Copy Range Of Cells - Returned Address To Some Offset
Oct 16, 2006
Sub TestSearch()
Dim FoundCell As Range
Dim SearchString As Variant
'Specify Value to Search
SearchString = " Excel"
'Perform the Search and Return a Cell Value
Set FoundCell = Worksheets("Source").Range("A1:A10000").Find(" Excel", lookat:=xlPart)
If Not FoundCell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Found at " & FoundCell.Address
End If
End Sub
I'd like to take the code above, which returns a cell address which contains the text " Excel" and modify or add to it the capability to copy a range starting from the address returned and ending 102 cells further down in Column A on the Source sheet to A1 of the Sheet1 sheet. The crux of the problem seems to be converting the address to a row number then adding the value of the number of cells in the range to find the end row number then converting that back to an address??
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Apr 11, 2008
Tried to write a Macro to Range Cells in a sheet, setting the range values from a another cell. I have encounted a Run-Time error as select method of Range class failed. Below is the Macro.
Sub Macro1()
Dim r1 As Range, r2 As Range, myMultiAreaRange As Range
Set r1 = Range("J4")
Set r2 = Range("K4")
Set myMultiAreaRange = Union(r1, r2)
Range(r1, r2).Select
End Sub
Have the Ranges been set incorrectly
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May 23, 2012
What can I add to the macro I already have in place (below) to accomplish what I'm looking for (2 parts)? ...
1) I need to copy everything (formulas) that is in C7:F7 and paste it down to all "active" rows - I'm defining an active row by any row where column A is not blank.
2) I need to copy everything (formulas) that is in Q7:AF7 and paste it down to all "active" rows - I'm defining an active row by any row where column P is not blank. (You'll notice by the screenshot that there will be blank cells in column P mixed in with non-blank cells.)
Sub AdminTool()
' CreateAdminTool Macro
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 90
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
[Code] ...........
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Mar 10, 2009
I'm trying to copy a range, specified by an offset, then PasteSpecial that range to yet another location specified by an offset.
This is the code I have so far, which does not attempt to find the range to copy via an offset.
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Jul 19, 2006
Can i convert this
ActiveCell. Offset(-1, 0).Copy
With ActiveCell
.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
End With
So that i can copy/paste the Offset range such as (-1,-2) (-1,1)?
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Dec 2, 2009
I have a formula (AL15) to determine the address of the last column with a value greater than 1. =COUNTIF(C16:AC16,">=1")+2. I then use this column value to aquire the Absolute row "15" and the determined column=(ADDRESS(15,AL15,4)). This returns to me a Column value and row value that I need to use as a refference. How can I convert this returned value to a reference.
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Jan 21, 2009
I would appreciate some ones help to correct a macro I'm trying to write. The macro copies 3 columns from Sheet1 to Sheet2 in a selected location. The 3rd column copied needs to be pasted in a different column in Sheet2.
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Feb 7, 2013
How do I offset a range of cells?
I'm running simulations. Let's say I want to run the "for" loop 100 times. In the 1st iteration I want to copy Range(A1:A10) and paste the value to A31:A40 (this destination range is fixed for each iteration). In the 2nd iteration I want to copy Range(B1:B10) and paste to (or assign value to) A31:A40. In the 3rd iteration I want to copy Range(C1:C10) and paste to (or assign value to) A31:A40. And so on for 100 iteration. So each time my copied range moves one column to the right.
How do I achieve this in VBA code? Let's say I have defined/named Range("A1") and want to keep offsetting to the right but copying 10 cells in the range as I go along.
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Aug 5, 2014
I have a formula that basically work, except is really complicated and slows the whole sheet down and then, for some reason, returns a circular referencing error or something. There must be a better way!
So the back story is that I have a spreadsheet that I'm using to track ~1200 employees, including salary, job title and, where I'm having trouble, reporting line.
Column [R] is the Line Manager (direct manager) and Column [S] is Department Head. Columns [T] - [Y] is "Manager", "Manager +1" (manager's manager), "Manager +2" (manager's manager's Manager), etc up to Manager +5.
