SUMIFS From A Chart With Duplicate Values In Rows And Columns
Jul 28, 2014
I am trying to do a SUMIFS from a chart with duplicate values in rows and columns.
Data looks like this:
So this is basically sales of different products (columns) on different routes (Rows).
I want to add up a total for all the same kind of products eg. Magnum for each route eg. Local Top End.
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Mar 28, 2014
I have a data set which has 6 columns (and lots of rows). Every row is different but I want to aggregate them based on 4 fields and then find the average of the numerical column for the results. I basically want to Group based on 4 fields and find the average of the 5th field.
My initial approach was to introduce a column which is a combination of the 4 fields I want to group by, simply in the Excel file (=A2&B2&C2&D2) and then find duplicates of that. I have a solution for this in VBA but when importing new data sets in this method is very slow, so I want to be able to do the whole thing in VBA.
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Jan 5, 2004
I have 4 columns in my spreadsheet. I am trying to find any duplicates that may exist in Col A, sum values in Col D, then delete the entire row. So far my sheet before I run my vba code is this.
Col A
Col D
After my code is run, I need for my spreadsheet to look like this
Col A
Col D
I have some code but I still need to do a considerable amount of tweaking to it. Currently my code is only deleting the duplicate values in Col A. I am having difficulty summing the values in Col D as well as deleting the entire row.
Here is my code thus far....
Public Sub FindDuplicates()
For RwCnt = 1 To (Worksheets(1).Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
SrchValue = Worksheets(1).Cells(RwCnt, 1).Value
If Len(Trim(SrchValue)) > 0 Then
With Worksheets(1).Range("a1:a" & Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
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Jan 5, 2004
I have 4 columns in my spreadsheet. I am trying to find any duplicates that may exist in Col A, sum values in Col D, then delete the entire row. So far my sheet before I run my vba code is this.
Col A
Col D
After my code is run, I need for my spreadsheet to look like this
Col A
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Jun 6, 2008
I'm trying to produce step charts like Andy Pope does on his web site using the area chart method. This involves duplicating each of the values in each data series, which is tedious if there are a lot of points. Plus the fact that the area series is offset by 1 from the axis series. Can anyone think of a formula to do this? There are plenty of posts here about deleting duplicates, but I couldn't find much about creating duplicates. I can duplicate row numbers using =CEILING(ROW(),2)/2
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Mar 19, 2009
I have Excel 2007 and a two column lexicon in the following format:
word1 ; word_a
word1 ; word_b
word2 ; word_c
word2 ; word_d
word2 ; word_e
word3 ; word_f
would it somehow be possible to transpose it to:
word1 ; word_a ; word_b
word2 ; word_c ; word_d ; word_e
word3 ; word_f
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Jun 1, 2009
I have this problem I have 4 columns which contain data. The first column is a list which contains random values from the third column. Now what i want to do is to pull the duplicate values from the second list without agitating the data from the 4th column because it is corresponding.In the example i have attached i would like to take the values from column A and find them in column F then extract them together with corresponding value from column G
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Mar 28, 2013
I got 2 excel pivot tables with 2 columns.
Table 1 (Sheet 1) -- Column A and B - input
I want to compare both tables, finding the same Number on Column 1 for each table, and sum the values of column 2.
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Feb 18, 2010
I need to filter the following file.
I need to remove all rows where COL A value and COL B value are the same. COL C does not need to be considered. However I need to retain one of the Col C values for purposes of formatting.
The end result should look similar to columns F,G and H!
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Aug 8, 2007
I found a useful resource on the web that gives a macro that deletes rows when the cells within a SINGLE column are identical. [url]
Does anyone know of a macro that can do more than that, one that will delete rows if ALL cells within ALL columns are identical?
For example, the macro should delete row 4 of the attached spreadsheet. It should leave row #2 there because it's the orginal row. But the duplicate row #4 should be deleted. The macro should leave row #5 there because not all columns are identical for that row.
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Oct 27, 2009
i have a worksheet having A-Z columns which contain many such duplicates which are the same through all columns as if one had copied the whole row. I would like to delet all duplicate rows. For example:.........
So only those duplicates should be deleted which are duplicates from A-Z.
