Using DGET To Fill In Values On Whole Column

Sep 30, 2013

I've received a data report where the brand is in an incorrect format, but can be calculated from data in the list.

I have Brand in the format CRY, but it should be in the format CRYS or CRYW (brand + tag for winter or summer). There are other brands that behave in the same way, e.g. THO should become THOS or THOW, PLA should become PLAS or PLAW, FIN should become FINS or FINW.

I've created a new column using IF statements in conjunction with the departure date to work out whether it was a summer or winter booking, and as a result column C is now populated with either Summer13, Winter13/14 or Summer14.

I don't particularly care if it's a summer 13 or 14 booking, they get reported on together. So I now have the brand alongside the season (summer or winter). I built a database to use with the DGET formula:



[Code] ........

And I used DGET to work out what the result should be in column F:


This works beautifully for Cell F2, but F3 can't seperate the headers (B2 and C2) from the data (B3 and C3) without tripping over B2 and C2.

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Fill Column B Based On Non-unique Values In Column A?

Apr 21, 2014

I have a worksheet with Coulmn A and B , wherein , Column A has a list of values that can be duplicated. Based on the values in Column A, I want to fill corresponding cells in Column B. see the attached.

way to accomplish the same. Tried VLOOKUP.

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Fill Between Two Values But A Differing Column.

Dec 21, 2009

I want the macro to go to column F and copy down from the row containing AO NAMES down to the row containing TOTAL with the value within cell C3.

So basically AO NAMES will be the starting point and TOTAL will be the end point for a value to be copied down in a different column.

Example: Value in C3 = EU11

Column B Column F
Chris Wright 1355 EU11
Hazel Thomas 4015EU11
Julie Cunningham 8426EU11
Dawn Cumming 8748EU11
Jacqui Connolly 16597EU11
David Newton 17978EU11
Duncan Cowen 25781EU11

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Fill Series - Column With Multiple Values?

May 9, 2012

I have a column:

1 of 2
empty cell
1 of 2
empty cell
1 of 2
empty cell
1 of 2
empty cell
1 of 2
empty cell
1 of 16
15 empty cells

I need to fill the empty cell with the "series" (2 of 2, 2 of 16, 3 of 16). This is just an example of data - there are all different series - 1 of 12, 1 of 5, etc.

Anyway - was hoping to highlight the whole column and be able to auto fill instead of having to extend each series. I have tried straightforward fill series which doesnt work of course. I have tried go to special - blanks but cant find right combo to make it work.

Will it work or do I have to either do manually or with a macro?

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Fill ComboBox With Unique Values From Column

Jun 22, 2008

I need to create a drop-down (or a combo list) list based on a column in a separate worksheet (in the same workbook). The values in the column have many duplications, and I simply want the combo box to return a unique list.

After trying this using various options like drop-down boxes, combo boxes etc it does not seem to work. A drop-down box will return a complete list (including all of the duplicates). In addition the drop-down was linked to a cell and the value returned to the cell was a number based on the position in the list when what I actually wanted was the text. For example - my list in Worksheet 2:


In Worksheet 1 if I choose 'Dog' from my Combo box (or drop-down) along with showing all of the duplicates it returns '3', instead of what I want 'Dog' and no duplicates.

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Asymmetric Fill (fill Out Column B Referencing Column A, But Only Incrementing By 1 Row In A Every 2 Cells In B)

Feb 1, 2010

Is there some easy way to fill out column B referencing column A, but only incrementing by 1 row in A every 2 cells in B?


Column A:
A1 = 1
A2 = 2
A3 = 3

Column B (I would like to fill this, referencing column A):
B1 = A1
B2 empty
B3 = A2
B4 empty
B5 = A3

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Excel 2010 :: Unmerge Cells And Fill Down Values In Newly Inserted Column

Jul 9, 2014

I am using Excel 2010 and have the problem as shown in the attached file.

Input Sheet shows the Data I have at present
Output Sheet is the desired result.

I need a macro which should create an "Output" sheet by doing the following on the Input Sheet

1)Insert a Blank Column before Column A
2)Unmerge the Region Heading and insert the respective Region Name in the newly inserted Column. Region Heading will be in Bold Font.
3)Repeat Step 2 for all Regions
4)Delete the Rows which was merged.

Please note that the number of Data Rows will vary for each Region.

I have shown two Regions for explanation purpose only. There will be several Regions in reality.

The result is shown on the Output sheet

Merge Problem - Forum.xlsx‎

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Find All Row Values Selected In Multi Column ListBox & Fill Adjacent Cell

Apr 27, 2009

I have a listbox that has row and columns. The rows are combinations of options and the columns are Additives.

