Replicate Text Entries Within UserForm

Jun 16, 2009

I created a UserForm to populate client billing info and job location info (so it's a two-parter). A clicked button will then populate a spreadsheet with all of the information. That part works fine.

When the client billing info is the same as their job info, I'd like to offer a checkbox that will populate the job info with the billing info rather than having to type everything twice (like you see on online billing and shipping orders).

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Replicate Controls Within Userform

Aug 15, 2012

I have a userform that has nested multipages (5 in the outer page, 4 in the inner page).

On each of these multipages, I want to have the same controls (sliders) laid out in the same order - but with unique names, named after their tab location, for each control so I can use their value property later in the code.

I've designed the layout and named all the controls on my first sheet (e.g. Slider1Outer1Inner1). I now need a way of automating the replication of these across the other 19 sheets (including the nested inner multipage!); so that equivalent slider for example would be called Slider1Outer1Inner2, Slider1Outer1Inner3 etc.

I'm not sure about coding VBA to act on items within VBA...

" For each multipage in outer
For Each multipage In inner
For Each Object In current multipage
Copy inner.object -> Next multipage = CurrentOuter & CurrentInner & CurrentSlider "

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Check UserForm Text Boxes For Entries

Aug 27, 2007

I have a user form with 10 textboxes on and when you press the command button, VBA will send the values in each text box to a cell on the sheet. If a user only wants to enter one value, it zeroes all the others in that row!! Does anyone have any ideas please in very very basic lamens code!! It is only relating to the user form called "Figures1". I had an if command running in the "decweek1" modules, but it makes my procedure too long to do the same with the other one!

If you look at my code, you can see how unadvanced I am with this so really simple code would be gratefully received!! If anyone feels nice enough you could always write the code for this problem for me and send me back the workbook, however I don't expect anyone to do this!

It is too large to attach so it is here:-


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Userform - Controlling Duplicate Entries?

Jun 23, 2014

I have a userform created to enter clients information which by submitting goes to sheet1 ..

Now the challenge is i want to make sure that no duplicate entries are entered thru userform.

And if duplicate company name is entered then all the client details of the other fields of the userform shall display the values of previous entry so that i can edit the latest changes to the sheet.

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UserForm 'Clear Entries' Button

Nov 7, 2008

I have a button on my userform that I would like to clear all entries in column B in a sheet called "6 Entries" when pressed

Is there a code for this ?

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In A Userform Displaying Combobox Entries

Jan 14, 2007

I'm trying to take a list of names from a worksheet and create in a userform a combobox that lists the names.

Private Sub Combo_Box_Leadoff_Click()
Dim counter As Integer
For counter = 3 To 16
Combo_Box_Leadoff.AddItem Worksheets(5).Cells(counter, 2).Value
Next counter

In the properties window, I set the value equal to the first name in the list. The above code yields a combobox that is blank except for the value set in the properties window. When I do not set an initial value, I get a completely blank combobox. I'm pretty new to VBA, and I've manged to figure out all of the macros I need so far, but setting up the user form has proved surprisingly difficult.

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Userform VBA To Check 2 Columns (A And B) For Duplicate Entries

Apr 23, 2014

I have a userform that I use for data entry with lots of combo boxes, list boxes and text boxes

One thing i haven't cracked yet is to check for duplicates against two matching fields

If a user (for example) enters 'SAB' (which will be stored in column A) and then 'UK' (which will be stored in column B) and there is already an exact match for both, then I need to inform the user that a matching record already exists

The following is OK: (the dots below are meant to illustrate spaces between the columns!!)

BUT, if a user then tries to enter:


I need my userform to register a duplicate entry.

My sub routine is detailed below : .....

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Userform TextBox - Remember Previous Entries?

Oct 25, 2012

I've have been building a UserForm for data entry into a stock demands system. One of the data entry items is a text box asking the data-inputter to complete a field containing the items drawing reference from the technical manual. The field can be quite long, and is often repeated for multiple items within the same drawing. Unfortunately, a ComboBox item would be have far to many items to make it useful, and so the TextBox item was preferred for this task.

