Using Substitute When There Is Text Followed By N Digits
Feb 9, 2009
I have a text field (description) and in the description i have a product code S followed by 7 digits and then in the process of pasting into excel i have lost the space after this code and before the next text. E.g. "Ballpoint pen S1234567With Free Delivery" should be "Ballpoint pen S1234567 With Free Delivery".
I dont know how to say =if("S" followed by 7 numbers,subsitute ..... etc)
I understand how to use IF and substitute. its the 7 numbers part i am stuck on.
I could do it in access with the wildcards but excel is different.
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Jan 11, 2014
I would like to take a string such as R0-H6-D2 and return a number (1-4) based on one of four values for R, H and D in a separate column for each. The attachment should make what I am trying to do clearer.
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Mar 25, 2014
I have a text variable MtgDate containing "25/03/2014"
I need to produce another text variable (to build into a file name) MtgDate1 with the text "2014-03-25"
I was going to use the Substitute function to replace the "/" with a "-" then Mid to juggle the dd-mm-yyyy to yyyy-mm-dd but at the moment I can't even find the right syntax for the Substitute.
Got as far as:
[Code] .....
but this just sets MtgDate1 as "=Substitute(MtgDate, " / ", " - ") ie reduces the double quotes to single ones.
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Feb 11, 2005
I'd like to use VBA to create a super substitute function. For my needs, nesting is insufficient because my substitution list is at 20 and growing. To make matters worse, the function needs to be used in several places.
What I'd like to do is have a named table with two columns for the function to use as a look-up for potential substitutions. The first column would contain the original text and the second would contain the replacement text. This way, whenever new items come up, all I have to do is add them to the list. The syntax of the function would be along the lines of SUPERSUB(TextString, table), where TextString contains the text that could be modified.
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Oct 2, 2012
I've in cell A1 an entry like this: 123*456*7890
=SUBSTITUTE(A1) in cell 'A2' gives me: 1234567890
=ISTEXT(A2) in cell 'A3' gives me: TRUE
BUT, =A3+1 gives me: 1234567891
Hows that happening? Substitute function gives me the output which is a TEXT, and how is it that when I add 1 to it, I get an answer? Shouldn't I get a #VALUE! error instead?
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Aug 18, 2014
In cell A1, I have three possible text strings: (1) "change/s: changed the color green to red", (2) "change/s: changed the color from green to red, changed the size from big to small", or (3) "changed the color from red to green".
I need a formula that will look at a text string, and if there is a comma in the string, it finds the word "change/s" and substitutes it with "changes", if it finds no comma, it substitutes the word "change/s" to "change", and if the word "change/s" is not in the text string at all, it leaves that text string unchanged.
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Nov 13, 2006
I have a string in a cell that contains a name, a 3-4 character alpanumeric code and then a 4-6 digit number, each separated by a space. An example or two:
J Bloggs SPEC 123456
J Smith AG06 9364
J & K Brown SWP 358686
I need to be able to have in a new cell the 4-6 digit number at the right of the cell. give a formula that will separate the data I need? I've tried numerous ways without success.
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Oct 31, 2008
i need to format my numbers in the following format
the first three digits will be separated and then subsequently 2 digits
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Jul 9, 2009
I know how to remove the first part of a text, but not the end. I have a very large amount of data in which the first column contains a product description and then the UPC code. I need to isolate the product name from the UPC code into 2 columns. I used =RIGHT(B2,14) to isolate the UPC, but since the length of the product name varies, I'm not sure how to isolate the product name. I have looked at using the TRIM and TRUNC functions without any luck. 'Text to columns' doesn't work because I have multiple spaces, 'Text to columns' would work if I could used 2 digits as the delimiter, but the function doesn't allow that.
Can someone please suggest a function or formula for this?
Here is an examples of how the text appears in the field. (Note: I only need to cut off the UPC code, I need the measure information to stay).
some really long product name 12 oz 5 bag 09-99999-99999
another shorter name 2 oz 09-99999-99998
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Sep 14, 2009
I have a text string with digits in the þýmiddle in one þýcolumn.ýþýþ
I want to separate the text from the digits to different þýcolumnsýþ.
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Jan 9, 2008
I have a spreadsheet which performs certain operations as long as I insert 3 values in 3 cells. The results for different scenarios are shown within the same sheet. excample:
I insert
then many calculations are performed automatically and the result are shown in other cells in the same sheet.
My goal is to be able to copy/paste ca 8-10 strings of information at the same time. All of them at the same time, instead of only one at the time. Also, there will be a textstring and some digits I don’t need along with the copy/pasted info.Ex:
Name Time Date X1 X2 X3
Lou 22.11 01.03.2006 3,5 2,05 9,72
Lie 12.01 01.03.2006 2,5 2,65 1,22
Tom 17.09 01.03.2006 4,5 8,09 3,28
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Mar 4, 2009
I am wanting to create a VB script that will take a number (in general format) of two or three digits, convert it to text, then make sure that there are enough zeros preceeding the number to make exactly 6 digits. Examples of the initial number (before the macro is run) and the final number (after it is run): ..
