Array SUMIF Formula To Sum If Numbers But It Not Place Text?
Feb 10, 2014
I have a list of Items and the quantities of those items on one sheet. Each item has a section location number as well. (three Columns, Item, Quantity, and Section Location). the list can repeat the same item multiple times.
This is why I then have a summary sheet to uses a SUMIF formula to sum the quantities of a given item that are in a givin section. which my SUMIF Formula works great for. But my problem is some items have the word "LUMP" as its quantity and not a number. I want to add to my array formula so if the item does have a LUMP quantity and the lump quantity is in the section location to put LUMP on the summary sheet. here is my formula
=SUM(IF((ProjectInfo!$AE$2:$AE$307 =$B59)*(ProjectInfo!$AD$2:$AD$307= AA$10),ProjectInfo!$AF$2:$AF$307,""))
projectInfo is the sheet where the list is. Column AE is the Item column on the projectinfo sheet column B on the summary sheet would be the item that i want to sum the quantities for Column AD is the section location column on the projectinfo sheet the AA$10 is the row and column of the section location i want to limit the sum of the quantities to the formula is in cell AA59 So it will sum all the quantities in the list on the projectinfo sheet if the item and section location match whats specified on the summary sheet.
getting LUMP to display if its a lump quantity. The Lump can only show up if the item on the projectinfo sheet has LUMP for that Item AND in that section location.
EDIT: Column AF on the ProjectInfo Sheet is the quantity column
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Feb 19, 2008
I have got cell A1 containing this text string:
=IF(SUM('SL-001 - AT-001-001'!R[852]C:R[856]C)=0,SUMPRODUCT('SL-001 - AT-001-001'!R[826]C:R[830]C,
'SL-001 - AT-001-001'!R[840]C:R[844]C,'SL-001 - AT-001-001'!R[846]C:R[850]C),
SUMPRODUCT('SL-001 - AT-001-001'!R[826]C:R[830]C,'SL-001 - AT-001-001'!R[840]C:R[844]C,
'SL-001 - AT-001-001'!R[846]C:R[850]C,'SL-001 - AT-001-001'!R[852]C:R[856]C))
*'SL-001 - AT-001-001'!R992C*R3C9
and I would like a macro that will extract the numbers between each instance of the letters R and C , i.e. 852, 856, 826 etc etc. in cells A2, A3, A4 respectively.
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Jan 15, 2010
I've hit a major brick wall and hoping someone will be able to help! I've written an array formula to replace a pivot table (long story) anyway, they now want to be able to filter the data by date (between two dates) i'm using the current formula:
{=SUM(IF('SAP Data Current'!$A$2:$A$39802='Payment Block by Ac. Clerk Cal'!$B$84,IF('SAP Data Current'!$I$2:$I$39802='Payment Block by Ac. Clerk Cal'!$C101,IF('SAP Data Current'!$B$2:$B$39802='Payment Block by Ac. Clerk Cal'!S$2,'SAP Data Current'!$AA$2:$AA$39802,0),0),0))}
I know I need to put it at the beginning, but not sure how! I have the following formula for between dates:
but then this isn't working right either!
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Jan 14, 2009
I would like to have a formula in one cell that finds records on another sheet that meet certain criteria, and produces a sum of the total quantities associated with that record. The attached workbook has more details as to what I am trying to do.
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Jan 3, 2012
I am trying to use the SUM IF Array formula to sum a group of numbers that fall under a heading of reference numbers over several sheets of data. For example purposes lets say my spreadsheet looks something like the below.
The first two digits of the heading numbers are the criteria I am trying to use to separate and sum the data. For example I need to sum the value of the data below headings that falls between 1400000000000 and 1499999999999.
For the example above I used the below formula for the current Sheet and it works fine.
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Jun 17, 2009
I need a formula to drag down the attached that will place zeros infront of any numbers that don't have 9 digits. so if a part number consists of 6 digits then i need 3 zeros in front of it, if a part number consists of 9 digits then i dont need any zeros proceeding it.
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Aug 29, 2006
I have the data below, there is alot more but I'll just be specific and i'll expand it myself to include the rest that I need.
I want to do sumif if in Column A that is between range R10 and R99, but I cannot figure out how to get the formula to work right since I have text instead of numbers. Also some of the other sumif's i need to do have only letters (for ex. RAA to RAZ or RDA to RDZ).
