Using FIND In VBA Move Contents In Found Rows
Apr 13, 2014
I'm attempting to FIND all occurrences of the word Godaddy embedded in strings in Col A, and if found, copy the contents of Col B to Col E.
1. The VBA is amending on the Loop While line, and
2. What syntax do I use to copy the contents
Sub Macro3()
' Macro3 Macro
With Worksheets(1).Range("a1:a10")
[Code] .....
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Sep 27, 2007
I want to set range a entire column,the rows are dynamic and i want to do it on all the columns in the sheet, my problem is that after i set the range(i hope i did good) i want to do a average of the range and to put the result in a new sheet on a row. I'm sorry for the mess in the code its one of my first macros
Option Explicit
Sub Average()
Dim R As Integer
Dim help As String
Dim Range1 As Range
Dim E As Integer
Dim Avg As Integer
R = 1
Sheets("UXP data").Select
Sheets("UXP data").Select......................
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May 23, 2006
I have a spreadsheet with a serial number is row 1 in column A with the rest of Row 1 empty. Column A is empty in Row 2, but has the data associated with the row above in columns B through L of Row 2. Then comes 2 blank rows and the pattern repeats with a new serial number in column A of row 5 and so on. I would like to move the serial number down one row, delete the now empty first row, delete the following 2 empty rows, and then loop to do the same thing again for all 9000 rows of the spreadsheet.
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Jan 19, 2010
I've got an excel file with over 20,000 rows with Column A being having values of a "Vendor Number" while Column B has a "Vendor Name" Here is an example:
Vendor #Vendor Name
1001ABC Supply
1002Larry, Moe, Curly Inc
1003John Smith
1004Fred, Wilma, Barney LLC
I'd like it to find the rows where the Vendor Name has a comma present, and then put it in another sheet, or in another column like column C and D. If I can't get both the Vendor # and Vendor Name re-inserted someplace, that is OK. The Vendor Name is the big one.
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Jul 2, 2013
I have created a few macros and once I was happy that they worked independently I joined them to run as one macro in several steps. I have just discovered a bug ...
The macro filters on a column and copies and pastes that range into another sheet.
HOwever, sometimes (as I have just discovered) when it filters, there will be no data against the value it is looking for.
I need to say, if no value, move to next step.
I.e. here's my code. It's looking for ASIA and it will copy and paste all rows with Asia to another page. It then does the same for EMEA. Thing is, in my example just now, there was no EMEA data and some times there may be no ASIA data so I need to build in some rules that if it does not find either of these it continues to finish macro or pops up and says 'NO ASIA found, CLick to continue' or something?
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$12:AA" & lngLast).AutoFilter Field:=27, Criteria1:="ASIA"
Range("A13:Z" & lngLast).Select
Sheets("ASIA DETAIL ").Select
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Feb 18, 2009
how can i define, in vba that after click on button in sheet1, it looks at value in cell B1 in this sheet and move my cursor exactly on this value in sheet2 where i have data in range (B4:C6000).
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Jun 2, 2009
I am just getting started and have over 1000 items in the list. I want to be able to run a macro that would take the root portion of the image link and then replace the 'imagename.jpg' with 'modelnumber.jpg'
So start with
Column 1
Column 2 LAT-NR460
and end up with
Column 1
Column 2 LAT-NR460
Column 1 could start empty or just with the root.
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Aug 22, 2009
I have an array, let’s say B1:D20. I would like to be able to manually select any cell within this array and then run a macro which will place the contents of the selected cell into the cell in column A in the same row as my selection.
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Jun 14, 2014
Attached is a document, column C & F highlighted in green are areas that users will input data. I need to create a button (top left of spreadsheet) that when pressed moves both the data from column C & F up into the box above. The top set of dates would be deleted and the dates from Trip 2 would move up into the Trip 1 position, Dates from Trip 3 would move up into Trip 2 position and so on.
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Nov 2, 2008
Need way to interupt my code whilst the user selects a row. ie. if I wanted to move the contents of one row to another I would want to say: "select source row" (and want the user to click on any cell in that row) I could then put the rownumber in a variable with
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Mar 17, 2008
Dim ColNo As Byte
Dim LastCol As Byte
ColNo = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("Column find", Range("sheet1!A1:Z1"), 0)
LastCol = Range("sheet1!b1").End(xlToRight).Column
But the below code errors?
Dim ColNo As Byte
Dim LastCol As Byte
ColNo = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("Column find", Range("sheet1!A1:Z1"), 0)
LastCol = Range(Cells(1, ColNo)).End(xlToRight).Column
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Jul 26, 2013
I have a spreadsheet that is about 500 rows and 70 columns big. I am trying to make a formula that lets me name three criteria from the same row, and using that find a value in that same row but different column. I am trying to find the the ampage of a motor. I am given the capacity, speed, and RPM's it can handle. However there are multiple rows that have these same values. I want to find the row with the greatest ampage value and take that value. How might I go about doing this?? Ive tried working with Index, Match, Vlookup, and Hlookup and cannot figure out the correct combination of these.
