I have a list of data and I want to identify the unique entries for both columns but the second column has to unique to the unique values in the first column.
I have the below table of data, in Column A there is a list of entries and there may be duplicates in them, what I want to do in column B is be able to list all the unique entries in there and basically remove any duplicates.
I have a list in Row A that has duplicates. I want to be able to delete both entries (itself and the duplicate). When done I want the list to display only be entries that are unique or better said any entries that never had a duplicate.
I have a dynamic list of names from B2:B500. I want to write a macro that finds all the unique entries from that list and pastes it to AD3:AD501 everytime the macro is run. What would be the code for this procedure.
In that file, you can see there is a list of somewhat similar data across 5 columns. Some of the entries are duplicates, some are different by only one character. What I want to be able to do is generate a list of all the unique rows of data, taking into account the data from ALL 5 columns. The list can be on another sheet or simply just further down on the same sheet, that doesn't matter too much.
I could do it if it were just one column of data, but struggling trying to do it with several columns.
Basically from Sheet OEE V20:V500 I have a list of problems being selected from a drop down list validation (which users can add to the list for new problems). Along side these "problems" in Sheet OEE U20:U500 I have a number which represents the number of minutes the problem caused them. Some cells in both these columns will however be empty if there was no problem occour. But wherever there is a problem selected, there will be a number alongside it, there will never be one without the other.
What I want to do is look down Sheet OEE V20:V500 and get two lots of information -
The unique problem names (no duplicates of the same problem) in Sheet Reports A1:A100 for example (I may change the range of this). The number of occurances of each of the problems it lists in Sheets Reports B1:B100. Count up the total number of minutes of each problem. So for every occurance of "Paper problem" there will be a unique number in Column U in the same row as the problem and place this in Sheet Reports C1:C100.
I would ideally like to have this as VB code as I am going to tie it into a command button which formats and prints my report page.
I have found various bits of code dotted about the forums for counting unique cell entries but they always seem to produce a list with lots of blank rows (I would like a list one after another without blank rows all over the place) and I'm really struggling to figure out how to make it count up the numbers in the adjacent cell of each entry it sees.
Just in case the list of problems for the cell validation in Sheet OEE V20:V500 is found in Sheet OEE AQ16 downwards.
I'm having problem with the ISBLANK function. I have attached my workbooks if someone would care to look at them. My macro basically loads two lists from other workbooks (old & new (attached)). It then finds out which entries are unique to each list, and places them in the EXCEPTIONS sheet.
Column C in these sheets should say TRUE or FALSE as to whether the corresponding cells in Column B are blank but it does not work. Book1.xls contains my macro. Old.xls and New.xls will need to be selected when prompted.
Each product is represented by a serial number (column A). The can be sorted on column A from smallest to largest prior to calculating results if that helps.
The repair list contains 1 entry per spare part used, so the same serial number may occur several times.
Furthermore, a product may have been repaired on several instances - so the serial numbers can span several dates (column B).
The solution i am looking for should return the number of unique repair dates per serial number. That way i can see, how many times each product has been repaired. Results can be displayed in an individual column.
I have a list with many names, several of them appearing more than once. I would like to extract the unique entries an then make the list of them.
I can do that using the filter. But can I do it with formulas ? (In order to, whaterever change is made to the first list, get the extracted one immediately updated).
I was wondering if there might be a better way to write this macro. What it does is clears unique items from a Range( leaves duplicates ) I've looked all over the net I can find all kinds of function and subs to remove duplicates but haven't been able to find anything that just removes single entries. I"ll bet there's a more elegant way to write this maybe using a Collection or a Dictionary.
Sub Dummy() Dim MP1_Rnge As Range Set MP1_Rnge = Range("A1:A100") For Each Cell In MP1_Rnge If Not IsEmpty(Cell) Then If Cell.Row = 1 Then..........
I have a worksheet, where in C3:C100 (or even higher) i will have text strings. A lot of these will be repeated, and i want to pick out just one instance of each text string and display it in E3:E10 (or higher).
So, for example, if i had the following values in column C:One Two Two One One Three Seven Two Four Seven One Three
I would want the following values in column E:One Two Three Seven Four
I have this 2 columns, A(region) and B(location), and I need a macro to filter the unique entries in Columns A and return both the unique values in A and their corresponding values in B. I've attached a file on it with sheet 1 having the data to be worked on and sheet 2 being the output that I require.