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Jan 7, 2010
How do I delete duplicate rows in a sheet using a macro. When I say duplicate row, it is not based on a particular column but all the columns, so it is a true duplicate record.
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Apr 13, 2013
I need a User Defined Function (UDF) to Vlookup duplicate values in separate Columns.
I can't use an Array function as the data is huge and it takes lot of time to calculate.
I have attached a Input and the desired output in the file attached.
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Apr 9, 2014
I have an excel worksheet which is having duplicate values in multiple columns, i want to remove those duplicates and should return unique values... how can i do that... My Excel Sheet looks below....
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Jan 4, 2013
I am not sure if Excel is able to do this but basically I am looking to find out which rows have some duplicate values. I have just read this back and it doesn't make a great deal of sense so I have attached an example spreadsheet.
Basically I am looking to find if E1:G1 duplicates further on down the list, hope this makes a bit more sense with the example attached.
Trial Upload.xlsx‎
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May 21, 2014
I'm using the code below to remove duplicate values from a column of cells, in this case column B.
[Code] ..........
The code works fine, but I'd now like to adapt this so I can remove the duplicates from columns B, C, D and F.
I've tried over the last few days different methods but recieve 'Debug' errors.
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Nov 8, 2012
I just want to colour duplicate values but want to do it with this Dictionary method
Sub highlight_Dups()
Dim cell As Range
Dim rng As Range
Dim dict As Dictionary
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Dec 13, 2013
I have a challenge related to a excel sheet we are using for personnel planning.
Vertically we have several projects with action items listed row by row in the following format:
- Project 1 xxxxxx
Project management
Project Engineering
- Project 2 xxxxxx
Project management
Project Engineering
Horisontaly on the columns we have dates, day by day for a year +
For each day we chose from a drop down who is assigned to the action item. The problem is when there are 30-40 + projects and each have 20-30 lines of ation items it is hard to get the overview and avoid double entry. I would use conditional formating to do this, but firstly each project is separated by a line containing different formulas and I would not like the conditional formation to change these cells, and at the same time to put this up manually for each row would take a long time since there are 365 + rows.
how a VBA code could solve this little challenge? IT would also be beneficial to have it do the check upon cell change, that way we would not need to manually run the VBA to check.
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Jan 24, 2014
For my job I have to take hundreds of codes and compare them to other codes. For example, in column A I'll have 453 codes, in column B I'll have 352 and in column 97. I want to find common codes for all three columns. Sometimes, I'll have just two columns and sometimes it's multiple columns. I have tried a few formulas but nothing works that well. Any formulas or MACRO
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Jun 4, 2013
I have attached a before and after image of what I am looking to accomplish.
In the before image, you can see that there are 3 rows of data
- a header
- a repeating model number (in column F) with accompanying data (values in columns G - J are the items of interest)
In the after image, you can see that I took the 3 rows of data and turned it into simply two rows of data
- a header
- the repeating model number
What I did however in the after image, as can be seen, is I took the data that appeared on the repeating row (Row 3 from the Before image), and included the PRICE, COST, BEGIN, and END values in new columns on row 2.
The model number is the same of course, which is why I did it that way.
If the model numbers were different, I would have simply left it alone, as-is.
Is there a way to accomplish this via some functions or maybe even a VBA script?
By the way, if we have to dump all of this onto a new sheet, then so be it.
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Jul 28, 2008
to prepare an excel spreadsheet for a mailmerge but as all of the info for 1 recipient needs to be in columns instead of rows. I need to convert 2 columns' data into columns but only when there are duplicate invoices, see below;
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Jul 8, 2014
So I am trying to mark certain rows as duplicates if their values in Columns J, AD and ABS(BD) match. J and AD contain Number letter Identification combinations and BD contains a value. I currently have a formula as shows that will mark all of these values:
=IF(AND(COUNTIFS(J:J,J15,BD:BD,ABS(BD15),AD:AD,AD15)>1, (SUMIFS(BD:BD,J:J,J15,AD:AD,AD15,BD:BD,ABS(BD15)))<>ABS(BD15)),"Duplicate","")
The issue with this formula is that I do not want it to mark rows that look like this:
J - AD - BD
AA1 BB2 20
AA1 BB2 -20
AA1 BB2 20
I have a lot of rows that will appear like this. Their sum in BD equals the absolute value of the value in BD. I thought this would get picked up using the SUMIFS portion of my formula but it is not. I cannot find the problem.
