Grab Number Out A Cell And Use Only Number For Other Formulas
Jan 15, 2014
I'm trying to grab a number out a cell and use only the number for other formulas.
So in cell A1 I have 2 LK, in cell A2 4 LK, and in cell A3 is 1/2 LK. I want to just pull the 2, 4, and 1/2 out without the LK and put it in the B cells. I'm sure this is easy but I'm thinking slow tonight lol.
2 LK
4 LK
1/2 LK
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Feb 22, 2013
where i can grab a number from a cell it would ALWAYS be the last string item..
for example if cell A1 has the following text:
04/02 Card Purchase 03/31 Google*1873060297 Cc@Google.Com CA Card 5036 $500.00
i want cell B1 to hold just the $500
this wold always be the case for everything im trying to do
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Aug 13, 2013
SAMPLE FILE "error_finder.xlsx (36.5 KB)" attached...
The VP of our company needs me to create a spreadsheet.
For this s/s I need the following:
Imagine 2 sheets in Excel...
sheet2 has sequential numbers in column1 starting in row2 with the number 1 until wherever..., so cell A2 has number 1, cell A3 has number 2, etc...
Manually, a user has to fill in certain text next to a number.
This for example would look something like this:
_|A| B
1| | Error-description
2|1| Whatever the 1st error would be...|
3|2| Whatever the 2nd error would be...|
4|3| Whatever the 3rd error would be...|
and so on...
All this would be on sheet2
In a cell on sheet1 I now need the number from column A displayed, that has the latest entry in column B.
In the example above this would have to be the number 3 in cell A4, because right next to it (in cell B4) is the last entry "Whatever the third error would be..."
Addition: There are several sheets, each sheet stands for one error listed on sheet1 in column A
sheet1 for example would look like this:
2| error 1 |___|___|___|
3| error 2 |___|___|___|
4| error 3 |___|___| 3 |
In this example, because "whatever error" (cell B2 to B4 on sheet2) was found on press 934 was the 3rd error (cell A4), the number 3 (cell A4) would have to be populated on sheet1 in cell D4.
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Apr 27, 2014
I'm making a Excel 2013 spreadsheet that has formula in a column that auto enters a number 1-40 when something is entered to the left of that cell. There are 300 rows in the spreadsheet. I would like to make a drop down list in a column cell to the right that would delete that number in that cell from the drop down list. For example cell C1 has 39, that 39 then is deleted from the drop down list. C2 has 22 in it, click on the drop down list cell and it shows 1-40 less 39 and 22.
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Jul 24, 2009
Is there a way for excel to tell you how many formulas (formuli..??) you have in a spreadsheet?
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Jun 14, 2013
Looking for a way to search an active cell (that has been found using macro) for numerical data and if there is some present paste this in a different location
If there is no numerical data in this this cell then paste a 0 in a different location
An example of the string contained in the cell
Product 7.5% wheat <- i would want 7.5 (or 7.5%) copied to a different cell
Product X <- i would want a 0 copied to the cell the 7.5 would be in from the above
I can find the cell to search in, i just do not know the correct way to extract the information I need.
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Jan 28, 2009
I have Sheet with 40 employees who each proposes their work schedule, so I have to give each Employee access to the same sheet and want highlight and unlock only those cells that specific employee can use.
Each employee has to login from a drop-down (sourced from Sheet.Employee Master), so their unique Employee Number is in "A13" of Sheet.LOGIN
Can I identify the ROW number and then use that ROW number in a macro to highlight and unlock specific Range of Cells in Sheet.PROPOSED SCHEDULE?
---where "Sheet.LOGIN("A13") = (the value in the cell Col A:"row" of Sheet.PROPOSED SCHEDULE)
I have attached a scaled down version of the Workbook.
Following code is scaled down-- this is for Employee 02 who appears on ROW 16 of the sheet. (macro is same for each employee, just uses a different row)
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Jan 19, 2008
Create some sort of formula combination or macro that will: Recognise a cell with a value of 1, 2 or 3 in. If 3 is in the cell, the cell to its left will be counted and added to a total. If the cell that has 3 in changes the value is removed from the total. Ive tried lots of methods but i cant figure this one out!
