MACRO To Move Contents To The End Of Another Column
Jun 2, 2009
I am just getting started and have over 1000 items in the list. I want to be able to run a macro that would take the root portion of the image link and then replace the 'imagename.jpg' with 'modelnumber.jpg'
So start with
Column 1
Column 2 LAT-NR460
and end up with
Column 1
Column 2 LAT-NR460
Column 1 could start empty or just with the root.
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Jun 1, 2014
i need a code that moves down a column and for every empty cell in the column the cell to the left is cleared and then it moves on to the next cell down. the column is not always the same and will start from a selected cell, and the column will contain no more than 5 rows
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Mar 11, 2009
I have the file here i work with, basically the first column is a legend and the column to the right of it is a pointer column to help me find out where a legend is located in another file. So i was wondering if a macro could be made to basically find where the "legend column" A, C, E ect ends ( every other column is a legend column , one next to it is a pointer column ). and then combine the ends all of the columns contents and put them into 1 column.
In the file with this question i have showed you what i start off with, i highlighed in yellow where each column legend ends, ( normally these are not highlighted and i find them manually ). In the 2nd tab i show what the end result should be. All the columns are now consolidated into 1 column. 1 after the other.
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May 14, 2009
I need a macro that I can assign to a button so that it will jump the screen to a particular cell. I want it to select the cell in a chosen column in the same row as the cursor already was. So, if I'm in M10 and I hit the AK button, it'll jump to AK10. If I'm in F54 and I hit the AK button it'll jump to AK54.
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Aug 11, 2009
I regularly receive a file with a column called ‘Project Key’ which for some unknown reason can be located anywhere in the worksheet i.e. in any column from A: to BZ and beyond.
What I would like to have is a macro that finds the column ‘Project Key’ and moves it from it’s current position and moves it directly after a column call ‘XXX’ and delete the blank column where it orginally was. There would be no need to check if the columns exceed Excels maximum as my file never gets that big
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Mar 4, 2013
I have this macro which ranks in reverse order col AA , I need to get the macro to do this ranking in col U .
The smallest number would be ranked 1 to the highest number ranked last .
All I need is the current result too go into col U and not col T when I run macro .
Please ignore the Value error in col T they don't matter at all .
Sheet1  STUVWXYZAA1Fsz   PtsFwinFplNo.Swin213#VALUE!  Â
SCRSCR1SCR3135   7.52.427.2413#VALUE!  Â
SCRSCR3SCR5132Â Â Â 4.51.6545.36131Â Â Â 5.51.855.17134Â Â Â 5.51.865.88133Â Â Â 5.51.875.491310Â Â Â 266.5819.610138Â Â Â
184.5916.911136   164.5101312137   102.81114.21313#VALUE!   SCRSCR12SCR14139   185.51317.8
[Code] ..........
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Nov 25, 2013
i have this macro from this webiste to move every 2nd cell to the row above...(ie B1---after macro---becomes A2) I want this macro to be able to do exactly the same but instead of having a cell, it will have a row...
Sub moveDefs()
Dim i, LastRowFrom As Integer
'Identify the last row of the rule set that contains data
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Aug 14, 2007
I have Excel 2002. I need to create a formula that will move an entire row to another page within the same workbook if a cell in that row has a certain value. Example would be if A1 cell in the row has a value of 111 I need to move the entire row to another page. I could use the sort then cut function in a macro but the spread sheet I'm working with changes daily. One day there will be 10 A1 cells with 111 the next 30 cells with 111 in A1 and some days no cells with 111.
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Feb 9, 2009
Was looking into this, but basically i have a repetitive task of copying contents from various columns, and pasting them into 1 column.
1 right after the other. I figured there could be a way for a macro to copy contents from multiple columns and paste them into 1 column.
I have including 2 files, 1 from the start of the file, and 1 how it should be so it will have clarify what i am trying to do.
So basically if you open book1 , i have factory install tabs,
I need the columns contents from the first tab the (5k-20k) starting with Column B, then E, then H, and so on( Every 3rd column starting with B ) to be copied and pasted in Column A of the (Factory Install Tab) ( last tab ).
If you open the 2nd file this will be clearly understood. In the second file in the factory install tab you will notice i did the first 2. I highlighted each starting part in yellow just so its easier to see. SO in column A you should have all the contents in the 5k-20k tab ( starting with b every 3rd ), pasted in column A 1 after the other.
The next tab is the 30k tab, i need all of the columns contents copied starting with B ( every 3rd again ), copied in Column C of the Factory Install tab. Basically every tab's contents needs to have its own column in the Factory Install tab.