Heres an example. My capacity is Column A, my speed is in column B, and my RPM is in column S. I am trying to find the amps which are located in column AB. My first three values(capacity, speed, and RPM) are all deteremined and there are 6 rows in which all three of these values occur. I want to find the max amps in a row with those three criteria.
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Nov 3, 2006
I'm having problems with trying to find something in the spreadsheet and inserting a row before it. For example I would like write code that basically goes threw my rows and if it finds the "2800" then it inserts a row before that. I have now bought several books but I have yet to come up with an answer.
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Feb 12, 2013
I'm trying to write some VBA which will allow me to find certain instances of data across a number of different sheets and copy this into another sheet.
However if the sheet doesn't contain the data I'm searching for an error pops up and the macro dies, is there a way to search where if the macro doesn't find anything it skips to the next line?
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Jul 12, 2007
Related to my thead here, is there a way that the Find dialog can be automatically closed after the find?
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May 8, 2009
I'm trying to use the .Find and .FindNext functions to find how many cells in Worksheet("WAS") have the same value as the ActiveCell (B3 in this case) on the Worksheet("DDS"). Basically i'm just trying to figure out how many times this sub goes through the Do While loop. However, "tick" keeps coming back as a value of 1. I know there's something I must be doing wrong or something i'm not allowed to do but i'm still pretty new at this.
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May 15, 2007
I have some EXCEL files, titled as "AAA", "BBB", "CCC", so on... Calculated values are placed in Column Z for each file. In order for me to export the files to another software, I would need to create another new EXCEL file (I call it MASS) and place all the calculated values in that new file. In that new file, the titles have to be on Column A and the calculated values on Column B.
For example, File "AAA" has 120 calculated values. In MASS, the word "AAA" has to appear on Column A a number of 120 times and the 120 calculated values are then placed on Column B. Each value must correspond to the word "AAA". The same procedure goes for "BBB", in which the word "BBB" is placed on Column A after the end of "AAA". What I want to achieve is by using a macro that will look up the title of the Active Worksheet and then scan Column A in MASS. If the title matches whatever is in Column A, then the macro will paste the corresponding calculated values onto Column B automatically.
For example, for file "GGG", the macro will look up the word "GGG", scan through Column A in MASS for the start of the word "GGG" and paste the calculated values at the start of Column B. Could I have an idea of how might the macro looks like?
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Oct 17, 2007
My worksheet contains several codes that I then have to lookup in a different worksheet in a different workbook to obtain the relevant data associated with that code. At present I do this by activating the appropriate worksheet, Using Find to locate the appropriate field in that worksheet and then using activecell.offset to get the needed data. This is the only time that these worksheets ever need to be activated so I was wondering if there is a way to do this without having to actually activate the sheet. As an exapmle this is what I currently do:
' variables defined earlier in the program, Tempsheet = workbooks(FileNm & ".xls").worksheet("Temp")
Spark = Cells(TRow, 8).Value
' Activate the reference Sheet
Workbooks("Waveguide Properties.xls").Worksheets("Spark Bends").Activate
COM = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value
Edge = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value
SparkArray(i, 1) = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value
SparkArray(i, 5) = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value
SparkArray(i, 6) = Spark
' Reactiave the workbook and worksheet I am working in
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Dec 19, 2007
I have error trapping in place so if a find in a column returns no data the procedure continues, but the code breaks there anyway.
In Tools/Options/General/Error Trapping I have Break on Unhandled Errors checked.
I have changed my error trapping lables.
I have copied the procedure and renamed it.
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Apr 10, 2008
I am trying to write a match function to return the row of the value I search for. It is properly returning the value of the row I searched for. What I need to know is how do I get it to spit out information in the rest of the row. Here is my code so far:
Sub Rectangle2_Click()
Dim x As Long
Dim Row As Long
' Brings up input box
x = InputBox("Please Enter Tool Information", "Search")
'Exits if nothing is entered in the text box
'If x = "" Then Exit Sub
'MsgBox (SearchString)
'SearchString = x
MsgBox (x)
That gives me a Type mismatch error when I uncomment it out.
Something I was adviced of before in a situation like this way to Concatenate the columns, e.g
in a far left column (insert 1 if needed).
That was supposed to be so that I can search through multiple columns. When I do that to test it, it never comes up with results. It always comes back as 0 meaning it wasn't found.
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Apr 16, 2008
I'm writing some code where I need to know the column in which a specifc text string occurs. Because of the nature of the sheet, the string will only appear in one column, but that could be in almost any column on the worksheet.
For example say the text string is "Year 1", I need to find the column with this string, and then offset down to a predetermined row, or offset over to the appropriate column (something like below).
With Selection
.Offset(0, x).Select
If List.Selected(0) = True Then
y = i - 1
With Selection
.Value = Salary * Inflation1 ^ y
End With
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Jun 17, 2008
If Not stfound Is Nothing Then 'if value is found then do this
is causing me a run time error 424 when I try and run my code "Object required". Entire code is pasted below...
Option Explicit ....
