Use Number In Cell With Other Number In Lookup Formula

Sep 28, 2006

I'm trying to use the formula vlookup, but running into trouble. I'd like to use =VLOOKUP(3000&A1,E:F,2,0) but this isn't working correctly because it doesn't recognize "3000&A1" as a number? Is there a way to do this? This will be used in a VBA code, so I prefer the solution in VBA, but either way is fine. See attached for more info.

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Excel 2013 :: Formula To Auto Delete Number In Dropdown List When Number Appears In Another Cell

Apr 27, 2014

I'm making a Excel 2013 spreadsheet that has formula in a column that auto enters a number 1-40 when something is entered to the left of that cell. There are 300 rows in the spreadsheet. I would like to make a drop down list in a column cell to the right that would delete that number in that cell from the drop down list. For example cell C1 has 39, that 39 then is deleted from the drop down list. C2 has 22 in it, click on the drop down list cell and it shows 1-40 less 39 and 22.

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Formula To Lookup The Numbers From Above And Only Extract A Number Once

Nov 27, 2008

I have a spreadsheet on a weekly data with diferent reference names

what I want is a formula to lookup the numbers from above and only extract a number once

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Convert Text To Number In Lookup Formula

Oct 16, 2006

I have a sheet that uses all vlookup formulas to populate the cells, and then some basic math calculation are done in seperate columns with the results. The problem is, even though the rest of sheet works fine one column is being read as text. I've tried many things to get Excel to read the column as numbers but nothing is working. So far I've tried everything I've found in Ozgrid (Paste special using add and multiply, using a working column)and the simple formatting things built into Excel, but nothing is working. All I need is for the column to be read as a number.

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Lookup Not Finding Cell Number

Aug 18, 2008

I am having trouble using a cell reference with a VLOOKUP formula. i have 2 worksheets each containing an invoice number column. the first sheet uses the VLOOKUP to find a shipping code from a range of values in the 2nd sheet (the range includes the invoice number, shipping code and 2 other columns). i can get the formula to work by simply typing the lookup_value into the formula like so: =VLOOKUP(7128,'Detailed List'!$B$7:$Q$1500,5,TRUE)

this gives me the correct result but what i need to happen is for the formula to take the lookup_value from the invoice number cell reference in the first sheet for that record and match it to the same value in the 2nd sheet. so instead of the code above it would read: =VLOOKUP('F10','Detailed List'!$B$7:$Q$1500,5,TRUE). the value of cell F10 is '7128'. however, when i try this i get a return of #N/A and no matter what variation i try it still produces the same result.

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Find First Non Blank Cell And Return Number Above It Based On Lookup From Other Sheet

Oct 18, 2013

I have two spreadsheets.

spreadsheet 1:
Lookup from Order numbers listed from A5:A177.
requested formula in I5: I would like a lookup to sheet 2 based on the order number (F19:F191), to return the cell above the first non-blank value.

spreadsheet 2:
Lookup value:Order number listed from F19:F191.
Data search:AY19:CI191
return the (date) which is in the range above the data search from row AY18:CI18.

I've had a look at few forums but i'm getting mixed responses, having to use index / match / lookup / min / --.

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Formula To Calculate Based On Start Month Number And Duration Number Of Months

Mar 14, 2014

I need a formula that will calucalte the monthly total based on the following conditions:

Col A = Yearly Cost
Col B = The number of the month when the costs are starting (1=Jan etc)
Col C = The duration or the number of months for which the costs are to spread
Col D is Year 2013 with the months across columns D-O. Row 1 above those columns shows the month's corresponding number.

Right now I have =IF($B3<=D$1,$A3/$C3,0) however if my start month is 1 and my duration is 5, I need the costs to stop after May. I've attached a sample file. Calculate based on start month and duration.xlsx

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Formula Finding Number In Range To Display Another Number

Aug 25, 2006

Designated Cell = 7

1 10 .034
15 25 .072
35 45 .089

Output Cell = ???

I am trying to find a formula for the output cell. Suppose the designated cell = 7 due to formulas above it. So that number is always given but can change. I then need a formula for the ouput cell that says if the designated cell is greater than or equal to 1, and less than 10, then the output cell should equal .034. So suppose the designated cell = 18.2. Then I would want the output cell to be .072 since it is greater than or equal to 15, and less than 25. The template I am using has 23 rows of numbers like above. I didn't know how to do it for 23 rows though. If/Then doesn't work because it is 23 statements long (well over the seven limit) and the vlookup only works when the cell is equal to a number and not a range.

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Show Number On Sheet1 From Cell On Sheet2 If Cell Next To Cell Containing Number Filled

Aug 13, 2013

SAMPLE FILE "error_finder.xlsx (36.5 KB)" attached...

The VP of our company needs me to create a spreadsheet.

For this s/s I need the following:

Imagine 2 sheets in Excel...


sheet2 has sequential numbers in column1 starting in row2 with the number 1 until wherever..., so cell A2 has number 1, cell A3 has number 2, etc...

