VBA Copy Offset Cells To Another Worksheet If Cell In Column B Contains (text)

Feb 13, 2014

I want to do the following:

If cells in column B from Sheet 1 contains ''text'',

Copy Cells from column D and F from Sheet 1 - TO - Sheet 2 in columns C and E -

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VBA Macro To Find Text, Offset Column/Row & Copy

May 13, 2009

I am in the process of writing a VBA code(I should I am fairly new to this code writing!!!).What I need to be able to do is below.(enclosed please find a output in an xls file) What I should be able to do is below:

1.Find the text "Cash(No Listing)(Monthly)"

2. Offset to the 13th Column after that

3.Select the value in this column ,copy the value

4.Go to a row above and move one column to the left i.e.offset (-1,-1) and move 12 column backwards i.e.offset(0,-12)

5.Copy the value in 3 above to this entire range

6.Repeat this process for the entire file

My code is as below.Let me know where am I making a mistake. Just to let you know that this code performs the job well for the first entry i.e in the yellow makde area and doesn't do the job for any further entries .Llooks like I have some problem with the loop but not sure as to whats happening!

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VBA - Copy Range Of Cells And Paste If Offset Cell Not Blank

May 23, 2012

What can I add to the macro I already have in place (below) to accomplish what I'm looking for (2 parts)? ...

1) I need to copy everything (formulas) that is in C7:F7 and paste it down to all "active" rows - I'm defining an active row by any row where column A is not blank.

2) I need to copy everything (formulas) that is in Q7:AF7 and paste it down to all "active" rows - I'm defining an active row by any row where column P is not blank. (You'll notice by the screenshot that there will be blank cells in column P mixed in with non-blank cells.)

Sub AdminTool()
' CreateAdminTool Macro

ActiveWindow.Zoom = 90
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove

[Code] ...........

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Using OFFSET Function To Return The Value From Another Cell With Row And Column Offset

May 31, 2014

I am having some difficulties using a combination of IF and the OFFSET function to display a range of cell values from another column based on a simple condition. The values I need to display at the destination cells should be offset by 8 columns to the right and "X" rows down from the reference column. The value "X" is to be determined via the IF function to check for the row index number.

For example, if Index value "X" = 8, then display the value of B2 in cell I9. IF X = "9", display B2 in cell I10 etc.

I have attached a sample worksheet that provides some examples.

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Cleaning Up Offset Copy To Another Worksheet

Apr 26, 2007

This is the current code I am using, it works but from another post it looks like it could be cleaned up.

With Sheets("Web Data")
Range(.Range("A6")).Offset(2, 1).Resize(2, 24).Copy
Sheets("MW Forecast Calculation").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False

This is the code I am trying to get to work but I am having trouble with the red text.

Set CopyRange = Sheets("Web Data") Range(.Range("A6")).Offset(2, 1).Resize(2, 24).Copy
Set PasteRange = Sheets("MW Forecast Calculation")
Cells ("C9:Z10")
CopyRange.Copy PasteRange.Values

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Copy Values Between 2 Worksheet With Offset

Oct 10, 2007

As seen in the attached spreadsheet on sheet1 the template is 6 columns and 5 rows. The colors correspond to the information needed on sheet 2. this template includes data from row 3 on sheet 2. I need a macro that will copy this template and return the next row of data from sheet2. this has me stumped. Also the data changes on sheet, so it may have many rows or just a couple.

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Setup A Macro To Copy Text From A Column Of Cells To Another Column

May 22, 2008

I have been working with a few people on here to setup a macro to copy text from a column of cells to another column and then print this in to a text document but it seams to have got stuck in a loop ....

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Copy Rows From Worksheet To Another Where Column Cells Meet Condition

Mar 31, 2008

1. I need a script to retrieve data (member number) from "Search List" worksheet and then to search it in "Members List" worksheet.

2. Once the search result (member number) found, e.g. 00311, it will copy the entire row to the "Only Selected" worksheet.

I have also attached a sample excel for better understanding.

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Find, Offset & Copy To Another Column Via Macro

May 21, 2009

I am attempting to do is have a macro (Via Command button) go through column A to find the word "TOTAL". Once that is found I want it to offset by 3 rows (from the word "TOTAL") to grab the number and place it into column B.

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Copy Data From Cell In One Worksheet, Add Text, And Paste To Cell In Another Sheet

May 14, 2009

I have the following code in another workbook that is used to populate a cell on the same sheet based on input to cells in column 'A'.

