used text function like this
="Rs. " & text(A1,"0,00.00") & " Cr."
But it displays "Rs. 3545852.00 Cr."
I want thousand separator also.
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Feb 7, 2012
Following code doesn't work
Dim Value1 as String
Value1 = Substitute(Cells(4, "A"), "A", "", 1)
correct syntax to assign the result of substitute function in the Variable?
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Jul 10, 2007
I have numeric values in approx 1000 cell entries that I need to edit:
example cell C1 contains the value 00100300308W400
I'm trying to edit this entry to show 00/10-03-003-08W4/0.
I've tried using wildcards with the SUBSTITUTE function:
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Jan 3, 2012
I am using COUNTIF functions with Defined Name lists to quickly determine if a certain number is on a list. As a backdrop, I am using Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) numbers and attempting to somewhat streamline chemical approval for a small company. CAS numbers are often in the format of XX-XX-X with varied amounts of numbers. One of the defined lists however does not have dashes.
Thus, I am using cell B1 to enter the CAS# once and then for each list having a column to itself with an associated worksheet with a defined name list. Most of the columns have the function =B1 with the conditional formatting of =COUNTIF(definedname,BX) and formatted to turn red if the chemical is on the list. This is working for all of the columns except for the list that needs the dashes removed. For instance, CAS 64-67-1 is put in B1 and cell B5 has the formula =SUBSTITUTE(B1,"-","") which brings the number to 64671 which matches the number in my defined name list. However, the cell will not turn red. What am I missing?
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Mar 2, 2007
I m using SUBSTITUTE function to replace commas with fullstop so I can multiply the end result with a number. But when I try to multiple for example B2 (0.1831) with 5, i get the VALUE! error.
Value Real Value (after substitute function)
0,1831 0.1831
23,3333 23.3333
12,5199 12.5199
5,5000 5.5000
20,5999 20.5999
24,4671 24.4671
2,5386 2.5386
0,4000 0.4000
1,5019 1.5019
how I can resolve this so I can use the real values for computations (eg Real value *5), without having the VALUE! error message.
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Sep 30, 2011
In trying to create a formula that remove EVERY symbol from a cell (C6) and replacing it with a space.... the "SUBSTITUTE" function is telling me I have too many nested Substitutes.
This is the formula:
(C6,"/"," "),"%"," "),"!"," "),","," "),"*"," "),"-"," "),"("," "),")"," ")
It works thus far, but I would still like to add more symbols into the nest. Is there a way/formula to do this that replaces ANY symbol with a space?
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Nov 2, 2006
is it possible to make a SUBSTITUTE finction non- case sensitive?
For example I want to replace all letters "e" and "E" in a cell.
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May 25, 2007
Got the following formula:-
=LEFT(L5, FIND("(",L5)-1)
I need to add the SUBSTITUTE function to this but can't figure out where it goes if somebody could point me in the right direction please? My substitute formula is SUBSTITUTE(L5,"car","train").
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Nov 4, 2008
I want to substitute the following "special" characters for an underscore. i need to do 9 different characters!!! is there another way?
as you are limited to 7!!!
excel 2003!
=INDIRECT("_animal_"&SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(C2," ","_"),"/","_"),"-","_"),"&","_"),"~","_"), "(", "_"), ")", "_"), "$", "_"), ":", "_"))
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May 24, 2012
I'm trying to add the total product sold by a group of sales person for example : Chad + Javier. My actual worksheet includes 600 rows of salespeople and 20 rows of product, i'm using this simple example to get the message across.
I was using =sum(sumif(A1:A9,"Chad',D1:D9),sumif(A1:A9,"Javier",D1:D9)), the formula should have given 91, but instead is calculating 113...
Salers PersonProduct AProduct BProduct C
[Code] .....
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May 24, 2006
I'm building a real estate payment calculator. I'm using the Payment (=PMT) function in Excel 2003. When I add the information that it asks for in its wizard, I receive the correct numerical figures but with a minus sign in front of it making the result negative, i.e. "-$630.13" instead of "$630.13."
Is this file corrupted or have I put something in incorrectly?
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Jun 26, 2014
I work for a Machine Shop in the Toledo area. We use a quotation sheet to quote our products to our customers. It has 3 cells that describe the Customer, the Contact person at that customer and finally that Contact's Email Address. I have a drop-down menu in each of these cells. The first, Customer, is based off a simple list of our customers. The Contact drop-down then uses the Indirect Function to search the worksheet for that Customer. The drop down is actually based off of a Range Name saved as that Customer's Name.
However the problem is many of my customers have & or , and since Excel does not allow those symbols or even spaces in a Range Name I have to use Substitute to be able to keep the spaces and the & or ,.
It is important that on the Quote Sheet the Name of the Customer is identical to the actual name of the company so I cant use AND instead of &.
Currently my Second drop down, Contacts, has a formula that looks like this {=INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE($H5,"_"," "), "3", "&"), "2",","))}.
My problem is that when I give the Range Name a Name , my drop down doesn't work and Excel tells me that the above formula results in an error.