'Line Manager' is input manually. 'Manager' = 'Line Manager'. Manager+1 to +5 just vlooks up off the same sheet. This part works fine and will update the whole reporting line if you change the manager.
Department head is where I'm having a problem! Essentially what I'm looking for is for the formula to look at the 5 cells to the right (the manager +# columns) and look for 'Mr Boss' and return one cell to the left since department heads report the the boss. There is one exception, its that some immediate reports of Lucy Lawful also are counted as Department Heads. For this purpose I vlooked up this list of exceptions on another sheet. My formula is this (entered as an array):
=IF(ISTEXT(T5),IF(OR(OFFSET(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MAX((T5:Y5="Mr Boss")*ROW(T5:Y5)),MAX((T5:Y5="Mr Boss")*COLUMN(T5:Y5)),4)),0,-2,1)=Vlookups!H:H),OFFSET(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MAX((T5:Y5="Mr Boss")*ROW(T5:Y5)),MAX((T5:Y5="Mr Boss")*COLUMN(T5:Y5)),4)),0,-2,1),OFFSET(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(MAX((T5:Y5="Mr Boss")*ROW(T5:Y5)),MAX((T5:Y5="Mr Boss")*COLUMN(T5:Y5)),4)),0,-1,1)),"")
Below is an example file. In my real file the formula works for everyone, not sure why its not working for half the employee now, but probably cos it's a useless formula.
Line Mgr Example help.xlsx
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Mar 29, 2013
I have a table that is 10 columns wide. On a separate worksheet I want to display the last 10 rows of the table - 100 cells in all.
Getting the value of one of the cells is easy enough - I used:
If I copy/paste, or drag the fill handle to expand the target range I end up with the same formula and same value in all 100 target cells. I know I can edit each cell to modify the offset -1,-1, then -1,-2 then -1,-3 etc but that's mind-numbingly tedious and likely to introduce error.
There must be a way to have a cell reference another, then copy the formula to adjacent cells and and have the result show the content of cells adjacent to the original source.
I've been trying INDIRECT and INDEX with ROW and COLUMN - but I can't work it out.
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Feb 13, 2007
i need to get an equation correct for a scheduling application
assume $f24 is a task frequency and U24 is our current cell location
i am asking if (the range of cells to the left of current cells (range being task frequency -1 columns wide) are empty - and if so - put an x - if they are not empty - then leave it balnk.
i can get it to to work for a 2 weekly schdule but need it to work upto 52 weeks
i have a simple spreadsheet with the problem clearly defined for anyone who can help
- beer in it for anyone who can help - or can pay via paypal if required
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Jul 27, 2007
I'm still getting to grips with the Find Command. Basically, I have the below code that looks at a line in a sheet(ws_Site) based on the Line ID Number that is in column A and then Finds that that LineID_Value in a different sheet(ws_main) and copies a value from column I on that line across. Problem is, if the cell I is blank it copies it across and essentially clears the cell if there was data in it.
How can I adjust the below code to only set ws_main.Range(c.Address).Offset(0, 8).Value = LineID_Value if LineID_Value is not blank?
For Each LineID In ws_Site.Range("A7:A" & SiteRows) ' Loop through all the cells in range
LineID_Value = LineID.Offset(0, 8).Value
'Dim c
With ws_main
Set c = .Range("A7:A3000").Find(LineID, LookIn:=xlValues)
'If Not c Is Nothing Then
ws_main.Range(c.Address).Offset(0, 8).Value = LineID_Value
'End If
End With
Next LineID
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Dec 17, 2013
I have some data A2:A1000 where there is a start date in column D and end date in column E (formatted DDMMMYYYY). In column F I have a formula that calculates the NETWORKDAYS between the dates.
What I want is a set of formulae that will look in column D for a date between 01/01/2013 and 31/01/2013 (or any date I specify) and find the 'MIN', 'MAX' and 'AVG' of the values in column F where the date in column D matches my criteria.
What I can't figure out is how to offset from the cells matching the date range!?
