Use Dropdown To Fill Cells From A Different Sheet

Jan 6, 2010

I have 2 sheets that are used for an inventory that tracks hours on a tool that we use where I work. One sheet allows the user to add items to the inventory along with the current hours on the items. On another sheet, I have several dropdown boxes based on the category of items that are autopopulated with the item's serial numbers through data validation. So far, I'm only able to have the serial numbers fill the dropdown boxes, but I also need to have the hours associated with the individual serial numbers transfer over to this sheet as well in the cell adjacent to the dropdown list.

I assume the pseudocode for this would be for each cell in the dropdown sheet, if it matches a cell in the inventory sheet, grab the cell's value in the hours column and paste it into the adjacent cell on the dropdown sheet, but I'm not sure how to do the actual VBA for it.
I've included my sanitized workbook so you get a better idea of what I need.

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Dropdown List To Auto-fill Cells

Feb 19, 2013

I would like to auto-fill cells based on what I select from a drop down list.

For Example:

Drop Down List is located in A1(already created). Let's say it lists items like bathroom,front of building, dinning room etc.

I have created on sheet 2 a list of responsibilities for each item on the drop list. The list has a header for example bathroom and a below it list the responsibilities. I did this for every item on the drop list.

Now, is it possible to select bathroom from the drop down land when selected the list I created in sheet 2 show up in the cell next to bathroom? Also, is it possible to have this happen every time i select a different item from the drop down list?

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Fill Cells With Lookup From Dropdown List

Feb 18, 2007

I want our sales people to be able to select from the list of products we manufacture and have they corresponding information automatically populate. For example, if the salesperson is trying to put a quote together for 500 lbs. of Stainless Steel nails, they can select the correct size and have the list price, cost, margin (etc...) fill in the adjacent cells automatically.

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Selecting Multiple Cells To Fill From Dropdown List

Apr 1, 2014

I've made a drop down list and when I select multiple cells and choose from the drop down list, it only fills one. Here's pictures:

So in that first picture, I've selected multiple cells. But when I drop down the menu and click my selection, this happens:

Why is it that all the cells I've selected does not fill with the option that I chose from the drop down. I highly doubt that I have to manually click all the ones I want to fill with what I choose from the drop down list.

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VBA To Fill In Three Cells Based On Data Validation Dropdown List Selection

Dec 26, 2012

I've created seven names in my data validation source list on Sheet 3 in the following range of cells, A2-A7. My data drop down validation list is located on Sheet 1, A2 in the same workbook. I would like to trigger a macro based on the name I select in this drop validation drop down list that will fill out an address, telephone number, and email address in the following cells next to my data validation drop down list on Sheet 1: B2, B3, and B4. I want it to be designed so that users will select a name and have that person's corresponding address, telephone number, and email address fill right next to their name on the same sheet.

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Fill Cells From A List On Another Sheet

Jan 10, 2009

I need to populate a range of cells with names from a list on another sheet based on the contents of another cell.

In the attached example;

on sheet 2 cell E3 has a number in it that corresponds to a number in column D on sheet 1, I want to use that as the reference to fill in cell E4 on sheet 2 with the value in column A on sheet 1, then I need to populate the YELLOW cells on sheet 2 with the names from sheet 1 column C that also match the values in sheet 2 cell E3.

The attached file has an example. I have been trying to use LOOKUP and VLOOKUP but can't get it to work.

Can someone please take a look at this for me?

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Dropdown To Link Other Sheet And Lookup Data For Last Cells

Aug 6, 2014

I have 4 sheets from sheet1 to sheet3, I typed code date and quantity which the code has 5 columns. In sheet 4 I have defined dropdown in I2 Cell(yellow fill) which has all code fromsheet1 to sheet3. So my purpose is that in sheet 4 I want to select code in I2 cell then it will appear in code column date and quantity automatically for the last cell of date and quantity. Note: I'm looking only the last cells when I select the code in dropdown.

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Compare Two Cells If They Match Then Fill In The Cell From Another Sheet?

Oct 19, 2012

I am trying to compare two cells and if they match then I want to fill in a list on sheet one from sheet two.

I have the absolute working when I compare one cell to one cell, but I can't get it to compare one cell to a range of cells (two weeks of days)

Here is the absolute one I have working:

=IF(C1='Data Sorted'!A1,'Data Sorted'!A2,"")

Here is what I tried that doesn't work:

=IF(C1='Data Sorted'!A1:N1,'Data Sorted'!A2,"")

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Search For Text And Then Auto Fill Cells On New Sheet?

Aug 18, 2014

I need to create a formula that searches the first table and autofills the second based on the teacher name. So when Mr. M is listed in column e, all the data to the right automatically appears on the second sheet.

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Cells Cross Referancing Data From Another Sheet To Fill Themselves In?