Is it possible to modify this for the attached workbook to select a cell with data (numbers) on the Input Data sheet in column 'E', add text to the beginning, ('CG' in this case), and paste the result to the Import Template in the corresponding cell of column 'A'? I currently have a formula copied to dozens of cells in 'A' but since the number of rows for the Input Template is variable, there are usually cells in 'A' that contain CG but no corresponding data in the rest of the row.

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Find Text & Offset By Found Value Row And Column

Apr 16, 2008

I'm writing some code where I need to know the column in which a specifc text string occurs. Because of the nature of the sheet, the string will only appear in one column, but that could be in almost any column on the worksheet.

For example say the text string is "Year 1", I need to find the column with this string, and then offset down to a predetermined row, or offset over to the appropriate column (something like below).

With Selection
.Offset(0, x).Select
If List.Selected(0) = True Then
y = i - 1
With Selection
.Value = Salary * Inflation1 ^ y
End With

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Find All Occurences Of Text In Column & Offset To Add Data

Aug 22, 2006

I have been unable to get this code quite right.

I want to be able to search all of column A for the string "UNAUTH O/D FEE £20.00" and when it is found, add £20 to column B, and 01/01/00 into column D of the same row.

Sub feedate()

Set rd = Sheets("fees")

z = 20
x = 1 / 1 / 6

For i = 1 To rd. Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
If UCase(Cells(i, 1)) = "UNAUTH O/D FEE £20.00" Then
Cells(i, 2).Value = z
Cells(i, 3).Value = x
End If
Next i
End Sub

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VBA Code To Copy Data From Text Box And Input Into A Cell In Another Worksheet

Mar 24, 2009

This is probably far easier then I am making it but I need to take the information that is in a textbox created through the control toolbox and copy and paste that information into a cell on different tab in the workbook. I have tried the infamous google and haven't been able to find much. The excel books that I have don't really touch on the control toolbox functions.

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Copy Range Of Cells - Returned Address To Some Offset

Oct 16, 2006

Sub TestSearch()
Dim FoundCell As Range
Dim SearchString As Variant
'Specify Value to Search
SearchString = " Excel"
'Perform the Search and Return a Cell Value
Set FoundCell = Worksheets("Source").Range("A1:A10000").Find(" Excel", lookat:=xlPart)
If Not FoundCell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Found at " & FoundCell.Address
End If
End Sub

I'd like to take the code above, which returns a cell address which contains the text " Excel" and modify or add to it the capability to copy a range starting from the address returned and ending 102 cells further down in Column A on the Source sheet to A1 of the Sheet1 sheet. The crux of the problem seems to be converting the address to a row number then adding the value of the number of cells in the range to find the end row number then converting that back to an address??

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Macro To Find Specific Text In Column And Copy Certain Cells In Same Row To Different Sheet

Dec 30, 2011

how to work macros or VBA

I have a workbook with multiple sheets named by month and year that I use to keep track of loans I work with at a bank. In these sheets I have info such as:

Column B = due date
Column D = loan# A
Column E = loan# B
Column F = status
Column H = followup needed
(Columns A,C, and G aren't important for the current need)

What I am trying to do is create a main sheet (TRACKER) that all I will have to do is press a macro button and it will pull info for each loan that is in a pending status.

I need a macro that will search column F (Status) on all sheets and find each instance of "Pending" and once that is done, copy rows B,D,E, and H in each "Pending" instance and copy them to their designated area on my TRACKER sheet. After that is done I need it to continue to the next "pending" instance and do the same on the next available line on my TRACKER sheet.

The overall goal would be that everyday I can press the macro and it will repopulate the sheet with the current pending items (as each day I will change pending status' to complete and no longer need to track it the next day).

I already have the tracker sheet set up and ready to go with the spaces as follows:
Column G&H = Merged cells where due date will need to go
Column I&J = Merged cells where loan# A will need to go
Column K&L = Merged cells where loan# B will need to go
Column M thru S = Merged cells where followup needed will need to go

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If Cell Contains Text - Copy Text From Another Cell Over A Range Of Cells

May 22, 2014

I have a list of text quotes in column A. I then have column B which will have a Y entered if the quote is used in a presentation. I currently have around 100 quotes.

On a separate sheet, I want to be able to effectively say in one cell - If column B has text in it, copy the quote from column A. But the difficult part is how do I make this happen so that I can have multiple quotes being pulled into one cell?

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Search Information On Pivot Table And Copy Value In Cells With Offset

Dec 5, 2011

I'm using a code to search some information in a pivot table and copy the value in the cells with offset(0,1) and is very very slow, I tryed another method with the using of Find but isn't working: error message: missing object in the with cycle.