I'm trying to write an Excel program to calculate golf handicaps. In column A, I have 20 unique dates. In column B, I have corresponding 20 scores. In column C, I'm trying to create a corresponding notational mark, "*", indicating the 10 lowest scores that are also the oldest. However, I'm running into problems as I may have duplicate scores with different dates, i.e. 3/22/06 will have a score of 85 and will be the 10th lowest score, but 4/1/06 also has a score of 85.
I am hoping this can be done with formulae. Starting at C7 and continuing down the C column there is a list of names which could potentially run from C7 to C5000. This list of names will contain duplicates. For each name there is a corresponding 'reason' in the F column which will contain the word 'Truancy' or 'Late'.
I need a formula that can count the number of UNIQUE names in the C column which correspond to the word 'Truancy' or 'Late' in the E column.
An example,
[Name].....................[Reason] C7 ...........................E7 John Potts.................Truancy 2 Matt Jones................Truancy 10 John Potts.................Truancy 4 Matt Jones ...............Late AM Pete Burns................Late PM Pete Burns ...............Late Both Steve Lopez..............Truancy 6
Count of unique names with the word Truancy in the corresponding E column = 3 [John Potts has 2 instances of the word truancy in column E but this is only counted once]
Count of unique name with the Word Late in the corresponding E column = 2 [Pete Burns has 2 instances of the word late in the E column but this is only counted once].
I have two lists and I would like a formula which only returns unique values - similar to an advanced formula. Is this possible?
In the attached example my data is in columns C and D and I would like a formula in column E if possible. I need it to ignore the capitals. E.g. BLACKBURN and Blackburn appears in each list but I would only want one instance pulled through in column E.
I need to count the number of unique names (column A) on 3 separate worksheets. Each worksheet represents a facility that people visit. It is possible that the same person will visit all three facilities. If this is the case I want to only count them once, even though they may have numerous entries on each.
I need to get the same result as if I was to copy and paste all of the names from three spreadsheets on to one (which isnt an option) and then count unique names. To do this on one sheet I have been using =sumproduct((A1:A100<>"")/countif(A1:a100,A1:A100))
Count unique entries in a column according to two specified criteria.Specifically, I am trying to count the number of days in a month a supplier has a visited.Below is an example taken from the excel:
COLUMN A COLUMN B Date Supplier 01-ago-12 Mr X 01-ago-12 Mr X 01-ago-12 Mr X
I want a formula that allows me to see how different dates Mr X has visited in each month. So in August he has visited 8 times BUT only on 5 different dates.
In the case of Mr Y I want the formula to give the answer 5 (even though he has visited 6 times in total, he has visited on only 5 different dates).
In the case of Mr X in September, the answer to the formula would be 2, since has visited on 2 different dates in September.
I'm trying to write a macro to use as an auto-update feature for a spreadsheet.
I currently use Data validation on an input cell to allow the user to select from a list of product types.
I'd like the update to affect this list, so new product types are always available to the user.
However, the list of product types is in another spreadsheet and contains numerous repetitions.
I've managed to get the following code together based on what I've used before and what I've found searching so far, but it seems to have a bug in it as it wont always work. I also need the original copying of the list to be done to either the new spreadsheet of a different page in the original spreadsheet, but every time I try this it causes an object error.
PHP Sub Macro3() ' ' Macro3 Macro ' Macro recorded 05/12/2008 by Information Technology ' Workbooks.Open Filename:= _ "T:SSTCCDEngineeringBackthin_dataPhotolithMASK_DETAILS.xls" Sheets("Mask List").Range("f4:f2000").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, _ CriteriaRange:=Range("a1:a3"), CopyToRange:=Range("E1:E2000"), Unique:= _ True Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("E1:e2000"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _ OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom Columns("E:E").Select Selection.Copy Windows("MASK_DETAILS.xls").Activate ActiveWindow.Close Windows("Dry_etcher_log_B.xls").Activate Sheets("Calc Sheet").Select Columns("M:M").Select ActiveSheet.Paste End Sub
I am seeking to pull names from a list on one worksheet in to particular cells on another worksheet using each name only once. I need a function or series of them that can accomplish this. I have been trying to figure this out for a couple of months with no luck as I always get into some form of circular reference....
I have 620 columns of data with each column consisting of 17 rows. I need to be able to count the number of unique entries in each column. I recorded a macro that would do what I wanted, but it just used absolute references for each column, which would make the process rather tedious. Is there a way to make the macro less restrictive?
Sub Macro1() Columns("B:B").Select ActiveSheet.Range("$B$1:$B$17").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1, Header:=xlNo End Sub
From column A,(lets say cell 10 onwards) I need to copy all the unique entries into column B (cell 10 onwards). However, I dont know what length column A will be. What would be the best way in VBA/Excel to do so ?