After selecting a row in Listbox1, (first column are names) i would like the value of the second column to goto a specific area.... find that value and in the cell to the right of it place a "Y". The "Y" would indicate that "yes" it was part of the selection row of the listbox. Same for third column, forth, fifth and sixth. The result from the listbox is a number of Y's and N's in the result page. Then making all that were not part of selected line and equal to "N" to hide row (height = to zero).

Listbox and expected result are in attached example worksheet.

The attached does show the need much better then I can explain it.

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DGet Does Not Return A Value When It Should...

May 20, 2009

At least as far as I can tell.

So let us say that I have a table that looks like: ....

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Getting Data Using DGET Or Any Other Formula

Jul 6, 2014

SOURCE DATA This is prepared day wise. Each day, dayswise sheet is prepared and therefore 31 sheets are there for the month of May.

Run Hrs.


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Error 1004 Dget Property From Worksheet Function Class

Jul 18, 2007

I've noticed error 1004 is very broad and switches its name depending on what you're working with. But I have no idea what it means.

This is the line w/ probs:

Sheeti.Cells(y, 2).Value = WorksheetFunction.DGet(InventoryRange, 3, CriteriaRange)

I looked at protection and Macro security and checked my definitions (that work in other contexts).

Does DGET need to have criteria and database in the same worksheet? My project is working between two workbooks.

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DGET Setup - Pull Coordinate Pairs From A List And Match To A Label Based On Certain Criteria

May 15, 2013

I'm trying to use DGET to pull coordinate pairs from a list and match them up to a label based on certain criteria. I can't seem to get it to work. I'm also thinking that the way I have it set up, the coordinate pairs might not stay together and that has to be the case. My criteria is multiple cell based too and I don't think DGET can handle that.

For example, In order for a coordinate pair to be labeled "B" the x coordinate must satisfy a condition and the y coordinate must satisfy a different condition. Can I use DGET with the AND function?

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Fill Values And Replace Told Values By Vba Code Depends Upon 2 Columns

Mar 26, 2014

I have set of data in multiple range ,need to fill the and replace the old values depends upon two column values (AH & AL)

IF Active Calls is "TATA" In AH:AH, and IF Action Onwer Col is "Blank",in AL:AL
Then Fill the Blank cells by Values "SVC" in the col Action Owner,Then Replace Old values by "Updates Awaited" in Status Col(AM:AM)

Find the attachment & basic code take this code for this task

[Code] ....


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Fastest Lookup Method: Use A Key To Lookup A Value (VLookup, Index/Match, DGet, And The Rest)

Mar 26, 2008

Excel offers many ways to use a key to lookup a value (VLookup, Index/Match, DGet, and the rest). What's the fastest way to perform a lookup of a small table of, say, 30 rows of key-value pairs? Theoretically, it would be most efficient to use a branch table (also known as a jump table). See the wikipedia article for branch tables: Does Excel/VBA have a way to create a branch table for such lookups?

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Column Fill Colors In A Column Chart When Some Columns Are Hidden

Jul 13, 2014

When I hide columns in a column chart the different fill colors I used on specific columns no longer show up with the colors I originally had. Is there a way to maintain the proper sequence of column fill colors even when some columns are hidden?

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Fill Month And Year Column Using Data From Date Column

Oct 18, 2009

I have 4 columns

Column A is "Customer Number"
Column B is "Date Can Opened"
Column C is "Month" (currently blank except header row)
Column D is "Year" (currently blank except header row)

I would like a macro to do 2 things here....

1. Extract the Month part of the "Date Can Opened" column and put it in column C.

2. Extract the Year part of the "Date Can Opened" column and put it in column D.

Currently, the "Date Can Opened" column is formatted as a date like */14/01 taken from the Number tab in the Format Cells dialog box) ...

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Insert And Fill Column Up To Where Data Is In Previous Column

Nov 23, 2012

I am after a macro to insert a column lets say between column A and B. Once column inserted new column B should be filled by a text say "January" but it should be only filled upto the data of column A so if column A has data upto A600 then column B should be filled from B1 to B600.

I tried recording but it fills data upto B65000+.

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Automatically Fill In Column When Certain Cell In Column Changed

Jun 18, 2009

I am trying to have some automation to my WS and what I want to do, is if a certain column (column 104) is changed, it will fill out that column with the data entered as long as the account is the same (column 5). Here is the code I tried, but realized very quickly, it puts me into a loop. This is being called by a change worksheet fuction

If Target.Column = 104 Then
If IsEmpty(Target) Then
testacct = Cells(Target.Row, 5)
temptest = testacct
s_TempSwitch = Target.Value
Testoffset = 0
Do While temptest = testacct
temptest = Cells(Target.Row + Testoffset, 5)
Cells(Target.Row + Testoffset, 104).Value = s_TempSwitch
Testoffset = Testoffset + 1
End If
End If

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Auto Fill Column B Based Contents Of Column A

Apr 19, 2007

I have a list that is streets and addresses. All contained in column A. Cell A1 is the street name and then Column A3 is the street number. This repeats down column A for almost 1000 street names. I need to fill column B3 with the street name, as well as B4, B5, B6, etc until the street name changes. I was trying to do this with an if..then but couldn't get it to work. I also tried to work on a do.. loop looking for the change from a string to number. But my programming is a little rusty. If anyone can help I was be forever grateful. I mean the alternative is to sit here and copy and paste all day.