Apr 15, 2009

I would like cells to fill themselves in automatically on one sheet, by getting the figure from the cell to the right of them, and seeing where the same figure lies on a different sheet. which ever row this figure lies in will be used to grab a different figure from colum "C" of the same row. This is the figure i would like to be put back on the first sheet.

Im aware that i havent explained this very well but i hope that my attached spread sheet with a couple of notes and highlighted bit will explain it much better.

Thank you very much in advance to anyone who can help me with this!


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VB To Fill Color Yellow The Same Two Cells On Each Sheet In Workbook

Aug 20, 2013

I have a macro that generates multiple sheets in a work book then formats the data on each sheet the same, I would like to highlight the same two cells in each sheet with a background color of yellow. My format code is below, I can seem to get fill to work with the sh. property

For Each sh In Worksheets
sh.Range("O1").Value = "Total Amount"
sh.Range("P1").FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(RC[-2]:R[99]C[-2])"


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Completing Range Of Cells Based On Data On Another Sheet Prompted By Dropdown Selection

Mar 23, 2014

First sheet has a client name and several cells of data along the same line. All of the data on this sheet is kept long term.

The second sheet is completed copied and deleted. In completing the second sheet the client name is selected of a drop down list and pulled from sheet one.

What I want to do and not sure if there is a way is that when I select a client and populate it on sheet two I would like the related data on that clients line from sheet one to populate to same named lines on sheet two.

if this is possible and if so provide a brief description of how it would work

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Excel 2010 :: Copy Range Of Cells From One Sheet To Another Depending On Option Being Selected From Dropdown Box

Aug 13, 2012

Using macro's on Excel 2010. What I'm trying to do is create a macro that will copy a range of cells from one sheet to another depending on a option being selected from a drop down box. I've tried to use formulas but without success.
sheet 1 contains a list of approx 20 people with rows containing sales figures per week.

Is it possible to have a macro that will copy the rows to sheet2 depending on the dropdown? The drop down has already been setup with people's names

if sheet 1, cell a1 (with data validation setup) dropdown contains "mr smith", copy sheet2 row A1:A9 to sheet 1 cell a2
if sheet 1, cell a1 dropdown contains "mr cooper", copy sheet2 row B1:B9 to sheet1 cell a2
etc... for each name in the dropdown

The idea is so that i select a dropdown and it copies the sales figures that match the dropdown name, if i then select another dropdown, the corresponding figures are copied to the same place.

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Auto Fill The Rows After Particular Selection From Dropdown List?

Dec 16, 2012

auto fill the rows after selecting a particular option from a drop down list. For Ex., In Drop down list we have Cool drinks and Ice cream as two options. If i select Cool drinks the respective columns should be filled with brands like, Coke, 7 Up etc...

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Auto Fill Dropdown Not Showing When Typing Code?

Oct 8, 2012

I am not sure the correct term for this but the autofill drop-down menu that pops up when typing code does not come up for me.



I usually get a drop-down menu with a list of members of the "ComboBox" class.

Is there a setting for that enables/disables this?

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Can I Fill Non-adjacent Cells With The Fill Feature? (example Listed)

Nov 7, 2008

how to enter data in non-adjacent cells using a fill command.

Here is what I am trying to do:
in the column, I am holding ctrl button to select every 10th cell down the sheet. I need to enter a date in every selected cell that is exactly 7 days apart, i.e., 11/7/08 then 11/14/08 then 11/21/08, etc.... but no other dates or data.

I have tried to figure out a way to do this other than manually, but am confounded.

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Fill Data Automatically In Other Sheet Using Name Or Text Into Particular Sheet?

Dec 21, 2013

i want automatically filled data in customers sheet when i enter his name only (in other sheet)

i am using this formula but this gives me empty cell in between when name comes after a few cells

=IF('all people'!A3:A6='all people'!$K$1,'all people'!B3:B6,"")

some one gave me example workbook but that formula is working in the same sheet

and i need it to work in another sheet and i could not do that

download sample work book to understand this formula

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Excel 2007 :: Auto Fill From Sheet 1 To Sheet 2?

Feb 9, 2012

I want to do the following -

Whenever I enter a value say "X" in Sheet1, ColumnA I want the value to be autofilled into sheet 2, ColumnA if and only if value does not exist in sheet2, Column A.

How to achieve this in Excel 2007 ?

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Asymmetric Fill (fill Out Column B Referencing Column A, But Only Incrementing By 1 Row In A Every 2 Cells In B)

Feb 1, 2010

Is there some easy way to fill out column B referencing column A, but only incrementing by 1 row in A every 2 cells in B?


Column A:
A1 = 1
A2 = 2
A3 = 3

Column B (I would like to fill this, referencing column A):
B1 = A1
B2 empty
B3 = A2
B4 empty
B5 = A3

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Select Data With Dropdown And Fill Data?