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Jun 11, 2009
For various reasons, I need to determine how many total calculations are being performed in a spreadsheet. These can be IF statements, sum, max, vlookups etc but I am looking to determine the quantity. I do not need to know how many of each just how many in total.
Is there a relatively simple method of conducting this search? I don't mind VBA code, etc.
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Feb 5, 2009
Cell A1 = 3
Cell A2 = 4
Is there a formula to calculate
I need to multiply every integer less than the number in cell A1 and greater than zero by the number cell in A2. I was thinking factorial, but that's not it... Can't remember from my math days.
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Jul 18, 2013
I have numbers in b2 to b5 say
I have numbers in c2 to c5 say
I have numbers in cells d1 to kq1 (1 to 300) d1=1, e1=2, f1=3 and so on
What I want to do is:
In D2 through to kq2 it puts the number in to the cell that correspnds to a multiple of the number in b2.
That would put 1000 in cells m2,w2,ag2,aq2, ba2 and so on
In D3 through to kg3 it it puts the number in to the cell that corresponds to a multiple of the number in b3
that would put 1580 in cells y3,au3,bq3,cm3,di3 and so on
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Jul 9, 2008
I am wondering if it is possible to create a formula in a cell that will divide whatever number is entered into that cell by a set or fixed number.
ie. I enter the number 9 in the cell and when I press enter, the 9 is instantly divided by 15 and the answer is displayed in the cell where I just typed the 9.
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Jun 1, 2014
I would like to get number of cells since the cell value exceeded a given number in a given range of numbers.
cell address cell value
a1 1
a2 1.9
a3 -1.2
a4 4
a5 3
I would like to know number of cells since value was less than 1 : the answer is 3 (a5,a4,a3)
Number of cells since number has exceeded 3: the answer is 2 cells back ie a5,a4
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Sep 28, 2006
I'm trying to use the formula vlookup, but running into trouble. I'd like to use =VLOOKUP(3000&A1,E:F,2,0) but this isn't working correctly because it doesn't recognize "3000&A1" as a number? Is there a way to do this? This will be used in a VBA code, so I prefer the solution in VBA, but either way is fine. See attached for more info.
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May 2, 2007
I need this for a tracking sheet of scores. For example, 1 gets 100 points, 2 gets 90 points, 3 gets 80 points, etc. I need to set it up for 10 places. I have no idea and have fiddled with it for two hours now. I need to be able to put a 1 in the cell and 100 appears after I hit enter, etc.
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Jun 2, 2008
to update these values via a form in this sheet. I can find the correct row to be edited by entering a value from column A and B. The problem is if I want display the values of that row first and then change it. If I want to change row 10 data how can I bring back the value in ROW 3 AND THE COLUMN VALUE? The next step would be to do the actual update if I want to change ROW 10 to "Ooi" and a sales value of 200?
This is what I have done so far:
Dim myRows As Integer
With Sheets("Mrt")
'Retrieve history information for row
For myRows = 4 To 49
If comboxDay.Text = Range("A" & myRows).Value And textboxdescription.Text = Range("B" & myRows).Value Then
textboxbedrag.Text = Range("C" & myRows).Value
chkBTW_Ja.Value = Range("D" & myRows).Value
txtNota.Text = Range("S" & myRows).Value
End If
End With
Picture attached to show how sheet looks like.
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Mar 17, 2009
i have a spreadsheet with a certain data (rate of return) associated to a specific day of a year. (ex. 8-dec.-08 0.99865), and i have to calculate the rate of return (r) for every month, which is done by applying a formula (GEOMEAN) to all the rate of returns for the days of a month (ex. GEOMEAN(r[01 dec.]:r[31 dec.])).
i don't have any problems with that part. the hard part is that i have every single trading day from jan 00 to dec 08 (2000+ days), and i do not want to manually select the ranges. also, the dates do not include weekends (trading days per year = 252) which means that i cant (a) automatically determine a range or (b) automatically associate a number of days to a month (ex. oct 08 doesn't have the same amount of days as oct 07, because of the way week-ends and holidays are arranged..)