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Jan 11, 2014
I would like to take a string such as R0-H6-D2 and return a number (1-4) based on one of four values for R, H and D in a separate column for each. The attachment should make what I am trying to do clearer.
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Feb 9, 2009
I have a text field (description) and in the description i have a product code S followed by 7 digits and then in the process of pasting into excel i have lost the space after this code and before the next text. E.g. "Ballpoint pen S1234567With Free Delivery" should be "Ballpoint pen S1234567 With Free Delivery".
I dont know how to say =if("S" followed by 7 numbers,subsitute ..... etc)
I understand how to use IF and substitute. its the 7 numbers part i am stuck on.
I could do it in access with the wildcards but excel is different.
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Mar 25, 2014
I have a text variable MtgDate containing "25/03/2014"
I need to produce another text variable (to build into a file name) MtgDate1 with the text "2014-03-25"
I was going to use the Substitute function to replace the "/" with a "-" then Mid to juggle the dd-mm-yyyy to yyyy-mm-dd but at the moment I can't even find the right syntax for the Substitute.
Got as far as:
[Code] .....
but this just sets MtgDate1 as "=Substitute(MtgDate, " / ", " - ") ie reduces the double quotes to single ones.
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Feb 11, 2005
I'd like to use VBA to create a super substitute function. For my needs, nesting is insufficient because my substitution list is at 20 and growing. To make matters worse, the function needs to be used in several places.
What I'd like to do is have a named table with two columns for the function to use as a look-up for potential substitutions. The first column would contain the original text and the second would contain the replacement text. This way, whenever new items come up, all I have to do is add them to the list. The syntax of the function would be along the lines of SUPERSUB(TextString, table), where TextString contains the text that could be modified.
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Aug 18, 2014
In cell A1, I have three possible text strings: (1) "change/s: changed the color green to red", (2) "change/s: changed the color from green to red, changed the size from big to small", or (3) "changed the color from red to green".
I need a formula that will look at a text string, and if there is a comma in the string, it finds the word "change/s" and substitutes it with "changes", if it finds no comma, it substitutes the word "change/s" to "change", and if the word "change/s" is not in the text string at all, it leaves that text string unchanged.
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Feb 11, 2013
I am using this formula to output data into a cell:
The cell value is 50. I am wanting it to appear as 5.0 instead. Can I do this by adding to the formula above or will I need to utilize another cell to accomplish this?
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Dec 3, 2009
Table 1:
I like to go to Berlin.
You like to move to Amsterdam.
They want to see Chicago.
When will the reach San Francisco.
Table 2:
San Francisco
What I want to do:
I want my function to see if the text in Table 1 contains a value in Table 2, and if yes, output that value.
Desired Result:
Row A1:
I like to go to Berlin.
Row A2:
Row B1:
You like to move to Amsterdam.
Row B2:
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Jul 24, 2009
I am having trouble using the MATCH function in my code. I am looking for a match in one worksheet from a cell in another. I have defined these cells and ranges as variables. However, it doesn't seem to be working with my application. I would like to find the row of the matching cell and use the output of the MATCH function to determine the next step in my code with an IF function. Here is my code. (NOTE: this is my edited code, I removed irrelevant pieces. The major problem is the MATCH function.)
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Jul 10, 2009
What I would like to do is output the first 4 characters of a cell into another cell. eg Cell A1 has "1234 Sydney". If I just use the manual formula "=left(A1,4)" it would give me the correct output "1234" in say cell B2, but as a formula. As I need to automate this in a macro, how could you code this in VBA to output the String "1234" into cell B2(ie the actual output rather than a formula)?
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Jul 28, 2009
I am having some trouble with the "mid()" function. I have it saved as a variable which pulls 6 digits from another variable. I was trying to paste from the mid variable into my excel worksheet but it keeps on telling me that there is an object required error.
The goal is to input the "mid()" output in my code into a cell in the spreadsheet.
Here is some sample
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Feb 16, 2006
is there a formula that would have as it's output the cell address of the
same cell where the formula has been entered.
e.g. In cell A10 I input a formula whose output is the cell reference A10.
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Oct 8, 2009
I would like to know if it is possible for the output from a match function to be correlated to a location? The output I receive is just a number. I would like to use this number as the row, but I would like to hyperlink it into a formula so that I can create a macro for this process.
In essence I would like for a number in one cell to become a location in another cell.
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May 10, 2006
I want to pass an array to a function, and am unclear how to do it. For example, the following declaration does not work:
Public Function xyz(a() as Variant) as Double
There is an additional requirement that I would like the output also to be a range of the same dimensions, typically one column and 100 rows. Is this possible?
A further twist is that the function I am writing calculates two values for every element in the input array and I need the output of them both.
An inelegant solution would be to write two separate functions, but I was wondering if it is possible to get two array outputs from a single function.
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Nov 29, 2006
I am attempting to multiply the value of strings/integers for an output in a function macro. I know it's a simple question, but a simple answer would be suffice. I'm in the middle of a massive brain fart...
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