If in Cell A2 I have a function that updates it's number value automtically (i.e. From 5 to 7) and in cell B2 I have a value I wanted subtracted to the value Cell A2 updated by. Is this task possible?
In the I.e example, cell A2 had an updated value by 2, will it be possible to subtract that value in Cell B2 and continue doing so if Cell A2 kept updating?
I have added a worksheet to a workbook, a co-worker will populate another worksheet within is workbook. The worksheet the co-work populates is a schedule. On my worksheet I've set a possible units per day value, then pull from the schedule, starting from the top, the order that can be done in this time frame.
My problem is every so often in the schedule she will total the units in a cell (the units for each order are in one column and the total is also in this column, and this has to be this way for others in the plant). My formula checkes the sum of the units in this column, but it includes the cell that has the total units. This is the only cell that has a value in it on this row. I was trying think of some way to check the order number column for a blank, and if it was then subtract the value in the cell that has the units total in it.
I am tryinig to use an if statement but I don't have it correct. If columns E, F, and G are not null I want it to subtract 3 from the Total column. Right now it is subtracting from G.
Sub SubtractPoints() Dim I As Long, subpoint As Long With ActiveSheet subpoint = . Range("h65536").End(xlUp).Row For I = subpoint To 2 Step -1 If Not .Range("E" & I) = "" And Not .Range("F" & I) = "" And Not .Range("G" & I) = "" Then .Range("H" & I) = "=RC[1]-3" End If Next End With End Sub
I have code which when run thru manually in VBA says it has updated the contents of the cell in a sheet. Indeed the code all reacts as if it has updated the cell in memory, however the actual spreadsheet cell has not been updated. This has happened in the past and then magically starts working wthout change.
Is it possible to set something up on a spreadsheet which shows who last updated a cell and when they did it? I have a huge spreadhseet with lots of data on which gets updated by a number of users, they update a lot of different cells and this leads to errors being made with the data in the spreadsheet.
is a way I can show who updated a cell and what date - is this doable?
I have a spreadsheet where vehicle milage is entered at the end of each month. On another sheet I have the vehicle fleet numbers and the the months along the top. What I need to happen is; when the mileage cell is updated I need the cell in the other sheet to be automatically populated, when the mileage is updated the next month I need the next cell(February)to be populated with the new milage and so on. The aim is to calculate monthly milage for each vehicle without having to enter the date at the beginning and end of the month.
Everyone I work with is completely computer illiterate and only knows how to enter the data the same way they always have(just the once at the end of the month) changing it up will only cause issues.
i want to link my stock portfolio to a spreadsheet to make various calculations on historic performance. my problem is that it is the same cell thats get updated whenever a change occurs, so that there is no history.
let's say i put the DDE-link in cell A1, i would like B1 to be filled with that value and then when the value changes i would like B2 to be filled with the new value and the next time B3, and so on.
If I have the following: =SUM(E2:F2) - G2). So lets say that E2 has 50, F2 has 60 which = 110. Now I want to take that 110 and subtract it from what is in G2 and put the result in H2.
I'm decently competent at VBA but no real experience with userforms. I have a very simple 3x2 table:
Type $Amount Cash $xxxxxx Product A $yyyyyy Product B $zzzzzz
I want a simple userform that moves money between the products, ie the user selects a money amount in the form (ex: $1000) and that amount is added from one product and simultaneously subtracted from the other. Note that the amount selected would be subtracted from one product's current balance and added to the existing balance of another product. No new money is coming into the system.
1. I created a "Top Category Data Dependent Validation List for sub-categories” in the attached spreadsheet. The selection from the Category drop-down list in column B, then drives or limits the choices in the Sub-category drop-down list in column C.
Credits: To achieve the above technique, I used the "Dependent List Validation" document as a technical reference. the document is available from http://www.ozgrid.com/Excel/dependent-lists.htm
2. If the user updates the Category selection in Column B, then the value in the corresponding row in Column C should be "reset to a ( NULL/Clear) value," as to automatically prevent any human-error in forgetting to also update the Sub-category data in Column C.
