Sumif / Sumifs - Add Numbers From Two Columns
Feb 10, 2014
I'm trying to create a sumif or sumifs function that will add numbers from two columns. I've attached an example (semi populated as needed to get rid of some personal data so ignore the ref notes). On the Category Worksheet I'm trying to get column D to sum info from the March Worksheet. I would like the function in the Category Sheet to add Columns F and Columns H from the March Worksheet if they correspond to column A22 on the Category Worksheet i.e, the result of the data I've left on this example sheet should be $20....... sum of F = -130 + sum of H = 110
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Apr 28, 2014
SUMIF and SUMIFS formula, where in I want to set criteria in the formula as greater than or less than or equal to value derived from another formula. I am inserting the following formula but excel is not allowing me to enter the formula.
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Feb 19, 2014
Figuring out a SUMIF or SUMIFS formula which will clean up some weekly data. I am envisioning a SUMIF formula which looks at the client name in column A in a table and then it will search through the long list of data for all entries for that specific client on another sheet in column "A", for instance. It needs to take into consideration only the encounters which happened between the dates in the table for that client listed in column B & C. The sum will be the column next to the column with each client's name which has a procedure date in between the date criteria's from the table. I have attached an example to better illustrate.
SUMIF Example.xlsx
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May 5, 2014
I do have the following problem:
When I use the SUMIF(S) function and a criteria range that has numbers stored as text (eg: '394) the unequal operator (<>) doesn't work.
=SUMIFS(B:B,C:C,"<>493") doesn't work
I'm able to get the salary of employee 493 by using "493" instead of "<>493", but it seems that with the unequal operator Excel starts treating this ID as number. The only work-around I found so far is to use a wildcard e.g. "<>*493" or "<>493*". Excel then treats it as text again, but this is dirty workaround. What happens if an employee with an ID e.g. 1493 shows up!?
"<>'493" or something doesn't work unfortuantely..
Employee ID
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Apr 21, 2014
I am trying to get excel to return the MAX number of a range of numbers that have multiple if criteria.
Here is some sample data with the final product:
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Jul 29, 2014
SUMIFS formula where it calculates multiple columns as SUM RANGE
Currently I've got this formula:
The above mentioned formula works great, if I use it for one specific month, but not if I want to have my figures Year to date.
If I want to calculate the sum of multiple columns, and the sum is defined by the month I choose. How should the formula be?
For example: If I choose month 5, I want to calculate column C up till and including G (so only the first 5 columns), and if I choose month 8 it should calculate the sum of column C up till and including J.
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Oct 31, 2013
On the attached work book I have 2 sheets on the total minutes sheets I need to run either a VBA or sumif formula that looks at all the Init columns and if it finds that name then it sums the duration cells corresponding with that name.
Picking log-Rev6.xlsm
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Aug 13, 2014
I set my range as follows :
This gives me two ranges with multiple columns of data, which should work fine.
Then try to gather my data as follows :
[Code] ........
But this DOESN'T work - it seems like SumIfs doesn't work with a range with multiple columns... ?
The code DOES work if the rng2013/rng2014 ranges have only one column of data instead of more...
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Mar 19, 2013
Is it possible to use Sumifs to calculate multiple columns i.e. if a summary were able to sum Part No. 742810 O-rings for March it would arrive at 24 O-rings and 20 of the same for April. I tried it using
(Example) but it seems that Sumifs may have restrictions on the number of columns.
******** language="JavaScript" ************************************************************************>
Microsoft Excel - Parts Distribution.xlsm___Running: 14.0 :
OS = (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutL2L3L4L5=ABCDEFGHIJKL1Parts Description Part No.EquipmentMar1Mar5Mar12Mar30Apr6Apr17Apr27May3
[Code] .........
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Jul 28, 2014
I am trying to do a SUMIFS from a chart with duplicate values in rows and columns.
Data looks like this:
So this is basically sales of different products (columns) on different routes (Rows).
