Transfer UserForm Data To Cells

Jan 4, 2007

I created UserForm for people to enter there details into this form. I designed it ok, but i need it to, once it is filled in to copy what is entered onto a page in the spreadsheet.

So someone enters there details into a form that appears but then i need their details to appear on the spreadsheet at the click of a button.

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Transfer Data Between Userform.

Oct 30, 2009

I am trying to transpher data between two userform.

The Idear, To store information within a list box on a userform and select what list items "information" is to be copyied to another useform's Textbox.

To have the 1st userform with a Text Box and one Button. When the user click the button the userform containing the listbox " information" is displayed. On this form the user can select an item "Information" that they want to be transphered into the other useform's textbox. (any information that is going into the textbox must only be added to the textbox information as a new line)

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Show/Transfer Data On/From UserForm

Feb 15, 2010

I am working on a Userform that will take the values entered in the first two text boxes (values for Columns A and B), enter them into the spreadsheet, and then display the values for the data in columns C and E in the next two text boxes. The data for columns A and B must be entered first since Columns C and E contain functions. And then, when the end user is finished for the day, I want them to be able to clear the values in columns A and B (which I have this part) Also, the data in column B will almost always be the current date, so I am not sure if that can be automatically populated on the userform or not.....I have played around relentlessly, so I know that I have really messed up the code I DO have, but here it is (I know it doesn't make any sense).

Private Sub Document_New()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdPickDate_Click()

End Sub

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Transfer Data From One Named Range To Another Via A Userform

May 7, 2009

I have a range of data that is compiled from various cells that I have named as Range1. I then have another named range - Range2 which should be items selected from range1 and copied into range2. This is to enable other work to take place.

I have created an example userform with Range 1 shown but do not know the code to copy it over using a command button. Range 1 should not change. Also vice versa if possible i.e. remove the selected item from Range2 with another button.

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Multiple Userform - Transfer String Data

Mar 18, 2013

I am working with several userforms and try to transfer data obtained in one userform (lets call it Userform1) to another (Userform2).

Specifically, the idea is to have a commandboxA where the user can choose several options and the selection will define a string, and I want to use this string in Userform 2 to define a text.


The user chooses "solid" in the commandbox and I define the string as "rock"

Dim structure As String If commandboxA1.value = "solid" Then structure = "rock" etc...

And in Userform 2 I would like to combine the string structure with other strings, e.g.

If commandbox.value = "example" Then example text = "example text@ & structure & "text"

However this does not work, because the string which I have defined in Userform1 is not defined in Userform2. How would I define the string specifically, such that I have access to it in both userforms? How can I define the string as public? I tried several times, but could not get it to work.

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Userform - Conditional Transfer Of Data Based On Combobox Value?

Mar 17, 2014

I have created a userform and it works fine.Following code is assigned to commandbutton to transfer data to sheet "FT".


I want to add that : If value in combobox2 is “ KT” then all entries are copied to sheet3

Otherwise copy everything in sheet”FT”

Other parameters remain same.

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Transfer Data From Userform To Specific Location Not Next Empty Row

Mar 14, 2014

I have a User form with a combo box that is populated with numbers (1 thru 50) and four text boxes for first name, last name, email & cell number.

It all works fine. However: I would like it to transfer the data to (Sheet3) in numerical order... In other words, If the user picks number 5 his data would be entered in the fifth row.(or sixth counting header). Or if he chooses number 37, his info would be entered into row 37 (38 with header) of (Sheet3)

It currently populates the next empty row.

My code is below, How would I modify it to accomplish this?

Private Sub EnterButton_Click()

'Populates GetNumber Combo Box

Dim w As Worksheet, x As Long
Set w = Sheets("Sheet2")
x = w.Columns(19).Find(Me.GetNum.Value, lookat:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlValues).Row
w.Range("S" & x).Delete

[Code] ............

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Transfer Userform TextBox Data To Worksheet Combobox

Jun 1, 2007

I am trying to create a userform to allow user to register their new team member. In the userform, I have textbox1 (new team member) & textbox2 ( name of their leader). Once both the textbox has been filled, the user need to click on the commandbutton, which will then add the newly registered team member to the combobox1 in the Sheet1 and then create a spreadsheet(tab with the Team member name) in a separate workbook, which corresponde with the name of their leader (as filled in textbox2 in the userform.

