Transfer Records Into New File Under Different Fields?

Apr 8, 2014

That probably was not the best title, but here is my dilemma. I have one file that has about 10,000 records in it and I would like to place the information in the records into a new file, under different fields.

Is there a wizard or script I can use to identify what the equivalent fields between the two files and have it transfer all the records over to populate that new file in that format that I specified?

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Match Multiple Fields In Records

Aug 6, 2009

I know how to see if one value exists in an arrray, but is there a way to see if a combination of fields in one array exist in the same combination in another array?

In other words, if I have table A:........

and table B:......

I would like to add a column to table B containing a function that would indicate, in this instance, that only Larry-San Francisco, CA is a record shared by both tables.

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Consolidate Duplicate Fields / Records?

Apr 12, 2013

I have spent the last couple hours compiling a large amount of data. I have a list of websites, each have a number of visits and transactions. The list is many thousands strong so i have a huge amount of data to work with but there are a lot of duplicate sites. See below, I have taken a snapshot of some of it:

I've highlighted a duplicate example.

Would it be possible across the entire data set to sum all of the duplicate rows into one. So, for the 3 shown, to be reduced to one row with 228 visits and 2 transactions?

And to do it quickly? As I could go through them manually but I don't have to time to go through 10,000 rows.

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Transfer The Data In Those 5 Fields To 5 Specific Cells In A Hidden Sheet

Apr 3, 2009

I am trying to figure out how to do the coding for a command button in a userform I've created. It has 5 textbox fields. I want the command button when clicked to transfer the data in those 5 fields to 5 specific cells in a hidden sheet. Then I also want that button to launch a word document.

Anyone know how I can go about this or where I can go that explains the specific coding?

I've tried searching with mixed confusing results & read through & examples.

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Macro To Transfer Data From One Sheet To Another Based On Date And Reset Fields

Jul 16, 2014

I am currently working on a workbook to have employees fill in data on what tasks they compelted for the day, and how long it took. There are 5 colums (for this purpose) Task, Description, Time, Required to complete, Completed. The tasks are predefined and listed out in each row. There is also a space for employees to select the date they are entering the data for.

I would like to have a macro that is linked to a submit button and when pressed populates this data into a database on another sheet. This database is split into two sheets (1 with time and one with tasks required/compelted). Each sheet has the list of tasks going down a cloum on the left, and dates along a row on the top. When the employee presses submit I would like this data to popuplate in the coresponding date and task fields and then reset the form on sheet 1 to all 0's.

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VBA Code To Require Fields - Temporarily Save File Email It Then Delete Temp File

Apr 9, 2014

I have a spreadsheet where I want to require certain fields to be completed then I want to have that file auto emailed. I have learned that I do need to have the file saved before sending otherwise the data will not appear in the email, so with this I want to have the file temporarily saved emailed then the temp file deleted.

Here is the code I have so far but it errors on the blue text, I did change the TempFileName from = "Copy of " & wb1.Name & " " & Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yy h-mm-ss") to = [C16] & "_" & [B6] & "_" & [D6]

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If Range("B6").Value = "" Or _
Range("d6").Value = "" Or _
Range("f6").Value = "" Or _
Range("E9").Value = "" Or _

[Code] ......

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Sort Multiple File Data & Copy Matching Records To New File

Feb 13, 2008

This is a sample of the data with which I am working. I know that a macro can do what I need, but I am only versed in Excel formulas and not that much programming. I need to be able to first sort the data by Column C ("Element Type"), then by Columns E, F, G ("Year", "Month", "Day"). Then, I need to be able to copy all rows that have the same "Element Type" and "Year" to a new file, using the same header from the original spreadsheet on each new spreadsheet - doing this multiple times until the end of the file is reached.

Ideally, the new files would have a strict naming convention: XXXXXX-ZZZZ (YYYY).xls, where the X's are the value of the "COOP Station ID" in Column A, the Z's are the "Element Type" from Column C, and the Y's are the "Year" from Column E. If this theoretical macro were run with the Sample Data file I provided, it should result in the creation of five new workbooks. Is there a way to write a macro to do this, or at least something similar

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Update Fields From .txt File

Feb 11, 2007

I need to update some fields in my excel sheet from a .txt file (comma or space separated), based on matching values of a key field in both files. I do not want to import the file into excel and do a vlookup. I am thinking of a macro that prompts the user for the file location ( txt file) and then scans the txt file and updates the fields. how to go about doing this or have any code I can use?

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Transfer Macro With File Name Changes

Jan 19, 2008

I have a macro that transfers data from one workbook to another, this works fine, however the problem I have is that one of the files has the name changed frequently to another name, so each time i run the macro I have to change the original file name to the revised file name.

here is a copy of the macro
Dim NextRow As Long, Isht As Worksheet, Lsht As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set Isht = Workbooks("RMG Daily.xls").Worksheets("Retail Team 1")
Set Lsht = Workbooks("Weekly Monthly YTD Scores.xls").Worksheets("Raw Data")
NextRow = Lsht.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row + 1 'next empty row in col A
the "RMG daily.xls" is the file change is used as a template but then saved as ie "010108.xls"
rather than me editing the macro each time I need to create a pop up box that will allow user to type in file name for the transfer - this will then link in with this part of my VBA code
"Set Isht = Workbooks("RMG Daily.xls").Worksheets("Retail Team 1") to instantly recognise where my data is being transferred from.