I want to add up a total for all the same kind of products eg. Magnum for each route eg. Local Top End.
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Oct 3, 2013
I'm trying to pull thesum of huge number of columns in this case the range of pulling the data is B2:E7 based on two criteria (B8 and B9) The result is on B11
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Aug 31, 2009
How can I do this?
F9= 322,539.77
I want to say,
if F9 falls between 0 and 137099 dollars, the answer is D2.
If F9 falls between 137,100 and 263,799 then take F9-D3*E3+F3.
If F9 falls between 263,800 and 527,599, then take F9-D4*E4+F4
I tried this, but obviously it didn't work:
So if calculated correctly, the answer should come up to 1906.40
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May 4, 2007
Column A have random dates and column B have numbers. How can sum numbers for each month By sumif function ?
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Sep 2, 2009
I need to create a Sum of numbers month to date Rolling. Meaning... if I have a expected number for the month, I need to be able to sum the processed numbers for each day up to the current day excluding any day after the current day.
So the formula would need to sumif the total month numbers UP TO the current day and compare that against the processed UP TO the current day.
Month Expected Processed
April 1 500 450
April 2 500 450
April 3 400 425
April 4 400 450
April 5 400
April 6 450
Month Total
sumif(Month range, month, processed)
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Aug 29, 2006
I have the data below, there is alot more but I'll just be specific and i'll expand it myself to include the rest that I need.
I want to do sumif if in Column A that is between range R10 and R99, but I cannot figure out how to get the formula to work right since I have text instead of numbers. Also some of the other sumif's i need to do have only letters (for ex. RAA to RAZ or RDA to RDZ).
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Sep 27, 2006
Would like to know the formula to sum up values based on a range of numbers.
For example, to sum value in Column B if the range in Column A is within 8100000 to 8150000.
Column A Column B
8110000 110.00
8130000 250.00
9100000 300.00
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May 4, 2007
Column A have random dates and column B have numbers. How can sum numbers for each month By sumif function?
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May 5, 2014
I have this from FDIBBINS working if data is on column D and E
How would the same count function if there is a column between d and E
as attached ?
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Apr 20, 2013
trying to add columns using a sumif
The names I'm using are in columns A, H and and J and the figures in B, F and K
Tried the formula belw but wouldnt work, said too many arguments
(A1:A30,E1:E30,H1:H30,J1:J30,"Dog",B1:B30,F1:F30,I1:I30,K1:K30) and tried named ranges =SUMIF(animal,"dog",age) and get value #
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Feb 10, 2014
I have a list of Items and the quantities of those items on one sheet. Each item has a section location number as well. (three Columns, Item, Quantity, and Section Location). the list can repeat the same item multiple times.
This is why I then have a summary sheet to uses a SUMIF formula to sum the quantities of a given item that are in a givin section. which my SUMIF Formula works great for. But my problem is some items have the word "LUMP" as its quantity and not a number. I want to add to my array formula so if the item does have a LUMP quantity and the lump quantity is in the section location to put LUMP on the summary sheet. here is my formula
=SUM(IF((ProjectInfo!$AE$2:$AE$307 =$B59)*(ProjectInfo!$AD$2:$AD$307= AA$10),ProjectInfo!$AF$2:$AF$307,""))
projectInfo is the sheet where the list is. Column AE is the Item column on the projectinfo sheet column B on the summary sheet would be the item that i want to sum the quantities for Column AD is the section location column on the projectinfo sheet the AA$10 is the row and column of the section location i want to limit the sum of the quantities to the formula is in cell AA59 So it will sum all the quantities in the list on the projectinfo sheet if the item and section location match whats specified on the summary sheet.
getting LUMP to display if its a lump quantity. The Lump can only show up if the item on the projectinfo sheet has LUMP for that Item AND in that section location.
EDIT: Column AF on the ProjectInfo Sheet is the quantity column
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Jan 9, 2008
I have several numbers that are contained in non-adjacent cells. I need to create a cell that will evaluate the cells individually to make sure that they are within a certain range. Once that is done, I want the remaining numbers that are within the range to be averaged. How the heck can I accomplish this task? SUMIF and COUNTIF will not allow me to use non-adjacent cell ranges.
