Sumif Function Not Giving Correct Total

May 24, 2012

I'm trying to add the total product sold by a group of sales person for example : Chad + Javier. My actual worksheet includes 600 rows of salespeople and 20 rows of product, i'm using this simple example to get the message across.

I was using =sum(sumif(A1:A9,"Chad',D1:D9),sumif(A1:A9,"Javier",D1:D9)), the formula should have given 91, but instead is calculating 113...

Salers PersonProduct AProduct BProduct C

[Code] .....

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Correct Formula Not Giving Results?

Feb 25, 2014

Cell A3 on my SHEET1 has the following formula =DATE(YEAR(C1),MONTH(C1) + 1,DAY(C1). It goes on like this for the next 12 months (+2, +3, +4....).

Column B on my SHEET2 has One of the five product codes (A, B, C, D, E) and Column D on my SHEET2 has manually entered dates

I created the following condition for each product code under each month in SHEET1


The formula only works for two product codes (A and B), and then yields blank cells.

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Formula Not Giving Correct Output?

Mar 24, 2014

I have a fomula field in row 67 and 68 .Row 67 calculates the average and row 68 calculates the improvement i.e. average(row 68)- last row inserted(row 67). The values for improvements are not showing correct value. C68 seems to give correct value but B68 and D68 is giving wrong value.

B68=4.8-4.5 =0.3 but it shows 0.4
D68=11.3-10.2=1.1 but it shows 1.0

I have attached the sheet also.

Sheet 1.xlsx

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Formula Not Giving Correct Output?

Mar 24, 2014

I have a fomula field in row 67 and 68 .Row 67 calculates the average and row 68 calculates the improvement i.e. average(row 68)- last row inserted(row 67). The values for improvements are not showing correct value. C68 seems to give correct value but B68 and D68 is giving wrong value.

B68=4.8-4.5 =0.3 but it shows 0.4
D68=11.3-10.2=1.1 but it shows 1.0

I have attached the sheet also.

Sheet 1.xlsx - Speedy Share - upload your files here

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SUMIF Function: Calculate What Is The Total For An Individual For The Whole Month

Jul 3, 2006

I have the same data (but not necessarily on the same cell for everyday) for everyday of the month. Now I need to calculate what is the total for an individual for the whole month. Example,I need to total John's data for the month of January from the individual sheet for Region 1, Region 2 and region 3. I tried the sumif function as below but it does not seem to work. =SUMIF('Jan 1:Jan 3'!B5:B7,"John",'Jan 1:Jan 3'!C5:C7). I have simplified the file as an attachment below.Appreciate need as the original file is for 6 months and I need a way to compute the data.

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Addition Calculation Not Giving Correct Answer

Feb 20, 2009

I have a workbook with calculations for a sale less the assorted fees and at the end giving the final amount from a sale.

I have noticed that some of the rows are not giving the correct amount in them.
In other words the addition of some columns in that row are not adding up correctly. It is only off by 1 cent (either over or under), but I can't figure out why.

I have the feeling that I am going to want to kick myself when someone explains this to me (I just know that I know the answer but for the life of me I can't right now).

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Sumif Giving VALUE# Error When Mixing Sheet References

Jul 29, 2009

I am very comfortable with using sumif statements although I have tried it link two data from 2 different sheets and I keep getting returned #VALUE!

I get a message "Unable To Read File" in a pop up box before fully opening.

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SUMIF - Trim And Concatenate 2 Sets Of 2 Columns Giving Answer In Another Column

Jun 22, 2008

I have two sets of two columns which contain numbers as text with trailing spaces and I want to concatenate column A and B and concatenate column F and G, and then compare them, and sumif value in column I if they are the same - giving the answer in the same row as the matching data in column A and B.. but in column J.

Ive seen sum product and havent been able to get it to work at all. I have been adding the trim() function in around the column references to see if that would work but am failing

A = 2000 text
B = 1234 text

F = 2000 trailing spaces, text
G = 1234 trailing spaces, text

I = 10,000

Answer in column J

I want 20001234 = 20001234 = 10,000 for the whole column.

I don't want to change the original data as its externally sourced and used for other links etc.. This would save a few hours a week if i ( more correctly, you ) could get this to work.

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Sumif If The Column Is In The Correct Period

Jan 24, 2007

I have a set of costs in column c (more that shown below) that have an indicator - for example 0 or 30 (there are more).

I need to populate rows 18 and 19 with the sumif - i have other tables where it is a straighforward sumif as the periods align, here though I need to check that the periods (rows 4 & 16) are checked and then the right data entered underneath.

I can't find a way to combine the sumif, with an if statement checking that the period is correct too? ...

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Formula- To Pull Cell Values Similar To A SUMIF Function (SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range))

Oct 25, 2007

I am trying to pull cell values similar to a SUMIF function (SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range)). For example, in A1 I use a data list created from data elsewhere on the spreadsheet. In the data I created elsewhere, there are 2 columns being used. The 1st column is the information that is being used to create the list and the second column contains specific values (number or text). In the dropdown menu I select an available value (text or number) . When I have selected that value I would like cell A2 to show what the cell directly to the right of it shows from the data I have elsewhere in the spreadsheet as mentioned. I have tried the SUMIF function however it seems to exclude certain values (number or text) and I am not sure what else to use.