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Dec 18, 2008
When I use VLOOKUP formula within a VBA routine ex:
For LoopCounter = 1 to LastRow
With Worksheets("0MATERIAL")
.Cells(RowCounter, 5).FormulaR1C1 = "VLOOKUP(RC[-2],'0MAT_UNIT'!R1C1:R65520C12,4,FALSE)"
End With
RowCounter = RowCounter + 1
Next LoopCounter
How can I find out what row or cell address that the VLOOKUP found the data? The above code works perfectly but the problem is I need data from that same row in columns 4-11. I replicated the .Cells line above and made each one a VLOOKUP (for column 4, 5, 6, etc...) but this kills the performance. I have around 32,000 rows in sheet 0MATERIAL and around 50,000 rows within sheet 0MAT_UNIT
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Oct 10, 2006
I'm looking for a formula, which says if a number is within a range, perform a calculation. I have a table of ranges (0-6000,6001-10000,10000-12000, and so on). My formula looks at the current month cumulative balance, and inserts the value into the line of the range it falls into. However, the formula now contains lots of nested "IF" statements, due to the number of ranges I have. Also, if my cummulative balance is 6005 for example, but was 5005 in the previous month, I would like to see 95 in the 0-6000 row, and 5 in the 6000-10000 row. I making a complete nonsense of trying to explain myself, so I'll attach a quick example of what I'd like to see.
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Sep 20, 2007
I want to find the subtotal amount on one worksheet, which is two columns over from the text, "Sub Total:" on the same row. The subtotal line floats up and down each week. Once I can find the subtotal I want to populate another worksheet with the data.
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Mar 1, 2008
I have the following macro which I've pieced together which works great at clearing the cell as long as the text entered by the user is found in the specified column.
Unfortunately I'm a big rookie with this stuff and I can't figure out how to handle the process/error when an entered value is not found. When ChosenRow returns with a 0 I get a Run time error '91', Object Variable or With Block variable not set.
The code...
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
oldSheet$ = ActiveSheet.Name
Dim ChosenRow As Long
Dim loc As Variant
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
With UserForm4
loc = .TextBox1.Text
End With
With ActiveWorkbook
End With
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Jun 17, 2008
this line
Cells. Find(What:=searchterm, After:=Cells(1, 1), MatchCase:=False).Activate 'find pn that is stored in searchterm
causes a runtime error 91 when there are no results. "Object variable or with block variable not set"
Ideally, when there are no results, I would like to enter a loop, where I could provide a drop down list of fuzzy matches, but I am not sure excel can do fuzzy matches. I'd settle for just highlighting the row and moving on... any help?
Option Explicit
Sub Macro1()
ActiveSheet.Cells.Find(What:="AES", After:=Cells(1, 1), MatchCase:=False).Activate 'find the aes part number column
Dim aescolumn 'create variable for index value of aes column
aescolumn = ActiveCell.Column 'set variable to index number
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May 27, 2014
Looking to find 1 of 2 words in a cell in column B and return the word found in the same row in column E. This seemed easy but I am not having any luck.
the cells in column B have several words in them but I am looking for 2 specific words "PLAT" and "ORIG". If the word is not in the cell, it should show a blank cell in column E in the same row, otherwise one of the 2 words should be in that row in column E. A VBA loop would be ideal but a formula that can do it might work as well.
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Oct 1, 2008
I have a file that the user selects and when they enter a value (in this case, a job title) into the input box, my macro looks for the value in that file. If the value is there, a msgbox pops up that lets the user know that the value was found and it then goes to that cell, displaying in the next msgbox the cell address of where the value was found. I already have the code down for this part of the macro.
My problem is what happens if the file has the same value more than once. Ideally, I'd like to display a message box that returns the addresses of both cells with the same value and then prompts the user to select one of these values as the value they are looking for. I am not sure if a msgbox or a msgbox and then an input box are most appropriate for this situation. Once the user does this, the macro continues. The rest of my macro is built on the cell where this value is, so it is crucial that I make sure there is at least one value selected. Any help is much appreciated. I have included a sample worksheet of what this situation might look like.
Here is the code I presently have for this part of my macro.
Sub GetOpenFileName()
strFind = InputBox("Please enter the job title you wish to search for:", "Search for job title in this file")
If strFind = vbNullString Then Exit Sub
With Sheets(strSheetsMainCompProfile)
If WorksheetFunction. CountIf(Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(100, 100)), "*" & strFind & "*") = 0 Then
MsgBox strFind & " cannot be found on this sheet"
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May 10, 2008
I am trying to clean up and simplify my macros by compartmentalizing frequently repeated commands. I like to search for text in column headings and define the cell containing it as a range that I can later use .column or .row commands on, so my macros are a bit more flexible. The code I currently use for this is
Dim XColumn As Range ‘the cell containing the text “X”
Selection.Find(What:="X", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
Set XColumn = ActiveCell
I would like to be able to create a Macro (possibly name FindSetCell()) that will accept arguments and achieve the results of the above code in other macros
I think the command might look something like FindSetCell(“text to be searched for”,”name of newly Defined Range”) But I have not figured out how to code it
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