Jul 31, 2014

I have a database (spreadsheet) which has 3 to 4 dozen columns of data. This data is in Sheet 2. On sheet one I would like to have a form which organizes the data on one sheet from sheet 2. I would like to have a drop down box to select the country. Once country is selected all data to the right of country would then be automatically filled on Sheet 1. see attached example.

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Macro For Sheet One To Fill Sheet Two

Dec 5, 2012

I have this schedule (sample below) and what I need is the second sheet to look like this. I am trying to make a macro that will auto fill in the 2nd sheet. I was hopeing the macro could be put on the main schedule so that you clicked on the date at the top of the schedule it would make the second sheet which follows. It can then be printed and posted. Ok this is where it sunk my boat. Take the letters before the (,) and put on sheet two designation line and column matching. Name obviously goes under name. Now for the trick if possible, under day of the mounth (12/30) fill out the rest of the sheet. Take information out of sheet 1 and place them Starting with lines 4 thru 9 in the column designating night crew. Lines 10 through 24 disegnated under day cloumn and then last 6 for the evening column. (Another trick is if any of the names work a different shift I. E. shifts are 6 to 1 days, 2 to 11 is evening and then 12 is night. Anything in column other than a number or the word noon should follow thier shift designation as described above. D=day off and blanks to stay blank. Now for the dream, can sheet be made to allow for additional names on any of the shifts without messing up the whole thing.

Deadline for next schedule 11/19/2012


I know I requested a macro but any way that gets it done will work.

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Excel 2010 :: Color Fill A Range Of Cells If Specific Cells Not Blank

Feb 7, 2013

I am using Excel 2010 and basically i am trying to fill a range of cell with a green color if any value was enter in a specific cells. Example: I would like to fill range: A10:c13 with a green color (regardless of the cells content in this range) if a value was entered in cell C10 or C11 or C12 or C13.

I've tried conditional formatting but unfortunately I'll have to apply formatting for every cell and for a range of over hundred cells is not efficient.

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Fill Empty Column Cells With Reference To Adjacent Cells

Aug 11, 2008

I would like a macro that when run, finds empty cells in a column within the used range and fills them with the same formula in the other cells in the same column but relative to the row.

I have a basic understanding of VBA so if someone can set me on the right track i'll have a go myself as i appreciate this would take a while to write out from scratch.

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Highlight Cells On A Form So That A User Knows Which Cells To Fill Out

Aug 13, 2009

1. I want to highlight cells on a form so that a user knows which cells to fill out.

2. When they print the form I do not want the cell shading to print.

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Fill Cells Color In Worbook Based On Other Cells

Jan 27, 2005

how can I automatically fill cells with certain colors based on the value of the cell. (i.e. I want to search an entire workbook and fill cells with values between 80 and 99 green, 60 to 79 yellow and 0 to 59 red.)

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Fill Cells Based On Corresponding Cells Matching 3 Criteria

Jul 1, 2008

I am working on a spreadsheet for a shoe company. I have separate columns for the size, model, color, and item number of a shoe. I get everything except for the item number from a written document; I then have to find the item number for the shoe from another excell document called the Master List.

I was hoping there would be a way to have Excell auto-fill the item number for me. For example, if a shoe is a Red, Athens (the shoe model),size 12, its item number (which can be a pain to find) listed in the row of the Master List is aaabbb. So I want to just enter in the size, color and model number, and have Excell find the item number for me, and fill it in.

I have enclosed an example. Sheet 1 is the sheet I would be working on. Sheet 2 is a portion of the Item master list, which is actually 50k lines.

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Same Dropdown List On Several Sheet?

Apr 24, 2012

I want to have same drop down list on several sheets

For example i have 2 sheets (erik,david)

I create dropdown list in cell a1 (erik)

I want to have same 1 on david sheet

when i change the dropdown list in erik it should be changed also in david and The opposite

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Fill Next Row On Separate Sheet

Jan 1, 2007

I am trying to create a macro that will take several values from one sheet (these values are from various spots. They are not all in one row) and paste them in the next blank available row on a different sheet under set headings.

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Dropdown Option For Summary Sheet

Jul 22, 2014

I will have a summary tab and then a number of tabs with various options in detail

What I would like to do is some way of adding the options on the summary tab - some sort of drop down I guess

Is this possible without lots of programming etc...

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Dropdown Menu To Get Contacts In Sheet

Dec 20, 2012

i have a excel sheet which i use to estimate of course i have many contractors i use

my question is, is it possible to create a drop down menu with the contractors name and autofill the cells below with the address

Cell_B5 Company (Dropdown)
Cell_B6 111 Street Rd
Cell_B7 TownCity State 11111

or is it without a dropdown possible by just typing the first few letters and then autofill and how to do this

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