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Fill Column Based On Column In Another Workbook

Aug 20, 2009

I am looking for a macro that will fill the column C by looking at column A at another workbook.

For example:

Full workbook:
A(column that will look) B C
blala blabla Blabla

Workbook missing entries in C row:
blabla blabla Null

So the workbook that missing entries in Column C,will look for it,by looking at
at column A,wich is the same at full workbook.

Here the workbook wich the values will be taken at Column A, named as archive

And the the workbook (named 900066_027_2373.xls)wich the column C will be filled,by looking at column A.Then find that code in the "archive.xls".See what has in it's A cell.Copy it.Paste it in current cell.

Attached Files

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Fill In Range Of Values With Row()

Jul 21, 2009

Starting in cell J2 and down up to J9 - I need to preset the following values:


Tried a few times but no success. What am I missing ?

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Fill Range With Values From Another

Aug 16, 2007

I am not even sure if my title matches my problem, but it was the best I could think of. Please take a look at the following code...

Sub Test()

Dim cell As Range

For Each cell In Range("F4", Range("F65536").End(xlUp))
cell.Offset(0, 3) = cell.Offset(0, 2)
Next cell

End Sub

I use similar codes quite a lot. The issue with this is that if I want to add columns or delete columns later on to my spreadsheet, I need to go and change all the previous codes so the columns match up.

My question is, how else can I write a code that has similar functions but with changing references in case I do add or delete columns? I understand that I can define ranges, but I am not sure how I can work with that within a macro.

I am almost sure there are different solutions to this problem, and I would appreciate and be interested in knowing all of them to put them in comparison.

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Fill In Value If Two Cell Values Match

Jan 21, 2010

The first two columns in my document coincide with their respective values. Column A (File Number) is coded for Participant Description (Column B) and the values in each row are associated with one another...

However, I have a 3rd column (Article Number) whose values mean the same as the File Number column, but the the rows don't match up.

What I need is a fourth column. In this column I'd like the value from the Participant Description column to be imputed if the Article Number and File Number column are the same.

An example from the attached spread sheet.

A2 = 7, B2 = 6, C2 = 7 - I need D2 to equal B2
That is easy enough, but this is where I get lost...
A2 = 7, B2 = 6, C3 = 7 - I need D2 to equal B2

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List/Fill Numbers Between Two Values

May 9, 2008

I have two numbers...let's say 1 to 10.

I would like to fill in the middle numbers to lst in Excel as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.

see attached for an example of waht I'm trying to do.

I can manually do this with the fill handle but I have numbers to fill in the thousands in some cases and tens in others. I would like to automate this process if possible.

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Restricting Textbox To Fill Only Negative Values

Oct 29, 2012

I want to restrict a textbox to only let the user fill negative values. So first of all he/she shouldn't be able to fill in a text, and only values. And if a value is filled in, then it should be a negative value (automatically).

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Fill In Cells Based On Other Cell Values

Dec 21, 2009

I am looking for a way for Excel to fill in cells in a column that has data sporadically in it. I am importing a text file into excel and saving it as an Excel file.

In the example attached, I need the numbers filled in all the way down to the next number. I don't care about the text, just the numbers. I realize I can copy and paste, but these files can be several hundred rows long and it seems there should be a better way.

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Fill Cell With Values From Multiple Combobox

Dec 17, 2011

I am looking for the most efficient was to update cells in the active row from the values of the selected item in a combo box(4 columns).

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Columns And Rows - Fill Values For All Data In CSV

Sep 18, 2012

I have a table = Columns A - E contain data in a variety of formats

Code 4
Code 5



What Column F (code 6) should contain is a csv of Columns A-E as shown.

What formula for Column F will automatically fill the values for all data within a row in a csv?

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Restricting Textbox To Fill Only Negative Values

Oct 29, 2012

I want to restrict a textbox to only let the user fill negative values. So first of all he/she shouldn't be able to fill in a text, and only values. And if a value is filled in, then it should be a negative value (automatically).

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Code To Count Rows And Fill Values?

Feb 1, 2013

I need a macro that will count the number of rows that contain values in column C. I then need to Fill cells in column A with the text "product", cells in column D with text "P", and cells in column I with text "Right" until a blank is found in column C.

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