I have a 2 groups of column headings with a different month and year in each heading so
1st Group of columns range Columns AJ through AX Column Heading example "Expense Ratio February 2013......next Column over is "Expense Ratio March 2013"
2nd Group of columns range AY though CE Column Heading example "Capital Balance February 2013......next Column over is "Capital Balance March 2013"
Each new month I need to add a new Expense Ratio column after the most recent expense ratio Column. (i.e. Find "Expense Ratio March 2013" and I need to add a column after that with heading "Expense Ratio April 2013"
Same thing for Capital Balance - add a new Capital Balance column after the most recent Capital Balance Column. (i.e. Find "Capital Balance March 2013" and I need to add a column after that for "Expense Ratio April 2013"
Because the ranges keep changing month over month, how do i do this.
I have a macro that copies data from one sheet to another. I would like getting the macro to figure last row used in column B from B3 on and put the word Sum below it. For example, if last row used is B64, on B65 would like the word sum on it.
I cannot just input in as the number of rows could change when macro is run. Data is dynamic.
Here is simple code I have:
Sub Weight() Sheets("Final Month").Select Range("A2:B1055").Select Selection.Copy Sheets("Final Weight").Select
Attached is a sample sheet with nine columns. Column D includes a name, but in many cases it is preceeded by: 'TO', 'BY', or 'OF' and a space which I need to remove (if they exist), leaving just the name. Please note that sometimes just the name exists so nothing needs to be done. I believe that in a jet sql querie I can use something like:
I’ve got a little problem with the text to column function.
I’ve got in column A critarias and if it is for example L it should run a surtain text to column code.
With Range("A1:A65536") . AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="L" Range("B1").Select Selection.End(xlDown).Select Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).TextToColumnS Destination:=Range("B2"), DataType:=xlFixedWidth, FieldInfo:= Array(Array(0, 1), Array(21, 1), Array(60, 1)) End With
With the Auto Filter some rows between 2 until 7624 are shown. But unfortunately the text to column code is used for every row between 2 and 7624. Does anyone know how to avoid it?
Every week I have a worksheet compiled with large range of data, being input after many meetings done. The action-owner Names in open/close brackets are among the long text input in one Column (there are not more than 50 rows of data).
My problem is that in the Column every time I have to manually Bold-face the owner names in the cells that have their names, pressing F2 and Bold. Examples: ...(Wilfred)... or ...(Jacky/Joseph)... Can someone please help me with a code, say I can list out a fixed list of selected text and such code will be able to have these selected text (which is names in this case) in the cells bold-faced.
I have a listbox that has row and columns. The rows are combinations of options and the columns are Additives.
After selecting a row in Listbox1, (first column are names) i would like the value of the second column to goto a specific area.... find that value and in the cell to the right of it place a "Y". The "Y" would indicate that "yes" it was part of the selection row of the listbox. Same for third column, forth, fifth and sixth. The result from the listbox is a number of Y's and N's in the result page. Then making all that were not part of selected line and equal to "N" to hide row (height = to zero).
Listbox and expected result are in attached example worksheet.
The attached does show the need much better then I can explain it.
We have arrival dates and departure dates for guests and would like to figure out the number of meals needed on a particular date.
Named ranges: NumGuests _ArrivalDate _DepartureDate _CheckInTime _CheckOutTime Need number of breakfasts Number of Lunches Number of Dinners for a given day of the week.
So if a guest is here say Jan 25 arriving after 9am, staying 2 nights they will have Lunch and Dinner on the 25th, BLD on the 26th and BL on the 27th. Since by default most arrive after 9 (miss breakfast), we can eliminate the checkin time for the breakfast calc and make the first one for the next day.
There might be other guests staying through that time period. The ******* would like to know how many meals they will need to prepare for the week.
Anyways, the issue is that when I have some cells selected then use the text-to-columns, it works fine.. but when I select an entire column, it "acts a fool"...
I made this video to show the effect on my computer.
I'm having trouble with the With statement near the bottom for the active sheet, effectively the row search. (Would be great if the font can be changed to red as well as text "Withdrawn").
Option Explicit Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim search As String 'stringy Dim ws As Worksheet 'worksheety Dim Answer As String 'answery Dim r As Range 'rangey search = Range("b7").Text 'texty Dim cell As Range cell = Range("4:10")
I have a spread sheet for equipment that gets loaned out on a regular basis. Cells B4 - B25 have combo boxes in them, with the options to select "On Loan", "In Stock Room" etc in them. What I would like to do is create something so that as the combo box is changed, i.e. from "In Stock" to "On Loan", a date changes adjacent to each combo box.
For example, combo box in B10 has been changed from "In Stock" to "On Loan". The adjacent cell records the date automatically that the combo box was changed.
I'm using the following code to delete select rows one at a time. I need the last row in the range to remain therefore I prevented the user from deleting the row one up from the row that contains "Total Hours" (which is always in Column B). The code works great as long at the user clicks into a cell in column B. If the user clicks into a cell in column A, C, D, E, F, G, H, or I then the code allows the user to delete the last row.
I believe I need to search entire rows to determine if the row contains "Total Hours" .
What is the VBA code for inserting text in all column B-cells of multiple selected rows?
I am creating a worksheet with a table containing various data related to orders of various materials (this is more or less data gathering from an older, paper-based 'system'). This table spans, columnwise, from A to D and expands downwards as more orders are added. The information in each column is: A=order number, B=type of material and C=material specs. and D=additional comments.