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Find UserForm ComboBox Value & Transfer TextBox Data To Same Row

May 6, 2008

My question is, instead of deleting the row, how can I use the combobox to replace that row with the updated info rather than delete and resort? I have a combobox that selects names from a sheet, column A and populates itself on Userform activate/initalize. Using the Combobox to select a name, this code below populates all the fields on the form, various text and comboboxs.

When users hits the update button, it currently finds the row and deletes it, see second code example, but this reaks havoc on various parts of the program, I have to move the combobox and add name textbox's because when it deletes the row, the combobox takes on the next rowsource and then writes that info, rather than the info selected.

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
If bBlockEvents = True Then Exit Sub
If ComboBox1.Value = "" Then
bBlockEvents = True
ComboBox1.ListIndex = -1
bBlockEvents = False
Exit Sub
End If
userow = ComboBox1.ListIndex + 3
usercolumn = 1
If userow = "0" Then
ComboBox1.Value = ""

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Transfer Data In Cells From One Tab To Another Tab?

Sep 26, 2013

I have a new spreadsheet that I made to give us the break down of each invoice we create. what we want is to see each job that is done (by code), the amount we charge per each, the cost of goods per each, and the profit margin. In this spreadsheet I have two tabs. in tab one it has the form I made that has a place to input the data that will change with each invoice as well as a section that is broken down into columns. In these columns I have it listed this way. CA=Job code, CB=Job Description, CC=how many, CD=Charge ea., CE=rate total, CF=COGS ea., CG= COGS total, CH=profit

I have the formula done for all of the math the get the totals. My idea was to make a second tab. In tab 2 I have everything listed in columns that will go into tab one. It is broken down like this. CA=Job Code list, CB=Job Description list, CC= charge ea. CD= COGS ea.

What I want to be able to do is when I type in the job code in the first cell under the column A on tab one, it will bring over all of the info from tab 2 and put it in the right spot for that code. So if I typed in say TT001 in that cell it would bring over the description matching that code and put it in the cell under B, along with the charge in column D, and the COGS under column F. And I want it to be that way for each code I type in and it will be different each time I fill this out. How do I explain this part? Ok so I a new invoice made its # 22. I take this spread sheet and do what I want and get all the totals so I print it out. I then want to be able to clear all the info and or just type in a new set of codes that will be on invoice # 23 and then #24 etc.

So what I am saying is the codes will be different each time I fill it out. that's why I have them listed on a different tab and will just put them in tab one long enough to get the total and print it out. Is that clear as mud? I will stop here and wait and see what questions I get back.

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Transfer Data Cells Into A Closed Workbook

Sep 25, 2007

Workbook A contains data that feeds into Workbook B. Workbook B retrieves data from Workbook A (via a macro) and then puts data into cells in Workbook B, Workbook B process the information and does calculations etc... on the data from A. Now I want to transfer the results back to Workbook A in specific cells.

Example (just for information only and not actual problem): Workbook A, contains employee information, years in company, position etc... This is transferred to Workbook B (this portioin I have coded and tested). Workbook B calculates pay, benefits etc... Now I want to put the pay information back to Workbook A.

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Select Specific Cells And Transfer Data Into New Row In Different Worksheet

Apr 7, 2014

Select Specific Cells And Transfer This Data Into A New Row In A Different Worksheet, how can I do this in a macro?

I am trying to pull a select 6,048 rows out of 288,000 rows.

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Select Specific Cells And Transfer This Data Into A New Row In A Different Worksheet

Mar 5, 2009

I am trying to select specific cells and transfer this data into a new row in a different worksheet. The code i am using i used sucessfully on a user form to take the entries from text boxes and place in a row in a new worksheet. I would like to try and do the same thing but on a worksheet rather than a user form. My code is

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Transfer The Data In Those 5 Fields To 5 Specific Cells In A Hidden Sheet

Apr 3, 2009

I am trying to figure out how to do the coding for a command button in a userform I've created. It has 5 textbox fields. I want the command button when clicked to transfer the data in those 5 fields to 5 specific cells in a hidden sheet. Then I also want that button to launch a word document.

