SUMIF/COUNTIF- Several Numbers That Are Contained In Non-adjacent Cells
Jan 9, 2008
I have several numbers that are contained in non-adjacent cells. I need to create a cell that will evaluate the cells individually to make sure that they are within a certain range. Once that is done, I want the remaining numbers that are within the range to be averaged. How the heck can I accomplish this task? SUMIF and COUNTIF will not allow me to use non-adjacent cell ranges.
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Sep 26, 2012
23445566894 Brwn pdc aft
45687930596 Gld wdget adi
In the example above, I would like to do a vlookup in column C that matches the digits in column A to those in column F, with the output being the corresponding value in column G. I believe it involves the left function but not sure how to really use it here.
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Jan 2, 2014
I want a cell to countif the sum of two adjacent cells is greater than the number in another cell so for instance
Count if f101+g101 is greater than the number stored in cell u12, repeat this for cells f102+g102, right down to f50100+g50100.
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Apr 22, 2014
I have a formula (below) where I want it to count the cells that contain a date that is less than or equal to today, but only when the adjacent cell is blank. The latter part of the formula works, but I'm struggling to tell it to only do the count when cells in column I are blank;
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Aug 29, 2006
I have the data below, there is alot more but I'll just be specific and i'll expand it myself to include the rest that I need.
I want to do sumif if in Column A that is between range R10 and R99, but I cannot figure out how to get the formula to work right since I have text instead of numbers. Also some of the other sumif's i need to do have only letters (for ex. RAA to RAZ or RDA to RDZ).
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Nov 16, 2013
This is what I am using:
When I select the cell formula extension button thing and drag it to the right, the formula copies exactly into the next cell. If I select multiple cells starting from 19-23 and then drag, excel just repeats the formula over, (19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 19, 20...) This is seriously frustrating as I have to click into the formula bar on each cell and change the value of the column lookup.
I can't keep going manually as I need to go to about 300 cells...
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Oct 30, 2013
I am trying to identify the row(s) where a match occurs when there can be multiple occurrences of the match.
john brown
Cathy Smith
Brown excavating company
XYZ Corp
Brown Advisors Inc.
The first test I ran in cell C1 with the information above was to determine if "Brown" was located in the range of A1:A5 using formula:
In the case of the word "Brown" it occurs in the range of A1:A5 three times, so the result of the above formula would be "True"
Now what I would like to do is return the locations, in this case the row number(s), where the word brown is contained range of A1:A5 because in the case of the word Brown, it occurs three separate times in the range of A1:A5. I would like the resulting value of the formula in this case to be "1, 3, 5" indicating the word Brown occurs in rows 1, 3, and 5. The formula also needs to work in case there is only one match as well.
I tried using the below array formula:
={MATCH(FALSE,ISERROR(SEARCH(B1,'Working List of Vendors'!$A$1:$A$5)),0)}
But it would only return the first occurrence of the match which in this case would be row 1, or "1"
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Apr 22, 2014
In the B column i have dates. In the C column i have total hours.
Right now the following code counts how many instances of a date (Dt) are found and makes a decision if it is more than 3.
IVAL = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(WS.Range("B:B"), Dt)
If IVAL > 3 Then
What i need is to SUM the hours (C column) for each instance of the date (Dt) in the B column, and test if it is greater than 24. so it would be similar to this:
IVAL = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIf(WS.Range("C:C"), Dt)
If IVAL > 24 Then
Except that this code attempts to sum the hours of the C column and also wants to recognize the dates from the C column which would not work. I need something different than SUMIF. I need it to Sum the C column for the appropriate dates (Dt) in the B column.
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Jan 8, 2009
I have a spreadsheet where I need to count the # of times the value 1 is in a row, but the columns that I need to check is every other column.
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Mar 12, 2009
I want to calculate the average perofrmance % of 8 lines, the data isn't in one set of rows and some lines may not have values so I'm trying to account for this in my summary.
The code I'm struggling with is this...
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Dec 1, 2008
I play poker, and I have a live session log in an excel spreadsheet, like so:
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Jun 20, 2006
I often try to set up a countif or a sum if that is conditional on two or
more conditions. For instance - I have Radio stations listed in one column,
flight dates in another column, number of contacts for each flight in another
column and appointments created from those contacts and finally, revenue
generated form those appointments. One example would be to sumif column one
equals the radio station and column two equaled the flight date then give me
the revenue.
