Using Array Formula With Range Across Multiple Sheets?

Apr 10, 2014

I am currently using the array formula to find out the most recent date a business as referred a deal. I have been using the below array formula to figure this out...

{=MAX(IF((Opps!A:A=[@Company])*(Opps!B:B=[@[Full Name]]),Opps!G:G,0))}

However, we have now have two types of deals. Opps and Suspects. SO now i need to figure out the most recent date from Opps!G:G and Suspects!G:G... regardless of what the deal type is. Hope that makes sense.

Basically i need to have a formula along the same lines as above but MAX date from if conditions from Opps OR conditions from Suspects

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SUMIF In Array Formula On Multiple Work Sheets

Jan 3, 2012

I am trying to use the SUM IF Array formula to sum a group of numbers that fall under a heading of reference numbers over several sheets of data. For example purposes lets say my spreadsheet looks something like the below.



The first two digits of the heading numbers are the criteria I am trying to use to separate and sum the data. For example I need to sum the value of the data below headings that falls between 1400000000000 and 1499999999999.

For the example above I used the below formula for the current Sheet and it works fine.


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Excel 2003 :: Formula For Counting Values Across A Range Using Multiple Criteria Across Multiple Sheets

Feb 9, 2014

I have saved this on a 2010 workbook as I am at home but this will be used on a 2003 workbook.

I have several projects on one spreadsheet which multiple users will be working and I am trying to create a summary sheet of the work carried out.

Each user is expected to carry out a task on each row of the data held in each worksheet (research, call, update etc) and each task (Option 1-5) is assigned a value. Each user is expected to meet a certain level of points per day to calculate productivity.

I am looking for a sumproduct along the lines of the summary sheet attached but mine just takes one sheet into consideration and I need one for all sheets.

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Array Across Multiple Sheets

Jul 23, 2014

I'm trying to summarize some data across 12 sheets

I'm trying to look up values against dates and specific items, however they repeat across different sheets.

The attachment has more detail : Lookup x across multiple sheets bring back value.xlsx‎

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VBA - Graphing Data From Array Of Multiple Sheets

Dec 5, 2011

I am trying to graph data from an Array of sheets. I keep getting many errors... I tried using Cases too but this failed, it graphed the first Sheet but nothing else.....

Before Array Works! (Uses Cases)

Sub GraphTest4()
Dim LastRowGraph1 As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet

For Each ws In Worksheets
Select Case ws.Name

[Code] .........

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Multiple Find And Replace Over An Array Of Sheets

Jul 6, 2007

I have a list of cell entries that I want to find and replace with different text or a number.
My code below is 4 of them.
I am trying to do the replace over 3 different sheets at the same time but I am only changing the 1st sheet with my efforts.

Sub Find_And_Replace()

Sheets( Array("Resolution", "Response", "Open")).Select

Cells.Replace What:="1 Widespread*", Replacement:="1", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _

Cells.Replace What:="2 Critical*", Replacement:="2", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _

Cells.Replace What:="3 Non*", Replacement:="3", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _

Sheets(Array("Resolution", "Response", "Open")).Select

Cells.Replace What:="4 Require*", Replacement:="4", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _

End Sub

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Simple Array Formula Between Two Different Sheets

Sep 25, 2013

I'm working on simple array formula between two different sheets.

I'm working on Sheet 1 and sheet 2

Right now I want the result on sheet 2 C9

Sheet 2 C6 has MTR
Sheet 1
c6 MTR
c7 MAR
c8 MTR

E6 2
E7 4
E8 6

Now on Sheet 2 C7 has 10

Now the result Sheet C9 has to get 8


I want this formula to work on both excel and Google Drive but now this formula doesn't work on any one.

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Array Formula Across Multiple Columns

Feb 22, 2010

In the attached file on the Final Lists tab I have an Array formula in each column.
My problem is that I need to extend this to cover approx 500 columns. Is there any way that I can cut'n'paste or drag the formula across all the 500 columns, have my references increase with each new column, but also retain my $ references (ie my formula format)?

As it is, I am facing having to either type or correct each and every one of the 500 columns. As you can see, I am a little bit of a newbie when it comes to the intricacies of excel.

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Formula Array With Multiple Criteria

Dec 6, 2012

How could I add ">0" to the below formula array?


Reports!$A$1:$A4000 = column A lists multiple agent's names
A5 = a specific agent's name
Reports!$H$1:$H$4000 = column H contains a number which has been converted from time to a number

86400 = number of seconds in a day (the cell where I am placing the formula converts the number back to a time format)

The average I'm looking for will give me an average of all times which are greater than zero.

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Select Multiple Ranges Stored In Range Array

Nov 19, 2013

I am trying to do something that sounds fairly straightforward but have not been able to achieve the final result.