My problem is that I need the TextBox to be able to recall/remember previous entries that have been saved to the data sheet in the workbook and the UserForm is cleared and closed down.

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Send Userform Entries To Separate Worksheet?

Jul 1, 2013

I need the information that is entered in a userform to be sent to a separate worksheet. Each time a user fills out the form, I would like the information to be documented on the next completely open row (ex. first form goes in row 2 (column headings are in row 1), second form goes in row 3, etc.). I don't know a ton when it comes to VBA, but I believe I have the code figured out to search for the next open row. Column A will always have data in it.:

dim currentrow as range
set currentrow=Range("A1").end(xldown).offset(1,0).entirerow)

What I can't figure out is how to insert the information to the correct columns. Each column has a header to it, and I would like the data from the userform to be put in the relevant column each time it is filled out.

For example, if column A's header was "First Name" and columm B's header was "Last Name", each time the form is filled out, I would like the first and last name (which was entered in the form) to be inserted into those columns (with each form entry on a separate row).

I think there might be a way to use the intersect method to find the row/column combination I'm looking for, but I'm not exactly sure how to do it. Using the first name example from above, it would basically look for the intersection of "currentrow" and column A, and insert the value that is entered into the userform.

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Coding A Userform To Create Multiple Entries

Mar 18, 2008

I've been trying to code this user form so that when the appropriate command button is pushed, the Inventory Number is populated the amount of times indicated by the "multiplier" number.

I haven't gotten very far successfully. Mostly runtime errors.

Here is a screen shot of my table, along with my non working code.

Private Sub cmdfront_Click()
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Scanned")

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Romove Unwanted Entries From UserForm ComboBox

Jun 20, 2006

I have an worksheet with a UserForm. On this UserForm is a ComboBox with the RowSource set to a named range called lVender. This ComboBox is setup to post & sort new entries into lVender apon exiting the ComboBox.

If a mistake is made and it is not caught before exiting the ComboBox, then I need a way to remove the bad entry from the lVender list.

I have included a small sample to better show the problem.

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Prevent Duplicate Entries From UserForm TextBox

Feb 25, 2008

Is there a way i could put a validation on a text box that doesn't allow the user to enter a value that already exists in a given range. The object being to avoid duplicate entries.

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UserForm Text Box Code (whatever Text Has Been Entered Into The Userform To Be Put Into A Cell )

Feb 1, 2010

I've created a userform with a text box and a command button (Enter)

On clicking the command button I'd like whatever text has been entered into the userform to be put into a cell (Say A1).

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Convert Array Into Text And Remove Duplicate Entries From Text In Cell?

Jun 12, 2014

I have the following two columns, and would like to obtain for each individual Company, the corresponding Country values excluding duplicates as text in a single cell.

Company 2Country B
Company 2Country C
Company 3Country C
Company 3Country C
Company 5Country A
Company 5Country C
Company 5Country C

For example:
- For Company 2, a cell containing "Country B, Country C"
- For Company 3, a cell containing "Country C"
- For Company 5, a cell containing "Country A, Country C"

I've approached generating an array using an IF statement, as in =IF(INDEX(A1:A8="Company 5",,),INDEX(B1:B8,,)," "), which returns the following array: ={" ";" ";" ";" ";" ";" ";" ";"Country A";"Country C";"Country C";" ";" ";" ";" "}.

The question is: how do I get that array to produce, as text in a cell: "Country A, Country C". Note that the duplicate Country C has been removed.

There are a few "StringConcat" User-defined functions that I've found elsewhere on the internet, but they don't seem to be able to handle to conditionally generated IF Index array, which I would think is key to parsing between Countries corresponding to each Company in the list.