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Nov 20, 2012
I have a large file with cells filled with text (converted from a database, imported into Excel). The text is in rows of column A and always contains a 16 digit number, which is what I need. I am able to clean up this text and show only this number, but then Excel shows the last digit as a '0'.
An example of the text I need to filter the 16-digit number from: GIRO 6838657 K MAHMODBETALINGSKENM. 7062542158461684 STORNOADMINISTRATIEVE REDEN 1 ZIE DE TOEGEZONDEN KENNISGEVINGVAN VERHAAL OF CJIC.NL/VZD
I've altered some of the information in here so this is fake. The text is messy but all I need is the number.
This is the macro I use to clean up the text and leave only the 16 digit number:
Sub CleanUp
Dim e As Variant
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
It sort of works, but when I run it, I get this number as a result: 7062542158461680 (last digit is changed into a zero).
I've been trying to insert this line into the macro but it doesn't work: Columns("A:A").NumberFormat = "@"
How do I change the outcome of this macro into the actual number?
If this is impossible to do, I can also manage if there is a way to filter only the last 9 digits from the 16 digit number. I can work with that, too.
I use Excel XP (2002) at work.
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Jul 5, 2007
I am trying to write a bit of code to go into a macro and as I am very much a leaner, I thought I would create the formula I need and record it, then copy in the relevant bit. However, I cannot even get the formula to work - never mind the macro bit!! The formula I am trying to do is something like this...
In column S:S
IF the first digit in R2 (and eventually R2 to R lastrow) = 1 to 3, concatenate Q2 (and eventually Q2 to Q lastrow) + "/" + "Q1"
IF the first digit in R2 (and eventually R2 to R lastrow) = 4 to 6, concatenate Q2 + "/" + "Q2"
IF the first digit in R2 (and eventually R2 to R lastrow) = 7 to 9, concatenate Q2 + "/" + "Q3"
IF the first digit in R2 (and eventually R2 to R lastrow) = 10 to 12, concatenate Q2 + "/" + "Q4"
Column R:R has the year and the first digit of Q:Q hold the month so I want to end up with 2007/Q1 etc.
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Apr 30, 2014
I have the following working great, but would like to see it refine a little, as the data vlookup is 6 digits, but i only needs the last 4 digits is enough for me to work, my question is how do i go about adding that to the following function i have implemented and working fine.
=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(B4,' cmfs01home$peter[tracker data 4-25-14-a.xlsx]ControlSheet'!$B$2:$F$301,4,FALSE)),"",VLOOKUP(B4,' cmfs01home$peter[tracker data 4-25-14-a.xlsx]ControlSheet'!$B$2:$F$301,4,FALSE)
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Aug 19, 2014
How to convert any types format into Text with 5 digits in selection?
For instance, the content I select is "234", and I want it to convert to "00234". Just like the function "TEXT" in excel. How can I realize it promptly in VBA?
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Sep 25, 2009
I am editing a wine database which contains a vast amount of data, one column has the wine name and sometimes the vintage year in the begining or at the end of the cell. Sometimes the year is made of 2 digits (03, 05, ..) or 4 digits (1978, 2004, 2005, ...).
Is there a way to remove this vintage year form the string?
to make matters worse, there is often a single quote/apostrophe in front of the vintage year, which is driving me mad as 98% of the time it is one of these hidden ones that cannot be deleted using the find/replace function.
examples are like below:
De Wetshof Finesse/Lesca Cahrdonnay ‘07
De Wetshof Sauvignon Blanc ‘07
Lord Neethling Cabernet Franc 2002
Lord Neethling Pinotage ‘01
Bouchard Finlayson Tete de Cuvee Pinot Noir ‘07
Jacobsdal Pinotage 1994
Zondernaam Sauvignon Blanc 2007
Tokara Red
1976 St Emilion
03 Tokara rose
Plasir de Merle Cabernet Sauvignon ‘05
DuToitskloof Pinotage/Merlot/Ruby Cabernet
1999 Tradition Juracon 375ml
I have been searching the Internet for the past 2 days without luck on how to delete the end of string vintage year.
I have had some luck with the left side, as in:
As I am not an expert with Excel, I have no idea on how to use VBA (every time I have tried even basic things, I failed) nor even sure how the above funtion works (found it on another site).
I thought I could acheive my goal in two steps, first removing the left side vintage and use this partial result with the RIGHT equivalent funtion, but it simply is not working!
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Sep 25, 2009
I am editing a wine database which contains a vast amount of data, one column has the wine name and sometimes the vintage year in the begining or at the end of the cell.
Sometimes the year is made of 2 digits (03, 05, ..) or 4 digits (1978, 2004, 2005, ...).