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Jun 19, 2013
Doing some job costing on our lowes invoice and am using SUMIF and asterisks to account for all the different names that get used for properties by the cashiers. An example of that range column is:
19112 PONCA
9420 67 ST
1503 SW 13TH
19112 PONCA
19112 PONKA
I have formatted this whole column as text and get strange results from sumif when there are exact matches. For example the "10818" string is uniform through the spreadsheet and returns a result of 0.00 if entered as "*10818*" for criteria but returns the correct amount if I use "10818" or 10818 with no quotes.
It seems to be related to the text strings that contain just "numbers" as I'm having no trouble picking up exact matches when there are alpha characters.
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Mar 1, 2010
I have 2 workbooks linked; one contains raw data and the other is a summary of all the data sorted into months etc.
The formula for linking the two workbooks checks a column containing text (months), and then sums the values of another column if for each different month. This works fine if my column with the month is hardcoded with the text valve e.g.
sumif(Range,"MONTH",sum_range) and MONTH is Jan, Feb, Mar etc.
However, i really want to automatically calculate the data within the month column but as soon as i put a formula in there it fails to complete the sumif calculation in the other workbook because it cant seem to resolve the text valve from the formula....
How do i get round this issue of the text being resolved instead of the formula?
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Nov 26, 2009
I am trying to place the contents of an array into a column on the sheet. I can enter the array into 1 cell (which strings the values), but I can't seem to make range(1)=array(1).
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Aug 23, 2006
I want to get each distinct values from a range (say, c1:c20) and put them into an array for further processing.
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Oct 25, 2007
I am trying to pull cell values similar to a SUMIF function (SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range)). For example, in A1 I use a data list created from data elsewhere on the spreadsheet. In the data I created elsewhere, there are 2 columns being used. The 1st column is the information that is being used to create the list and the second column contains specific values (number or text). In the dropdown menu I select an available value (text or number) . When I have selected that value I would like cell A2 to show what the cell directly to the right of it shows from the data I have elsewhere in the spreadsheet as mentioned. I have tried the SUMIF function however it seems to exclude certain values (number or text) and I am not sure what else to use.
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Oct 27, 2009
I use the following sum array formula in a range of data, but receive a #VALUE!-error, because of some lines with text. Is it possible to ignore text like this by using IF(ISERROR...) or something else, combined with the array-formula below.
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Mar 18, 2009
I have an Array formula that returns a value from several rows below:
Row 8 contains only text and only one occurrence of the word "Today".
Row 13 has only numbers. The corresponding value directly below the column containing the word "Today" is returned successfully.
I now need a similar formula to return a text entry located in the same column but on the previous row (row 12) directly above the value just returned and this row contains only text entries.
Using the above formula and referencing $P12:$AQ12 returns 0 as expected.
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Dec 22, 2008
Column B values are the average of the most recent five values in column A.
The formula in Cell C1 is “=B7” so that the value in C1 is 1.17. My question is: When I place a value in cell A8, which will result in the average of the five numbers in column A4-A8 being placed in cell B8 how do I make the value in C1 change to be the value which is in cell B8 rather than the value which is in cell B7?
Note: I just want to be able to pick up the most recent average value – the
method whereby it is done is of no consequence. However I cannot think
of an alternative. Example:.....
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Feb 4, 2009
Is it possible to use numbers for columns in place of letters? If so, can you specify the starting number?
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Apr 10, 2008
I want to search for a word in column A and when I find it I want to copy it to column B.
Column A is a description that can be 6 or 7 words long. Column B is a single word.
Col A
Engine Kit, V-8, 306, forged.
I need to copy the word Kit to column B.
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Jun 30, 2014
I have a long list of terms, and I need to identify which of these terms appear in another body of text strings. Rather than searching for each individual term, is there a formula that check the terms for me automatically.
The terms will appear in the larger body of text, but they won't appear on their own, so they won't be perfect matches.
I've attached a sheet to try to illustrate the problem.
Term Checker.xls‎
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Feb 4, 2014
I have a problem with an array formula where I want to sum the values in every 7th row. The problem I have is I am receiving #VALUE! in my returing cell of the formula when there is text in the array. Is there a way I can avoid including the text in the array or maybe error checking using ISERROR and ISNUMBER.
The array formula I am entering is: [Code] .........
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Aug 6, 2009
I need to multiply an array of logical results ( returned as {1,0,0,0,1,0 et.}) with a text array (a reference column) and return the text in the reference column in case the value in the logical array is 1.
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Dec 13, 2008
I would like to place in sequence increasing the numbers of one I creak in a cell.
In the formula I determine it I creak and the corresponding frame number to the placed ones.
The problem is that he is accumulated only the greater and not sequencia it.