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Replicate Dates

Feb 15, 2009

I have a workbook with ten sheets. The front sheet is a summary with nine divisional data sheets (DDS) following. In every sheet cell G12 has the date. At the moment the DDS reference the summary sheet and pick up the same date from it. Is it possible to set it up so that if I change the date in cell G12 on any of the sheets I can get them to all read the same?

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Replicate A Workbook

May 30, 2007

I'm exploring a different approach to my current project.

Sheet1, CellA1 contains the year ie. 2007
Sheet1, CellA2 contains the storage directory ie. E:archiveyear
Sheet1, CellA3:A10 contains the names of the employees.

Here is what I would like to make happen.

Running this in a macro, the result would be a copy of Workbook2 renamed for each employee's name in cells A3 through A10 and all saved in a newly created directory of
E:archiveyear2007employee name1.xls
E:archiveyear2007employee name2.xls and so on..

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VB/Macro To Replicate Data

Jul 24, 2007

if i create a record in 'XYZ' worksheet, it should create the same record in TARGET worksheet.

Likewise, if i create a record in 'ABC' worksheet in the same workbook, it should create the same record in the SUBSEQUENT ROW of the TARGET worksheet.

For this to happen, it must be done programmitically either using a MACRO or VB Script.

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Replicate Formula Automatically

Oct 18, 2007

How can I continue to replicate this formula automatically?

Interest RateAmountM1M3Formula Required

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Replicate Arrow Keys

Dec 16, 2009

I understand the end(x1Down), but i think I am missing something. I just want to go to the next cell left, right or Up, Down from whatever cell is currently selected. How do I replicate a 1 cell move as an arrow key would do?

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Count Text & Non Text Entries

Mar 30, 2007

Is it possible to count Text & Non Text Entries in the following way?

The value in cell A1 = 18A
The value in cell B1 = 18B
The value in cell C1 = 19

A Cell with a value that includes and A or a B constitutues a half of a unit so -

The sum of A1 on its own would be .50

The sum of B1 on its own would be .50

The sum of C1 on its own would be 1.0

The sum of B1:C1 would be 1.5

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Replicate And Increment Alphanumeric Keywords?

Dec 15, 2007

I want to create a list from a "seed" word that consists of a word followed by a number (ex: seedword100).

What I want to do is to be able to create a list in Excel using that seed word and then have excel produce a bunch of replications of that seed word by incrementing the number part of the seed word by 1 for every replication.

So, for example, if cell A1 = "seedword100", I want Excel to replicate it up to "seedword199" like this...

B1 = seedword101
C1 = seedword102
D1 = seedword103
E1 = seedword104
F1 = seedword105
G1 = seedword106
H1 = seedword107 ...

and so on until the last cell = seedword199 (or whatever number I want it so stop at).

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Replicate Textbox Contents In Another Textox?

Jun 14, 2013

So I have a need to enter multi-line notes. Using a merged cell not working for me so thinking best to use a Textbox.

This works fine for entering the notes but I need to replicate the content on another Tab in the same Excel workbook.

So lets say I have named my Texboxes 'Textbox1' on one tab, and 'Textbox2' on another tab...... how do I replicate the contents?

I've tried putting =Textbox1 into 'Textbox2' like you would for a normal Cell but that does not work.

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Replicate Charts Without Copy/paste

Apr 21, 2007

I am trying to rebuilt a chartsheet without using copy/paste. I have chartsheets with 2 or more charts on it. I add a new chartsheet, then add a new chartobject and then I want to copy the same series ( name, xyvalues, values). Unfortunately it doesn't work.

Sub ReplicateCharts()
Dim Cht As Chart
Dim NewCht As Chart
Dim ChtObj, NewChtobj As ChartObject
Dim SrSerie As Series
Dim ns As Series
Dim x As Variant
If ActiveWorkbook.Charts.Count > 0 Then
For Each Cht In .Charts
Set NewCht = .Charts.Add()
NewCht.PageSetup.Orientation = Cht.PageSetup.Orientation
For Each ChtObj In Cht.ChartObjects...........................