Anyone know how I can go about this or where I can go that explains the specific coding?

I've tried searching with mixed confusing results & read through & examples.

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Excel 2010 :: Transfer Data Into Form - Multiple Rows Cells

Mar 27, 2014

Every day I receive a csv file of NAMES, PLACES, ADDRESSES, IDS, SPECIAL ID (ETID), ITEMS, QUANTITY, AND OTHER INANE INFORMATION. which is a list of people from places that are ordering item(s) for each ETID)


I need to put the items into a form, one order per ETID.

I tend to receive on NAME, PLACE, ADDRESS, sending orders for multiple ETIDS.

I don't know the easiest or best way to get the info into the order form. I have designed the form in word and excel.

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Transfer Userform Variable To Module?

Jun 12, 2013

i have a userform where when i initialize i load my combo box with a range

I have a variable which = combo box value

Sub cmd click()
myval = cbo.value
unload me
End sub

How can i use or pass this variable to my standard module i.e

Sub test()
myevent = myval
end sub

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Transfer The Information From The Userform To Specific Cell

Sep 5, 2008

I need to create a simple code that will allow me to fill out the userform and then use a cmdbtn within the userform to transfer the information from the userform to specific cell in my excel spreadsheet.

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Transfer TextBox Date From Userform To Cell

Jul 26, 2007

I have a userform with many textboxes that I am using to collect data which is transferred to a worksheet using a command button on the userform. All data is correctly transferred to the worksheet except for the text box I am using for the date.

The date is transferred from the userform to the spreadsheet but the date is left justified implying that it is text but dates that I have manually entered into the spreadsheet cell are right justified. This may seem picky but I am using a 'count' function within the spreadsheet to determine how many rows contain the date.

I am using the following code which I am entering in the format of dd/mm/yyyy, to to transfer the date to Cell A1 the worksheet 'Results'.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Worksheets("Results").Cells(1, 1) = UserForm1.Textbox1
End Sub

how to transfer the date to the cell so that it right justified, hence treated as a number within the cell.

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Transfer UserForm Controls To Multiple Worksheets

Jun 12, 2008

I have two worksheets (Sheet1 and Sheet2).

For example I have three columns named Name, City and Telephone.

UserForm1 has three textbox(TextBox1, TextBox2 and TextBox3).
All three textboxes data populated from sheet1 (Name, City and Telephone) by selecting a comboBox.

The code is below... and which is working fine.. The problem is in my next code. I am trying to amend data in all worksheets but it is not working.

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()

Dim strNamedRange As String
Dim lRelativeRow As Long

With ComboBox1
If .ListIndex > -1 Then
strNamedRange = .RowSource

'ListIndex starts at zero

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Formula To Transfer Column Data To Another Column But Omit Cells With No Data?

Dec 12, 2013

I need a formula to automatically transfer data in a column into another column, omitting cells in the 1st column that do not have data in them.

So, for example, transfer the data in column "A" below to column "C" below omitting any blanks when the formula automatically copies data over:

Example Spreadsheet.xlsx

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Transfer Numbers From Userform Divided By Search Number?

Jan 25, 2014

In sheet lists I have a list of names and to the next column, I use 0ne 0f these threee options 1/3 OR 2/3 OR O(zero). So what I need is this When a user choose name from the combobox and then type numbers in textboxes, I d; like these numbers to transferd in data base column M, but if number of the specific customer in Lists Sheet is 2/3, then the 2/3 of the choosen numbers should transferred rounded to the nearest biggest number. Example: If I choose Maria, and type 30--10--15--25--40, in text boxes, then numbers 20---7--5-17--27, should transfer in database column M.

If i choose Stevens, then numbers should tranfered as ii is. No chance.

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Transfer Chosen UserForm ListBox Items Into Worksheet Textbox As Comma Separated List

May 6, 2009

I want to select items in a listbox and transfer those items via command button in a textbox. The listbox is already filled. I have no idea how to realize that.

Attached is the form I created so far. I copied everything together and matched it up for me. It's probably not the best way but it works. I marked the section where I need help in yellow.