If anyone could help that would be great, this is a very time consuming process manually, and it would seem like a macro could be made to easily copy contents.
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Sep 30, 2010
In columnA I want to jump to the next blank cell in a list that continues to grow. So the first time I run the macro I want to go (blank) cell A5 to paste in some data. The next time I run it, it would need to go to cell A6 and so on.
When I do this manually, I simply hit ctrl down-arrow (takes me to the last cell w/data) and then one more down-arrow to take me to the empty cell below.
When I do this in the macro it seems to remeber the cell as an absolute reference (if that's the term) and so it just copies info in the same location as previous, instead of the next empty cell.
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Jun 7, 2007
I have an excel worksheet with contact info in columns rather than rows. For example, C1R1 is company name, C1R2 is address, C1R3 is City/St/ Zip, C1R5 is phone. I recorded a macro to cut and paste address to C2R2, C/S/Zip to C3R1 and phone to C4R1. That works but I cannot repeat it as I move down the list. Just re-runs macros over same cells all the time. How do I get it to start and run wherever I want it too? Also, how would I get it to delete the now vacant rows?
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May 22, 2014
I need a macro to move specific information.
I get an excel sheet with W/C Employer: (whatever) entered below the patient it belongs to in column E. This information needs to move into its own column (H) in line with the above patient information so I can use it in a mail merge to word.
The same thing needs to happen with WC injury date listed in column G. It moves to column I. Then delete the row it was moved from so I don't have an empty row.
Sheet 1 is what I get. Sheet 2 is what I need to end up with.
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Apr 13, 2014
I'm attempting to FIND all occurrences of the word Godaddy embedded in strings in Col A, and if found, copy the contents of Col B to Col E.
1. The VBA is amending on the Loop While line, and
2. What syntax do I use to copy the contents
Sub Macro3()
' Macro3 Macro
With Worksheets(1).Range("a1:a10")
[Code] .....
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Aug 22, 2009
I have an array, let’s say B1:D20. I would like to be able to manually select any cell within this array and then run a macro which will place the contents of the selected cell into the cell in column A in the same row as my selection.
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May 23, 2006
I have a spreadsheet with a serial number is row 1 in column A with the rest of Row 1 empty. Column A is empty in Row 2, but has the data associated with the row above in columns B through L of Row 2. Then comes 2 blank rows and the pattern repeats with a new serial number in column A of row 5 and so on. I would like to move the serial number down one row, delete the now empty first row, delete the following 2 empty rows, and then loop to do the same thing again for all 9000 rows of the spreadsheet.
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May 7, 2004
i think this will be simple for most of you. i need a macro that will move blocks of cells from one column into the succeding columns. say i have one column of 1000 values and i need to break that up into columns of 50.
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Jun 14, 2014
Attached is a document, column C & F highlighted in green are areas that users will input data. I need to create a button (top left of spreadsheet) that when pressed moves both the data from column C & F up into the box above. The top set of dates would be deleted and the dates from Trip 2 would move up into the Trip 1 position, Dates from Trip 3 would move up into Trip 2 position and so on.
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Nov 2, 2008
Need way to interupt my code whilst the user selects a row. ie. if I wanted to move the contents of one row to another I would want to say: "select source row" (and want the user to click on any cell in that row) I could then put the rownumber in a variable with
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Jun 30, 2014
I have a excelsheet that looks like this:
Column A | Column B | Column C
Los Angeles | Fire Dept | 3
Los Angeles | Health Services | 12
New York | Fire Dept | 8
New York | Health Services | 22
New York | Internal Services | 100
New York | Public Works | 7
Chicago | Health Services | 15
Chicago | Public Works | 56
Chicago | Social Services | 4
And I am trying to make it look like this:
Fire Dept
Health Services
Internal Services
Public Works
Social Services
Los Angeles
New York
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May 29, 2014
I have set of data Pasted in 4th row, in the top row 44 columns values assigned i want move data from set of data to different column among these 44 columns
Like "Service Order ID" is 1 column in set of data ,it move to second column of top row
Some of column need to delete. (Service Order Type,Service Order Description,Created By,Status,Contact,Expected Delivery Date,
Creation Date,Priority,Net Value,Currency,External Reference,Reference Date)
I want Get output result in same sheet (Actual).
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Apr 10, 2014
I need to clear the contents of a columns G and H starting 11th row based on what is there in F column. The macro should check for last non-empty cell in column F starting F11 (assume it finds F30 to be last non-empty cell), then it should clear the contents of G11 to G30, H11 to H30.
