Write To Spreadsheet With Userform/Message Box On

May 25, 2009

I have a question related to Userform and/or Message box. In case a macro solve and displays the result as in Userform and Message box then is it possible to write (type) the values to the excel sheet without closing the Userform or Message box ?

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VBA Write Text To Spreadsheet As Number?

Jul 22, 2014

I have a userform with a textbox that has numbers in it, but when I write them to Excel they are put in the column as text, not as numbers.

[/CODE]Cells(erow,6).Value = txtbox_Amount[CODE]

How can I force it to write the information as numbers?

P.S. My computer won't let me paste into these posts, even when it asks me to allow access to my clipboard. What setting can I change so I can paste my code instead of typing it.

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Write A Letter Automatically From Spreadsheet

Mar 15, 2007

I have a master spreadsheet that I hold data relating to an event, the spreadsheet lists various companies names and contact details that I will need to the event and also what function they will provide by yes/no boxes. the data is currently spread all over the spreadsheet but I suppose it could be linked into some sort of simple table.

I then have to email or telex all the companies and request their assistance. Can excel automate this task? I know it can write an individual letter but could it write one message to all requesting exactly what I need that I could cut and paster to the application I would use to transmit the request?

Also when the list of Companies ends can the message move onto the next part.ie if there was a list of 4 Companies to use the message would start "Attn: Co1 / Co2 / Co3 / Co4" but if there was only 2 I would want "Attn: Co1 / Co2" only I currently get "Attn: Co1 / Co2 / /" For example

if the "catering" column and "water" column has "yes" but the "marquee" column has "no" as a check could it write "Please provide catering and water" BUT if all three columns were "yes" could it make it "Please provide catering, water and marquee" ?

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Write To 2 Sheets From Userform

Feb 17, 2014

I was given the code below which works for "sheet1",but when adapted it to write to sheet repairs as well, nothing writes to sheet "repairs", have tried different codes that works writing to 1 sheet , but am having trouble writing to both sheets from a macro,i know it can be done

[Code] .....

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How To Write UDF Code For Userform

Mar 12, 2013

Trying to write a UDF Code for a User Form. The User puts in the data for the element it is trying to find the pressure in mm Hg for.

I want a Msg Box to appear when the desired temperature is less than the lower limit temp. and the desired temp is greater than the upper limit temp.

I figured out how to get the message box to appear, but I have not figured how to get the If statement to continue with the calculation if the desired temp is within range. When I press the command button to calculate, the message box appears whether the temp is in range or not.

My code is as follows:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim A As Double
Dim B As Double
Dim C As Double
Dim Pvapor As Double


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Input Userform - Write To Different Sheets

Jan 26, 2014

I create a input user form,that add data to a sheet. This user form put 4 kinds of data to the sheet, 2x text box, 1 comobox and date of the moment.

But based on what I select in the combo box that should be written to a specific(equal named) worksheet.

festival boekhouding 2.0.xlsm

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Write Userform Data To Worksheet

Dec 1, 2009

I have two userforms. The 1st is called “add a facility” and the second is called “Edit Facility”.
The first userform works pretty well. It places all the data in the right columns in the first empty row at the end of the table. Then the “sort” procedure places the “new” facility data in the right category. Everything is good there. Here's the code.

Private Sub CmndInput_Click()
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Facilities")

' find first empty row in database
iRow = ws. Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row

'check for a Facility
If Trim(Me.TextFacility.Value) = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter a Facility"
Exit Sub
End If

'copy the data to the database
ws.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = Me.ListBox1.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 5).Value = Me.TextFacility.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 4).Value = Me.ListBox2.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 6).Value = Me.TextType.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 7).Value = Me.ListBox3.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 12).Value = Me.TextConstneed.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 16).Value = Me.TextPREAPP.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 17).Value = Me.TextPreapsub.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 3).Value = Me.TextDescription.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 8).Value = Me.ListBox4.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 9).Value = Me.ListBox5.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = Me.txtRefnum.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 21).Value = Me.txtappdate.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 24).Value = Me.ListBox6.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 20).Value = Me.txtsubdate.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 10).Value = Me.ListBox7.Value

' SORT Macro...