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Feb 13, 2014
I want to do the following:
If cells in column B from Sheet 1 contains ''text'',
Copy Cells from column D and F from Sheet 1 - TO - Sheet 2 in columns C and E -
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Dec 5, 2011
I'm using a code to search some information in a pivot table and copy the value in the cells with offset(0,1) and is very very slow, I tryed another method with the using of Find but isn't working: error message: missing object in the with cycle.
Here is the working code:
Dim DataFine, DataInizio, UltimaRiga, Gg As Date
Dim NomeMacchina, Plant As String
Dim Cl As Object
Dim Pr As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
[Code] .......
Here is the code who doesn't work
For i = 6 To 500
Giorno = Sheets("OEE03").Cells(i, 2)
With Sheets("01")
Pr = Range("A5:A500").Find(Giorno).Offset(0, 1).Value
Sheets("OEE03").Cells(i, 9).Value = Pr
End With
if I use this code on a normal sheet it works but when I try to use it on a Pivot table fields give me always the error message.
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Dec 22, 2006
I'm having a 'mental block' day. I have a Named Ranges in a spreadsheet (Office XP). The range is defined as =OFFSET( ' Stock List'!$K$1,0,0, COUNTA('Stock List'!$F:$F),4)
i.e. starts at K1, is 4 cols wide and as deep as there are occupied cells in col F. (as I understand it). I want to treat this as an array in VBA and use 'x' and 'y' as indexes into the array. I want to either get the value from a single cell, or set the value in a single cell, which contain a string. I know its not correct but I have the formulae as follows, and for the life of me I cant figure out what the correct formula is -duhh!!
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, z As String
x=3 'dummy test code
Range("MakerExtractArea").Offset(x, y).Value = "dummy"
z= Range("MakerExtractArea").Offset(1, 0).Value
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Sep 7, 2006
I have to convert a range reference in the form of
to a reference in the form of
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May 17, 2013
I have a form in excel (very simple) that I need to put on the web - People can then fill out certiain bits of the information and the idea is that they then click on the button to email it back to me. Ie complete it there and then and email it straight away so that they don't need to save it etc.
I can't for the life of me work out how to do this! I've managed to get the macro to open an email with the correct details on but not paste in the information so am at a complete loss and appear to be going round in circles!
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Jan 7, 2014
Every week I have a set of open tickets with various dates. I need to break these Dates down to certain ranges.
Current DateAged Date Range Value to assign
10/20/2013 10/18/13< = 3 days A1
10/20/2013 10/7/13> 3 days & < 2 weeksA2
10/20/2013 9/23/132 weeks - 4 weeksA3
10/20/2013 9/22/13> 4weeks A4
I need in cell H:2 a value returned of with A1 thru A4 based on the results of the information in Columns A:D.
So basically it shoudl have in column H a bunch that fall in the reange of 3 day or less with "A1" then the dates that fall in the range of greater then 3 days but less then 2 weeks a value of "A2", etc. I hope i made this clear enuf to understand.
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Dec 7, 2009
I'm trying to copy Rows from a worksheet ("sheet1") in Workbook ("SourceData") to another workbook ("Final") and worksheet ("Regions") based on critieria selected in a listbox ("Listbox" located in a user form in "Final". The listbox selection is pasted in another worksheet, "Steps"). The trick is, the selection can be a single choice (Region2) or multiple choice (such as Region1, Region 3 and Region 7) and I'd want to copy any rows containing the selection criteria. I've got a bare bones start, but I can already see it's going to give me trouble. Here's what I've got:
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Jan 31, 2007
I want to apply formatting to only the cells returned by MSQUERY.
I do not want to apply formatting to all 65535 rows on the basis they MIGHT be used by the returned data, I only want to use those that ARE.
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Jun 20, 2006
I am trying to write a formula that will look at an array (containing text strings) and then for each occurrence of a particular value return the text string from another cell in another column but which matches the row of the occurring value. I would prefer all returned values to be entered into different cells in a column but I would be happy if they were all in one cell separated by a comma or whatever.
