1: Is their anyway I can get rid of the File, Edit, View, etc buttons at the top of the document so everyone that opens it can not see them? and also the save button, the idea is they have to use the button to save the sheet.
2: I have a button on the sheet with a macro that saves the sheet once it has been worked on, the sheet flashes when this button is clicked is there any way I can stop the sheet flashing ?
I have created a spreadsheet in the field of marine surveying. In that sheet, I have used a lot of macros (21 modules) and a lot of VBA, most of it provided by kind people on this forum. But what has happened now, is that when I use that particular worksheet, the 'Undo' menu item in the 'Edit' menu has become permanently grayed out and it says 'Can't Undo'.
In other words, I cannot undo, even if I have made the wrong entry in an unprotected cell. If I use any other sheet, or make a new sheet, everything returns to normal. So, is there any way I can re-gain the 'Undo' facility, while using that particular sheet. I am using Excel 2003 on a Windows XP Home (SP3) platform.
I'm familiar with the code to allow grouping/ungrouping in a protected spreadsheet; http://www.ozgrid.com/Excel/outlining-protected.htm. How would I code to allow for hiding/unhiding cloumns and rows while still protecting the spreadsheet? Also, how could i allow for this file to be shared? Currently i'm getting an debug error when another person enters the file.
I have a couple of functions running in my workbook, and for no reason that I can see, when one of them runs during a simple macro I use to show/hide some columns, the worksheet vanishes. Is there a way to stop all functions running while I show/hide columns?
I am trying to speed up this macro, ive already tried turning screenupdating and calculation off, but it still takes forever, and I dont understand why.
The code is basically searching for a given string in column E. There are about 9000 lines to my sheet, which shouldnt take more than a 30 seconds to a minute to complete.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
For MY_ROWS = Range("E12000").End(xlUp).Row To 1 Step -1 If Range("E" & MY_ROWS).Value UserForm1.ComboBox1.Value Then Range("A" & MY_ROWS & ":E" & MY_ROWS).Delete (xlUp) End If Next MY_ROWS
Also anyone know how to add another condition to make the macro stop the delete process at lets say Range("a1:e8")?
How to skip every second row (delete or hide) of an array of data (two columns) in a worksheet. I have too much data and want to delete every other row at a regular interval (increase step interval from 1 to two or even three). Tried to do this with VLOOKUP and Filter (custom)
I have the below code (pieced together and donated by other users on the forum)
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual ' Application.DisplayAlerts = False Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim Ctr As Long 'set ctr for Invoice Dim wsData, wsInv As Worksheet Dim Ibk, Rbk As Workbook
Set Ibk = Workbooks("Invoice.xls") 'Invoice as Ibk Set wsInv = Workbooks("Invoice.xls").Sheets("Invoice") Workbooks.Open Filename:="\cmc-dc01usersdcMy DocumentsProjectsRemake GoodyearRentCharge.xls" Set Rbk = Workbooks("RentCharge.xls") Set wsData = Workbooks("RentCharge.xls").Sheets("Sheet1") With wsData........
I need some help with some VBA to hide or delete rows that numerically equate to zero (please see attached spreadsheet template). The cells in the first two columns have text to represent categories, but all the remaining cells are numeric. If any of these are all zero I want to delete or hide the row(s) so the worksheet looks better, with less redundant info.
Example: I have Sheet 2 set to autocalculate on activate using vb. So when you click on that tab "Sheet 2" it will autocalculate.
My Question is, I have another macro that is copying information between Sheet 1 and Sheet 2. And I don't want calculation to occur during the macro but since it has to select Sheet 2 it performs the autocalculate. Do I have any options to prevent the calculation from occuring when I run my copy paste macro? I only want it to autocalculate when the user selects sheet 2
I have a nice little matrix which looks up loans and tells me the status of various modules within them
It looks something like this:
Code: =IFERROR(INDEX(AssignedLoans,MATCH($H$6&$D49,ModuleName&LoanNumbersList,0),8),"") and it is an Array.
Now, it is working fine until it gets to row 50 then it stops returning values. What's up? There is no difference between the rows except for the loan number change (from D49 to D50...etc). I looked up the loan number in the source document and it's there, so it's not that the source document is missing the information.
I am using the formula =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("v",A2)),"OK", "Not OK") to say if cell a2 contains the letter v, then return ok. It would be really helpfull if I could say : if cell a2 contains the letter "v" or the letter "w" or the letter "x", then return ok.
The sheet was working fine, then all of a sudden (i dont know what i have done) the up and down arrows (on my kayboard) wont work when the sheet is protected, when i unprotect the sheet they work fine, i can use left and right. i have checked the scroll lock isnt pressed/illuminated on my keyboard.
I have about 100 products and each has its own sheet that I fill with data. Once I have finished with a sheet I rename it and create a copy and then hide the original and delete the entered data from before and start over.
Is there a way I can make it so when I hide a sheet it will automatically create a copy and delete a specific range?
I have a userform which clones the latest sheet and produces copy of it on the next sheet. The first sheet they will be cloning is the sheet called 'template', I however want this to be hidden since I do not want anybody to modify a sheet which basically serves purpose of a template. And once cloned, it is no longer needed.
On the click of the command button, the macro will create sheet1 taking the info from sheet named 'Template' in the same workbook . And now on the next click of the command button, Sheet 2 is created taking the info from sheet1 and Sheet 3 is created taking the info from Sheet 2 and so on. Here is what I currently have, so how can i modify it in order for my scnerio to work?
how to automatically delete (or hide) columns in a spreadsheet given a list of columns that I want to retain (or see).
These are the columns I want to retain (or see):
Name 1st Phone Number 2nd Phone Country Conditions Email Address Enrollment Status Room not available Roommate Mailing address Payment Record Payment Status Gender Requested room type Total Payments to Date What is your meal preference?
The attached has two tabs......columns I want to retain (or see) and the raw data of all the columns.
I've attached a worksheet with two tabs, "before" and "after".
(a) delete the contents of rows in column "C" which <> 0. (b) resort the data according to date under column "J" (oldest to newest) (c) retain the integrity of column "W" which is a running total.
I do not want to hide data. I have too much of it, and I also need to use relative formulas on the sorted data (for example, a running total). I've seen other solutions in this forum for deleting rows etc. but it seems that most of them involve "hiding" information, or using filters which will make it difficult to retain the integrity of forumlas elsewhere on the worksheet.
the following macro works great if there is data below cell O4. but is there isn't any (e.g., at the beginning), then the cursor runs down to 65,536. ?if no data exists, how can i stop at cell O5...
I have a situation where i would like to hide and delete a few sheets in my worksheet.
there is a few sheets where i want it to be constantly visible and one sheet is based on a cell reference.
the remaining irrelevant sheets i would like it to be hidden and deleted.
'always visible are sheets that are constantly visible in all files' 'visible msds is the sheet where my product data is being pulled out based on a input i enter on my first sheet' the sheets i want to hide and delete will be the remaining irrelevant "MSDS" that i would like to remove through macro.
Using two Combo Boxes, I am trying to create an drop down outline form input sheet.
What it does is if you select the first selection in the combo box 1, then it hides certain rows, and deletes certain cells. If you select the second option in the combo box 1, it shows another combo box (2) which has another list of categories.
When I select the option 2 on the combo box 1, it unhides a bunch of rows, and activates combo box 2. However, when I try to select categories on combo box 2, each time it tries to hide/unhide rows I get this message "Unable to set the hidden property of the range class." I have no idea whats going on.