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Spreadsheet Isn't Showing The Message?

Aug 29, 2013

You know when you go to open a spread sheet and someone else is in it you get the message saying "open read only" "Notify" etc.

I have a spread sheet that isn't showing that message. So users are opening it, editing away and then finding that they can't save it because it's opening in read-only. How do I get that message to show?

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How To Put A Message Box In Spreadsheet Code

Dec 15, 2008

Does anyone know the code I would use to input a message box into a spreadsheet that says "Do NOT click on this cell" when a user clicks on cell C5? I only want this message to come up if the user click on cell C5.

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Message Box On Opening Of Spreadsheet - Option To Run Macro Or Not

Nov 9, 2012

I Have a tool which will be used online & offline.

I would like a box to appear on the opening of the spreadsheet which asks the user "Are you online?", with options "Yes" & "No", if the user selects "Yes" then a macro (which i have already written) refreshes the spreadsheet.

if the user selects "No", the sheet is not resfreshed.

What is the best way to do this?

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Run Userform: Show A Userform In The Spreadsheet Environment

Jul 25, 2006

how do i show a userform in Excel in the spreadsheet environment? I used to "run macro" but unable to run userform code "private sub".

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UserForm As Popup Message While Calculating

Jun 3, 2009

I am building a macro that deals with a lot of data and takes several minutes to run. I want to display a message to the user stating "Calculating..." while the calculating is taking place. I got the idea to use a userForm with a label on it. The problem is that excel waits for input from the userform before continuing the calculations.

How do I display the userform, continue doing the calculations, and then hide the userform when the calculations are complete? (without any input from the user)

I currently have:

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Userform Find Cell From ComboBox Value And Write To Adjacent Cell

Jan 27, 2010

I am having a problem using data from my combobox to find the cell on the worksheet and write to the adjacent cell.

Worksheet name is Fleet
ComboBox Name is ComboBox7
TextBox name is TextBox3

I would like to be able to take the text from ComboBox7, find this text in Col A of worksheet Fleet and write the Value of TextBox3 in the adjacent cell in Col B. when
the CommandButton1 is pressed.

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Sum Up Textboxes On Userform - Error Message 13 Type Mismatch

Apr 6, 2014

I have the following code, but I get a error message "13 Type Mismatch".

I need to add up all the values for text boxes named Total1-10 and return the result into textbox Subttl as a $0.00 format.

Private Sub Total1_change()
Subttl.Value = Format((CInt(Total1.Value) + CInt(Total2.Value)), "$#,##0.00")
End Sub
Private Sub Total2_change()
Subttl.Value = Format((CInt(Total1.Value) + CInt(Total2.Value)), "$#,##0.00")
End Sub

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UserForm Code Showing Cell Protected Message

Aug 24, 2006

I have a spreadsheet set up to automate calculations and control data input for in process quality control checks. The spreadsheet is basically a series of input boxes requesting information from the user. To control the input of part numbers I have some code for a userform which populates listbox within the userform from another closed spreadsheet (opens & closes without updating screen) & enters the selected data from the listbox into a selected cell in the spreadsheet

all the input boxes and calculations are working well, the userform works well, BUT when I include the userform within the code I get the following problem, an error saying that I am trying to change data in a protected cell where data has been entered and then protected by the VB code, even though the code is not trying to change the cell.

I have tried just loading and unloading the userform and everything works well, it only fails when I actually use the userform, and then close it. from this I am fairly sure the problem lies within the form so I have been through the form code line by line and deleted anything that is not vital and the problem persists. Here is the form

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt, Response, MyString
Dim Part As String

Part = ActiveSheet.Range("B1")
Msg = "Are you sure you want Part No" & vbNewLine & Part ' Define message.
Style = vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 ' Define buttons.
Title = "SELECT PART No." ' Define title.

Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
If Response = vbYes Then ' User chose Yes.
Set_Data_1 ' Perform some action.................

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Simple Dropdown Menu In Message Box Or Userform To Add Time To A Project

Sep 6, 2013

I am working on a time table worksheet and I need to insert a time Offset that can range from 5 minutes to an hour with 5 minute increments. The message box or user form will prompt, "How long is your Offset:"

The problem is that I only know how to do make a drop down list that is populated from cells on a sheet. Do I have to use a user form?

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Userform Data Placed In Spreadsheet

Oct 14, 2009

At the moment i've got a userform with 6 text boxes and what I need is when the 'save' button is pressed, all the words from the text boxes is put in 'customers' sheet. I've found this but I just adds data to the top of the current sheet.

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Spreadsheet View In A Userform

Oct 22, 2007

i am trying to use this code to view the workbook (WK) in the userform named WK

it can not reconize .spreadWK

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.SpreadWK.Cells.Range("A1:E10").Value = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("WK").Range("A1:E10").Value
End Sub
however this is saying that it can not reconize

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Copy From UserForm Into Spreadsheet

Jan 5, 2008

I just want to know how do you copy details from a userform (Im doing patient details such as Name, address etc) in the spreadsheet. I have got an OK button I think a VBA code needs to be used that will tell the from to copy the details in an empty row. My user form currently overwrites the original row and is annoying!

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Macro To Send Multiple Emails To Multiple Recipients With Standard Message As Per Spreadsheet Table

Feb 18, 2014

get the code for sending multiple emails as per the spreadsheet list. Assume the spreadsheet has 100 line items and each columns specifies the name of the person, value, recipient email address ("To" and "CC") and sender name.

And the Body of text is :

Hi "Name of the person" Please find the value of "Value" to be paid for the moth of xxx and kindly let me know for further clarification.

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Spreadsheet Read Only - Control With UserForm

Jun 13, 2013

I am working an a userform. I want people to add records to the spreadsheet thru the UserForm ONLY, meaning that if they go straight to the spreadsheet they wont be able to edit anything.

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Weather Forecast Spreadsheet Userform

Jun 25, 2014

I have added a user form to this spreadsheet to make it a little more user friendly to edit/add/delete some information. Now the API used only needs longitude/latitude (lat/lon) to be input by the user. In this case it would be good that for each lat/lon to have a custom name added by the user.

How to link the userform, that's already made, to the information in the spreadsheet?

I was thinking it would be convenient to have the "Site Name" added to a column in the sheet named "Site List" and then have the "Fore Cast Data" pull the names from there.

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Userform VLookup For Spreadsheet Reconciliation?

Mar 19, 2014

excel macro through userform for spreadsheet reconciliation.Can we have userform for doing spreadsheet reconciliation(Only by using VLOOKUP). Here are the things i need in userform

1)First box that will ask you Lookup Value (column range)

2)Second Box will ask you Tabel_array say (column range)

3)Third box will ask you Col_index_num (column range)

4)Fourth box will ask for range_lookup (0,1)

5)Fifth box will ask for the column where you need your result in excel

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Open Userform When You Close A Spreadsheet

Mar 5, 2007

I've got a 'Control Panel' spreadsheet which is all based on UserForms. When a user clicks a particular button, it opens one of many separate 'Regional' sheets which they work in.

When the user closes the 'Regional' sheet, I would like the 'Control Panel' sheets userforms to show again. However I can find no way of doing this as it simply switches back to the 'Control Panel' sheet without loading the forms (as I had to hide the 'Control Panel' useforms to give them access to the 'Regional' sheet).

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Lock / Unlock Spreadsheet Userform

Sep 13, 2012

I have the unlock/lock code below but i cannot get it to unlock the correct spreadsheet. Where do i need to place it in the code so that it will work properly.

Code to unlock:

Public Sub unlocksheet()
'unlock the worksheet
On Error Resume Next
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="test"

Within this code:

Private Sub cmdSub_Click()
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("AFW")
'find first empty row in database

[Code] .........