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Military Time Wont Total Correct In A Column

Aug 20, 2008

B. start time C. end time D. Total time (military time)
Example: 2300 - 0300 = 4 hrs worked.

I have a row for every date the hors is worked.

I cant seem to get the total hours to calculate correctly at the bottom of column D for a total hours worked in a particular pay period. It calculates a total up to 24hrs then reverts to zero. I have tried [h]:mm =SUM(XX:XX) and just about everything else I can think of and cant get it to calculate a correct total over 24 hrs.

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Substitute Function Giving TEXT Output?

Oct 2, 2012

I've in cell A1 an entry like this: 123*456*7890

=SUBSTITUTE(A1) in cell 'A2' gives me: 1234567890
=ISTEXT(A2) in cell 'A3' gives me: TRUE

BUT, =A3+1 gives me: 1234567891

Hows that happening? Substitute function gives me the output which is a TEXT, and how is it that when I add 1 to it, I get an answer? Shouldn't I get a #VALUE! error instead?

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Payment Function Giving Negative $ Result

May 24, 2006

I'm building a real estate payment calculator. I'm using the Payment (=PMT) function in Excel 2003. When I add the information that it asks for in its wizard, I receive the correct numerical figures but with a minus sign in front of it making the result negative, i.e. "-$630.13" instead of "$630.13."

Is this file corrupted or have I put something in incorrectly?

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Excel 2011 :: Giving Text Fields Numeric Value For Use In Function?

Feb 15, 2014

I am creating a spreadsheet for results of a survey. I am trying to give numeric values to text fields so that I can place the cell values later into a SUM function. The text fields are entered into the spreadsheet via a drop down list in each cell I created by utilizing the validate button. The text field contains choices like The text field contains choices like “1 Very poor,” or “4 Very much.” The source for the list is on a separate sheet.

EX: If cell C5 equals the choice “1 Very poor,” and cell C8 equals “4 Very much” I want the cells to have numeric values of 1 and 4 respectively so that I can utilize an equation like =SUM(6-C5+6-C8) later in the spreadsheet to calculate aggregate scores.

I am using a 2011 for Mac version

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Excel 2007 :: SumIf (total Value) For Supplier Codes

Feb 6, 2012

Column O is a list of unique 1000 supplier codes

Column G is a list of 75000 imports (dollar amounts), each row has a supplier code.

I want to have a formula in Column P to sum the rows where the suppier code equals the supplier in column O.

i thought this was easier in 2007.

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Insert Total Formula Using SUMIF And Named Range

Jul 21, 2006

I am trying to put a SUMIF formula at the bottom of the data. Doing it manually is fine, but I want some vba to automate it, and my vba doesnt work.

Sub balance()
'adds journal line so journal balances in each month

Dim Rga As Range
Dim Rgb As Range
Dim Rgc As Range
Dim Rgd As Range
Dim Rge As Range
Dim Rgf As Range

This code just inserts text into the formula, rather than the range of cells.

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Error In Function Which Appear To Be Correct???

Jun 1, 2009

it returns an error when I try to enter it. Is there a brave soul which a good eye for errors that might be able to shine some light on the error. Currently it appears the error centers around the MONTH( ) portions of the function. But each embedded function is able to stand alone and I can't imagine why they won't work together.

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IF Comparison Function Not Returning Correct Data

Jan 24, 2014

I'm trying to compare three formula results and return the largest number. Ex.:


The first three numbers are formula results and the last is the following formula:


Unfortunately, with the list below, you can see the last number (the comparison formula) isn't always the greater of the three:


I've also tried other formulas, with no success:


What's odd is that if I create the formulas above independent of the specific formula data (O5, P5, and Q5) and just type in numbers, those formulas do exactly what they should. Can I not compare data returned though formula calculations?

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Find Function In VBA Returns A Date That Is Almost Correct

Feb 22, 2013

Is it possible to see why this code returns a date that is almost correct? Searching for 01.01.2005 I get 01.11.2005 as result. I would like the code to only show the correct date, and if it doesn't exist it should end up showing "nothing".

Set fstdate = wsOBX.Range("B1:B" & lr1).Find(what:=startdate, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, lookat:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)

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Match And Index Function Not Returning The Correct Field?

Sep 29, 2012

I am currently using the Match and index functions to search for specific criteria and return specific data based on that criteria. The problem is the formula is returning the first value at the beginning of the month rather then the end of the month value that I am asking for. I have my criteria set to zero so it should be a perfect match. with the live worksheet I have several tabs for different years. I want to take the end of month balance on each of those year tabs for each month in each fiscal year and add them together. My formula only has the one month because I am unable to get it to work much less adding in all of the years information. I have the employees choosing EOM for the last transaction posted during that month and that calculates the month number in the field next to it. I was thinking I could use the match to look for a specific month in that column and return the balance adjacent to it at that point.

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Filter Function Not Returning Correct Results In The Code?

Mar 20, 2013

In an excel sheet, I am using a macro to filter. Macro code is as follows. When I run this macro, it returns 4 rows matching the criteria from 560 rows in the excel sheet.

ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$I$566").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:= _
">=11/11/2012 22:13", Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="<=11/12/2012 6:47"

I want to use the same criteria in the code, to do same thru But, when I run the same code in, it just returns only 1 row (1st row only).

[FONT=Consolas][SIZE=2][COLOR=#0000ff]xlsRange1.AutoFilter(Field:=1, Criteria1:=">=11/11/2012 22:13", Operator:=Excel.XlAutoFilterOperator.xlAnd, Criteria1:="<=11/12/2012 6:47")

This returns 1 instead of 4 expected.

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SumIf: Check The Total Budgeted Amount Based On The Values I Enter On The Categories Sheet

Dec 18, 2009

I have included my budget so helpers can see it. I am trying creating a formula on mini-dashboard on A8 (Under the total budgeted amount) that will check the total budgeted amount based on the values I enter on the categories sheet. Of course it will be controlled using the drop down menu on A2 on mini-dashboard. I thought I had this working with a sumif function but it seems to have quit working.

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Correct Syntax For Function To Find Average Based On Background Color Of Cells In Range

May 20, 2014

I'm working on a workbook that will track staffing patterns.

The workbook has three worksheets: Sheet1 "RCS", Sheet2 "HCT' and Sheet3 "Hidden". I've attached the workbook to this thread. The password for the form is "j".

On Sheet3 "Hidden" I have two tables that are set up to collect the SUM of columns on Sheets1 "RCS" and Sheet2 "HCT". I'm finding the SUM of each range by way of the background color. I've set up the following formulas and when the "data collection tables" are in the same worksheets as the original information, the formula's work perfectly:

The following functions are pulling data from Sheet1 "RCS" and placing them into a table in Sheet2 "Hidden"

[Code] ........

The following functions are pulling data from Sheet1 "RCS" and placing them into a table in Sheet2 "Hidden"

[Code] .......

I have two more functions that aren't working due to the fact that the source values are percentages and NOT plain numbers. The above functions work great for SUM but not for percentages. EXAMPLE--Let's say, 3 sub percentages it gives me the SUM of the 3 percentages (i.e. 85% + 100% + 100% = 285% instead of giving me 95%.

[Code] ........

How might I use the following functions to find the average of the source fields instead of the SUM?

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Countif Formula: Added The Correct Amount In The Correct Cells

Feb 15, 2010

I'm trying to create a formula that will added the correct amount in the correct cells, I have create a dunny sheet in trying to achieve this. If Cell B8:B11 = ABS or Dum that any points won should be added to Cell L8:L11 right now its adding it into K8:K11. If Cell B8:B11 = is Blank any player points should be added to cells K8:K11. I'm using this formula throughout cells K8:K28 =IF(J8>J25,1,IF(AND(J8<>0,J8=J25),0.5,0)) Any thing in red is incorrect anything in blue is what I'm trying to achieve.

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Check Cells Are Correct Format And Contain Correct Data

Jan 26, 2014

We receive about 20 sales files of several hundred lines of data each day from various agencies. I want to create a macro / VBA code which checks that the data submitted is correct so that we can upload it into our database without import errors and / or having to manually check each line of data.

I envisage something like an output report:

149 entries
Column A - Date - OK
Column B - Customer_Phone - Errors (Should be 11 digits)
Row 21 - Customer_Phone - Error (Not 11 digits)
Row 108 - Customer_Phone - Error (Contains letters)
Column C - Outcome - OK
Please correct and re-check.

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Sumproduct- Counts The Correct Amount But Not With The Correct Dates

Jul 3, 2008

I have a table with 3 columns of dates and then a column with Set # that I
feel in the box #.

I need to see how many items processed for each set per day.


The problem is that it counts the correct amount but not with the correct
The formula that I use is:

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SUMIF Function To A Particular Value

Apr 17, 2009

I am trying to used the sumIF function in refer to a particular value, e.g. Name 1.

Question 1 - What formula I can used to make sure the SUMIF function refers to that specific value, e.g Name 1?

Question 2 - Is my SUMIF function correct to calculate the SUM of hours to a Task? This is due to the data table setting? find attached:

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Sumif Function.?

Jul 14, 2009

I am using Excel 2003. Worksheet named: Table_Data has the following code in cell: B2

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Sumif Or Other Function

Nov 6, 2009

Sum amts based on first left character of code
code amts
102 100
200 500
101 100

1 200
2 500

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Macro For A Sumif Function?

Aug 19, 2013

I'm having a little problem with the function Sumif. I have data like this:



I want to some all the Totals that appear before the "End Notification" text. I have more totals after that text and the number of rows are variable.

In my data, I have always 4 totals before that text, so I thought perhaps that the way to do this would be to impose to the sumif function to stop summing after counting 4 totals. I didn't find a way to do that.

I thought a little more on the problem and I find out that the easy way would be to record a macro with the sum if function, where, in the range part, I would do a Find for "End Notification"; and select all the cells to the top of the sheet. The problem is that the macro dont record that part, only the row number.I think I need to turn the range a variable, where the variable is equal to the find selection.

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