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Aug 6, 2013
I need method, using a button, that looks at a cell--say EO2, for example--, looks back on a master worksheet at a specified row and range for a match, then looks at the information from a specified range below the matching cell (The information in this column will either be blank or have an "X" in the cell), and then those rows that do not have an "X" will be hidden in the corresponding rows in the working worksheet. Therefore, if at any time the value in "EO2" ever changes, then it will automatically find a new match and repopulate and hide information as before. About 130 columns will have its own button so that a "query" can be made that depends on the information in a particular cell in that column.
The master worksheet now has matrix of 287 rows and 58 columns. Each row is for an operating procedure and each column shows a job code. An "X" in a coordinate cell for a column/row shows whether that job code is responsible for knowing that operating procedure. So, on the working sheet, an employee's primary job code is given underneath his or her name. When the button is pushed, all the operating procedures not required for a given person will be hidden and only the required ones will remain visible--grouped, if you will. Qualification dates will be easier to see now that the information is consolidated. Whenever someone transfers to a new position, a new code will be inputed on the working sheet. When the button is pushed, a new grouping will result. Any operating instructions that overlap will still have qualification dates, so that information will not need to be transcribed.
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Jan 19, 2012
I have data in some of the cells within range A26:A39
These cells are populated via an IF function on another worksheet. Even though the cells appear blank (as in the value returned is ""), there is a formula in these cells. I think it's called formula blank?
I am looking for a way to copy the data from the cells within the range which are not blank (ie: not = "") and paste this data elsewhere on the sheet in a list with no blank spaces in between.
I anticipate that there will be 4 non blank cells within this range.
Ideally I would have data from the nonblank cells copied and pasted to cells
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Aug 10, 2008
I have a named range that expands and contracts based upon the amount of data that is in some column. Call it AllData_UsedRange.
I have another named range that actually refers to a range. Call it AllData.
Column A
Row2 56
Row3 44
Row4 65
AllData is a named range that refers to the range A2:A65536
AllData_UsedRange refers to A2:A4 by way of this formula.
How to I obtain an address of AllData_UsedRange in VBA code?
These do not work...
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Dec 3, 2013
I have a Choose function that is used to determine which range I need. e.g. =Choose(Choice,Cell,Cell,...).
In each corresponding "Choice" cell is a typed range. e.g. $B$33:$L$70
I'm looking for a way to be able to use this typed range as the range for some chart data.
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Aug 25, 2006
I know that I can return the value of a defined name range, the address, and even the value of the define name, but if you are given a range address, how do you find its corresponding defined name in code?
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Jan 8, 2008
I wonder - is there a way to copy the green range over the filtered cells in col. C !? (I want to Copy range D20:D23 on to cells: C5, C9, C13, C17). I tried to select "Visible Cells Only" as the target for Pasting onto (using [F5] etc...) but no success. I prefer a solution that does not involve VBA. *** see attached picture.
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Mar 19, 2008
1. I have two workbooks (eg. workbook1 and workbook2)
2. I compare the cell values in workbook1.sheet1.cell range (d6:d20) and workbook1.sheet2.cell range (d6:d20).
3. If the values in the range of cells are same, I want to take the value in workbook1.sheet2.cell range (d6:d20) and copy to workbook2.sheet1.cell range (d6:d20).
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Apr 22, 2009
I have an excel workbook that I have created to use in the creation of purchase orders. I have a spot for the vendor in cell D10 and my items are in the range of B17 to N17.
What I would like to have is a macro that I can assign to a button that does the following.
I have a worksheet called "Purchase Order" that has all the information in it.
When you click on a button named "Process", it will take everything entered into B17 - N28 and copy it to a worksheet named "PO# History" starting in cell B2 and moving down. Each time I click on "Process" I need the information in the range above to get entered into the next empty line on the "PO# History" worksheet.
This way I can maintain a list of items purchased and then play with them in a pivot table/graph and such.
Also, What I need it to do also is when process is clicked, the macro needs to pull the vendor name from cell D10 and put it in column A on "PO# History" for each row it adds from B17-N28.
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