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Jan 25, 2010
I have a table with 3 columns,
Project Person Hours
A B 1
A C 2
A B 3
So on project A persion B has worked 4 hours. I seem to be able to use sumproduct for counting how many times the person is in the project but I cannot seem to add on the final hours part.
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Apr 20, 2007
It's been awhile since I've used excel formulas so I'm very rusty but I need to count the number of times I see a particular item in a list as long as it has another criteria as well. Example List and Result are below: I want to count the number of AAA Rewards that Alex has....
#DateEmployeeAmountReward Type
14/17/07Alex$5.00AAA Reward
24/19/07Joe $10.00AAA Reward
34/19/07Alex $5.00 Store Certificate
44/20/07Alex $10.00 AAA Reward
Employee # AAA Reward Amount # Store Certificates Amount
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Mar 13, 2008
I have a report that has thirteen tabs. Tab one is Jan; two, Feb; three, Mar, etc. The last tab is where I'm consolidating all the data into a report.
In Row 2 of Jan-Dec are the days of the week.
In Row 30 I have the data.
I am figuring the average of each day of the week for each month as well as a total average year-to-date.
Here is my formula for Jan and Feb:
Works great after the month is over - but now I'm in March and the formula is adding all data form row 30 that falls under MON and dividing my all MONs even if it does not have data.
How do I nest in the COUNTIF statement to only count MON IF there is data in row 30.
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Sep 24, 2009
I am trying to extract some data from a large spreadsheet and having problems...
Column C contains text descriptions, e.g 'Description One', 'Description Two', 'Description Three'
Column O contains a date.
I need to count the number of items that have a date prior to 1st April 2007 and have certain text contained in the full text string value in column C e.g. 'One'
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Jul 13, 2006
I've got a table that contains a lot of text that i need to summarse in another table. Its really just two columns the first contains a group name and the second a result. What I need to work out is the number of times the result occurs for each group. But every work sheet function I've entered fails.
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Oct 29, 2008
I have a data range with 3 columns - A -employee number, B -charging number, and C -charge amount. "A" shows multiple times and must be associated with value from "B". I am looking for totals of "C" for any combination of "A" and "B".
1 101 6
1 201 7
1 101 4
2 301 6
2 101 1
2 201 4
3 201 5
3 401 7 etc.
I am looking for totals (from column C) for A and totals for A with defined B. e. g.:
1 for all 101
1 for all 201
1 total
2 for 201 etc..
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Jun 2, 2009
I've come across a problem using the =SUMIF/COUNTIF function in excel. It incorrectly calculates blank cells as zeros.
The correct output should be 100%, but shows as 66.67% because of the blank cells in the column. How do I correct this?
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Jul 6, 2009
DATA: D1:D11 contains either blank cells or a dollar figure from a payroll check.
E1:E11 contains either blank cells or the date of the check.
Current Situation: Using the following formula I obtain a weighted average of the pay checks, not including the largest. =(SUM(D1:D11)-MAX(D1:D11))/(COUNT(D1:D11)-1)
I desire to calculate the weighted average based on the checks issued only prior to a certain date. I have used SUMIF() in other parts of the workbook successfully but needing to withold the largest value has presented me with a problem I can not find a solution to. =SUMIF((E1:E11,">="&TargetDate,D1:D11)-MAXIF(E1:E11,">="&TargetDate,D1:D11))/COUNTIF(E1:E11,">="&TargetDate,D1:D11)
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Jan 5, 2014
I have a workbook with 30 worksheets. Each sheet has 84 rows of data (start in 15 columns (A to O). I would like to create a summary sheet that only shows the most important data from each sheet.
The summary sheet would have 12 lines of headers and formatted crap at the top.
The Summary sheet header columns would be:
Site (A), Date (B) Health (C), Status (D), Critical (E), Task (F),
Dependencies (G), Owner (H), T-Date (I), Task Date (J), Mitigation Date (I)
The data in the sheets are not in that order, of course.