Manually, a user has to fill in certain text next to a number.

This for example would look something like this:

_|A| B
1| | Error-description
2|1| Whatever the 1st error would be...|
3|2| Whatever the 2nd error would be...|
4|3| Whatever the 3rd error would be...|
and so on...

All this would be on sheet2

In a cell on sheet1 I now need the number from column A displayed, that has the latest entry in column B.

In the example above this would have to be the number 3 in cell A4, because right next to it (in cell B4) is the last entry "Whatever the third error would be..."

Addition: There are several sheets, each sheet stands for one error listed on sheet1 in column A

sheet1 for example would look like this:

2| error 1 |___|___|___|
3| error 2 |___|___|___|
4| error 3 |___|___| 3 |

In this example, because "whatever error" (cell B2 to B4 on sheet2) was found on press 934 was the 3rd error (cell A4), the number 3 (cell A4) would have to be populated on sheet1 in cell D4.

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Formula To Add A Number To A Cell

Oct 7, 2009

I need a formula to add the number 1 into cell J9 when cell d9 is no longer blank.
I'm sure it's really easy- but I can't figure it out.

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Add Cell Number To End Of Corresponding Formula

Apr 16, 2008

I have a monthly report on an excel spreadsheet that I must sum two columns from the previous month for every row in the sheet. I wish to take the value from column B and add to the end of the formula in column A. For instance my column A would contain the following: "=1200+6595+2599+275"

Column B would be a single number, i.e. "3200"

I want to be able to click a button and get "=1200+6595+2599+275+3200" in column A and place a "0" in column B for every row on the sheet. I have a pretty good understanding of VBA, but I am still learning the Excel object model.

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Performing IF Cell Contains Number THEN Copy That Number ELSE Give 0

Jun 14, 2013

Looking for a way to search an active cell (that has been found using macro) for numerical data and if there is some present paste this in a different location

If there is no numerical data in this this cell then paste a 0 in a different location

An example of the string contained in the cell

Product 7.5% wheat <- i would want 7.5 (or 7.5%) copied to a different cell
Product X <- i would want a 0 copied to the cell the 7.5 would be in from the above

I can find the cell to search in, i just do not know the correct way to extract the information I need.

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Identify Row Number Based On Value In A Cell And Use That Row Number In A Macro

Jan 28, 2009

I have Sheet with 40 employees who each proposes their work schedule, so I have to give each Employee access to the same sheet and want highlight and unlock only those cells that specific employee can use.

Each employee has to login from a drop-down (sourced from Sheet.Employee Master), so their unique Employee Number is in "A13" of Sheet.LOGIN

Can I identify the ROW number and then use that ROW number in a macro to highlight and unlock specific Range of Cells in Sheet.PROPOSED SCHEDULE?
---where "Sheet.LOGIN("A13") = (the value in the cell Col A:"row" of Sheet.PROPOSED SCHEDULE)

I have attached a scaled down version of the Workbook.

Following code is scaled down-- this is for Employee 02 who appears on ROW 16 of the sheet. (macro is same for each employee, just uses a different row)

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Count Cells By Number & Add Adjacent Cell If Number Is X

Jan 19, 2008

Create some sort of formula combination or macro that will: Recognise a cell with a value of 1, 2 or 3 in. If 3 is in the cell, the cell to its left will be counted and added to a total. If the cell that has 3 in changes the value is removed from the total. Ive tried lots of methods but i cant figure this one out!

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If Cell Contains Letter And Number Formula?

Oct 4, 2012

I am trying to make a formula which will tell me if A1 is a postcode (a letter and a number e.g CV42 6AQ)

In the A column, it looks like this:

CV42 6AQ
FC45 D4D
West yorkshire
PR42 6RD


i want it to identify all the postcodes, and NOT "West Yorkshire" because it does not contain a number.

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Writing A Number After The Formula For A Cell

Aug 17, 2007

I have a cell in which I use the following formula:

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Sum(if Formula) Counts The Number Of Cell And Add

Jun 17, 2009

I have an array formula which reads:


However this formula only counts the number of cells (returns 96 for 96 cells) rather than adding the numbers in those cells to come to a total of 34.

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Cell Value (number To Change If I Put A Formula In)

Aug 25, 2009

I have a cell containing a mixed text and number value e.g wk16 and would only like the number to change if I put a formula in.

For example, if i change my master cell A1 to wk15, I would like A2 to automatically change to wk18 or wk12 etc depending on the the formula

Every time I try = A1+3 I get #VALUE! appear in the cell.

I cannot change the cell so it contains a number as I am using Lookup functions.

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What Formula To Use To Double Number That Is In Another Cell

Mar 5, 2014

What formula do I use to double a number thats in another cell.

I need the formula to go into Column AC from the list of numbers that are in Column W

So for example if the number listed in W2 says 8 I need the column in AC2 to read 16 and when the next number down from that says in W3 -24 I need the column in AC3 to say -48 and so on.