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Jan 21, 2009
I have created an Excel spreadsheet teachers schedule for a small school with 8 teachers. I have assigned a number to each teacher (1 - 8) so that a number typed in a cell in Column E will cause a teachers name to appear in a cell in Column G. The ranges are E3:E20 and G3:G20. I hope to find a Macro that will display each teachers name in a different color.
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Jun 24, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with rows of data. I need a formula that will return the column number of the last column in a row where there is a value >0.
Let's say that cells A1:F1 contain values. Some have values of 0 while others have values >0. I need a formula in cell G1 that will tell me the column number of the last value >0.
0 2 5 0 6 0
So the formula in G1 would return a value of 5, which corresponds to column E.
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Apr 19, 2007
I have a list that is streets and addresses. All contained in column A. Cell A1 is the street name and then Column A3 is the street number. This repeats down column A for almost 1000 street names. I need to fill column B3 with the street name, as well as B4, B5, B6, etc until the street name changes. I was trying to do this with an if..then but couldn't get it to work. I also tried to work on a do.. loop looking for the change from a string to number. But my programming is a little rusty. If anyone can help I was be forever grateful. I mean the alternative is to sit here and copy and paste all day.
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Feb 7, 2014
I am in need of restructuring a spreadsheet of addresses for mailing purposes. (I tried to find something similar answered previously, but nothing seemed to work for me.)
I have attached a small example spreadsheet below, but our spreadsheets can be hundreds or thousands of rows in length.
I need a macro that will look for the "PO Box" addresses under the column headers named "ADDRESS2" and "ADDRESS3".
The PO Box addresses will need to be moved under the column header "ADDRESS1" within the same row.
It will need to overwrite the text that is already under "ADDRESS1" and delete the text from the "ADDRESS2" and "ADDRESS3" columns - UNLESS the text in 'ADDRESS2" is a PO Box AND "ADDRESS1" begins with "c/o".
If the data in "ADDRESS2" or "ADDRESS3" is anything other than a PO Box it will remain the same. As will "ADDRESS 1".
Basically if there is a PO Box it needs to be in the column named "ADDRESS1" and overwrite anything else that was there. The exception will be for PO Boxes that are in c/o someone else, the PO Box will then need to be listed in the column directly after the column that has c/o.
If the c/o exception will be too difficult the code could just highlight those scenarios and we could fix them manually. We usually do not have a lot of them, but enough that we need to be mindful of them.
The different scenarios are listed in my sample spreadsheet.Also, the code will have to use the column header names in row 1 because those headers are not always in the same column.
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Mar 7, 2008
I have two different Excel reports and the data needs to be copied from each column on one spreadsheet and pasted to the bottom of the equivalent column on the other spreadsheet.
So, is it possible to get a macro that will copy the data from one column then paste it to the next free cell in the column on the other spreadsheet.
If I could get some code to do one column then this should be enough to get me started and I could apply this to the other columns I need to copy.
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Aug 28, 2012
I am trying to move a column of numbers based on the information in another column. I've been looking for about a week and find macros that are close but not quite.
In one column it reads Mobile, Home, or is blank. If the number is a Mobile (column R), the area code (column P) needs to move to column S and the phone (column Q) needs to move to column T and the primary phone (column R) needs to move to column U. Home and blank cells remain as they are.
area (P)
phone (Q)
primary phone (R)
col S
col T
col U
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Nov 2, 2008
I have over 6500 rows of data. In Columns A through C for each line I have data for boys name, and then similar data for the girls' name on the same line in columns D through F. I have inserted a blank line after each of the more than 6500 lines because I need to move the data in columns D through F down to the next line and over to columns A through C.
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Mar 18, 2014
All info goes to the master inventory and then if some enters an amount for respray then it is transferred to the respray sheet. when it is transferred to the respray sheet it put the date in Column A and then put 3 days later in Column B.
Every day it will change and the date in A1 changes to tomorrow but if another item is enter as having resprays then it transfers to the respray sheet and will bump down in column C but Column A stays the in the same spot.
I need Column A and B to move up and down if something in Column C moves up or down and it would be nice to always have the oldest date at the top.
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Feb 3, 2009
I have attached a sample spreadsheet – what I want to do is insert a column before the current column A and move the current column D in to it and auto fill for every non blank cell in column B. Also, there are different values in column D such as “B03” ,”B41” etc – so for example, it should auto fill B03 until it comes across either a blank cell in column B or it comes across a “B41” and then it should do the same until it comes across a “B42” or a blank cell again. This needs to continue till the end of the report.
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