(Optional Reading--the following steps are not related to steps 1 & 2 above, just notes regarding other data validation process created in this spreadsheet
3. I also created another column (D) that gets automatically populated with the Category ID, based on the sub-category drop-down list selection in C.
4. Also in this spreadsheet, a macro checks for any "missing required data before allowing the end-user to save this worksheet. As an example, In Column A, if there is a "RecordId" that exists in the same row, then the macro checks if the user has entered required values in Column B, C, "AND/OR" D. If the end-user did not enter any of the required values, then an error message pops-up with this message:
"Cannot Save this file due to Missing Required Data. Please review highlighted record and complete missing data."
Special thanks to: -OzGrid Business Applications for writing code for a UDF (function that returns last word) that I used/modified a little bit to achieve Step 3.
-Carl (member name" carlmack") for his help in the methods I used in Step 4 above.
I am using the worksheet change routine for conditional formating of more than three items.
The problem is that it only changes if I manually type within the page and does not update if the cells are updated via formulas.
To explain a little more, I have three sheets that I combine into one to help find the best rate from three companies using the following formula:
=IF(AND(MIN(PMI!C4,UG!C4,GE!C4)=PMI!C4,MIN(PMI!C4,UG!C4,GE!C4)=UG!C4,MIN(PMI!C4,UG!C4,GE!C4)=GE!C4),FIXED(PMI!C4,2)&" All",IF(AND(MIN(PMI!C4,UG!C4,GE!C4)=PMI!C4,MIN(PMI!C4,UG!C4,GE!C4)=UG!C4),FIXED(PMI!C4,2)&" PMI/UG",IF(AND(MIN(PMI!C4,UG!C4,GE!C4)=PMI!C4,MIN(PMI!C4,UG!C4,GE!C4)=GE!C4),FIXED(PMI!C4,2)&" PMI/GE",IF(AND(MIN(PMI!C4,UG!C4,UG!C4)=GE!C4,MIN(PMI!C4,UG!C4,GE!C4)=GE!C4),FIXED(UG!C4,2)&" GE/UG",IF(MIN(PMI!C4,UG!C4,GE!C4)=PMI!C4,FIXED(PMI!C4,2)&" PMI",IF(MIN(PMI!C4,UG!C4,GE!C4)=UG!C4,FIXED(UG!C4,2)&" UG",IF(MIN(PMI!C4,UG!C4,GE!C4)=GE!C4,FIXED(GE!C4,2)&" GE","ERROR"))))))) Please feel free to condense this if you like.
So when I update a reference on one of the first three sheets, the cells update on this sheet but the cell colors never change. This is the code for the worksheet change
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim Cel1 As Range Dim Rng1 As Range
On Error Resume Next Set Rng1 = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, 1) On Error GoTo 0
I keep getting an application error, in debugging the underlined line is the source.
Sub blank() Dim c As Range For Each c In Range("C1:C100") If IsEmpty(c) = True Then c = Range("c").Offset(0, 1) - Range("c").Offset(0, -1) End If Next End Sub
I am having rows of data, that i will be updating from time to time. I want excel to move the latest updated rows, in any column if updated, to move to the top, to easiy know that i updated those records. It should be that when i updated more rows than one, then the first updated cell would be in lower, in order, than the latest updated cells. I do not want any cumbersome vba. I want in formula or in conditional formatting. The row no may be total not limited to some rows.
Because, you naturally would have updated the 200 th record and would have saved. It saved as it is, so when you next opens it it is there, but how can i know that that is the last row of data i edited.
It is my general understanding that the change event system within Excel vba is fairly particular as to what will fit the mold of a qualifying change event.
For example, changes that the user imparts to the worksheet and other written code are legitament candidates for change events. However copying down data and cells changing their values indirectly rather than directly may not be considered in the Microsoft change event design.
I would like to know 2 things:
1) Does a cell updated by a market data feed mechanism qualify for a change event?