I want to be able to drag the formula down the column (AC) so it picks up all the numbers in Column W3 and doubles each and every one of the numbers all the way down the page thousand of rows down.

So what ever number weather it's a plus or minus number I want it to double itself and have the number read out right next to it in the AC column to it's right.

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Formula - Number In One Cell And None In The Other 4 Cells

Nov 4, 2008

I have 5 columns...I would like a formula to say if number in one cell and none in the other 4 cells to say "yes" otherwise say "no"

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Use Row Number In Cell For Reference Formula

Dec 31, 2009

I have five workbooks, one for each week of the month, and in a cell M9 in workbooks 1 to 5 I reference the value of a cell in another workbook called counter.xls.
The cell I need to reference changes each week by one row.

At the start of a month I need to have a macro that will go and find the first empty ...

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Use Cell Number In Formula Row Reference

Oct 5, 2006

In cell A2, I have the number 10. In cell G10 of a different sheet, I have a number I want in a third location. Is there a way to do something in the third cell like =G(A2) so that the value of cell A2 is entered into the formula, referencing the value of G10 in the third cell?

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X= Formula; Subtract The Number From Cell C32

Mar 19, 2007

in Cell J32 I want it so when i type in a number it would subtract the number from Cell C32. Is there a formula in which all you have to do is type the number without editing the formula?

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Multiply Every Integer Less Than The Number In Cell A1 And Greater Than Zero By The Number Cell In A2..

Feb 5, 2009

Cell A1 = 3
Cell A2 = 4

Is there a formula to calculate

I need to multiply every integer less than the number in cell A1 and greater than zero by the number cell in A2. I was thinking factorial, but that's not it... Can't remember from my math days.

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Enter Number Into Cell Based On Multiple Of Number In Another Cell

Jul 18, 2013

I have numbers in b2 to b5 say

I have numbers in c2 to c5 say

I have numbers in cells d1 to kq1 (1 to 300) d1=1, e1=2, f1=3 and so on

What I want to do is:

In D2 through to kq2 it puts the number in to the cell that correspnds to a multiple of the number in b2.
That would put 1000 in cells m2,w2,ag2,aq2, ba2 and so on
In D3 through to kg3 it it puts the number in to the cell that corresponds to a multiple of the number in b3
that would put 1580 in cells y3,au3,bq3,cm3,di3 and so on

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Grab Number Out A Cell And Use Only Number For Other Formulas

Jan 15, 2014

I'm trying to grab a number out a cell and use only the number for other formulas.

So in cell A1 I have 2 LK, in cell A2 4 LK, and in cell A3 is 1/2 LK. I want to just pull the 2, 4, and 1/2 out without the LK and put it in the B cells. I'm sure this is easy but I'm thinking slow tonight lol.


2 LK

4 LK

1/2 LK

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Divide Number Cell By A Set Or Fixed Number

Jul 9, 2008

I am wondering if it is possible to create a formula in a cell that will divide whatever number is entered into that cell by a set or fixed number.

ie. I enter the number 9 in the cell and when I press enter, the 9 is instantly divided by 15 and the answer is displayed in the cell where I just typed the 9.

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Number Of Cells Since Value In Cell Exceeded Given Number

Jun 1, 2014

I would like to get number of cells since the cell value exceeded a given number in a given range of numbers.


cell address cell value

a1 1
a2 1.9
a3 -1.2
a4 4
a5 3

I would like to know number of cells since value was less than 1 : the answer is 3 (a5,a4,a3)

Number of cells since number has exceeded 3: the answer is 2 cells back ie a5,a4

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Insert Number In Cell To Return A Set Number

May 2, 2007

I need this for a tracking sheet of scores. For example, 1 gets 100 points, 2 gets 90 points, 3 gets 80 points, etc. I need to set it up for 10 places. I have no idea and have fiddled with it for two hours now. I need to be able to put a 1 in the cell and 100 appears after I hit enter, etc.

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Find Cell Value Row Number & Use For Column Number

Jun 2, 2008

to update these values via a form in this sheet. I can find the correct row to be edited by entering a value from column A and B. The problem is if I want display the values of that row first and then change it. If I want to change row 10 data how can I bring back the value in ROW 3 AND THE COLUMN VALUE? The next step would be to do the actual update if I want to change ROW 10 to "Ooi" and a sales value of 200?

This is what I have done so far:

Dim myRows As Integer

With Sheets("Mrt")

'Retrieve history information for row
For myRows = 4 To 49
If comboxDay.Text = Range("A" & myRows).Value And textboxdescription.Text = Range("B" & myRows).Value Then
textboxbedrag.Text = Range("C" & myRows).Value
chkBTW_Ja.Value = Range("D" & myRows).Value
txtNota.Text = Range("S" & myRows).Value
End If
End With

Picture attached to show how sheet looks like.

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