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May 1, 2006
I have a spreadsheet with three colums of data. The first column contains
records which have occasional phone number duplication- see blelow:
(555) 000-0000DataA1ValueA1
(555) 000-0000DataA2ValueA2
(555) 555-9770DataA3ValueA3
(555) 555-4464DataA4ValueA4
(555) 555-4464DataA5ValueA5
(555) 555-4720DataA6ValueA6
(555) 555-8823DataA7ValueA7
(555) 555-3834DataA8ValueA8
(555) 555-4125DataA9ValueA9
What I need to do is (somehwhat) automate the process of filtering or
deleting out all rows which have duplicate data in the first column, but not
second or third columns. I'm sure it's been done...I tried the Excel
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Jun 21, 2014
copying all Rows(including blanks) between 2 identical rows
for example
Copy from 2nd row to 7th row (I.E 4554 - 4554) 4554 is on sheet 2 with other rep ID's - Loop with other ID's would be great
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Jul 13, 2009
i would like to paste multiple duplicate values from unique values. Is there any way to do it in excel??
Table 1:
A4_HUMAN 944
A4_HUMAN 755
Unique table
I wanted to add new column with these values for table 1 including duplicates. this is sample data and i wanted to replace thousands of this type.
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Oct 18, 2012
How do I select certain columns for duplicate values? When I go to conditional formatting>highlight cells rules>duplicate values it checks the whole sheet which is 20 columns by 50000 rows and freezes the PC. I just want to select certain columns for duplicates, like C and AC.
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Apr 8, 2014
I'm looking for a Conditional Formatting formula that will check two columns before highlighting the duplicate rows. I need it to be conditional formatting because I know nothing about writing macros or vba (what-ever that is?). Data is entered into Columns A, B, and C. I need to check both column A and C before it highlights the duplicates, based on those two columns. (The format only unique or duplicate values checks only one column.) I have attached an example, but this is just an example, as I have hundreds of lines to go through on the original. (For this example, Row 2 and Row 7 are the duplicates I need highlighted.)
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Mar 6, 2014
I found this great macro to use in a spreadsheet I'm trying to transpose from rows to columns, however, I need a place holder for blank cells: [URL] .....
I was able to use the macro in the last post by Ochenden but the blank cells need to have a placeholder.
How to change the macro or come up with a different script for me to use?
Attached is how I need the spreadsheet to look.
Script I used:
Sub aaa()
Dim OutSH As Worksheet
Set OutSH = Sheets("Sheet2")
Range("A:A").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, copytorange:=OutSH.Range("A1"), Unique:=xlYes
[Code] ..........
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Jun 3, 2012
I want to count the number of duplicate rows where the exact text in columns A and B match. An example is as follows, where column C would be the desired result. Note that there are hundreds of different text values of column A and hundreds of column B, I just simplified the example.
Excel 2007
[Code] ......
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Sep 1, 2008
After sorting and filtering rows with in a set range I will have several rows that are almost duplicates. This is normal and expected due to how the workbook is used. Among these rows also will be several single rows that are not duplicates. It is important that I combine any two duplicates into one row. Example:
1 NameA 0XX15930777PS101300PS9
2 NameA0XX15930777PS91200PS10
3 NameX1159XXP555FBX1545PS9
4 NameB0A1234P123PS101263PS9
5 NameB1A1234P123PS90512PS10
What I need is this end result:
1 NameA 0XX15930777PS91200PS10PS101300PS9
2 NameX1159XXP555FBX1545PS9
3 NameB1A1234P123PS90512PS10PS101263PS9
It’s important that the data in each column stay with in that same column. Also of course it needs to be on the same row with the same person (NameA and NameB). The Columns that would determine if it’s a duplicate are D and E –. I would need this to be preformed via macro or some easy way so that others will not have a hard time. It will be on a protected Shared Workbook with Excel 2003. I've enclosed a Sample. How can I sort these or accomplish this and maintain the data where it needs to be?
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