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Mar 27, 2009
I have a column of contract numbers of varying length. I want to run a sumif of all of the values on my reference sheet that have the contract number beginning with the contract number in my listing. All of the the contract values in my reference sheet are very long. Since the numbers I am working with vary in length, i don't know how to match this string in the sumif function
I want something like this
=SUMIF('Reference Sheet!$A$5:$A$13410,LEFT("", LEN('Select Contracts'!$C6))='Select Contracts'!$C6,'FINALIZED DATA'!$H$5:$H$13410)
Is there a way to refer to the range in the sumif function,
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Jun 15, 2009
I am new to excel and functions I am trying to put together a spreadsheet of computer costs. Basically I am listing various mobos, cpus, psus, etc. I have a column that signifies which mobo/cpu/etc I want to include in the actual total cost of the computer. Currently the only way I can perform the summation is to create a long drawn out calculation, which is a pain if I need to add more rows to the spreadsheet. I want to try to do a summation.
So, the grid looks something like the following:......
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Oct 3, 2008
I am doing a SumIf function on some Imported data a follows "=SUMIF(FMEFactors!B:B,Long,FMEFactors!B:B)". Now, this is fine if the columns are imported in the same order but if Column B data gets moved to another Column the SumIF will give false information. I need to find the correct column to do the SumIF on.
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Apr 23, 2014
I have to SUM vendor totals in my spreadsheet and SUMIF worked perfectly, but only for one column of expenses. I need to sum over fifteen columns but searching told me that SUMIF / SUMIFS will not work. Is there another way?
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Jun 30, 2014
I'm trying to sumif across multiple columns, only if there is NO data in the first cell of the row. Column A is not in use - B contains some blank cells and some with data. In columns C:AM I want to sum all data in rows where the cells in Column B are blank.
[Code] ...........
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Sep 1, 2006
I think this is simple, but I can't seem to get what I want. I have three columns.
A: months for a few years (rows 3 - 37)
B: data-set 1 that starts in the middle of the timeline to present (rows 20-23)
C: data-set 2 that starts at the beginning of the timeline to present (rows 3-23)
Now, I need to sum for the previous 12 months at the bottom of each column. For column B, I only have 4 data points, so I want to add the 8 data points for the previous 8 months from column C. How do I do this without just doing a couple sum functions -- is there a function that will evaluate the situation on its own?
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Apr 10, 2013
I have a Excel 2007 spreadsheet of part numbers and quantities sold. In the spreadsheet we have similar part numbers, but my sumif command is adding these together. the parts are :
My column of part numbers is formatted as text
My formula is this =SUMIF(Sheet1!H:H,A16,Sheet1!Q:Q) where H is the part number and Q is the quanity
I tried adding a format command in the sumif command, but it returned a 0. =SUMIF(Sheet1!H:H,format(A16,"0"),Sheet1!Q:Q)
better formula and why is excel adding different part numbers together?
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Jun 19, 2013
Doing some job costing on our lowes invoice and am using SUMIF and asterisks to account for all the different names that get used for properties by the cashiers. An example of that range column is:
19112 PONCA
9420 67 ST
1503 SW 13TH
19112 PONCA
19112 PONKA
I have formatted this whole column as text and get strange results from sumif when there are exact matches. For example the "10818" string is uniform through the spreadsheet and returns a result of 0.00 if entered as "*10818*" for criteria but returns the correct amount if I use "10818" or 10818 with no quotes.
It seems to be related to the text strings that contain just "numbers" as I'm having no trouble picking up exact matches when there are alpha characters.
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Nov 22, 2009
On the attached example i would like a formula in F2 which sums all the values where column equals "Smith" and column B equals "Golf European". I'm assuming it would involve the SumIf formula but i'm not sure if this is the best solution when the criteria is in two columns?
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