I've set it up so that the only thing I really have to do is to insert the type of material in the cells of column B, and the rest will sort itself out. Instead of having to insert a new row for each new entry and manually typing in the name of the material (these entries are often done in the midst of already existing data), I created several similar, macroed buttons for the different types of materials we use. These macros work by selecting the row of the currently active cell, inserting a new row and then add the name of the material in the column B-cell of this new row. What I am having trouble doing though, is to get the text-entry to work for a selection of multiple cells.
As an example, lets say that I would like to add 5 orders of "Grade A Steel" in the middle of the table - in the row above row 8. With the macro I currently have I can select cell B5, click the macro, and a new row will be inserted with "Grade A Steel" in column B of this new row. This action could be performed 5 times over, but would be easier if I could just mark a range of 5 cells, say B8:B12, click the macro and get the text/data inserted the column B-cells of all 5 of the new rows. So far I've been able to create a macro that inserts multiple new rows, but I've only been successful in filling the column B-cell in the first row leaving the 4 below empty.
I want to search for a word in column A and when I find it I want to copy it to column B. Column A is a description that can be 6 or 7 words long. Column B is a single word.
Col A Engine Kit, V-8, 306, forged. I need to copy the word Kit to column B.
I've been using the following code to go the current date on a spreadsheet. I now have to add the current date somewhere else on the sheet How do I modify the following code to only have it look in A:A ? Date is formatted -- m/d/yyyy (1/2/2013)
HTML Code: Sub gotodateday() Dim C As Range Set C = Cells.Find(Date) If Not C Is Nothing Then C.Select End Sub
If I name ranges as Months, (Example: January_13. -- I can use the month without the year if it makes a difference),. How would I change it to look for the current month in A:A.
What do I have wrong with this? I want to find a cell that matches today's date and then start with that row by copying a time value in another worksheet to the one that has the dates already.
Sub PunchClock() 'This will copy the current time punched and place it into the correct cell Range("B3").Select
Do Until ActiveCell = Now() ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop
All I need is some direction with this. I tried setting up a variable then check that variable against the current date and I didn't have that one figured out either.
There are groups of similar ID numbers in Column J. For a group of similar ID numbers in consecutive rows there is only one row that has a number greater than 0 in its Column L cell and the rest of the cells of Column L for that set of similar IDs is filled with 0s.
First for that unique ID group I need to find out which row is it that has a value greater than zero in its Column L cell.
Then I need to use that value to fill the rest of the 0s in Column L corresponding to that set of Unique IDs.
The process continues with identifying similar IDs in Column J and this time doing the same thing for their Column M. I have attached a sample file that shows the data and how the results need to look like.
I have a report where I would like to have a macro search for a date string in columns N-S and copy the date to Column C, same row. The number of rows will vary from day to day. I would then like to format all of Column C to 'mm/dd/yyyy'.
Attached is a file where the date string is included in Column N on row 2 and Column O on the row 3. The dates for both these lines would need to be copied and pasted to their respective rows in Column C.
I want to find the most recent date in column D, when the variables in column E are all the same. There are many different variables in column E, and for each group of the same variables (eg. all cells containing "A"), I want to find which is most recently dated (dates are in column D). This is my code so far...
Sub adddiv() Dim ticker As Variant Dim freq As Long Dim csheet As Worksheet Set csheet = Worksheets("Sheet2")
I have created a simple command button for tallying that will increase the count in the output cell by one every time it is clicked. It has basic code like this:
Private Sub ProductRegistration_Click() [D4] = [D4] + 1 End Sub
On top of that, I want the output cell of this command button to switch every day. In this case, it would move to E4 tomorrow. The columns are dated but I can't figure out how to get the output cell to automatically change with the system date so I don't have to manually change it every day.
I have a spreadsheet and need column S to look in column J to find "AO" And "AI" once it finds this I need it to look at column P and post that data into column S. I have tried all sorts of IF's but I cannot seem to get it to work.
I have a spreadsheet with a column A of dates April 08, May 08, June 08 etc. Adjacent to each of these dates is a value in column B. I want to select the appropriate value relevent to the current date and use it elsewhere. Therefore if it happens to be Oct 08 when I open the spreadsheet I want the value in column B, adjacent to Oct 08 to be represented.
I have some xls files. I need to find the sum of a specific column. the column heading is always TOTAL but the column it resides in changes column to column. so one file may have the text total in column H and others will have the text total in column X. how can i make a macro so it finds the text 'total' and then sums up all the values in that column underneath it and displays it at the very bottom of that column?
I'm evaluating the effectiveness of a keyword list we use to identify certain, high priorit,y medical situations from a string of text.
So, I have a column on a sheet of data (EIS Report!"B:B") in this case, and a seperate column on another sheet with keywords (Keywords!"A2:A47").
I use the formula ={OR(NOT(ISERROR(FIND(keywords!$A$2:$A$47,$B2))))} to identify if any of the keywords exist in the string. This works well but I would like to improve my work in two ways:
1 - Identfiy, in another column on the EIS report sheet, which keyword it is that's been found within the string, 2 - On the keyword sheet, add another column of words, which if found within the string, would act as an exclusion.For example, I might use "STAB" as a keyword to look for "Male stabbed" etc, however might want to exclude "STABBING" to stop the solution triggering on "STABBING PAINS IN ABDO"
I need to create a formula that searches column E for text, let's say "BANANA", and when it finds that text, the formula returns the numerical value of the cell in that same row in column B. Let me know how this can be done.