I have a sheet which has multiple range addresses stored in different cells and so far I have been able to pass the Range address to Range variables by looping through a range array. Now I would like to select these multiple ranges. My code looks as below;


Dim Cnt As Integer
Cnt = Sheets("Sheet1").(Range("1040").Value ' Cnt holds the the total number of ranges to be specified in Sheet1
Dim RStr(1 To 80) As String ' This will hold the range addresses specified in Sheet1 in cells C1041 to C1120. Upto 80 range addresses could be specified.
[SIZE=2] Dim Rng(1 To 80) As Range ' This will store the ranges based on the range addresses stored in RStr()
Dim i, j As Integer,


I am not sure on how to select multiple ranges using range array hence tried Union() however it is obviously not correct and throws an error.

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Array SUM Formula With Range Of Conditions

May 14, 2014

1) Input data are static and helper columns can be added if needed.

2) Filter will be dynamic range (in attachement is the filter static), and the count of years can be changed on users request. So there could be only 2011, but also 2011+2012, 2012+2013+2014 etc.

3) In col 'J', the is what I know to do, but I do not want to use SUMIF+SUMIF+SUMIF... for each year (the count of years will change througt time as mentioned above).

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Non Array Formula To Return First Value In A Range

Nov 28, 2006

Range A1:A10 contains no formulas, only constants.

Only one constant value at most would ever be in that range, sometimes nothing in that range.

The value might be text like "Tom", or it might be a number like "1234".

The value could be in any of the 10 cells.

So far, and this is where the "missing something obvious" part comes in, I have only seen array solutions such as

My question is, can this result be achieved with a non array / non sumproduct formula.

I need to do this for 6000 cells in a project, that's the design and that's the way it is. I don't want that many arrays in the workbook. I already did this with VBA so I am not asking for a VBA or UDF solution, just hoping to know from the formula wizards what a non-array formula could be that returns the first found (and in this case only-existing) constant value in a range.

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Array Formula Result In To Range

Jun 7, 2009

I have array formula {=row(indirect("1:5")} which is result to {1;2;3;4;5} and it look like a range.

And i want to insert this into formula COUNTIF at the range section
i'd try it, but it didnt worked.

(its look like insert array formula into range section of a formula)

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Add Nested Array Formula To Range

Oct 7, 2007

I have the following code that I am trying to distribute over an array. The best case scenario is that the code enters the text of the formula instead of the calculated value. When I tried to tweak a few things I couldn't even get the text to show up. This seems to only happen on the formulas which include If_Then statements. Other straight forward formulas such as "sum" etc... seem to go into place and calculate.

Sheets(1). Range("b3:s3").FormulaArrayR1C1 = _

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Formula For Averaging Array Given Multiple Criteria

May 19, 2014

I am looking for a formula that averages the numbers in an array if they match the row and column text-based criteria. Based on another thread, I found and edited the following formula. However, it is giving me incorrect numbers.


I have attached a sample workbook that includes the broken formula.

Average Formula Error.xlsx‎

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Array Formula For Multiple Criteria Average

Jul 9, 2014

I need an array formula that can take average based on multiple criteria present row wise and column wise.

Check the attached sheet for detail. I need array formulae in yellow space. I have given one result that I need.


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Looping Array Formula For Multiple Rows

Apr 4, 2014

I wanted to do a multiple return vlookup so I used an Index formula. I have account names and am trying to vlookup contacts associated with those accounts (4 max). So I have a list of Accounts all with 3 blank rows in between them.

How do I loop an array formula? So far I have the code..

[Code] .....

This finds the 4 contacts associated with the first account in C5 which I named the cell "myVar". I now want it to find the contacts associated with the accounts in C9, C13, C17 and so on until the first empty cell.

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SUMIFs Using Multiple Criteria Or Array Formula

Jan 7, 2014

I am trying to do a sum of data that contains three requirements - The country has to match either the USA or Canada and then it needs to pull for only a certain month (i.e. Jan, Feb, Mar) and then for that month only pull either Airfare, Hotel, Per Diem, or Car Rental. Basically looking for a way to Sum only the specific category for a specific time frame.

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Concatenate Multiple Cells With Array Formula

Jan 21, 2009

If I have the following data set in cells A1:C9:

IDCommentFirst Unique
109876Low OilTRUE
109876Checked On 12/12FALSE
109877Checked on 12/15TRUE
109878Correct LevelTRUE
109877Correct LevelFALSE
109878Correct LevelFALSE

In the First Unique column (column C) I have formulas. In C2 I have this formula (and then I copied it down):


In cell E2, I have this formula to count unique occurrences:


In cell G2 I have this formula to extract unique records (entered with Ctrl + Shift + Enter):


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Multiple Array Arguments In Match Formula

Jun 11, 2006

I'm tryig to find a way to index data in an array that meets certain matching criteria. I am looking for an employee's rate on a given day by searching a database that lists the dates that an employee's rate was changed. I was hoping to solve it with a crafty index and match array formula but have been unable to find something that works so far. I have attached a simplified example of what I am trying to do.