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Verifying Text Entries

Jul 18, 2009

I was given two files from an old DOS pos system to make a current mailing list with.

The first file is a list of all the customers from this company(full list), the 2nd is all the customers active within the previous year(active list). I don't have any access to any information other than what is on the 2 lists I was given and I need to use the active list to make sure that only the current customers get sent anything. Not normally a big issue, if it weren't how these lists were formatted when given to me. The full list is a mailing list that was formatted to run labels from a dot matrix printer and imports to excel in the following manner,

John & Jane Doe
1234 NE Road St
Someplace, OR 97056

The active list is formatted like:

Doe | John & Jane

Because there is no address information on the active list I can't just generate a full mailing list. I am able to seperate the values from the full list by referencing cells onto another worksheet (it seperates as 'name' 'address' 'city/state/zip') but I need to find a true/false formula, or something similar, that will tell me which names on the full list are also on the active list. I can do it the other way around, and check to see which names from the active list are on the full list (all of them) but because of how the values are seperated on each worksheet I can't seem to figure out how to make this work.

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Dragging Formulas: Replicate A Formula In Cells

Feb 11, 2009

If I need to replicate a formula in some cells, I usually drag it down or sideways. Is there any easier way to do this? I have large numbers of cells into which to drag the formula. Can I specify which cell range the formula is applicable to (i.e. A1:A10,000 or something) instead of dragging? If so how?

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LOOKUP And IF - Generate Formula And Replicate It Through All The Cells

Feb 28, 2013

Actually i can do it just by using LOOKUP formula but the mark scheme says LOOKUP and IF.

If i use Just LOOKUP i should do the same thing for other cells but i want to generate a formula and replicate it through all the cells.

Here is the question;
Enter formulae in cells C2:C10 that refer to Book Orders.CSV and display whether the Text Book is Required by the student whose Student id is entered in cell A2.

I also uploaded the source file. Q3.xlsx

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VBA Code To Replicate Keyboard Shortcut Sequence?

Jul 16, 2014

Is there anyway in VBA to show the key sequence Alt+Shift+F10 then c?

Trying to find an easier way to convert text to number rather than having to use the Error Box method all the time as several large worksheets.

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Autofill: Replicate The Formula Exactly As In The Initial Cell

May 3, 2007

I have two formulas which I'm using: =180*(120.5-1)/119.5 and =90*(60.5-1)/59.5
In the first example, I want to replicate the formula across row 1, but with the value '1' incrementing by 1 each time, upto 240.

In the second example I want the '1' value to also increase by 1 for each cell down column B, up to 120. when I try dragging the formula down or across, I am only able to replicate the formula exactly as in the initial cell (ie. the '1' doesn't change). I've tried using the $ symbol, but this doesn't work. I don't fancy doing this manually for a total of 360 cells!

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Replicate Table Format Multiple Times

Feb 29, 2008

I have a single sheet broken into multiple sections of 10 rows (see attached). The first 5 rows of the section are formatted and I need to Insert 5 rows underneath and format them the same. I can't work out how to do this for the different sections (ie: add 5 rows to section 1, then section 2 then 3). These functions will be on separate buttons to use multiple times. I would have used multiple sheets but the project calls for a single sheet representation.

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Getting Excel To Count Text Entries

Jul 18, 2014

I want to learn how to program excel to do this :

1) Type in a text data in a predesignated entry box

2) Excel automatically inserts that text into a table

3) If that text is already in the table, then adds a counter next to it (or increases the counter by one)

4) Excels then clears the text data in the entry box

Basically, I want to tabulate the number of times a specific entry comes up, and it would be much faster if I can just type it in, press enter, and let excel do the rest. It would be ideal if I can also add a date to that entry, so the data table comes up to something like a date vs the entries table, and the intersection would be the number of times each entry comes up on that day.

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