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Mar 17, 2009
I have 2 sheets in a workbook where i would like cell G8 on sheet 1 to equal the value on A11 sheet 2 & G9 to equal A12 and so on down the sheet. The problem is that G8 are 3 merged cell so every time I try to use autofill the reference number jumps by 3. The formula in cell G8 is
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Jun 16, 2009
I have formulas in cells B8:F8. I need to copy these formulas down based on the number of rows in column A that has data. The data in column A will vary based on user input.
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Oct 14, 2008
I I have a excel document which has a sheet containing a large number of array formulas.
I turned the automatic calculation off.
However, even when I press F9 to calculate the cells it just crunches, gets stuck at “Calculating 0%” and then crashes.
The majority of the array formulas are IF queries with multiple criteria.
Would it speed up the calculation if I didn’t use array formulas?
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Jun 26, 2013
Excel 2010
Sheet 1 contains range B12:B353 with names of people. Sheet 2 range B12:B353 contains a formula to extract the names from Sheet 1 if range D12:D353 contains a certain value:
=IF(Sheet1!D12:D354="A",(Sheet1!B12:B353)," ")
At the bottom of each column in Sheet 2 I am trying to get a total count of populated cells (a running count of names actually visible). I have inserted formula:
Which should count the number of cells with text in them, right? But I believe it's somehow counting the formula as text because I inserted the value of "A" in Sheet 1 Column D for 3 names. It returned a number of 331 at the bottom of my column in Sheet 2. First off, a return of 331 doesn't make sense in any way (still scratching my head at this return. It should have returned a value of 3.
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Sep 25, 2009
My excel (2003) is stuck in array mode - is there any way to get it out of Array Mode and put it back in the letter:number display for formulas/functions? It's doing this in VBA too which is totally killing me.
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Dec 11, 2008
I have a basic formula =C17+'Asset Depreciation 2008 Onwards'!C24, and I want to copy it down just using the drag function. Problem is that the second reference range of cells are in rows and hence when I copy it down it doesn’t automatically update the cell references because it want to update them by column number instead of row number. IE I want it to display =C17+'Asset Depreciation 2008 Onwards'!
D24, instead of C25. Do you know if there is any way of telling Excel that I want it to increase the column number by 1 every time, instead of the row number for this part of the formula?
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Sep 11, 2007
I have a spreadsheet that I need a formula so that when a number appears in one column, then automatically it will put text (only) in the adjacent column. I have attached the sample spreadsheet for review. What I need is if there is a number in column A then, put a " / " (forward slash) in column B. If there is only a 0.00 in column A, then put nothing in column B. I tried the IF function an it errored out stating that the " / " was not a number.
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Mar 8, 2012
Trying to have a formula assign a number to a cell depending on a number in that cell.
In all cells in a range from C8 to G13, if there is a 1, i want the number in C20 to show, if there is a 2, whats in
D20, 3/E20, 4/F20, 5/G20, 6/H20
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Aug 12, 2009
Im looking to have excel grab the sheet name from the cell rather than manually clicking on the sheet each time. I have attached an example. I would like the formula in cells B5:7 and C5:7 to reference A5:7 rather than the specific sheet as seen in cell B5 --> =b!A1. I assume it will look something along the lines of ='(A5)'!A1, but that doesn't seem to work?
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Dec 10, 2008
can I set a cell in excel so that if a number in a different cell is above a certain number it will turn green and another cell to turn red. I have attached the file.
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Dec 16, 2008
I have this set of number..
What im trying to do is this..I read this number and check for the first number with the 2nd number. If its greater then i will swap it. Im trying to do this so that my number can be rearranged as 456789.
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Jan 11, 2014
I am trying to save an excel sheet to .csv format with the following macro:
[Code] ......
The following part of the code needs to be modified so that the commas appear correctly in .csv file even for null values for any given column.
[Code] .....
I have attached the Sample Sheets. Source sheet and the Result sheet. The Result sheet doesn't provide the required result. Some data are missing and unwanted commas have been added. How to correct the logic in the above piece of code.
Attached File :
Result Sheet.csv‎
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Mar 30, 2009
I have a sheet that contains rows containing letter codes for example "CU". This is generated by an IF formula i.e. If true = "CU". However I need to be able to calculate the number of instances of "CU" but sumproduct will not work as it sees the cell as containing a formula not the result i.e. "CU". Sumproduct code:
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