2) Any list of qualifying change event types. It seems that Microsoft does not have this information.
I have created a spreadsheet that displays new dates in column D based on provided dates in Column B and recurrence intervals selected in column C. The dates in column D are when a training deadline occurs. I have been trying to get a macros written so that when a cell in column d is updated, an outlook appointment message is sent to the person doing the updating. The idea here is that anyone can use this without future coding (so their address would be placed in cell say A1)
So far all i have gotten is excel to send an email to me with the excel spreadsheet as an attachment, not really what I want. Again, I dont want somethign specific to my computer settings, I want to be able to send the spreadsheet out with simple instructions for the user to change their email in cell A1 and then every time a cell changes in column D, it automatically generate an appointment reminder for the new date.
I have a Schedule Grid that I've created. When a cell gets updated, I'd like for another cell to be changed (as to trigger some conditional formats that I have going on). I figured it'd be rather easy, and it was... sort of.
This is the code that I am using:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column < 4 Or Target.Column > 10 Then Exit Sub If Target.Row < 4 Or Target.Row > 422 Then Exit Sub
Target.Offset(0, 9).Value = 1
End Sub The code worked perfectly, up until a random moment. Not sure why, but now, the code only works when the cell is updated by a manual entry or deletion. If I use a validation list (which is the primary form of entry), it runs every line of code EXCEPT the Target.Offset(0,9).Value=1.
Here's the strange part. I took it home, and it works fine there. It used to work fine on my computer at work, now it doesn't. Nor does it work on the computer that I need to present this on tomorrow.
I've tried entering in a MsgBox() event both before and after the Target.Offset line. The first message box appears, so I know the code is passing through the restriction lines. But the second message box is not appearing. The code for whatever reason exits the sub at the Target.Offset.
I want a macro in one worksheet to run when any cell (in a given range)on a different worksheet (dataentry) is updated. I have spent along time trying to make it work with no avail. The code I use to start my macro is as follows.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Cells.Count <> 1 Then Exit Sub
If Target(1, 1).Address = "dataentry!H5:IV72" Then If Not Intersect(Target(1, 1), Range("dataentry!H5:IV72")) Is Nothing Then
On Error Resume Next Application.EnableEvents = False
Its basically the sum product of column F time column D...however, all the F values are first subtracted from the last F value; Obviously I could just have an extra column to calculate all the new "F" values the issue with that is that I want to be able to drag down the formula and so the value F17 changes for each last value in column F...
I have two Ranges, which I view as Arrays or Matrices, I want to subtract the two (which do not overlap or union in any way) to get a new third range of the differene. This new range should be the same size, and can be considered a difference of each cell in the range. Note both ranges are already identical in size.
Any help solving this, searched up and down for hours.
Note; Im trying to avoid looping, as this might become incredibly inefficient if the ranges grow to big, looking for alternative that is faster, someone said maybe excel.evaluate
I have three cells... A1= entry time & H1 exit time...both are formated as such Custom #0":"00 so i don't have to enter the colon with every entry and exit time... my issue is that i want the third cell to count the minutes in cell A1 & H1...
I saw this answered somewhere on here but really didn't understand.
I'm trying to set up a sheet for my hours worked for the week.
I have the total per day in H2 through H6 In I2 through I6 I have an accumulative total for the days, so assuming I work 8 hours a day, I2 would be 8:00 I3 would be 16:00 I4 would be 24:00.
In J2 through J5, I'd like to have the weekly accululative worked hours subtracted from 40 so that the total is what I have left work until I hit 40.
Start time is 2300 in A1 End time is 0100 (the next day) in B1 Difference should read 120 minutes in C1
I know this is possible, I think I've thought myself into circles on something that shouldn't be hard. Everything I've tried is giving me negative numbers and at some point I've tried using the +1 behind B1 to represent the next day.
Here are some of the formulas I've found throughout various posts and used.
Here's a simple one guys. How do I subtract 7:30 AM from 4:00 PM to give me 8.5 hours? At the moment it returns either 8:30 AM or (formatted Number - General):