Here is the working code:

Dim DataFine, DataInizio, UltimaRiga, Gg As Date
Dim NomeMacchina, Plant As String
Dim Cl As Object
Dim Pr As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

[Code] .......

Here is the code who doesn't work

For i = 6 To 500
Giorno = Sheets("OEE03").Cells(i, 2)
With Sheets("01")
Pr = Range("A5:A500").Find(Giorno).Offset(0, 1).Value
Sheets("OEE03").Cells(i, 9).Value = Pr
End With

if I use this code on a normal sheet it works but when I try to use it on a Pivot table fields give me always the error message.

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Out Of Range - Copy Cell From Multiple Sheets In New Worksheet Column

Dec 14, 2012

Here's what I'm trying to do (improperly apparently!!):

Book1, ''Master'' is the sheet, I'm copying info into, and Company info are the sheets im getting info from each of my .xls files in a folder, ie cell C2. Just in case, to be clear, I have all my vba projects opened from each .xls book, and need to copy, from each .xls book, in Company info, cell C2 into Master column A:

Sub collate_cell_data()
Dim dest As Range, wbNew As Workbook, wb

Set wbNew = Workbooks.Add

[Code] .........

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VBA To Copy Non Empty Cells Then Paste To Next Available Cell In Another Worksheet

Aug 15, 2014

I want a macro which will copy all the data from sheet 1 in columns A:C ignoring any blanks

then paste it into the first free cell in column B of sheet 2

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Copy Cells To Worksheets With Worksheet Name In Opposite Cell

Aug 11, 2007

I am developing a Workbook where I import data to one worksheet and then disseminate it to other worksheets. I am not sure if I am overthinking the process, but I am having difficulty writing the macro and getting it to run through the entire list of rows.

There are 4 Columns in the one worksheet, named "Update":
Column A supplies the name of the worksheet that will be updated
Columns B-D contain the data that will update the sheets.

The process that I am trying to write the macro for is a follows:
1. Select/copy the range, starting with B1:D1 on "Update"
2. Navigate to the appropriate worksheet to be update, determined by A1
3. Identify the first blank row, starting with A5
4. Paste the data B1:D1 to A5:C5 (or next available line)
5. Navigate back to "Update" and begin the process again with the next row B2:D2

This process should continue until there is no value in Column B on the "Update" worksheet.

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Find & Use Cell Address To Offset On Another Worksheet

Jul 27, 2007

I'm still getting to grips with the Find Command. Basically, I have the below code that looks at a line in a sheet(ws_Site) based on the Line ID Number that is in column A and then Finds that that LineID_Value in a different sheet(ws_main) and copies a value from column I on that line across. Problem is, if the cell I is blank it copies it across and essentially clears the cell if there was data in it.

How can I adjust the below code to only set ws_main.Range(c.Address).Offset(0, 8).Value = LineID_Value if LineID_Value is not blank?

For Each LineID In ws_Site.Range("A7:A" & SiteRows) ' Loop through all the cells in range

LineID_Value = LineID.Offset(0, 8).Value

'Dim c
With ws_main
Set c = .Range("A7:A3000").Find(LineID, LookIn:=xlValues)
'If Not c Is Nothing Then

ws_main.Range(c.Address).Offset(0, 8).Value = LineID_Value

'End If
End With

Next LineID

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Find Last Filled Cell In Column And Copy / Paste Into Separate Worksheet

Jun 1, 2012

I am trying to work out some code that will allow me to search worksheet2 to find the last filled cell in column A.

I would then like to copy the contents of the cell.

Then past this data into the first empty cell in a column in worksheet2

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Excel 2013 :: Copy Entire Row If Cell Contains Specific Text And Paste Values Into Another Worksheet

Jun 23, 2014

I am using the code below in Excel 2013.

Sub Test()
For Each Cell In Sheets(1).Range("J:J")
If Cell.Value = "131125" Then


This works great except that it pastes formulas. I would like to paste values only. I've tried
" PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False" and it gives me an error.

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How To Copy Certain Value From Cell Containing Specific Text In Column

Sep 11, 2012

I have a huge data set as given follow and want to Copy a the value of treatment from the cell having Treatment description at some other sheet through VBA

'UPDATE [XYZ 1213]
SET TreatmentDescription = '000'
WHERE ( ("Abc" < 00) );'
'UPDATE [XYZ 1111]
SET TreatmentDescription = '093'
WHERE ( ("wer" < 00) );'

Like in upper code I want the output sheet 2 as Cell A1 = '000' and A2 = '093' and so on

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Copy Target Cell To Offset

Oct 23, 2011

Copying the target cell to target.offset(0,-3)

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Check If Cell Contains Text Copy Number To New Column?