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Array Formula Based On Multiple Criteria

Jul 20, 2006

I am creating a summary page to analyse my golf scores. I have come to a dead end when looking at the Par statistics. Does anyone fancy a challenge and try to fill in some of the blanks on the summary tab. I am trying to use array formulas based on multiple criteria. for instance under the Best Par 3 section, it would look at all the Par 3's for whichever golfer is selected and then return the lowest number.

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Refer To A Named Range In A CSE Array Formula?

Jan 11, 2010

I know I've asked before but I can neither find my previous question or the answer.
So, once again.... is it possible to refer to a named range in a CSE array formula?
I know how I would type a formula that way -- but I would be happy to see an example.

Most importantly, will it always work? Or are there pitfalls and dangers?

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Using Array Formula To Sort Alphabetically Over Multiple Columns

Feb 14, 2014

In the attached example file, I have two tabs: options and sets. The options tab is to be populated from a form. The sets tab is to draw data from the options tab to create teaching sets. I have managed to create an array formula that does this for me, but what I would like it to do is sort my resulting list alphabetically. For reasons that I won't go into, I need the data on the sets tab to remain in three columns: First Name, Surname and Form.

This is the array formula I am using at the moment: AliGW - Example.xlsx

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SUMIF Or An Array Formula - Matching Multiple Conditions

Jan 14, 2009

I would like to have a formula in one cell that finds records on another sheet that meet certain criteria, and produces a sum of the total quantities associated with that record. The attached workbook has more details as to what I am trying to do.

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Array Formula - Index And Match With Multiple Statements

Jun 5, 2013

I am trying to understand how to use index and match in an array formula. Probably easiest to take a look at my example sheet. For some reason, the first result is working, but the others aren't.

[URL] .....

Alternatively, here is a screenshot.

Uploaded with

The formula I have tried is: =INDEX($E$3:$E$11,MATCH(1,IF($A$3:$A$11=G3,IF($B$3:$B$11=H3,
IF($C$3:$C$11=I3,IF($D$3:$D$11=MEDIAN(J3,K3,$D$3:$D$11),1,0) ,0),0),0),0))

confirmed with ctrl shift enter.

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Same Range Name For Multiple Sheets

Jun 4, 2007

My VBA program uses a named range("MyRange") to access data on Sheet1. Next month I want to copy Sheet1 to Sheet2, update the data for the new month and rerun the program. Now, of course, I want "MyRange" to refer to the range on Sheet2 instead of Sheet1. Is this possible to do or do I have to define a new named range each month?

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Formula To Look Up A Date Array And Return How Many Workdays Between The Range

Feb 8, 2014

Assume I have a simple date array


I want Excel to see where today's date falls and return how many work days it is from the date boundaries.For example, today is 2/8, which falls between 1/13/2014 and 2/12/2014

Cell I19
=LOOKUP(TODAY(),B2:Q2)- yields 1/13/2014
=NETWORKDAYS(I19,TODAY()) yields 20 workdays

But I want to also grab the 2/12/2014 date and get the number of workdays from that- all in one equation.If not one equation then 2 but not separated for each border date like I have above

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Unable To Set Formula Array Property Of The Range Class

Jan 18, 2012

I'm creating a simple bit of code which needs to include an array formula - but the code below fails;

Selection.FormulaArray = _
"=IF($L3="","",IF(ISERROR(INDEX(Data!$BG$7:$BP$11,MATCH('Pay Advice'!$A$2,Data!$A$7:$A$11,0),MATCH(1,IF(Data!$BG$6:$BP$6='Pay Advice'!$L3,IF(Data!$BG$5:$BP$5='Pay Advice'!H$11,1)),0))),0,INDEX(Data!$BG$7:$BP$11,MATCH('Pay Advice'!$A$2,Data!$A$7:$A$11,0),MATCH(1,IF(Data!$BG$6:$BP$6='Pay Advice'!$L3,IF(Data!$BG$5:$BP$5='Pay Advice'!H$11,1))))))"

"Runtime error 1004: Unable to set the FormulaArray property of the range class"

What am I doing wrong? The formula is fine when typed in.

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Array Formula To Return Multiple Values Based On Various Criteria?

Dec 19, 2013

I can manage an array formula that returns a value based on a criteria. Simple. But I want to add in an additional couple of criteria. Now I'm stuck....

My sheet looks at a manually entered postcode, finds out what region this is in, and returns a list of postcode I have defined as being in that region. (So the postcode WF1 3JY would return a region of Yorkshire, and list postcodes of WF, BD, L, etc)

I also have a list of engineers, with a column for their home postcode.I want to be able to list all the engineers from my list whose home postcode matches any of the values on the already created list from the postcode and region entered. So far I have this, which finds me all the engineers for just one postcode area.

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Range Check Across Multiple Sheets?

Feb 7, 2012

If I want to check a range of cells how would I modify this to do that?

Single Cell (working):


Range (not working):


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