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Transfer Whole Text File

May 17, 2007

As my data in the txt file has grown so has the time for the code to write back in into a workbook sheet line by line

Open LogFileName For Input Access Read Shared As #FileNum

While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, WholeLine
WholeLine = Mid(Trim(WholeLine), 2, Len(Trim(WholeLine)) - 2)
my_array = Split(WholeLine, ";")
Sheets("Text"). Range(Cells(x, 1), Cells(x, UBound(my_array) + 1)).Value = my_array
x = x + 1

Close #1

Is there a syntax for the whole txt file to be transfered?

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Extracting Text Fields From A Txt File

Jan 24, 2010

I have a file from PubMed with a bunch of citations in it, which often go above 10,000. There are fields that mean certain things and I would like to be able to import the text file into Excel and parse certain fields into columns.

The text file looks like this:

PMID- 19782657
STAT- In-Process
DA - 20091109
IS - 1872-6240 (Electronic)
VI - 1303 .......

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Copy Missing Records From One File To Another

Jan 5, 2008

I am trying to copy all the records with condition TRUE as a cell value. I have more than 3000 records and 20 columns in two files. We have same data in both the files. My scenario is, I need to find the missing records in file 1 from file 2 and append those missing records to file 1. Similar work should be done on file 2 also. I have been using =ISNA function that returns "TRUE" for missing records. I need to copy those "TRUE" records to file1 from file 2 and also to file 2 from file 1.

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Text File Transfer Of Data.

Feb 10, 2010

I have a data in excel sheet which I would like to convert into a text file. In the text file, the data format should be with the brackets and comma separated.

For example:
In excel sheet:

12 2 45 25
23 1 35 50
24 1 21 23

In text file the same data should be in the following format:


The above is for one data set . In other data set, the brackets may change places for example: (1,23)[12,34,56]

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Transfer Text From Changing File Name

Jun 15, 2006

I have Workbook1 that I need to update from another Workbook2 in a different location on the network. Workbook2 is read only. Workbook2 is generated automatically with a name like "product 06-14.xls". Now my problem is that, since it get created automatically, the next day it will create a new workbook with a new name "product 06-15.xls" leaving the old file in the same directory for future reference.

I need to update a cell with the new current date up to the completion of the month plus the beginning of the next month to make it a complete month, so a completed month will be from 05-01-2006 to 06-1-2006 because the last day of the month doesn't get recorded until next day. What I have problems with is the looping to go to the next day until the beginning of the next. Then stop and start again on a new cell inputting the new month.

April-06 ---- 5,907
May-06 ----- 4,954
June-06 ------ 524
July-06 ----

This is what I have so far.

Sub GetData()
Dim Cel As Range
Dim Row As Long
Dim Col As Long

'Turn off ScreenUpdating for faster macro runtime so screen won't flash while running.................

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Insert Records Sheet Into Another Excel File?

Jul 31, 2014

anyway to insert excel records into another excel file ?

like when I press button in the first excel sheet its copy and add the selected records into another excel file in addition to the previous records i had inserted

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Viewing A Zipped File That Contains More Than 65536 Records

Oct 6, 2006

I have been sent a file that has been zipped. I am trying to open it so that I can see all the data. So I have extracted it and opened it in EXCEL my problem is that I get an error message 'File not loaded Completely' and I am only able to view 65 536 (the max records) in my EXCEL doc but I need to see the rest of the file. Does anyone know how I can do this?

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Export TXT File Into Specific Pre-made Fields In Excel?

Aug 13, 2014

I work for an environmental company and we do emission testing. We specifically use the analysis software CEMsoft and ProRATA. After each test/run we get a text file (.txt) that we print out which then has to put into a specific pre-made excel data file.

I am wondering if there is a way to export the data from the .txt file and into the specific fields within the excel sheet. Can I encode the .txt or excel file to do it for me? Trying to eliminate the need to manually put in the data from the printed out sheet.

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Find Duplicate Records Based On Multiple Columns But Keep Records

Aug 10, 2014

I have a range of columns i.e. 23 columns (i.e. B through X). Someone can write records in these columns (starting from B21).

Duplicates are considered the rows with similar data in columns 3 and 11. I know about the removeduplicate method and works really well but i want the duplicates not to be removed. Instead another column shall be checked for date of entry (user will entry date in format dd/mm/yyyy). The newest entry will change the value of the cell in column 4 (islatest column)to TRUE while all other records will be FALSE. This will work with the filtering of data on a pivot table on another worksheet.

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VBA To Rearrange 11000 Records Into 550 Rows (20 Records Combined Into Single Row)

Apr 25, 2014

Book1 and Book2 are workbooks that I have modified in order to protect private information.