Function ordenar2(Myrange As Range, num As Integer) As String
Dim Myorder As Double
Dim X2 As String
Dim n As Integer
n = 1
Do While n
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Nov 5, 2008
I've been manually writing IF statements out for ranges of data that could easily be done with a little array work. So I set out to convert all my functions into something more readable and quicker to write. But I ran into a problem. I want to add the values of an array G45:Z45 if the corresponding values in G44:Z45 are less than or equal to P41. So I thought to use a SUMIF:
That didn't work, in fact, it didn't come error free until I did:
But that doesn't add anything up either. From what I can see, the problem lies within the condition. If I simply put P41, it works. The moment I add <= I get a multitude of problems.
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Feb 7, 2008
I am preparing an analysis of my company's expenses for the last two years by account. One on excel sheet I have the raw data,
bank account, payee, payment date, clear date, amount, payment type
(This is from all accounts for the whole 2 year period.)
In the second sheet, I have a summary schedule setup. The summary is setup like this:
Account #
Row 1: Begin Date
Row 2: End Date
Payment Type 1 AAAAAAA
Payment Type 2 BBBBBBBB
I would like to come up with a formula that will populate AAAAA & BBBBB for a given account during a given time period. For example, I would like it to give me the total of Type 1 payments from account 12 during the period January 2, 2005 through January 27, 2006.
Right now it is only giving me the info for 1 payment type and 1 account. Here is what I have now {=SUM(IF(Detail!$G$10:$G$3942>=R$5,IF(Detail!$G$10:$G$3942
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Sep 18, 2007
does the SUMIF worksheetfunction in VBA work on Arrays? I know it will work on ranges, and thats all fine, but I am convinced it should work on an array too... for example... Just assume two columns of numbers (A and B) with 13 rows -
Public Sub test()
Dim a As Range, b As Range
Dim x, y
x = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A13").Value
y = ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B13").Value
Set a = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A13")
Set b = ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B13")
MsgBox Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(x) 'works
MsgBox Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(y) 'works
MsgBox Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIf(x, "1", y) 'wont work - "Object Required"
MsgBox Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIf(a, "1", b)
End Sub
I also tried Transposing the x and y arrays, but the same result "Object Required".
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Apr 7, 2014
In sheet1 I have name(column A) and value(column B)
In sheet2 I have name (column C) and key(column D)
In sheet 3 I have results
Example ( It is just a total nonsense example, the real data is net inflow of some funds that are unique)
House 1000
Car 1500
pet 2000
Sheet 2
So in the sheet 3 I want to put a formula that is capable to sum all values of the sheet2 if the name has a key of 1in the sheet2, the key columns has values of 1 or 2
I think in SQL will be something with join and group by with having clause.
The result will be 2500 in the sheet 3.
What I tried: My attempt is to do something like this code ( using array functions).
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Jul 19, 2013
I currently have a Row with this value
row1 lh lh lh
row2 8 12 8 5 2
First I will need to check if the column has an "lh" if true then sum row2, however i will need a second condition that will check that if >8 it will use the value 8 instead of 12.
However if value is<=8 get that value from the cell.
In this case the correct answer is
8 + 8 + 5 = 21
8 (because it is <=8 get the value from the cell) + 8 (because 12 is>8 use the value "8") + 5 (because <=8)
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Jun 30, 2014
Another spreadsheet I use has a score within a text and i want to know how I can add up the scores easily.
In the example below I want to know If a Formula can return '9 out of 12'. I know this looks easy so why bother, but my sheet has far more rows/columns of data.
I thought of using Left and Right formula's to strip the numbers out.
A N Other
3 out of 4
A N Other
2 out of 4
A N Other
4 out of 4
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Oct 28, 2012
I know I can use text to columns to do this. I have horse results listed in column A as follows 3.5L (i.e. 3.5 lengths), 4L and so on. Every number ends with an L. I want a formula in column O that just gives me the number as below:
3.5L 3.5 (in column O)
4.5L 4.5
and so on.
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Oct 28, 2012
In A1 I have the following text: Distance: 457 meters
I want a formula N1 that isolates the numbers so it shows 457 only
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Jul 24, 2014
I have a download from an accounting general ledger which has the following:
Column A: Category Description
Column B: Country
Column C: Department
Row 1: Months
Note: Each row contains the last 12 months worth of costs
As the categories/criteria can appear multiple times, and there are thousands of lines, I have been using SUMIFS to calculate totals my required combinations (eg. Travel expense, Germany, Sales department)
Every month, the information refreshes to show the most recent 12 months worth of data. And this means I need to manually update my formulas to correct the month column headings, as everything moves by 1 month.
Would something like a SUMIF with a SUMPRODUCT work? Eg. if current month = July, then it would sum everything from the July column automatically?
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