1. puts the name of the sheet I am copying from in column A
2. the deadline date in Column B (that date is always in C10 of each worksheet)
3. and copies Cells from Column A,B,G,H,I,O in any row in which the value in A is not "good" into columns C through H. I would like to paste those rows into the summary sheet. I have code that loops through the sheets and rows in each sheet to find the rows to copy. I can copy cell values directly from the active sheet to the summary sheet, but because I am copying a cell at a time, it takes 7 minutes. Yes I am impatient :)
Here is the code snippet where the copying is done:
Dim sh As Worksheet 'current worksheet
Dim DestSh As Worksheet 'worksheet in which to paste summary
Dim Last As Long
Dim CopyRow As Long 'row to copy
Dim LastCopyRow As Long
[Code] ........
Application.Goto Sheets("KMARollup").Cells(1)
End Sub
I think there must be a way to use ranges to build an array of cell values and paste only once but I am lost here.
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Jun 10, 2014
I am trying to produce a report of supplier transactions sorted by area code. I have a spreadsheet of data consisting of Supplier Code, Supplier Name, Transaction Amount and Area Code.
I want to be able to firstly seperate the transactions by area, then also consolidate the data so it shows one row per supplier with total amount spent on that supplier and a transaction count on that supplier. I know how to sumif the transaction total and countif the transaction count.
However I have problems consolidating the suppliers in to one row per unique supplier and I also have problems nesting an AND statement in to the sumif/countif statements. I need additional criteria in the forumula to only count transactions in a specified area code.
I've attached an example spreadsheet to make it alot clearer. See results sheet in this workbook.
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Jan 13, 2007
The attached spreadsheet has a "master" workesheet in which I enter customer info, salesperson info, and date. The totals spreadsheet automatically calculates number of sales, contact value.
I need to modify the following formulas to only calculate the data within a date range shown in 2 cells.
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Mar 6, 2013
It's actually a sumif/countif that works fine if i sort my table, which i don't want to do.
Here's the original formula:
I'm trying to apply the formula using some other filters, like if(C4:C35=O5 & I4:I35=M5).
I tried creating a SUMPRODUCT out of it but it was just as bad:
And also this with sum(if)
Is there a shorter formula that I'm not seeing ? I'm also confronted with the need of adding an "ISERROR" in the formula because not all ranges have the 1-4 numbers in column H.
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Feb 12, 2010
Is it possible to delete a column of numbers then replace those numbers from adjacent columns and the adjacent columns are then filled with the numbers adjacent to them
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Feb 9, 2014
I have a workbook with two sheets. The first one, let's call it the Main sheet, will be used to keep track of the touring artists of a record label. The second sheet contains a list of show venues with their respective contact info. Here's what the two sheets look like :
Main sheet
List of contacts
What I would like is row D of the Main sheet to autofill, according to the contact information contained in row B of the List of contacts, when I enter a venue name in row C of the Main Sheet.
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Aug 31, 2009
How can I do this?
F9= 322,539.77
I want to say,
if F9 falls between 0 and 137099 dollars, the answer is D2.
If F9 falls between 137,100 and 263,799 then take F9-D3*E3+F3.
If F9 falls between 263,800 and 527,599, then take F9-D4*E4+F4
I tried this, but obviously it didn't work:
So if calculated correctly, the answer should come up to 1906.40
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Jul 22, 2009
I have a list of integers in a column, and I would like to count how many odd numbers there are. I tried using COUNTIF(D1:D33,MOD(,2)=1) and similar variations, but none seem to work. The numbers are ascending as the rows increase, but there can be blank cells in the column.
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Jan 12, 2014
I have a large dataset in a table, each integer occupying its own column, and each row containing the full set of seven columns. Integers will not repeat in a row set (each is unique). I'm trying to identify when two or more integers appear together across a row set.
I'm using COUNTIF to identify the total counts for each integer, but do not know what function and syntax to use to count them together. I've tried combinations of COUNTIF, SUMPRODUCT, SUM and others but am clearly doing it wrong as I know that some do appear together, but I'm getting a 0 result with each try.
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Oct 14, 2006
I am trying to create a formula, that I thought was going to be easy and I thought countif would work. i'm working on a spreadsheet which we need to determine the split dollar amount to divide between a number of employees who are owed a certain dollar amount. What I'm trying to do is get a count of how many employees in a certain range are above $0.01 and below $586.00 - I've written it the way I would think would make sense, and get the results I need, but it's not working. I'm not an expert and am not familiar with arrays or complex formulas.
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