Book1 will have 11,000 records (my example Book1 has only 100). I need to rearrange Book1 such that it looks like Book2. Book2 has 20 complete records from Book1 combined into one single row, and my example Book2 has populated 3 rows only (3 rows x 20 records, making 60 records now appear on 3 rows only).

Macro for getting Book1 to Book2? 11,000 records in Book1 will take a lot of hours to transform into Book2 unless a macro can do the job for me.


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Convert Column Data Fields To Row Data Fields In Pivot Table

Feb 8, 2014

Austria - A10Sum of SeiA51CountryHourSum of SeiASum of SeiT
Sum of SeiT4.88Austria - A10514.88
1Sum of SeiA561562.83


left side pivot created in vb 6.0 & right side pivot table created manually in excel.

i want to generated pivot table using vb 6.0 same as right side pivot.

Set PRange = ws1.Range("R1:Y" & finalrow)
Set PTCache = wb.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=PRange)
Set PT = PTCache.CreatePivotTable(TableDestination:=ws2.Cells(1, 1),


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Userform Database: List Records In A Sheet As Well As Search For Records In A Sheet

May 7, 2006

example of a database user form that will allow me to list records in a sheet as well as search for records in a sheet. I know excel has a built in feature for this but it is menu driven and I need something that is button driven and will allow me to resize the form layout. I was not able to figure out how to do that with the built in form.

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Save Excel File As Another File Using Current Date As Part Of File Name

Oct 10, 2011

VBA coding for automatically saving an excel file as another file using the current date as part of the file name together with "32ga" as a constant add-in. I also what this macro to run at a particular time of the day let say 00:20hrs. The excel file i want to save as is always open . It has data that changes every 24-hrs.

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Getting Records With MAX Value?

Jun 6, 2013

I have a dataset with 5 columns. i want to identify the the max users in each zip code and the corresponding ID for it. For e.g. for zip 01105, max users are 1380 for ID 010840. I want my final data to have just these 3 values.

I tried the pivot table but it hides the ID corresponding to the MAX value.

ID Zip CityState Users


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Transfer X Row To The End

Nov 12, 2006

in my worksheet if i have in any cell of clomun k eg.rnage (k1:k50) the word "fail" i want to transfer all of the data in this row to the fist empty row =to the end of the used rows

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Can't Get Rid Of Values In Sum Fields

Mar 24, 2009

Although I have removed the original numbers in the main area (I12 - AM12), there are still values in the fields I11 - AM11 that just won't go away. These formulas merely sums up the columns below as far as I can see so I can't figure out how come the values 101, 98, 9o etc aren't '0' since there are no values to add anymore..

NB!Not sure if the formulas will be in norwegian or if they change based on language settings but think you will be able to figure them out regardless..

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Matching Name Fields

Oct 23, 2009

I have a list of company names and I need to find the duplicates. Of course pivot table finds the exact matches, but how do I find duplicates when only 1 character is off. Like punctuation or "s" or a mistype of a single character?

Jo Blo inc
Jo Blo inc.

Jo Blo inc
Jo Blo icn

Joe Blo inc
Jo Blo inc

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Sum Fields Across Worksheets

Nov 12, 2009

I have a workbook that is used to calculate sales & commissions for our sales reps. The majority of the worksheets are "RepLast, RepFirst". All of these Rep worksheets include an identical format. I need to add another sheet which grabs the total quantity of products A for each rep and sums them on the new sheet. And repeats the process for products B to Z.

Is there a way to do this other than longhand naming each rep and then the field in the worksheet? We are regularly adding new reps (and losing some periodically), so I would prefer to not have to regularly update the longhand formulas (i.e. ='RepName1'!A25+'RepName2'!A25+'RepName3'!A25...etc) as that would seem prone to introduce calculation errors.

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Autopopulation Of Fields

Aug 25, 2007

I have a rather unique problem with a new workbook I have created and it only affects 2 sheets out of the the entire thing.

The sheet is driven by a name:

Schmoe, Joe
Diddly, Bill

These names are picked from a drop down list. When a name is picked it autofills other fields using the LOOKUP command:


By now I think this is pretty straight forward and works wonderfully well for the other 50+ sheets. However I have two employee names where the second of the two (Diddly, Bill) takes and autofills the fields with Schmoe's information. The only thing I can randomly pick up is perhaps the employee numbers are too close:

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Mandatory Fields

Sep 28, 2007

i have created a form hich dumps into a database.

There are some mandatory fields which need to be filled in by the user on the form - how can i flag these up at the end of the form - with a message box which says - "cant complete - feild "" "" "" are missing "

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How To Add 0.00 In Empty Fields

Feb 26, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that I receive with a column containing some numbers. It arrives in genearl format but as part of a macro I format Column "C" to 2 decimal place numbers.

This works fine but some of the cells are completely empty. I need to have those empty cells populated with "0" which will of course display as 0.00 because of the formatting.

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