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Updating Data On Spreadsheet From Userform

Nov 18, 2007

I have created a userform with textboxes. I want to update cells on a spreadsheet with the values in the textboxes. I have set the code into a command button to update the values, but they only get updated when I close the userform, not when I click the command button.

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Find Next Empty Row In Spreadsheet Using A Userform

May 24, 2006

I‘ve made a Userform which should transfer data form the userform to a spreadsheet (see Example). Because the spreadsheet contains a formula in column A the data must be place in column B and further. This part of the code is working. I also want the data to be placed at the first empty row. The following code works when no data or a formula is entered in column A. Because column A contains data up to row number 14 the data will be placed in the first empty row number 15.

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
Dim lRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet1")

' Find First empty row
lRow = ws. Cells(Rows.Count, 1) _
.End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row

The code has to be changed so it will find the first empty row. If I use the userform in this example the data must be place in row number 6 in the columns B till L.

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Popluate Labels In Userform From Spreadsheet

Nov 15, 2006

I have a userform that allows the user to choose an order template from a combobox. I also have a ton of labels in the userform to return values based on the template chosen. then they can approve the template or choose another and the template chosen will be returned to the spreadsheet.

to see what they look like:
link to the userform (originally they were textboxes, but i changed to labels so the user cant change the values):
link to the table:

to return the values to the labels based on the combobox... this is what i came up with, but it says that my sub or function isnt defined...and it highlights the error in "Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()"

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Dim x As Integer
x = OrderTemplateSettings.ComboBox1.Text
Workbooks("newlocationsetup.xls").Worksheets("Templates ").Activate
OrderTemplateSettings.Label82.Value = HLookup(x, Range("A2:AE65").Value, 1, False) 'ones
OrderTemplateSettings.Label83.Value = HLookup(x, Range("A2:AE65").Value, 2, False) 'twos
OrderTemplateSettings.Label84.Value = HLookup(x, Range("A2:AE65").Value, 3, False) 'fives
OrderTemplateSettings.Label85.Value = HLookup(x, Range("A2:AE65").Value, 4, False) 'tens
OrderTemplateSettings.Label86.Value = HLookup(x, Range("A2:AE65").Value, 5, False) 'twenties
OrderTemplateSettings.Label87.Value = HLookup(x, Range("A2:AE65").Value, 6, False) 'fifties
OrderTemplateSettings.Label88.Value = HLookup(x, Range("A2:AE65").Value, 7, False) 'hundreds

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Userform To Act As A Login With A Password To Use The Spreadsheet

Apr 12, 2007

I have come up with the idea to create a userform to act as a login page for my project. I have the project complete and need a way to protect it. I want the userform to display an input box asking the user to enter their 'login ID'. This has to be either "SUPERVISOR" or "STAFF". Or If I have a table of 'users' and 'passwords' in sheet (USERS) to match them against that if it is easier?

Upon correct entry i need it to then display another input box asking for a 'password'. This needs to be "SHOES" for both logins. If the login is not equal to SUPERVISOR or STAFF I need a message box displaying "username incorrect". and for it then to show the input box requesting the 'login ID' again. Again if the password is not equal to "SHOES" to display a message box displaying "password incorrect" Then show the input box requesting the password. Upon correct entry for both the username and password i would like my other userform to show. This is displayed by:

Load UserForm1

I would like the correct 'username' to be displayed in cell "D27" on the active sheet and 'password' to be displayed in cell "F27" also on the active sheet To show who is 'Logged On'. If there is a way to display the password using asterix's for security that would be useful.

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Updating Spreadsheet Post Userform

May 22, 2007

(1)I am using a userform (this contains a listbox) to update cell A1 which in turn updates a cell B1.

(2)I then run the next userform on cell A2 which should update its listbox from column B (which has just been updated previously).

My problem is that following step (1) the spreadsheet gets updated but when I processed to step (2) the listbox within the userform is not updated to show the information now in column B.

Finally, if I run the user form again (same as step (2)) the listbox has been updated .

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