Is there a way to remove this vintage year form the string?
to make matters worse, there is often a single quote/apostrophe in front of the vintage year, which is driving me mad as 98% of the time it is one of these hidden ones that cannot be deleted using the find/replace function.
examples are like below:
De Wetshof Finesse/Lesca Cahrdonnay ‘07
De Wetshof Sauvignon Blanc ‘07
Lord Neethling Cabernet Franc 2002
Lord Neethling Pinotage ‘01
Bouchard Finlayson Tete de Cuvee Pinot Noir ‘07
Jacobsdal Pinotage 1994
Zondernaam Sauvignon Blanc 2007
2003 Tokara Red
1976 St Emilion
03 Tokara rose
Plasir de Merle Cabernet Sauvignon ‘05
I have been searching the Internet for the past 2 days without luck on how to delete the end of string vintage year.
I have had some luck with the left side, as in:
As I am not an expert with Excel, I have no idea on how to use VBA (every time I have tried even basic things, I failed) nor even sure how the above funtion works (found it on another site).
I thought I could acheive my goal in two steps, first removing the left side vintage and use this partial result with the RIGHT equivalent funtion, but it simply is not working!
Does anyone have an idea on how to help with this?
Ideally I would love to cut the vintage year, whether 2 or 4 digit, whether on right or left of cell and paste it in another cell, so to avoid manually doing it.
However, this is surely too complicated to do, so iwould settle with just deleting the vintage year and manually typing the vintage in another cell.
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Oct 2, 2008
I have data coes that need to be converted, basically need to remove 1st and 12th digits, 12th digit only, or 11th digit. I have built spreadsheet with a mid sub formula to do all 3 separately, but cannot figure out how to combine the formula to do all three.
I am attaching the spreadsheet,
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Feb 7, 2012
Following code doesn't work
Dim Value1 as String
Value1 = Substitute(Cells(4, "A"), "A", "", 1)
correct syntax to assign the result of substitute function in the Variable?
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Oct 2, 2007
I have a formula who examines if they are the same. The last number at first quote is not a problem (the 45). The problem occurs only and allways when the horse's name have an apostrophe " ' ". In first example apostrophe is different from the usual. If i manually delay it and replace it - type keyboards apostrophe everything works fine. Obviusly its a symbol. I want a small macro for replacing all these symbols at, lets say column B ,where these names are located. How can i use substitute at this case?
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Aug 19, 2008
I understand that Microsoft left Filesearch out of VBA for Office 2007 because it was buggy. Sadly, however, I still need it. It would help if they placed a comment in VBA help that stated that it was discontinued. As it is, they make it look as if Filesearch is still available for use. OK, I'll stop ranting now.
After reading several earlier posts, apparently I have to use the Dir function. I learn visually and cannot figure out how to use the function from the VBA help file since there are no examples. Does anyone have an example of code using the Dir function to insert filenames in an array? Once I see the code, I'm sure I can adapt it to suit my needs.
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Nov 6, 2008
I have a whole bunch of dates in a column that look like this:
5/01/1998 when it is supposed to be 5/01/2098 is there a character you can use when you are using the find & replace mode i.e.
*/**/20** I know it is not the asterisk but I believe there is some other character that can be used and it won't change any other of the numbers except the 19. I tried reformating and it does'nt work because of the way they sent it to me.
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Oct 19, 2009
Is there a way to use something like the SUBSTITUTE function when sending an e-mail using a macro?
Here's my ....
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May 17, 2014
I've got a workbook with multiple formulas e.g.:
which are built by implementing the symbols:
t, S, D, TCh, Ch, Q, TC, Co, i
I'd like to substitute the symbols in following sequence:
t = a
S = b
D = c
TCh = d
Ch = e
Q = f
TC = g
Co = h
i = x
1) Which formula could substitute the symbols automaticly?
2) If there are up to 100 formulas in the workbook in the range of A1:E100,-
would it be possible to to set the substitution for the mentioned range?
See the attachment.
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Jun 28, 2009
Adding second substitute command
What I need to do is change this:
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Jul 10, 2007
I have numeric values in approx 1000 cell entries that I need to edit:
example cell C1 contains the value 00100300308W400
I'm trying to edit this entry to show 00/10-03-003-08W4/0.
I've tried using wildcards with the SUBSTITUTE function:
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Dec 10, 2008
I can choose among three variables in cell A1. They are named P10, P50 and P90. I want to substitute them with 1,2 and 3 in cell B1. Is it possible to do this by using the substitute-function or do I have to use a nested IF.
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Nov 17, 2011
Is this possible because when i try to use the Substitute formula my Concatenate formula is doesn't work. This data in cell A1 is linked from another sheet
When I use the Concatenate formula only, it works fine but when i try to add the Substitute to this, it looks like this
I want it to look like this, removing any blank lines within cell A1
Something wrong with the formula? how come it doesn't do both?
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Aug 6, 2012
if i obtain an eqn by plotting a graph in excel, etc,
y = 1.22952117E-06x3 - 1.08197863E-05x2 + 9.97531712E-01x + 3.99014495E-01
and i wish to subsitube a cell value from another sheet into the 'x' in the above eqn and i need to do this 20 times.
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