Jul 13, 2014


if a1 = aaa then copy a1 to b1 until the cell =bbb

if a5= bbb then copy a5 to c1 until the cell =ccc

if a8= ccc then copy a8 to d1 until the cell = ddd.........

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Copy Text From One Cell To Multiple Other Cells

Feb 1, 2014

I have two separate data files that I am trying to combine into one worksheet. One set of data looks something like this:

Column A Column B ColumnC
Date1 Name1
Date1 Name2
Date1 Name3
Date2 Name1
Date2 Name2
Date2 Name3

This is repeated for something like 200 dates, and there could be anything from 1 to 10 lines for each date, for a total of over 1000 rows.

The other data file has this information:

Column A Column B ColumnC
Date1 Place1
Date2 Place2
Date3 Place3

I.e. one line for each date.

I want to combine the data so that Column C contains the Place data. All I could think to do was combine them and then sort by Column A, so I ended up with this:

Column A Column B ColumnC
Date1 Name1
Date1 Name2
Date1 Name3
Date1 Place1
Date2 Name1
Date2 Name2
Date2 Name3
Date2 Place2

And then I would just copy and paste to end up with this:

Column A Column B ColumnC
Date1 Name1 Place1
Date1 Name2 Place1
Date1 Name3 Place1
Date1 Place1
Date2 Name1 Place2
Date2 Name2 Place2
Date2 Name3 Place2
Date2 Place2

Ultimately I want to sort the combined data by Column C, I just have to get the data in there first.

Is there a formula or macro or something I could use to copy the Place names automatically? Each worksheet with 1000 lines and several dozen worksheets means I'd have to copy and paste dozens of thousands of times, which is a bit tedious.

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Offset Cell To Populate The Text Box

Mar 11, 2008

How can I make this statement take the value from the Offset cell to populate the text box and not take the value from the text box to popluate the Offset Cell?

With txtBoarded
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = .Value
End With
This code is in the user form initialize code.

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How To Copy From One Cell And Paste On Different Sheet With Offset

Nov 27, 2012

using VBA and most of what i know has come from reading through blogs. I'm trying to copy 5 separate pieces of data from one row on our Payroll sheet and paste this in to another sheet call master dump.

The issue that i am having is that the code i have written keeps coming up with a run time error 1004 at the line "a.Select"

What i need the code to do is this: Copy the data from cell A4 and paste this on to another worksheet in to row cell b2, date worked in to d2, pay code in ot f2, hours in to h2 and the cost centre in to ad. all on the same row. i then need it to move on to the next team member (in this case A5) and repeat until there is no emp#. once the monday is done it will need to move onto Tuesday.

Code below.

Sub payroll_data()
' Payroll_data_MON Macro
Dim a As Range, b As Range, c As Range, d As Range, e As Range, i As Range, j As Range, k As Range, l As Range, m As Range
Set a = Range("A4")
Set b = Range("I4")
Set c = Range("G4")
Set d = Range("H4")


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Using Currentcell.offset To Copy A Cell From Two Variables

Mar 5, 2010

I have a spreadsheet with 2 worksheets. I have a variable cell and a display cell on Worksheet A and two other cells with information on Worksheet B that I need copied over to Worksheet A based on what is entered for the variable on Worksheet A.

I want to be able to enter a variable in Worksheet A, cell B25. I then want the code to look up the variable I just entered at B25 on Worksheet B, column A. Once the code finds the variable, then I want the code to copy what is in column B and enter it into Worksheet A cell C25.

In other terms, I want to enter "Bob" in Worsheet A, B25. On Worksheet B, I have 50 different names of people in column A and additional info directly to the right of their names in column B. When I enter "Bob", I want the code to find "Bob" on the Worksheet B and enter "is worthless" on Worksheet A, cell C25.

I have tried and got the code to work with several If/then statements and I accomplished the same using a select case arguement as well using something along the lines of "if B25="Bob" then C25=worksheet B("B2")" assuming Bob is in cell A2. My concern is the info on Worksheet B is fluid. I need to be able to sort and add additional lines at any given time. My data set is going to be between 500 and 800 rows. Any time I add a row and re-sort the data set, I want the code to find "Bob" in column A and then display what is in column B in Worksheet A, C25. I can continue to use the if/then statements, but they are static and if I add a new row near the top, I would have to re-number all the if/then statments in the code.

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