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Create Userform That Adds Integer Data To Existing Data In Specific Cells

Jan 29, 2013

I am trying to create a user form that will allow the user to type int values in boxes. Then when the user clicks the submit button the code needs to add the values from each user input box to the existing values in specific cells accross multiple worksheets. Then the form needs to be cleared after the cell values are updated. I can create the form it is the code on the submit button i am lost on. Also it is important that some boxes may be left blank.

If you click the Grey "Qty Form" button on sheet1 the form will open. User data numbers can be entered in the blank boxes. When the submit button is pressed the form needs to add the user entered numbers to the numbers in the corresponding cells in sheet 1 and sheet 2. How to code the submit button to do this properly. Also after the data on the spreadsheet is updated the form needs to be cleared and start the cursor back in the Item 1 box on the form.

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Add Data From Userform To Cells On Worksheet

Oct 29, 2011

I have a userform that has 1 combobox and 2 text boxes. i need the two text boxes to go to specific row and a specific column based on the entry placed in the combobox.

I can move data from a userform to a database if i am adding it to the next row, but here, there already is data and i want to add to existing data.

I tried application.match, to find the text in the combobox, but i can't seem to figure out the syntax to add it to column 13 on the same row.

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Enter Data In Cells While UserForm Showing

Oct 30, 2006

is it possible to enter data on a spredsheet while a form is opened or must the from be closed first. I thought I was smart to have a form remain open so users could change parameters but at the same time allow them to enter data in uprotected cells.

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Enter Data From Userform Into Cells Starting From Specific Cell?

Feb 3, 2014

I need to add something to the code below to have my first row of data entered into cell "Q8". As it is now the data is starting on row Q9 instead of Q8, but the rest of it is filling in correctly.

[Code] .....

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Send Data From UserForm Controls To Specific Cells/Ranges

Aug 30, 2006

I have been working on my spreadsheet for sometime now, so far when I run into a code problem I can figure it out using someone eles's post. However, I can't seem to figure this one out. I need to send data from a userform to specific cells on my spreadsheet based upon the users selection in combobox 1, and textbox 1.

Example: User selects customer name from Combobox1, and part number auto loads into textbox1 from the data sheet.

There are then 11 combobox's that can be clicked as the userform is updated. Once the user is finished, I need the answers from each combobox to transfer to the worksheet next to the referenced Combobox1 and textobox1.

I used the code that RoyUk posted to him, but have only been able to get the first combobox to copy to the sheet, the rest stay blank.

(Here is the code so far)

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim ce As Range, srcRng As Range
Dim sYear As String, sMonth As String

sYear = UserForm3.ComboBox1.Text 'When combobox1 is loaded, use as reference#1
sMonth = UserForm3.TextBox1.Text 'When textbox1 is loades, use as reference #2
Set srcRng = Range("c2", Range("c65536").End(xlUp)) 'Search range on worksheet
For Each ce In srcRng

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Transfer Large Volumes Of Name Address Data But Filtering Other Irregular Data?

Aug 14, 2014

I use excel and would like to know how to copy a large volume of address data but at the same time filtering out irrelevant data placed under each other in a row, in this case, air compressors air conditioning web address etc ( see below for example). I need the first 5 lines only. The rows of unwanted data are irregular i.e some have 10 lines, others 5 , and others 2 or one line which makes using a formula difficult as there is no consistency. The data eventually need to be placed horizontally in columns to be compared to other address lists. To make matters worse, the text data has been merged and wrapped.

3 Telford Place
L*****r QLD 4315
Phone: 07 5777 3622

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How To Transfer Certain Cells From Sheet1 To Sheet2

Dec 15, 2013

I am trying to do some kind of sorting?

if the first character of the cell is number or * then copy that cell(row i ) and the cell above(row i -1) to sheet2. I am not sure how to check the first character is *.

The idea is this:

[Code]] .....

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Macro To Transfer Values From Cells

Dec 16, 2008

I have some values in Range F2, F26 ,F48 and so on.

I need to transfer these values using a macro to
C8778 and so on.

Since there are a lot values , I would like to have a macro for this operation;

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